Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education Multiple Choice Questions and Answers
1. The literal meaning of philosophy is
A. Love of Wisdom
B. Love of Knowledge
C. Love of truth
D. Love of God
Answer: B. Love of Wisdom
2. The word philosophy comes from the word philo-sophia which is
A. Latin word
B. Greek word
C. Celtic word
D. Roman Word
Answer: B. Greek word
3. The nature of philosophy can be explained as
A. Critical
B. Synthetic
C. Comprehensive
D. All of the above
Answer: B. All of the above
4. Education is the dynamic side of
A. Psychology
B. Sociology
C. Philosophy
D. Literature
Answer: B. Philosophy
5. There is interaction between Philosophy and education, either without the other is
A. Incomplete and unserviceable.
B. Complete and whole
C. Functional and efficient
D. Purposeful
Answer: B. Incomplete and unserviceable.
6. Philosophy asks and answers various questions pertaining to the whole field of
A. Physical science
B. Education
C. Environment
D. Sociology
Answer: B. Education
7. All Great philosophers of the world have also been
A. Great leaders
B. Great speaker
C. Great educators
D. Great healer
Answer: B. Great educators
8. The scope of educational philosophy is directly concerned with the
A. Educational evaluation
B. Primary education
C. Concept of education
D. Problems of education
Answer: B. Problems of education
9. The scope of philosophy of education is formed by
A. The belief of the society
B. The educational values.
C. The political principles
D. Opinioned of the people
Answer: B. The educational values.
10. Aims of education are relative to
A. Aim of religion
B. Aim of teacher
C. Aim of life
D. Aim of government
Answer: B. Aim of life
11. What is teaching through deductive method?
A. From specific to general
B. From general to specific
C. From macro to micro
D. From easy to difficult
Answer: B. From general to specific
12. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Education is an art
B. Education is a science
C. It is neither an art nor science
D. It is an art and a science
Answer: B. It is an art and a science
13. The ultimate human values are the nature of
A. Spiritual
B. Intellectual
C. Physical
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Spiritual
14. The intimacy between philosophy and religion can be seen in the field of
A. Values
B. Goals of Life
C. Aims of knowledge
D. All of the above
Answer: B. All of the above
15. The nature of philosophy can be explained as
A. Physical science
B. Life science
C. Universal science
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Universal science
16. Philosophical thinking is characterized by
A. Philosophical result
B. Philosophical effect
C. Philosophical conclusion
D. All of the above
Answer: B. All of the above
17. Which of the following does not pertain to intellectual development aim of education?
A. Spiritual development
B. Cultivation of intelligence
C. Training and formation of mind
D. Development of cognitive power
Answer: B. Spiritual development
18. Knowledge arising out of similar cognition or perception is known as
A. Inference
B. Testimony
C. Perception
D. Comparison
Answer: B. Comparison
19. The materialistic define value as
A. Mental
B. Spiritual
C. Material
D. Intellectual
Answer: B. Material
20. Which is not the nature of philosophy?
A. Science of knowledge
B. Totality of man’s creative ideas
C. Planned attempt on search of truth
D. Collective ensemble of various viewpoints
Answer: B. Totality of man’s creative ideas
21. On what is based the need for teaching philosophy of education
A. Individual difference
B. Different teaching method
C. Diverse education system
D. Different philosophies express different aspects of Education
Answer: B. Different philosophies express different aspects of Education
22. The aim of education for harmonious development of the child means
A. Development of all the qualities of the mind to the maximum possible extent.
B. Development of a sound mind in a sound body.
C. Development of physical, mental and moral potentialities of the chi
Answer: B. Development of physical, mental and moral potentialities of the chi
23. What is development of human potentialities in education?
A. Individual aim
B. Social aim
C. Individual as well as social aim
D. Specific aim.
Answer: B. Individual aim
24. The philosophical methods include
A. Induction
B. Dialectical
C. Deduction`
D. All of the above
Answer: B. All of the above
25. The most important trait of philosophy is
A. Analysis
B. Criticism
C. Synthesis
D. Scrutiny
Answer: B. Criticism
26. Philosophers are “Those who are lovers of the vision of truth”. This was said by
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. Emmanuel Kant
Answer: B. Socrates
27. Which is the first school for the child’s education?
A. Family
B. Society
C. Friend
D. School
Answer: B. Family
28. Philosophy is concerned with
A. Knowledge
B. Truth
C. Values
D. All of the above
Answer: B. All of the above
29. Philosophy and education are
A. Different in all aspect
B. Like two side of the same coin
C. Deals in different goals
D. Separate field of knowledge
Answer: B. Like two side of the same coin
30. Philosophy enquires into the nature of
A. Physical Sciences
B. Human soul
C. Material world
D. Environment
Answer: B. Human soul
31. Philosophy is the interpretation of
A. Life, its value and meaning
B. Subconscious mind
C. Financial viability
D. Affairs of state
Answer: B. Life, its value and meaning
32. The art of education will never attain complete clearness in itself without
A. History of human
B. Philosophy.
C. Literature
D. Psychology
Answer: B. Philosophy.
33. The scope of philosophy of education is formed by the
A. Social aims
B. Individual aims
C. Educational values.
D. Justice and equality
Answer: B. Educational values.
34. Philosophy of education is the criticism of the
A. General theory of education
B. Synthesis of educational values
C. Critical evaluation of educational theories
D. All of the above
Answer: B. All of the above
35. According to Spencer, only a true philosopher may give practical shape to
A. Education.
B. Business
C. Management
D. Environment
Answer: B. Education.
36. Philosophy emphasizes that instructional techniques must recognize
A. Parents demand
B. The capacities of children.
C. Available resources
D. Teachers significance
Answer: B. The capacities of children.
37. Method of teaching is to fulfil the aims of education and life. This is determined by
A. Humanities
B. Literature
C. Social sciences
D. Philosophy
Answer: B. Philosophy
38. Philosophy sets the goal of life and who provides the means for its achievements?
A. Management
B. Education
C. Theology
D. Cosmology
Answer: B. Education
39. Philosophical activity is concerned with
A. Thinking
B. Criticizing
C. Synthesizing
D. All of the above
Answer: B. All of the above
40. Philosophy is concerned with everything as
A. A universal science.
B. Independent studies
C. Separate knowledge
D. None of the above
Answer: B. A universal science.
41. What is the dynamic side of ‘philosophy’?
A. Psychology
B. Sociology
C. Logic
D. Education
Answer: B. Education
42. Literary the term ‘philosophy’ means
A. criticism
B. love of books
C. love of wisdom
D. a particular method
Answer: B. love of wisdom
43. The word ‘ philosophy is derived from
A. Latin
B. Greek
C. German
D. Hebrew
Answer: B. Greek
44. The different aspects of education is determined by
A. science
B. philosophy
C. sociology
D. technology
Answer: B. philosophy
45. The word ‘philosophy is derived from two Greek words ‘philos’ and ‘sophia’ meaning
A. love of books
B. love of knowledge
C. love of wisdom
D. love of learning
Answer: B. love of wisdom
46. Philosophy of education is a field of
A. applied philosophy
B. pure philosophy
C. natural philosophy
D. mere philosophy
Answer: B. applied philosophy
47. Aims of philosophy are determined by the prevailing
A. sociology of life
B. philosophy of life
C. economics of a country
D. politics of a country
Answer: B. philosophy of life
48. Every philosopher formulates his own method of teaching according to his own
A. psychology
B. sociology
C. philosophy
D. anthropology
Answer: B. philosophy
49. All great philosophers reflected their philosophies in their
A. methods of teaching
B. types of curriculum
C. standard of education
D. educational schemes
Answer: B. educational schemes
50. Who said, “Philosophy and education are like the two sides of the same coin”?
A. James Ross
B. Plato
C. sir John Adams
D. John Dewey
Answer: B. James Ross
51. The goals of education depend upon the philosophy that prevails in a
A. politics
B. economics
C. society
D. group
Answer: B. society
52. The great philosophers of all time have also been great
A. educators
B. sociologists
C. politicians
D. psychologists
Answer: B. educators
53. The branch of philosophy which deals with the problems of Reality is called
A. Epistemology
B. Metaphysics
C. Axiology
D. Sociology
Answer: B. Metaphysics
54. The branch of philosophy which deals with the problems of value is
A. Metaphysics
B. Axiology
C. Epistemology
D. sociology
Answer: B. Axiology
55. The branch of philosophy which deals with knowledge is called
A. Epistemology
B. Axiology
C. Metaphysics
D. Sociology
Answer: B. Epistemology
56. A philosopher is a constant seeker after
A. value
B. knowledge
C. reality
D. truth
Answer: B. truth
57. Who wrote the book ‘Emile’ ?
A. Rousseau
B. Comenius
C. John Locke
D. Plato
Answer: B. Rousseau
58. Who wrote the book ‘Didactica Magna’ ?
A. Rousseau
B. Plato
C. John Dewey
D. Comenius
Answer: B. Comenius
59. Who wrote the book The ‘Republic’?
A. John Dewey
B. John Locke
C. Plato
D. Rousseau
Answer: B. Plato
60. who wrote the book ‘Thoughts Concerning Education’ ?
