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1.Visual acuity reaches adult acuity by the age
a) 7
b) 9
c) 5
d) 3
2.Abstract thinking occur at the age of
a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 9 years
d) 12 years
3.A six week old infant cannot
a) Grasp dangling objects
b) Fix gaze
c) Lift and hold head
d) Turn head towards sound
4.Number of deciduous teeth is
a) 20
b) 24
d) 32
c) 28
5.Shakir tape is used for
a) measurement of height
b) measurement of length of infant
c) measurement of midarm circumference
d) measurement of skin pad thickness
6.Height increases (mean) in children from 2 to 10 years peryear is
a) 2 cms
b) 4 cms
c) 6 cms
d) 8 cms
7.The commonest cause of Enuresis in children is
a) Urinary tract infection
b) Spina bifida
c) Psychologic stress
d) Diabetes mellitus
8. Water content in infant
a) 60-70%
b) 75-80%
c) 80-90%
d) >90%
9.The upper segment: Lower segment ratio at 2 years of age in a normal child is
a) 1.8:1
b) 1.5:1
c) 1.25:1
d) 1.12:1
10.Which one is not unfavorable for fetal development
a) Herpes
b) Rubella
c) Alcohol
d) Tetracycline
11.A three year old child can do which of the following except
a) Ride a tricycle
b) Build a tower of ten cubes
c) Knows his age and gender
d) Use scissors to cut out pictures
e) Count three objects correctly
12.Average birth weight of Indian child is
a) 2.9 Kg
b) 2.8 Kg
c) 3.3 Kg
d) 2.5 Kg
13.Taste perception of baby develops at
a) Birth
b) 4 months
c) 6 months
d) 8 months
14.Increase is length in the first year of life is
a) 12 cms
b) 15 cms
c) 25 cms
d) 35 cms
15.A child with mental age of seven and a chronological age of seven years has an I.Q of
a) 100
b) 120
c) 145
d) 80
16.Milestones at 10 months of age are
a) Pincer grasp
b) Arranging 3 cubes
c) Walks few steps without support
d) Says mama dada
17.Child changes Rattle from one hand to another at the age of
a) 3 months
b) 6 months
c) One year
d) 2 years
18.IQ (Intelligence quotient) of a child means
a) The creative efficiency of the child
b) The capability of the child to perform intellectual tasks in relation to other children of same age
c) The efficiency of memory of child
d) Qualification of the learning ability of child
19.Normal height with decreased bone age is seen in
a) Cushings syndrome
b) Hypothyroidism
c) Thanatotrophic dwarfs
d) Down’s syndrome
20.In asymmetrical IUGR which organ is not affected ?
a) Subcutaneous fat
b) Muscle
c) Liver
d) Brain
21. A two year old child was brought to the OPD by his parents with complaints of not eating anything On amination her weight is 11.5 kg (50lh percentile of normal)and height 75 percentile of normal management is
a) Advise multivitamin Tonic
b) Force to eat
c) Investigate for UTI
d) Ask parents to stop worrying
22. Which of the following acts can a one year old child perform ?
a) Sits down from standing position
b) Drinks from cup
c) Speaks one or two words with meaning
d) Rings bell purposefully
23. Prenatal diagnosis is possible for all of following except
a) Sickle cell trait
b) Beta Thalassemia
c) Ectodermal dysplasia
d) Duchennes muscular dystrophy
24. A 7 year old boy with reduced height and weight for age for past one year is likely to have
a) Malnutrition
b) Lymphoma
c) Chronic infection
d) Measles
25. Intra uterine growth retardation can be caused by all except
a) Nicotine
b) Alcohol
c) Propranolol
d) Phenothiazine
26. Which of the following childhood disorder improves with increase in age
a) Conduct disorder
b) Emotional problems
c) Temper tantrum
d) Sleep disorder
27.A normal infant sits briefly leaning forward on her hands, reaches for and grasps a cube and transfers it from hand to hand. She babbles but cannot wave bye-bye nor can she grasp objectives with the finger and thumb. Her age is
a) 4 months
b) 7 months
c) 10 months
d) 14 months
28.Atavism is when a child resembles his
a) Parents
b) Grand parents
c) Cousin
d) Twin
29. Two carpal bones are radiologically seen in the wrist X-ray of most of the children by the end of
a) 1 year
b) 2 years
c) 3 years
d) 4 years
30. An infants sits with minimal support, attempts to attain a toy beyond reach, rolls over from supine to prone position and does not have pincer grasp is at a development of
a) 3 months
b) 4 months
c) 6 months
d) 8 months
31.A patient presents with scorbutic rosary, bone pains and X-ray reveals Frenkel’s lines.
a) Scurvy
b) Achondroplasia
c) Syphilis
d) Rickets
32.Vitamin K deficiency occurs in the following except
a) Biliary obstruction
b) Artificial milk feeds
c) Oral antibiotic Therapy
d) Malabsorption .