A. John Dewey
B. Rousseau
C. Comenius
D. John Locke
Answer: B. John Locke
61. Who wrote the book ‘Democracy and Education’?
A. John Dewey
B. Rousseau
C. Rabindranath Tagore
D. Plato
Answer: B. John Dewey
62. To propagate his educational scheme, Rabindranath Tagore established his
A. Academy
B. Lyceum
C. Shantiniketan
D. Wardha Ashram
Answer: B. Shantiniketan
63. To propagate his educational scheme, Gandhi established his
A. Lyceum
B. Wardha Ashram
C. Shantiniketan
D. Chicago Experimental School
Answer: B. Wardha Ashram
64. Who said, “ Education will never attain complete clearness without philosophy”?
A. Sir John Adams
B. Fichte
C. John Dewey
D. James Ross
Answer: B. Fichte
65. Who said “Education is the dynamic side of philosophy”?
A. James Ross
B. Plato
C. John Dewey
D. Sir John Adams
Answer: B. Sir John Adams
66. Who said “Philosophy and education are like the two sides of the same coin”?
A. Comenius
B. James Ross
C. John Dewey
D. John Locke
Answer: B. James Ross
67. If philosophy is the contemplative side, what would be the active side?
A. Sociology
B. Psychology
C. Education
D. Psychology
Answer: B. Education
68. Which is not the nature of philosophy?
A. It is a science of knowledge.
B. It is a collective ensemble of various viewpoints.
C. It is a planned attempt on search for truth.
D. It is a totality of man’s creative ideas.
Answer: B. It is a totality of man’s creative ideas.
69. On what is based the need for teaching philosophy of education?
A. All pupils are not alike.
B. Different systems of education found in different countries.
C. Different philosophies expressed different points of view on every aspects of education.
D. Different ways of teaching –learning.
Answer: B. Different philosophies expressed different points of view on every aspects of education.
70. All great educators are also great
A. politicians
B. philosophers
C. idealists
D. psychologists
Answer: B. philosophers
71. The word ‘philosophy’ refers to
A. a certain way of thinking
B. a certain way of believing
C. a certain way of solving a problem.
D. a certain way of education.
Answer: B. a certain way of thinking
72. Philosophy arrives out of an attempt to arrive
A. at the solution of teaching-learning.
B. at the solution of life.
C. at the solution of education.
D. at the solution of a problem.
Answer: B. at the solution of a problem.
73. The choice of studies to be included in a curriculum has to depend on a/an
A. psychological approach.
B. sociological approach.
C. philosophical approach.
D. educational approach.
Answer: B. philosophical approach.
74. Any educational problem which requires philosophical scrutiny is a subject matter of
A. educational sociology.
B. educational psychology.
C. educational philosophy.
D. educational research.
Answer: B. educational philosophy.
75. Plato’s “____________________” is now considered to be the finest of the treatises ever writtenon education.
A. Didactica Magna
B. Emile
C. Democracy and Education
D. Republic
Answer: B. Republic
76. When a philosopher wishes to spread his philosophy, he formulates
A. a scheme of education based on his sociology
B. a scheme of education based on his philosophy.
C. a scheme of education based on his psychology.
D. a scheme of education based on his methods of teaching.
Answer: B. a scheme of education based on his philosophy.
77. “Knowledge of the true nature of different things is philosophy.” Who said this?
A. Fichte
B. Hegel
C. Rousseau
D. Plato
Answer: B. Plato
78. Philosophy does not solve an immediate problem, but attempts to find
A. the deeper causes of problems.
B. the deeper effects of problems.
C. the deeper meanings of problems.
D. the deeper solutions of problems.
Answer: B. the deeper meanings of problems.
79. The major problems and areas of philosophy are
A. Reality, knowledge, truth and existence.
B. Reality, knowledge, truth and value.
C. Reality, knowledge, truth and thoughts.
D. Reality, knowledge, truth and wisdom.
Answer: B. Reality, knowledge, truth and value.
80. What tells us how to live not only in the material sense, but also in the spiritual sense?
A. Philosophy
B. Epistemology
C. Sociology
D. Axiology
Answer: B. Philosophy
Some Major Schools of Philosophy and their contribution to present day
81. Idealism stresses the central role of the ideal or
A. Spiritual
B. Physical world
C. Material
D. Experience
Answer: B. Spiritual
82. Idealism recognizes ideas, feelings and ideals more important than
A. Education
B. Human soul
C. Material objects
D. Spiritual essence
Answer: B. Material objects
83. According to which school of philosophy of education, exaltation of individual’s personalityis a function of education?
A. Realism
B. Pragmatism
C. Naturalism
D. Idealism
Answer: B. Idealism
84. The idealist give much importance on
A. Self realization
B. Self expression
C. Self concept
D. Self perception
Answer: B. Self realization
85. Who emphasized realization of ‘Truth, Beauty and Goodness’ as the aims of education?
A. Pragmatists
B. Idealists
C. Realists
D. Naturalists.
Answer: B. Idealists
86. The Idealist curriculum is developed on the basis of
A. Study of Mathematics
B. Natural and physical sciences
C. Business and management
D. Ethics and study of humanities.
Answer: B. Ethics and study of humanities.
87. The Idealist claimed that reality exist in the
A. Natural world
B. In the Spirit of man
C. Self disciplined
D. Empirically tested truth
Answer: B. In the Spirit of man
88. Educational principles of idealism emphasizes on
A. Scientific knowledge
B. Physical world
C. Thinking and reasoning
D. Unrestrained freedom
Answer: B. Thinking and reasoning
89. The theory that holds reason as the source of knowledge is
A. Idealism
B. Realism
C. Naturalism
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Idealism
90. Who raised the slogan “Back to Nature”?
A. Realism
B. Naturalism
C. Idealism
D. Pragmatism
Answer: B. Naturalism
91. Who among the following was the supporter of Naturalism in education
A. Rousseau
B. Froebel
C. Armstrong
D. Locke
Answer: B. Rousseau
92. Play way method of teaching has been emphasized in the education of
A. Naturalists.
B. Realists,
C. Pragmatists.
D. Existentialists.
Answer: B. Naturalists.
93. Naturalism is also known as
A. Materialism
B. Existentialism
C. Pragmatism
D. Metaphysics
Answer: B. Materialism
94. Which philosophy favours the statement “Man is the measure of all things”?
A. Realism
B. Pragmatism
C. Idealism
D. Naturalism
Answer: B. Naturalism
95. According to which philosophy of education, childhood is something desirable for its ownsake and children should be children?
A. Realism
B. Idealism
C. Naturalism
D. Pragmatism
Answer: B. Naturalism
96. The fundamental aim of education according to Naturalism is
A. Self realization
B. Self expression
C. Self consciousness
D. Self perception
Answer: B. Self expression
97. Naturalist consider reality in nature only and everything is governed by
A. The physical Sciences
B. The supernatural
C. The laws of nature
D. Human personality
Answer: B. The laws of nature
98. Naturalist curriculum advocates freedom and self-expression and therefore
A. Humanities subjects are vital
B. Literature forms the core
C. Always based on physical education
D. No rigid curriculum is needed
Answer: B. No rigid curriculum is needed
99. The methods of teaching laid down by Naturalism in education is
A. Rigid and uniform techniques
B. Traditional and stereotyped techniques
C. Bookish and teacher centred
D. Child Centred and play-way techniques
Answer: B. Child Centred and play-way techniques
100. Which of the following is the contribution of Rousseau to education?
A. Education for nationalism
B. Education for Democracy
C. Education for freedom
D. Education for sentimental
Answer: B. Education for freedom
101. Who believe that “Objects have a reality independent of mental phenomena”?
A. Realist
B. Idealist
C. Existentialist
D. Pragmatist.
Answer: B. Realist
102. Which of the following education system support scientific progress?
A. Idealism
B. Naturalism
C. Realism
D. Pragmatism
Answer: B. Realism
103. The realists hold that values are
A. Temporary and subjective
B. Permanent and objective
C. Dynamic and changing
D. Constant and sable
Answer: B. Permanent and objective
104. The basis of education according to Realist is to cultivate
A. Scientific outlook.
B. Natural outlook
C. Spiritual outlook
D. All of the above
Answer: B. Scientific outlook.