33.Breast feeding is best for the baby
a) But has no effect on the mother
b) But is likely to affect the mothers appearance significantly
c) But may cause breast cancer in the mother
d) And is also good for the mother
34.Excess of vitamin K in a new born causes
a) Bleeding tendencies
b) Hyperbilirubinemia
c) Vomiting
d) Hemolysis
35. Costochondral junction swelling are seen in
a) Scurvy
b) Rickets
c) Chondrodystrophy
d) all of the above
36.Kwashiorkor is diagnosed in growth retarded children along with
a) edema and mental retardation
b) Hypopigmentation and anemia
c) edema and hypopigmentation
d) hepatomegaly and anemia
37.Which one of the following contains least fat content in the milk
a) Human milk
b) Goat milk
c) Buffalo milk
d) Cow milk
38.Earliest sign of rickets is
a) rickety rosary
b) craniotabes
c) bow legs
d) Harrison’s groove
39. The normal calorie requirement for a 5 year old child is
a) 800 calories
b) 1000 Calories
c) 1500 Calories
d) 2000 Calories
40. In an infant exclusively on breast feed all are seen, except
a) GI bleeding due to vitamin K deficiency
b) Relative prolongation of physiological jaundice
c) Evening colic
d) Golden colour stools
41.A 18-month old baby presents with recurrent episodes of excessive crying followed by cyanosis, unconsciousness and occasional seizures since 9 months of age. The most likely diagnosis is
a) Epilepsy
b) Anoxic spells
c) Breath holding spells
d) Vasovagal attack
42.Which among the following is not expected in a 3 year old
a) Draw a circle
b) Talk in sentence
c) Climb down stairs
d) hop 5 steps
43.By years all milk teeth are erupted
a) 1.5
b) 2
c) 2.5
d) 3
44.I-elayed dentition is most characteristic of
a) Mongolism
b) Acromegaly
c) Cretinism
d) Malnutrition
45.A new born baby has a head circumference of 35 cms at birth. His optimal head circumference will be 43 cms at
a) 4 months of age
b) 6 months of age
c) 8 months of age
d) 12 months of age
46.Normal heart rate at birth is
a) 120-160/min
b) 100-120
c) 160-180
d) is always less than 100
47.Fetal growth is maximally affected by
a) Insulin
b) Growth Hormone
c) Cortisol
d) Thyroxine
48.A child can walk up and down the stairs alternating his feet by
a) 12 months
b) 24 months
c) 36 months
d) 48 months
49.Gender of external genitalia of foetus becomes clearly distinguished by
a) 10 weeks
b) 16 weeks
c) 12 weeks
d) 20 weeks
50.A child can copy a circle first at
a) 2 years of age
b) one and half year
c) 4 years
d) 3 years
PEDIATRICS Objective Questions with Answers
51. Fetal Respiratory movements occur earliest at
a) 12 wks
b) 16 wks
c) 20 wks
d) 11 wks
52. Vocabulary of IViyear old child is
a) 1-10 words
b) 10-20 words
c) 20-30 words
d) 30-40 words
53.The antenatal diagnosis of all of the following conditions is feasible except
a) Huntington’s chorea
b) Down’s syndrome
c) Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
d) Anencephaly
54.Order of development of secondary gender characteristic in male
a) Testicular development — pubic hair — Axillary hair — beard
b) Pubic hair — testicular development — axillary hair — beard
c) Testicular development — beard — pubic hair — axillary hair
d) Axillary hair — beard — pubic hair — testicular development
55. Which is incorrect about Thumb sucking
a) Can lead to malocclusion
b) is a source of pleasure
c) is a sign of insecurity
d) must be treated vigorously in the first year
56.Head control is possible in an infant by _____ months
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 6
57.IQ between 50-70 indicates
a) Mild mental retardation
b) Moderate retardation
c) Severe retardation
d) Profound retardation
58.Preference of use of one hand (handedness) is evident by
a) 6 months
b) 1 year
c) 2 years
d) 3 years
59.Fetal bradycardia is defined as
a) Less than 100 beat/min
b) between 100 and 200 beat/min
c) Less than 120 beat/min
d) Less than 120 beat/min for a period of 15 min of continuous monitoring
60.Regarding “breath holdinaspells” in children, one of the following statements is not true (KAR 94)
a) It is fairly common in the first 2 years of life
b) It does not contribute to increased risk of seizure disorders
c) Parents are advised to ignore and not to reinforce these attacks
d) It must be immediately attended to prevent hypoxia and onset of seizures
61.Neonatal period extends up to
a) 21 day s of life
b) 30 days of life
c) 28 days of life
d) 35 days of life
62.First permanent tooth to erupt is
a) 1 st Premolar
b) 1 st Molar
c) 1st Incisor
d) 2nd premolar
63.How many digits can a five year old child remember
a) 4
b) 5
c) 8
d) 10
64.Increase in height in first year is by
a) 40%
b) 50%
c) 60%
d) 75%
65.The average B.P of a 1 year old child is
a) 120/80
b) 75/50
c) 95/65
d) 60/30
66.Delayed speech in a 5 year old child with normal motor and adaptive development is most likely due to
a) Mental retardation
b) Cerebral palsy
c) Kernicterus
d) Deafness
67.Anthropometric assessment which does not show much change in 1-4 years
a) Mid arm circumference
b) Skin fold thickness
c) Chest circumference: Head circumference ratio
d) Height
68.A 5 year old child is assessed to have developmental age of one year. His developmental quotient would be
a) 100
b) 80
c) 60
d) 20
69.True breath holding attacks generally do not occur after
a) 1 year
b) 5 years
c) 2 years
d) 18 months
70.Sitting Height is equal to
a) Head circumference
b) Chest Circumference
c) Upper segment
d) Crown-rump lengui
71.When a child is not able to perform the following motor functions such as skipping, walking on heels, hopping in place or going forwards in tandem gait, his motor development is considered to be below
a) 3 years
b) 4 years
c) 6 years
d) 7 years
72.Birth weight of a child doubles at five months of age while the birth length doubles at the age of
a) 1 year
b) 2 years
c) 3 years
d) 4 years
73.Breathing movements and swallowing movement seen in the foetus by
a) 13-14weeks
b) 18-24 weeks
c) 15-18 weeks
d) >30weeks
74.Length of a neonate is
a) 40cm
b) 50cm
c) 70cm
d) 100 cm
75.A child takes self decisions at the age of_____years.