105. What is the goal of education according to the Realist?
A. Realization of moral values
B. Perfect adaptation to the environment
C. Satisfaction of human wants
D. Understand the present practical life.
Answer: B. Understand the present practical life.
106. Important thing to keep in mind for Realist teacher is
A. The inborn nature of the child
B. The value and significant of what is taught
C. Organization of content to be taught
D. The methods and strategy of teaching
Answer: B. The value and significant of what is taught
107. Which school of philosophy strongly advocates that education should be vocational incharacter?
A. Pragmatism
B. Marxism
C. Naturalism
D. Realism
Answer: B. Realism
108. Which school raised the slogan “Things as they are and as they are likely to be encounteredin life rather than words”?
A. Idealism
B. Naturalism
C. Realism
D. Pragmatism
Answer: B. Realism
109. Realist aims of education are
A. Fixed and rigid
B. Mostly based on spiritual development
C. Specific to each individual and his perspectives
D. Physical needs and requirements
Answer: B. Specific to each individual and his perspectives
110. Realists are of the opinion that education should be made to
A. Conform to the social and individual needs
B. Conventional to spiritual enlightenment
C. Meet physical wants of man
D. None of the above.
Answer: B. Conform to the social and individual needs
111. What is not associated with pragmatism?
A. Purposive education
B. Freedom based -education
C. Education for self-realization
D. Experience-based education
Answer: B. Education for self-realization
112. Who emphasized that education should be a social process?
A. Dewey
B. Rousseau
C. Plato
D. Vivekananda
Answer: B. Dewey
113. Which school of philosophy of education advocated project method of teaching?
A. Idealism
B. Naturalism
C. Realism
D. Pragmatism
Answer: B. Pragmatism
114. Who among the following propounded pragmatism in education
A. Russell
B. Dewey
C. Rousseau
D. Kant
Answer: B. Dewey
115. In whose methodology of teaching, “experimentation” is the key-note?
A. Idealism
B. Realism
C. Pragmatism
D. Existentialism
Answer: B. Pragmatism
116. The term “Progressive education” is related to
A. Idealism
B. Realism
C. Pragmatism
D. Existentialism
Answer: B. Pragmatism
117. Which of the following are the aims of education of Pragmatism?
A. No fixed aims or scheme of values
B. Self – realization and spiritual development
C. Realization of moral values
D. Natural progress of inborn quality
Answer: B. No fixed aims or scheme of values
118. The method of teaching stressed by pragmatist is
A. Theoretical learning
B. Activity in learning
C. Reflection
D. Bookish knowledge
Answer: B. Activity in learning
119. Which of the following is not the contribution of pragmatism?
A. Cooperative projects and activities.
B. Learning by doing.
C. The project method
D. Faith in spiritual values
Answer: B. Faith in spiritual values
120. The curriculum in Pragmatism philosophy of education is based on
A. The learner’s instincts and abilities
B. Learner’s own experience
C. Learner’s interest and inclination
D. All of the above
Answer: B. All of the above
121. One of the aims of education according to Idealism is
A. Self- expression
B. Complete knowledge of the nature and the inner workings of the universe.
C. Exaltation of human personality
D. Harmonious development of an individual.
Answer: B. Exaltation of human personality
122. The method of teaching suggested by Idealism is
A. Questions and answer method
B. Experimentation method
C. Self-government and self-effort
D. Project method
Answer: B. Questions and answer method
123. A philosopher who idolises ‘mind and self’ is a/an
A. Idealist
B. Pragmatist
C. Naturalist
D. Realist
Answer: B. Idealist
124. Which school of philosophy emphasizes the realization of Truth, Beauty and Goodness asthe aim of education?
A. Naturalism
B. Pragmatism
C. Idealism
D. Naturalism
Answer: B. Idealism
125. Religious education is strongly advocated by
A. Pragmatism
B. Naturalism
C. Realism
D. Idealism
Answer: B. Idealism
126. According to which school of philosophy is classroom a place for self-realization?
A. Pragmatism
B. Realism
C. Naturalism
D. Idealism
Answer: B. Idealism
127. As propounded by Idealists , the spiritual ideals which man should aspire and strive for are
A. Truth, reality and value
B. Truth, goodness and beauty
C. Mind, self and personality
D. Self-realization and spiritual-realization
Answer: B. Truth, goodness and beauty
128. Which school of philosophy idolises the Mind beyond everything?
A. Pragmatism
B. Naturalism
C. Idealism
D. Realism
Answer: B. Idealism
129. One of the fundamental principles of Idealism philosophy is
A. Values are created in terms of specific needs.
B. Things and objects exist independently.
C. God is the source of all knowledge.
D. The reality of change over performance.
Answer: B. God is the source of all knowledge.
130. Which school of philosophy strongly advocated Religious education?
A. Pragmatism
B. Idealism
C. Realism
D. Naturalism
Answer: B. Idealism
131. Who among the following has propounded Idealism in education?
A. Plato
B. Dewey
C. Froebel
D. Rousseau
Answer: B. Plato
132. Who among the following propounded Naturalism in education?
A. John Dewey
B. Rousseau
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
Answer: B. Rousseau
133. One of the main aims of Naturalism is
A. Exaltation of human personality
B. Development of training of senses
C. Activity and experience
D. Education according to nature
Answer: B. Education according to nature
134. Who introduced Kindergarten?
A. Rousseau
B. Dewey
C. Froebel
D. Plato
Answer: B. Froebel
135. Vishwa Bharti was founded by
A. Tagore
B. Gandhi
C. Vivekananda
D. Nehru
Answer: B. Tagore
136. Play-way method of teaching has been emphasized in the scheme of education by
A. Naturalism
B. Pragmatism
C. Idealism
D. Realism
Answer: B. Naturalism
137. Which school of philosophy advocates Self-government and self-effort method of teaching?
A. Idealism
B. Pragmatism
C. Realism
D. Naturalism
Answer: B. Naturalism
138. Which school of philosophy held the view “ God makes all thing good, man meddles with them and they become evil”?
A. Idealism
B. Realism
C. Naturalism
D. Pragmatism
Answer: B. Naturalism
139. Which form of naturalism says that matter is everything?
A. Physical naturalism
B. Mechanical naturalism
C. Biological naturalism
D. Social naturalism
Answer: B. Mechanical naturalism
140. “Back to nature” is the slogan of which school of philosophy?
A. Idealism
B. Realism
C. Pragmatism
D. Naturalism
Answer: B. Naturalism
141. Which is the most widely accepted method of education according to Naturalism?
A. Learning by doing
B. Lecturing by the teacher
C. Leaving the child free to learn
D. Heuristic method.
Answer: B. Learning by doing
142. One who emphasizes reality, matter and the physical world is
A. An idealist
B. A pragmatist
C. A realist
D. A naturalist
Answer: B. A naturalist
143. Which school of philosophy advocates that education should be vocational in character?
A. Pragmatism
B. Realism
C. Idealism
D. Naturalism
Answer: B. Realism
144. Which school of philosophy gives high priority to subjects like science and mathematics?
A. Realism
B. Idealism
C. Pragmatism
D. Naturalism
Answer: B. Realism
145. One of the aims of education according to Realism is
A. Development of creative and inventive process.
B. Redirection and sublimation of instincts.
C. Complete knowledge of the nature and the inner workings of the universe.
D. The aim of education id more education.
Answer: B. Complete knowledge of the nature and the inner workings of the universe.
146. Which school of philosophy believes that all knowledge come through the senses?
A. Idealism
B. Realism
C. Pragmatism
D. naturalism
Answer: B. Realism
147. Which form of Realism has more importance in the field of philosophy and science than in education?
A. Neo-realism
B. Sense-realism
C. Social-realism
D. Humanistic-realism.
Answer: B. Neo-realism
148. The fundamental principle of Realism is
A. Nature is the ultimate reality.
B. No ultimate or absolute values.
C. Spirit and mind constitute reality.
D. Things and objects exist independently.
Answer: B. Things and objects exist independently.
149. Which, among the following is the principle of Reality?
A. The real world
B. Senses are the gateway of knowledge.
C. Opposition of idealism
D. Man is supreme matter
Answer: B. Senses are the gateway of knowledge.
150. Who among the following is an exponent of Realism?
A. Rousseau
B. Montessori
C. Bertrand Russell
D. Tagore
Answer: B. Bertrand Russell
151. Who is generally recognised as the father of Realism philosophy?
A. Plato
B. John Locke
C. Russell
D. Aristotle
Answer: B. Aristotle
152. According to Pragmatism, the child learns more from
A. His own experiences and activities
B. Self- reflection and meditation
C. Instruction by the teacher
D. Self-reflection only
Answer: B. His own experiences and activities
153. Which school of philosophy advocates Project method of teaching?
A. Realism
B. Pragmatism
C. Idealism
D. Naturalism
Answer: B. Pragmatism
154. Gandhi’s Scheme of _________________ was an expression of his philosophy to make education self-supporting.
A. Child-centred education
B. Craft-centred education
C. Non-violence
D. Basic education.
Answer: B. Basic education.
155. Gandhi’s scheme of Basic education was an expression of his philosophy to make education
A. Craft-centred
B. Experienced-centred
C. Self-supporting
D. Self-learning
Answer: B. Self-supporting
156. What method of teaching is advocated by Pragmatism?
A. Psychological method
B. Provision of real-life situation
C. Imitation
D. Learning by doing
Answer: B. Learning by doing
157. Education, according to Pragmatism is
A. Wholly pupil-oriented
B. Wholly society-oriented
C. Wholly purposive
D. Wholly interdisciplinary
Answer: B. Wholly purposive
158. Which school of philosophy believes in practical and utilitarian philosophy?
A. Idealism
B. Pragmatism
C. Naturalism
D. Realism
Answer: B. Pragmatism
159. The term “Progressive education” is related to
A. Realism
B. Pragmatism
C. Naturalism
D. Idealism
Answer: B. Pragmatism
160. Project method of teaching is an outstanding contribution of
A. Realism
B. Naturalism
C. Pragmatism
D. Idealism
Answer: B. Pragmatism
Introduction to Educational Sociology
161. A Frenchman is considered to be the father of Sociology.
A. Emile Durkhein
B. Kingsley Davis
C. Auguste Comte
D. George Payne
Answer: B. Auguste Comte
162. Sociology is the study of
A. Human being
B. Customs
C. Values
D. Society
Answer: B. Society
163. Sociology is the Science of
A. Associations
B. Society
C. Customs
D. Co-operations
Answer: B. Society
164. The Word ‘Socius’ means
A. Associate or Companion
B. Member of Society
C. Member of an Association
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Associate or Companion
165. ‘’Education Sociology is the interaction of the Individual and his Cultural Environment”. Thiswas stated by
A. Brown
B. Carter
C. Ottaway
D. George Payne
Answer: B. Ottaway
166. Who is regarded as the Father of Educational Sociology.
A. George Payne
B. Brown
C. Emily Durkhein
D. Ottaway
Answer: B. George Payne
167. The term ‘Sociology’ was coined by
A. George Payne
B. Anguste Comte
C. Ottaway
D. Brown
Answer: B. Anguste Comte
168. Sociology emerged as an Independent Social Science in the
A. 17th Century
B. 16th Century
C. 18th Century
D. 19th Century
Answer: B. 19th Century
169. Indian Society can be divided into various levels of people. Which of the following is not oneof these?
A. Upper class
B. Hindus
C. Middle class
D. Lower class
Answer: B. Hindus
170. One important example of a primary group is
A. political party
B. family
C. church
Answer: B. family
171. The literacy percentage of Mizoram in the last census (2011) was
A. 91.33
B. 95.51
C. 99.11
D. 98.76
Answer: B. 91.33
172. Application of principles of sociology to education in known as
A. Educational Sociology
B. Sociology of Education
C. Social foundation of Education
D. Social Science of Education
Answer: B. Educational Sociology
173. The act of adopting oneself, and one’s behaviour, to the conditions and requirement of thecommunity in which one lives is called social-
A. adaptation
B. adjustment
C. behaviour
D. dynamic
Answer: B. adaptation
174. The term Sociology is coined in the year
A. 1798
B. 1829
C. 1839
D. 1818
Answer: B. 1839
175. Educational Sociology deals with which aspect of education
A. Social
B. Political
C. Economic
D. Psychological
Answer: B. Social
176. Society has been defined as a “web of social relationships” by
A. Cooley
B. Durkhein
C. Mac Iver
D. Bronson
Answer: B. Mac Iver
177. Which aim of education is most useful for the community?
A. Cultural
B. Technological
C. Livelihood
D. Socialization
Answer: B. Socialization
178. The individual and society are considered as
A. supplementary
B. interdependent
C. complimentary
D. contradictory
Answer: B. interdependent
179. “Education and society are two mutually supporting systems, interconnected, that one cannotthrive in the absence of the other.” What is the reason?
A. Education sustains society, preserves culture,ushers in new one and inculcates values
B. Education helps to do away with social divisions and produces leaders for governance
C. Education makes people employable
D. Education modernizes and makes society civilized
Answer: B. Education sustains society, preserves culture,ushers in new one and inculcates values
180. Education provided to the child by the schools is
A. formal
B. informal
C. traditional
D. highly standardized
Answer: B. formal
181. A society is a network of
A. social attitudes
B. socio-political relationships
C. religions-cultural attitudes
D. inter-personal relationships
Answer: B. inter-personal relationships
182. Educators must have a good understanding of the social forces because
A. education is a social process
B. educators are social beings
C. education is influenced by social forces
D. education is one of the activities carried on in the social setting amidst social forces
Answer: B. education is influenced by social forces
183. Human nature develops in man as a
A. member of a religion
B. citizen of a state
C. member of an organization
D. member of a society
Answer: B. member of a society
184. It is implied in the ‘social nature’ of the education that it
A. ensures desirable socialization of the child
B. ensures the development of child’s potentialities
C. educates the child for citizenship
D. enables the individual to find a job himself
Answer: B. ensures desirable socialization of the child
185. High degree of inter-dependence between education and the rest of the society is very much emphasized, not because of