a) 3
b) 5
c) 7
d) 9
76.Child is not expected to do at 40 weeks of life
a) Creeps crawl
b) Walks with one hand held
c) Sits up alone
d) Pulls to standing position
77.Breast feeding is recommended at least for
a) 4 months
b) 6 months
c) 9 months
d) 1 year
78.The most important factor to overcome protein energy malnutrition in children less than 3 years is .
a) Supply of subsidized food from ration shop
b) Early supplementation of solids in infants
c) Immunization to the child
d) Treatment of anaemia and pneumonia in infant and toddlers
79.A 2 year old child has a weight of 6.4 kg and has vitamin A deficiency. What is the grade ofmalnutrition in this child ?
a) First degree
b) Second degree
c) Third degree
d) Fourth degree
80.Wind swept sign/deformity is seen in
a) Scurvy
b) Rickets
c) Achondroplasia
d) Osteoporosis
81.Breast feeding is contraindicated if the mother is taking
a) Propranolol
b) Broad spectrum antibiotics
c) Sulfonyl ureas
d) Insulin
82.Fatty Acid necessary during 0to6 months of age is
a) Linolic acid
b) Linolenic acid
c) Arachidonic acid
d) Palmitic acid
83.Which one is wrong about human milk
a) Gives energy of 67 Kcal/L
b) Carbohydrate forms 40% of total energy
c) Fats form > 50% of total energy
d) Proteins form 33% of total energy
84.One of the following is not reported to be a clinical manifestation of zinc deficiency state in children
a) Dwarfism and hypogonadism
b) Liver and spleen enlargement
c) Impaired cell mediated immunity
d) Macrocytic anaemia
85.The composition of breast milk, per 100ml
a) 67 calories, 3.5 protein, 3.5g fat and 4.5 g carbohydrate
b) 67 calories, 1.2g protein, 4 g fat and 4.5 g carbohydrate
c) 67 calories, 1.2g protein, 4g fat and 7 g carbohydrate
d) 100 calories, 3.5 protein, 4g fat and 7 g carbohydrate
e) 100 calories, 3.5g protein, 3.5g fat and 4.5 g carbohydrate
86. The following are radiographic features of Rickets except
a) Increased in width of growth plate
b) Decreased bone density
c) Rickety rosary
d) Subperiosteal bleeding
87. Breast milk at room temperature stored for
a) 4 hrs
b) 8hrs
c) 12hrs
d) 24hrs
88.Which vitamin deficiency is not seen in newborn ?
a) E
b) c
c) D
d) K
89.A 4 year old boy derives most of his caloric requirements from
a) Carbohydrates
b) Proteins
c) Fats d
d) Minerals
90.Perioral rash, pigmentation of skin creases and neuritis is seen in deficiency of
a) Zinc
b) Copper
c) Magnesium
d) Biotin
91. The most common site of pulmonary atelactasis in children is:
a)Right upper lobe
b)Right middle lobe
c)Right lower lobe
d)Left upper lobe
92.When and where did the pediatrician complete medical school and residency?
93.How long has the pediatrician been in practice?
94.What hospitals does the pediatrician have privileges at? We were looking for them to have privileges at one specific hospital.
95.How soon after the baby is born will the pediatrician come to see it at the hospital?
96.Is there a line at the office that I can call if I have a “new mom” question?
97.What are the office hours and are there any early morning or late evening hours?
98.How long in advance must you book appointments?
99.Can you get in the same day if you need a sick visit?
100.Is there a specific time during the day that the doctor will take phone calls, and how does the office handle your phone-in questions?
101.How does the office deal with after-hours emergencies?
102.Is there a 24-hour answering service that can connect you to a doctor?
103.Who covers for the doctor when he/she is on vacation?
104.What books does the doctor recommend for new parents to read?
105.What are the doctor’s views on: sleep, vaccines, breastfeeding and other philosophies