A. increasing number of students, requiring increasing financial support
B. dramatic changes in the role of the government in educational matters
C. man’s social nature
D. social nature of education
Answer: B. man’s social nature
186. The study of human society involves the study of
A. man
B. mind
C. environment
D. heredity
Answer: B. man
187. All human beings have to interact with other human beings in order to
A. survive
B. gossip
C. quarrel
D. compete
Answer: B. survive
188. Society preserves our
A. civilization
B. culture and transmits it to succeeding generation
C. philosophical ideas
D. interrelation
Answer: B. culture and transmits it to succeeding generation
189. The schools help the people to
A. assimilate culture
B. ignore culture
C. protest against culture
D. enjoy culture
Answer: B. assimilate culture
190. Individual and society are considered as
A. interdependent
B. contradicting
C. complementary
D. supplementary
Answer: B. interdependent
191. Human nature develop in man as a
A. member of a religion
B. citizen of a state
C. member if an organization
D. member of a society
Answer: B. member of a society
192. Man’s behaviour in society is determined mainly by two forces, namely
A. formal and informal
B. natural and unnatural
C. physical and social
D. psychological and philosophical
Answer: B. formal and informal
193. Function of educational structure is
A. replacement of population
B. socialization of new population
C. maintenance of a sense of purpose
D. system maintenance
Answer: B. socialization of new population
194. The most important characteristic of a society is
A. inter-communication
B. mutual influence
C. interpersonal relationship
D. individual approach
Answer: B. interpersonal relationship
195. The fundamental unit of human society is known as
A. social group
B. tribal group
C. individual
D. family
Answer: B. family
196. Characteristics of society is
A. mutual awareness
B. specific aims
C. definite geographical area
D. interrelation
Answer: B. interrelation
197. A society is a network of
A. inter-personal relationship
B. social attitude
C. socio-political relationship
D. religions-cultural attitudes
Answer: B. inter-personal relationship
198. Both nature and necessity compel man to live in
A. forest
B. society
C. church
D. college
Answer: B. society
199. The educational institution is a
A. community
B. family
C. social institution
D. organization
Answer: B. community
200. Educational Sociology tries to search for suitable solution for problems related to education and
A. politics
B. economics
C. society
D. religion
Answer: B. society
201. The word ‘sociology’ is made up of two words. These are:
A. Societus and Logy
B. Societia ans Logistia
C. Societus and Logos
D. Socia and Logos
Answer: B. Societus and Logos
202. The word sociology is derived from
A. Latin and greek
B. Greek and German
C. English and Latin
D. German and Latin
Answer: B. Latin and greek
203. The meaning of sociology is
A. Knowledge of society
B. Science of society
C. Development of society
D. Understanding of society
Answer: B. Science of society
204. Society emerges out of
A. Community’s existence
B. Men’s existence
C. Problem’s existence
D. World’s existence
Answer: B. Men’s existence
205. Society embellishes the network of
A. Human relationships
B. Social relationships
C. Inter connections
D. Individual differences
Answer: B. Social relationships
206. Sociology was once treated as
A. Scientific philosophy
B. Historical philosophy
C. Social philosophy
D. Educational philosophy
Answer: B. Social philosophy
207. Sociology emerged as an independent Social science in
A. 16th Century
B. 17th Century
C. 18th Century
D. 19th Century
Answer: B. 19th Century
208. Who is traditionally considered to be the father of sociology?
A. Auguste Comte
B. John Dewey
C. Marshal Jones
D. Kingsley Davis
Answer: B. Auguste Comte
209. In which year was the term sociology first coined?
A. 1836
B. 1837
C. 1838
D. 1839
Answer: B. 1839
210. With whose contribution did the word Sociology become permanent?
A. Ogburn
B. Franklin Henry Giddings
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Harry M. Johnson
Answer: B. Herbert Spencer
211. Sociology studies
A. Man’s behaviour in groups
B. Man’s behaviour at home
C. Man’s behaviour within his immediate surroundings
D. Man’s behaviour in isolation
Answer: B. Man’s behaviour in groups
212. The subject matter of sociology is
A. Social relationships
B. individual development
C. agricultural products
D. Growth of educational institutions
Answer: B. Social relationships
213. The scope of sociology is very
A. Narrow
B. Shallow
C. Wide
D. Limited
Answer: B. Wide
214. Education and sociology are
A. Two opposite disciplines
B. One and the same
C. Interdependent disciplines
D. Simply two more subjects of study
Answer: B. Interdependent disciplines
215. Education preserves the social and cultural heritage which is owned by
A. History
B. Psychology
C. Politics
D. Sociology
Answer: B. Sociology
216. What brings about reforms and changes in the field of sociology?
A. Education
B. Politics
C. History
D. Psychology
Answer: B. Education
217. Who is considered to be the father of educational sociology?
A. Herbert Spencer
B. Ottoway
C. Rousseau
D. George Payne
Answer: B. George Payne
218. What is the key problem of educational sociology?
A. Population explosion
B. Poverty
C. Social interaction
D. Illiteracy
Answer: B. Social interaction
219. Application of principle of sociology to education is called
A. Social science of education
B. Social foundation of education
C. Social education
D. Educational sociology
Answer: B. Educational sociology
220. The teacher-pupil relationship comes under the study of
A. Sociology
B. Educational sociology
C. Education
D. Political science
Answer: B. Educational sociology
221. Educational sociology deals with which aspect of education?
A. Social
B. Political
C. economic
D. psychological
Answer: B. Social
222. The scope of educational sociology includes the study of each and every type of
A. Individual development
B. Economic growth
C. Social relationship
D. Human psychology
Answer: B. Social relationship
223. Education, in its concept and functions is
A. Political
B. Social
C. Economic
D. Psychological
Answer: B. Social
224. Everyone, who is to be educated has to be socialised in conformity with his
A. cultural needs
B. Educational needs
C. Sociological needs
D. Socio-cultural needs
Answer: B. Socio-cultural needs
225. “Effect of social life upon individuals and schools” is the study of
A. Educational psychology
B. Sociology
C. Educational sociology
D. Psychology
Answer: B. Educational sociology
226. “The place of teacher in a society” is the study of
A. Educational psychology
B. Sociology
C. Educational sociology
D. Psychology
Answer: B. Educational sociology
227. “Evaluation of social media as a medium of social progress” is the study of
A. Educational psychology
B. Sociology
C. Educational sociology
D. Psychology
Answer: B. Educational sociology
228. What do sociological researches provide for education?
A. Technology
B. Guidelines
C. Opinions
D. Nothing relevant
Answer: B. Guidelines
229. The study of society is nothing but study of
A. People
B. Laws
C. Conventions
D. Mores
Answer: B. People
230. Individual and society are considered as
A. Interdependent
B. Contradictory
C. Supplementary
D. Complementary
Answer: B. Interdependent
231. One of the important ways of socializing individuals is through
A. discipline
B. Religion
C. Education
D. Caste
Answer: B. Education
232. Sociological approach to education is needed because of
A. Social change
B. Population explosion
C. Illiteracy
D. Ignorance
Answer: B. Social change
233. What must a teacher know in order to teach the students of various backgroundseffectively?
A. Their academic performance
B. Their interests
C. Their society
D. Their talents
Answer: B. Their society
234. In order to meet the individual needs of students, the curriculum should be
A. Rigid
B. Flexible
C. Stagnant
D. Traditional
Answer: B. Flexible
235. Education is one of the important aspects of any
A. Society
B. Politics
C. Religion
D. Caste
Answer: B. Society
236. The ever cherishing social values are those attained through
A. Cultural programmes
B. Battle
C. Education
D. Government
Answer: B. Education
237. Who defined sociology as “ The science of social phenomena subject to natural andinvariable laws, the discovery of which is the object of investigation”?
A. Kingsley Davis
B. Auguste Comte
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Small
Answer: B. Auguste Comte
238. Sociology emerged in
A. America
B. Europe
C. Asia
D. Africa
Answer: B. Europe
239. Educational sociology centers upon the study of social institutions and their role in
A. Education
B. Politics
C. Society
D. Philosophy
Answer: B. Education
Education and Change
240. Characteristic of Secondary Group is
A. Physical proximity
B. Permanency
C. Largeness in size
D. Compulsory membership
Answer: B. Largeness in size
241. Language, custom, values, traditions are examples of
A. Material Culture
B. Non-material Culture
C. Intellectual Culture
D. Industrial Culture
Answer: B. Non-material Culture
242. Primary groups are also called
A. Face-to-Face groups
B. Derivative groups
C. Self-help groups
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Face-to-Face groups
243. ‘Special interest groups’ are also known as
A. Primary groups
B. Secondary groups
C. Social groups
D. Cultural groups
Answer: B. Secondary groups
244. Social change refers to the change that takes place in an/a
A. individual
B. group
C. institution
D. society
Answer: B. society
245. One of the characteristics of a primary group is
A. large size
B. temporary membership
C. impersonal relation
D. physical proximity
Answer: B. physical proximity
246. Family is an important
A. specialized group
B. primary group
C. special interest group
D. secondary group
Answer: B. primary group
247. In secondary groups, we find
A. face-to-face contact
B. intimate relations
C. secondary relations
D. physical proximity
Answer: B. secondary relations
248. Buildings, roads, machinery and bridges are examples of
A. industrial culture
B. non-cultural culture
C. material culture
D. intellectual culture
Answer: B. material culture
249. Cultural change is
A. restricted to primitive societies
B. restricted to developed societies
C. restricted to developing societies
D. a universal phenomenon
Answer: B. a universal phenomenon
250. Social change is change in
A. society
B. community
C. individual
D. education
Answer: B. society
251. In today’s world, mass media is looked upon as
A. an asset
B. an investment
C. a liability
D. none of the above
Answer: B. an investment
252. Culture is the unique possession of
A. all living things
B. man
C. animals
D. all of the above
Answer: B. man
253. Peer group is Important
A. specialized group
B. primary group
C. secondary group
D. derivative group
Answer: B. primary group
254. Culture is
A. static
B. dynamic
C. only internal
D. only external
Answer: B. dynamic
255. What is the most effective factor of social change in a democratic country?
A. religion
B. family
C. education
D. community
Answer: B. education
256. Who has given the classification of social group as primary and secondary group?
A. Durkheim
B. Mac Iver
C. Gillin
D. Cooley
Answer: B. Cooley
257. A primary group can best be defined as a group
A. that is characterized by shared interests and interchangeability of roles
B. in which two or more people interact in predictable ways
C. that is characterized by face-to-face interaction and close emotional ties
D. in which two or more people work together to achieve a goal
Answer: B. that is characterized by face-to-face interaction and close emotional ties
258. Cooley’s ‘’face-to-face’’ group refers to
A. an in group
B. a primary group
C. a formal group
D. an out group
Answer: B. a primary group
259. A group in which one has a ‘’we feeling’’ is called a
A. nationality group
B. primary group
C. inherited group
D. secondary group
Answer: B. primary group
260. Which of the following characteristics is essential in a primary group?
A. its members must be of the same age
B. it should have large membership
C. its members must have high rate of interaction with another
D. its members must be limited to one sex
Answer: B. its members must have high rate of interaction with another
261. Culture is
A. the characteristics and products of the learned behaviours of a group of people
B. the sum total of feelings of the people of a group
C. the totality of the interrelationship of the people of a group
D. the totality of mutual understandings of the people of a group
Answer: B. the characteristics and products of the learned behaviours of a group of people
262. Any collection of human beings who are brought into social relationship with another called a/an
A. family
B. office
C. institution
D. group
Answer: B. group
263. In secondary groups, members are bound by
A. close and intimate ties
B. formal rules
C. informal rules only
D. all of the above
Answer: B. formal rules
264. An example of primary groups is
A. an association of workers
B. Red Cross society
C. a political party
D. family
Answer: B. family
265. One of the chief characteristics of secondary group is
A. physical proximity
B. permanency
C. largeness in size
D. compulsory membership
Answer: B. largeness in size
266. Which of the following is not a secondary group
A. a city
B. labour union
C. political party
D. students in a classroom
Answer: B. students in a classroom
267. Which is these is a correct statement?
A. Modernization is the outcome of social change
B. Social change is the outcome of modernization
C. Social change and modernization mean the same thing
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Modernization is the outcome of social change
268. What type of education is imparted by the family?
A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Deliberate
D. Regular
Answer: B. Informal
269. Which of the following statements is not true about members of a social group?
A. They are involved in closed interaction
B. They are a casual collection of people
C. They are aware of shared memberships
D. They have district relations with one another
Answer: B. They are a casual collection of people
270. Which of the following characteristics is essential in a primary group?
A. Its members must be of the age
B. It should have large membership
C. Its membership usually must be limited to one sex
D. Its members must have limited self interest
Answer: B. Its members must have limited self interest
271. When there is a difference in the pace of progress of material and non-material cultural. Thisdifference is called
A. social lag
B. technological lag
C. cultural lag
D. material lag
Answer: B. cultural lag
272. The realization of the aspirations of the people of India involves
A. economic growth
B. innovations in agriculture
C. industrialization
D. change in the knowledge, skills interest and valves of the people as a whole through education
Answer: B. change in the knowledge, skills interest and valves of the people as a whole through education
273. Changes in society which manifest ideas, valves and literature may be called
A. non-material changes
B. ornamental changes
C. cosmopolitan changes
D. material changes
Answer: B. non-material changes
274. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of ‘Culture’?
A. Culture is social inheritance
B. Culture is accumulative
C. Culture is in constant flex
D. Culture is Biological inheritance
Answer: B. Culture is Biological inheritance
275. Who said ‘’Education follows Social change’’
A. Durkhein
B. Johnson
C. Ottaway
D. Dewey
Answer: B. Ottaway
276. Which of the following is an agent of positive social change?
A. Power
B. Education
C. Money
D. Calamity
Answer: B. Education
277. Which of the following is not a factor for social change in India?
A. Caste
B. Regionalism
C. Language
D. Census
Answer: B. Census
278. What is more crucial for bringing about a desired social change in India?
A. development of social resources
B. development of natural resources
C. development of human resources
D. development of physical resources
Answer: B. development of social resources
279. Culture is______
A. an individual phenomenon
B. inherited biologically
C. continuous and cumalative
D. static
Answer: B. continuous and cumalative
280. Social change refers to the changes that take place in a
A. Society
B. Family
C. Classroom
D. Neighbourhood
Answer: B. Society
281. One of the chief causes of social change is
A. Media
B. Mobility of people
C. Government influence
D. Culture
Answer: B. Mobility of people
282. What is considered to be the most prominent factor of social change?
A. Environmental
B. Psychological
C. Educational
D. Biological
Answer: B. Educational
283. Education brings about social change by changing man’s
A. Fashion
B. Location
C. Occupation
D. Attitude
Answer: B. Attitude
284. Mass education has fostered the sense and the feeling of
A. Rivalry
B. Equality
C. Pride
D. Discrimination
Answer: B. Equality
285. The mass media that come in the printed form is called
A. The press
B. Radio
C. Television
D. Satellite
Answer: B. The press
286. Which one of the following is the largest computer network?
A. Satellite
B. Compact disc
C. Internet
D. Google
Answer: B. Internet
287. Which among the following best describes the meaning of culture?
A. The characteristics and products of the learned behaviour of a group of people
B. The feelings of the people of a group
C. The inter-relationships of the people of a group
D. The mutual understandings of the people of a group
Answer: B. The characteristics and products of the learned behaviour of a group of people
288. Culture is
A. Static
B. Immobile
C. Dynamic
D. Rigid
Answer: B. Dynamic
289. Buildings, roads, bridges are examples of
A. Non-material culture
B. Technological culture
C. Industrial culture
D. Material culture
Answer: B. Material culture
290. One of the main causes of cultural lag is
A. Population explosiion
B. Political power
C. Technological advancement
D. Natural calamities
Answer: B. Technological advancement
291. Which of the following moves faster than the others?
A. Material culture
B. Non-material culture
C. Technological culture
D. Intellectual culture
Answer: B. Material culture
292. To which type of culture belong attitudes, religious beliefs, moral beliefs andetiquettes?
A. Material culture
B. Intellectual culture
C. Non material culture
D. Industrial culture
Answer: B. Non material culture
293. What is most important to bridge the cultural lag?
A. Technology
B. Government
D. Education
Answer: B. Education
294. Which of the following is most effective in bringing about cultural change?
A. Discipline
B. Cultural functions
C. Education
D. Mass media
Answer: B. Education
295. Cultural change is
A. A characteristic of a developing country
B. Restricted to third world countries
C. Universal phenomenon
D. Restricted to primitive societies
Answer: B. Universal phenomenon
296. The term ‘Primary group’ was first introduced by
A. C. H. Cooley
B. John Dewey
C. Pestalozzi
D. Karl Marx
Answer: B. C. H. Cooley
297. In which year was ‘Primary Group’ first coined?
A. 1907
B. 1908
C. 1909
D. 1910
Answer: B. 1909
298. What is the name of the book written by C. H. Cooley?
A. Historical organisation
B. Social organisation
C. Political organisation
D. Cultural organisation
Answer: B. Social organisation
299. C. H. Cooley was a/an
A. British psychologist
B. Australian psychologist
C. American psychologist
D. German psychologist
Answer: B. American psychologist
300. ‘Face to face’ relationship is a characteristic of
A. Family
B. Political party
C. City
D. Nation
Answer: B. Family
301. ‘We’ feeling is observed in a
A. Family
B. Political party
C. City
D. Nation
Answer: B. Family
302. Which among the following is the most appropriate example of a primary group?
A. Large size
B. Temporary
C. Formality
D. Permanency
Answer: B. Permanency
303. What is considered to be the chief moulder of human personality?
A. The environment
B. The school
C. The family
D. The state
Answer: B. The family
304. An individual finds his nearest and dearest companion in the
A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Tertiary group
D. Voluntary group
Answer: B. Primary group
305. Democratic spirit is developed in
A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Tertiary group
D. Reference group
Answer: B. Primary group
306. A group that is large in size is called
A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Formal group
D. In- group
Answer: B. Secondary group
307. Nation is an example of
A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Formal group
D. In- group
Answer: B. Secondary group
308. A group where human contacts become superficial and undefined is called
A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Formal group
D. In- group
Answer: B. Secondary group
309. Whose definition is “The groups which provide experience lacking in intimacy arecalled secondary groups”?
A. Ogburn and Nimkoff
B. Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack
C. Morris Ginsberg
D. Best and Kahn
Answer: B. Ogburn and Nimkoff
310. One of the characteristics of a secondary group is
A. Physical proximity
B. Intimacy
C. Large in size
D. Compulsory membership
Answer: B. Large in size
311. Who has given the classification of group as primary and secondary?
A. Durkheim
B. Maciver
C. Gillian
D. Cooley
Answer: B. Maciver
312. In secondary groups, we find
A. Face to face contact
B. Intimate relations
C. Formal relations
D. Physical proximity
Answer: B. Formal relations
313. There is diversity of ends in
A. In-group
B. Out-group
C. Primary group
D. Secondary group
Answer: B. Secondary group
314. Secondary groups organise themselves and grow through
A. Education
B. Society
C. Government
D. Discipline
Answer: B. Education
315. There is a chance to express talents in
A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Reference group
D. Voluntary group
Answer: B. Secondary group
316. Which group acts as an agent of social control?
A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Reference group
D. Tertiary group
Answer: B. Primary group
317. Which of the following statements is not true about the members of a group?
A. They are aware of shared memberships
B. They are a casual collection of people
C. They are involved in close interaction
D. They have distinct relations with one another
Answer: B. They are a casual collection of people
318. Which of the following characteristics is essential in a primary group?
A. Its members must be of the same age
B. It should have a large membership
C. Its members must have a high rate of interaction with one another
D. Its membership must be limited to one sex
Answer: B. Its members must have a high rate of interaction with one another
319. What type of education does the family impart to the child?
A. Informal
B. Formal
C. Deliberate
D. Non formal
Answer: B. Informal
Current Social Problems relating to Education in India
320. ‘’No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the state or receiving aid out of state funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them’’. In which Article of the Indian Constitution do we find this provision?
A. Article 46
B. Article 45
C. Article 29
D. Article 17
Answer: B. Article 29
321. External discipline is also known as
A. Permanent discipline
B. Temporary discipline
C. Internal discipline
D. Real discipline
Answer: B. Temporary discipline
322. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for equality before the law?
A. Article 17
B. Article 14
C. Article 29
D. Article 46
Answer: B. Article 14
323. The most sensitive index of social development is
A. overall literacy rate
B. male literacy rate
C. female literacy rate
D. all of the above
Answer: B. female literacy rate
324. ” Education of a boy means education of a man. Education of a girl means education of the whole family”. Who said this?
A. Rabindranath Tagore
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Swami Vivekananda
D. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Answer: B. Mahatma Gandhi
325. A major factor responsible for the low level of education and number of dropouts among girls is
A. Literacy of the parents
B. illiteracy of the parents
C. high level of literacy among parents
D. none of the above
Answer: B. illiteracy of the parents
326. In a tradition bound society like India, there is a strong preference in the schools for
A. male teachers
B. female teachers
C. old teachers
D. teachers from urban areas only
Answer: B. female teachers
327. Equality of Education opportunity considers discrimination when
A. Any person or Group of persons is/are deprived of access to Education of any type at any level
B. Any person or Group of persons is/are deprived of access to Education of any type at Primary level only
C. Any person or Group of persons is/are deprived of access to Education of any type at Secondary level
D. Any person or Group of persons is/are deprived of access to Education of any type higher Education level only
Answer: B. Any person or Group of persons is/are deprived of access to Education of any type at any level
328. During the Pre-Independence period in Indian history, the British educational policy was
A. to look into mass education of the Indian people
B. to equalise educational opportunities amongst the Indian people
C. to neglect mass education of the Indian people
D. none of the above
Answer: B. to neglect mass education of the Indian people
329. ‘’Democracy only provides that all men should have equal opportunities for their unequal talents’’ This was pointed out by
A. Gandhi
B. Tagore
C. Pestalozzi
D. Radhakrishnan
Answer: B. Radhakrishnan
330. The literacy percentage of Girls in Mizoram according 2011 census is
A. 88.25
B. 89.27
C. 90.60
D. 91.30
Answer: B. 89.27
331. Who are the Backward Classes in India.
A. The Scheduled Castes only
B. The Scheduled Tribes
C. The Physically Challenged
D. The Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled tribes and Backward Classes
Answer: B. The Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled tribes and Backward Classes
332. Whose watchboard was ‘Freedom First, Freedom second and Freedom last.
A. Pestalozzi
B. Montessori
C. Dewey
D. Rousseau
Answer: B. Montessori
333. This type of discipline is founded on fear and imposed from above by the use of authority. What discipline is it?
A. Positive Discipline
B. Negative Discipline
C. Strict Discipline
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Negative Discipline
334. In India women are given
A. An esteemed status
B. High status
C. Low status
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Low status
335. The society in India is
A. female oriented
B. patriarchal System in character
C. matriarchal in character
D. none of the above
Answer: B. patriarchal System in character
336. Due to the low status accorded to girls by the society. They often have
A. high self esteem
B. good self esteem
C. low self esteem
D. high self Confidence
Answer: B. low self esteem
337. In Rural areas in India the Co-educational system of school often
A. motivates girls to attend School
B. deters girls from attending School
C. challenges girls to attend School
D. none of the above
Answer: B. deters girls from attending School
338. This type of discipline is the result of gradual building up habits of self-control and cooperation. It is carried out by individuals because they realize its necessity and valve. This discipline is called.
A. positive discipline
B. negative discipline
C. good discipline
D. None of the above
Answer: B. positive discipline
339. In education discipline is
A. not much needed
B. very necessary
C. not Required at all
D. Rarely needed
Answer: B. very necessary
340. When laws can exist without liberty, liberty cannot exist
A. Without laws
B. Without policy
C. Without Government
D. Without all the above
Answer: B. Without laws
341. Article 15- ‘’The state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth is any of them’’ This particular Article is specifically significant in __
A. Equalization of Educational opportunities
B. Advancement of the SCs, STs and OBCs in India
C. Equalization of Educational opportunities and advancement of the SCs, STs, and OBCs, in India
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Equalization of Educational opportunities and advancement of the SCs, STs, and OBCs, in India
342. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution deals with what topic?
A. Deals with Abolition of Untouchability and its practice in any form is forbidden
B. Deals with Hindu Marriage Act
C. Deals with Reservation of seats for the Backward Classes
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Deals with Abolition of Untouchability and its practice in any form is forbidden
343. This particular Article obligated the state to promote the educational and economic interest of the weaker sections of STs. Which Article is it?
A. Article 19
B. Article 25
C. Article 47
D. Article 46
Answer: B. Article 46
344. The SCs, STs, and OBs in India
A. are a single homogeneous community
B. do not represent a single homogeneous community
C. form two major groups
D. none of the above
Answer: B. do not represent a single homogeneous community
345. Level of literacy of the SCs, STs and OBCs in India is
A. good
B. very good
C. excellent
D. poor
Answer: B. poor
346. ‘’One of the important social objectives of education is to equalize opportunity, enabling the backward or underprivileged classes and individuals to use education as a lever for the improvement of their condition’’. Which Education Commission stated this?
A. Kothari Education Commission (1964-66)
B. Mudaliar Commission (1952-53)
C. Radha Krishnan Commission (1948-49)
D. National policy on Education, 1986
Answer: B. Kothari Education Commission (1964-66)
347. Equalization of educational opportunities is needed in India to – (Identify the point that does not match with the above statement)
A. to ensure the success of democracy
B. to maximize the educational gap between the privileged and the underprivileged
C. to develop human resources
D. to meet manpower needs
Answer: B. to maximize the educational gap between the privileged and the underprivileged
348. Who has the right to decide who will be included in the list of Scheduled Caste andScheduled tribes
A. Supreme tribes
B. Parliament
C. President
D. Governor of the State
Answer: B. President
349. Indian Government’s legislation concerning educational opportunities for the weaker sections of the society is an evidence which brings into focus the
A. social nature of education
B. political nature of education
C. cultural nature of education
D. economic nature of education
Answer: B. political nature of education
350. Which is the following Article of Indian Constitution lays down that education of childrenage 6-14 years in a Fundamental Right
A. Article 21 (A)
B. Article 45
C. Article 51 (A)
D. Article 42
Answer: B. Article 21 (A)
351. Equality of educational opportunities is possible by
A. opening more educational institutions
B. privatizing the educational system in the country
C. extending portals of all without any discrimination
D. public funding of education
Answer: B. extending portals of all without any discrimination
352. In India, education is the responsibility of
A. Central government
B. State government
C. Central government and State government
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Central government and State government
353. The National Policy on Education (1986) recognized that the empowerment of women is the most important pre-condition for participation of girls and women in the educational process. What programme did it launch in 1988?
A. Mahila Samkhya Programme
B. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
C. Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalaya
D. National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level
Answer: B. Mahila Samkhya Programme
354. Which Constitution ammendment has recommended the establishment of a Commission forScheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes?
A. 41st Constitutional Ammendment
B. 65th Constitutional Ammendment
C. 76th Constitutional Ammendment
D. 82nd Constitutional Ammendment
Answer: B. 65th Constitutional Ammendment
355. Who appoints the chairman of the National Commission fo Scheduled Castes?
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Lok Sabha Speaker
D. None of the above
Answer: B. President
356. Which article of Indian Constitution gives the power to the government to make special provisions for the development of SC/ST/OBC against Article 15?
A. Article 19
B. Article 29
C. Article 25
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Article 29
357. Which one of the following is a Human Right as well as a Fundamental Right under the Constitution of India?
A. Right to Information
B. Right to Education
C. Right to Work
D. Right to Housing
Answer: B. Right to Education
358. Which of the following scheme provide education to girls and their welfare?
B. One Stop Centre Scheme
D. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
Answer: B. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
359. One of the major causes of high maternal mortality rate in India is
A. Anemia among women
B. Illiteracy
C. Carelessness of doctors
D. Adolescent pregnancies
Answer: B. Illiteracy
360. “The state to direct its policy towards securing for men and women equally and the right to an adequate livelihood” is found in which article of the Indian constitution?
A. 39 A
B. 15 (i)
C. 45
D. 51 (a) (c)
Answer: B. 39 A
361. “Democracy only provides that all men should have equal opportunities for the development of their unequal talents”. This was pointed out by
A. Gandhi
B. Piaget
C. Radhakrishnan
D. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Answer: B. Radhakrishnan
362. What kind of society should be established for developing equality of educational opportunities?
A. Elitist
B. Egalitarian
C. Undemocratic
D. Industrial
Answer: B. Industrial
363. In which article of the Indian constitution is found Equality of opportunity in employment?
A. 19
B. 39
C. 51
D. 16
Answer: B. 39
364. Which of the following is not given the same encouragement as boys education?
A. Non formal education
B. Girls education
C. Adult education
D. Informal education
Answer: B. Informal education
365. Which of the following is the most appropriate reason for inequality of educational opportunities?
A. Poverty
B. Modernisation
C. Ignorance
D. Migration
Answer: B. Poverty
366. Which of the following is the most appropriate reason for inequality of educational opportunities?
A. Non existence of educational institutions
B. Modernisation
C. Ignorance
D. Migration
Answer: B. Non existence of educational institutions
367. Treating all the equals unequally is
A. Horizontal equality
B. Diagonal equality
C. Vertical equality
D. Transverse equality
Answer: B. Vertical equality
368. One of the schemes adopted for equalization of educational opportunities in India is providing
A. Counselling
B. Free computer set
C. Employment for parents
D. Scholarships
Answer: B. Scholarships
369. One of the schemes adopted for equalization of educational opportunities in Indiais providing
A. Counselling
B. Free computer set
C. Employment for parents
D. Free textbooks and writing materials
Answer: B. Free textbooks and writing materials
370. What percentage of the Indian population do the backward classes constitute approximately in India?
A. More than 30%
B. More than 40 %
C. More than 50%
D. More than 60%
Answer: B. More than 30%
371. In which year was the report on backward classes given?
A. 1955
B. 1956
C. 1957
D. 1958
Answer: B. 1956
372. Those who suffer from the stigma of untouchability are classified as
A. Scheduled caste
B. Scheduled tribe
C. Denotified tribes
D. Ex criminal tribes
Answer: B. Scheduled caste
373. Those who are not yet sufficiently assimilated into the mainstream of national lifeare classified as
A. Scheduled caste
B. Scheduled tribe
C. Denotified tribes
D. Ex criminal tribes
Answer: B. Scheduled tribe
374. Those tribes who have been forced to commit crime are classified as
A. Scheduled caste
B. Scheduled tribe
C. Denotified tribes
D. Labourers
Answer: B. Denotified tribes
375. Membership to the backward classes is determined by
A. Marriage
B. Region
C. Language
D. Birth
Answer: B. Birth
376. Which board/body gave recommendations for improving the educational status ofthe backward classes?
Answer: B. CABE
377. Which among the following is provided for the backward classes for educationalbenefit by the central government?
A. Free internet facility
B. Post matric scholarship
C. Plot of land
D. Employment
Answer: B. Post matric scholarship
378. Which of the following recommended measures to improve educational status ofScheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes?
A. National Policy on Education 1985
B. National Education Commission 1986
C. National Education Commission 1987
D. National Education Commission 1988
Answer: B. National Education Commission 1986
379. One of the recommendations of NPE 1986 for improving educational status ofSCs and STs is
A. Providing free computer sets
B. Introducing foreign languages
C. Appointing teachers from the category of STs and SCs
D. Hindi as medium of instruction
Answer: B. Appointing teachers from the category of STs and SCs
380. “Ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.” Who gave this definition?
Answer: B. UNESCO
381. What is literacy according to national Literacy Mission?
A. Acquiring the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and the ability to apply them to one’s day-to-day life.
B. Acquiring the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and the ability to apply them to examinations.
C. Acquiring the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and the ability to apply them to the future.
D. Acquiring the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and the ability to apply them to teaching.
Answer: B. Acquiring the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and the ability to apply them to one’s day-to-day life.
382. The denominator in counting the literacy percentage of an area at a particular timein the Indian census since 1991 is
A. Aged 5 years or more
B. Aged 6 years or more
C. Aged 7 years or more
D. Aged 8 years or more
Answer: B. Aged 7 years or more
383. What is the indicator of the level of socio economic development of a society?
A. Literacy rate
B. Per capita income
C. Employment pattern
D. Population
Answer: B. Literacy rate
384. Illiteracy is associated with
A. Individual development
B. Poverty
C. Humility
D. Knowledge
Answer: B. Poverty
385. The relation between female literacy and life expectancy is
A. Neutral
B. Negative
C. Positive
D. Indistinct
Answer: B. Positive
386. Female education is
A. A waste
B. Essential
C. Not necessary
D. Sufficiently provided
Answer: B. Essential
387. “Purdah” system is prevalent among
A. Christian women
B. Hindu women
C. Jewish women
D. Muslim women
Answer: B. Muslim women
388. According to Hunter Commission (1882), the ratio of girls to every hundred boysin primary schools was
A. Six
B. Seven
C. Eight
D. Nine
Answer: B. Six
389. When was the first Women college established?
A. 1901
B. 1902
C. 1903
D. 1904
Answer: B. 1901
390. Where was the first Women’s college established?
A. Bangalore
B. Lucknow
C. Vishakapatnam
D. Ahmedabad
Answer: B. Lucknow
391. When was the first Women’s university established?
A. 1913
B. 1914
C. 1915
D. 1916
Answer: B. 1916
392. In which article of the Indian constitution is provided “Equal pay for equal work’?
A. 14
B. 15 (3)
C. 3
Answer: B. 3
393. National Commission for women education was set up in
A. 1938
B. 1948
C. 1958
D. 1968
Answer: B. 1958
394. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was launched in the year
A. 1970
B. 1980
C. 1990
D. 2000
Answer: B. 2000
395. Freedom is defined as the absence of
A. Constraint
B. Liberty
C. Independence
D. Autonomy
Answer: B. Constraint
396. Who is in favour of “freedom first, freedom second and freedom last”?
A. Froebel
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. John Dewey
D. Maria Montessori
Answer: B. Maria Montessori
397. What is considered to be the source of all first hand knowledge of children?
A. Textbook
B. Curiosity
C. Parents
D. Neighbourhood
Answer: B. Curiosity
398. From which word is the term ‘discipline’ derived from?
A. Greek
B. English
C. Latin
D. German
Answer: B. Latin
399. Discipline which is founded on fear is called
A. Negative discipline
B. Imposed discipline
C. Positive discipline
D. Forced discipline
Answer: B. Negative discipline