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Phylum Annelida Multiple Choice Questions

1. Segmented body is presented in.
A. Annelids
B. Porifera
C. Mollusca
D. Coelenterate

Answer: A

2. The body of annelids is divided into.
A. Two regions
B. Three regions
C. Four regions
D. None of these

Answer: B

3. Longitudinal and circular muscles are found in the body wall of.
A. Sponges
B. Cnidarians
C. Annelids
D. None of these

Answer: C

4. Cuticle is a protective layer that resist abrasion and help prevent desiccation.

Answer: A

5. Class Polychaeta animals body possess appendages called parapodia.

Answer: A

6. The excretory organ of annelids are.
A. Flame cells
B. Nephrostomes
C. Nephridia
D. None of these

Answer: C

7. Beard worms live deep in oceans typically near.
A. Hydrothermal vent
B. Deep sea vent
C. None of these
D. All of these

Answer: A

8. Fire worms feed on corals and barnacles.

Answer: A

9. Shaggy tube worms camouflage for tube.

Answer: A

10. Bloodworms capture prey with extremely long eversible.
A. Pharynx
B. Larynx
C. Cirri
D. None of these

Answer: A

11. In Annelida, dorsal and ventral blood vessels are connected by
A. Heart
B. Capillary beds
C. Capillaries
D. Muscle

Answer: B

12. Gas exchange occurs across
A. Body wall
B. Appendages
C. Gills
D. All of these

Answer: D

13. In excretory system of Annelida, segmented nephridia is
A. Single
B. Paired
C. Many
D. None of these

Answer: B

14. The advantage of segmentation in Annelida is burrowing and muscle contraction.
A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

15. In non-segmented Annelida, pressure is not transmitted throughout coelom.
A. True
B. False

Answer: B

16. Funnel and terminal cells project into
A. Coelomic fluid
B. Blood
C. Lymphatic fluid
D. Capillary tube

Answer: A

17. In Annelida, a highly coiled tubule is for
A. Secretion and absorption
B. Excretion
C. Transport
D. All of these

Answer: A

18. In Annelida, free swimming larva is produced called
A. Madreporite
B. Bipinnaria
C. Brachiolaria
D. Trochophore

Answer: D

19. The fertilization in Annelida is
A. External
B. Internal

Answer: A

20. In Annelida, blood is pumped by
A. Vessels
B. Muscle contraction
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Answer: C

21. Which sensory organ of annelids is “useful to borrowers”
A. Nuchal organ
B. Ocelli
C. Statocysts
D. None of these

Answer: C

22. Which of the following is the function of tubes in annelids.

A. Protection
B. Hiding out
C. Digestion
D. Both A and B

Answer: D

23. Polychaeta means.

A. Many chaetae
B. Segments
C. Appendages
D. Many cilia

Answer: A

24. Tubes in annelids are made up from fibrous proteins.

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

25. Nuchal sensory organ is only unique to polychaetes.


Answer: B

26. polychaeta possess appendages called,

A. ocelli
B. Parapodia
C. Nephrostome
D. Antennae

Answer: B

27. Tubes in annelids are constructed from,

A. Fibrous proteins
B. Foreign materials
C. Calcium carbonate
D. All of these

Answer: D

28. Parapodia in annelids possess a chaetal sac which secretes,

A. Fluid
B. Bundle of chaetae
C. Ganglia
D. None of these

Answer: B

29. In annelids, parapodia is not a lateral outgrowth of body wall.

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: B

30: chaetal structure is closely related to lifestyle and locomotion in annelids.

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

31. Impulses travel up to — faster than neurons of average diameter in annelids.
A. 20X
B. 40X
C. 60X
D. 25X

Answer: B

32. In annelids typical unicellular receptors distributed on
A. head, body
B. head, body and appendages
C. head and body and nerve
D. only appendages

Answer: B

33. Which part of digestive system secretes digestive enzymes in annelids?
A. Intestine
B. Esophageal ceca
C. Stomach
D. Pharynx

Answer: B

34. Tubes are coiled to increase surface area for secretion or absorption in annelids.
A. True

B. False

Answer: A

35. Hemal system lack in smaller varieties but possessed by larger animals in annelids family.
A. True
B. False

Answer: A

36. Nephridiopore opens to—- of animals.
A. dorsal
B. interior
C. exterior
D. ventral

Answer: C

37. Coelomic cavity may be lined with— containing chlorogogen cells.
A. prothelium
B. mesothelium
C. metathelium
D. both a and b

Answer: B

38. Following are the organs which are part of integrated system
A. digestive, hemal system
B. nervous system
C. digestive and nervous system
D. digestive, nervous, hemal and musculature system

Answer: D

39. Annelids are still restricted to dry environment.
A. True
B. False

Answer: B

40. In annelids gametes exit through nephridiopores.
A. False
B. True

Answer: B

41. In annelids gametes are released into
A. Coelom
B. Segment
C. Nephridiopore
D. Body wall

Answer: A

42.________ can grow entire worm from one segment
A. Chaetopterus
B. Amphitrite
C. Diopatara
D. Amphinome

Answer: A

43. Worms exhibit life phases:
A. one
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

Answer: B

44. Epitoke is pelagic reproductive individual
A. No
B. Yes

Answer: B

45. Ripe gametes are shed by nephridiopores
A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

46. Annelids that live and breed for many years are
A. Annuals
B. Biannual
C. Perennials
D. Multiannual

Answer: C

47. Trochophore larvae in the growth zone is anterior to
A. Atoke
B. Epitoke
C. Chaetae
D. Telotroch

Answer: D

48. Some annelids convert back into ____ after spawning.
A. Trochophore
B. Epitoke
C. Atoke
D. Swarm

Answer: C

49. Brood eggs are retained in tube
A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

50. Epitokes arise from atokes via nephridiopores
A. Yes
B. No

Answer: B

51. Phylum Annelida means
A. Rings
B. Tubes
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Answer: A

52. Annelida are
A. Mostly marine
B. Fresh water
C. Terrestrial
D. All of these

Answer: D

53. Annelida are segmented
A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

54. In Annelida segmented are separated by septa
A. No
B. Yes

Answer: B

55. Scale worms has— rows of overlapping
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 2

Answer: D

56. Brain in Annelida is located
A. Dorsally in the prostomium
B. Ventrally in the prostomium
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Answer: A

57. Bloodworms are ambush predators
A. No
B. Yes

Answer: B

58. Blood worms live in
A. Rivers
B. Lakes
C. Shallow sedimentary Burrows
D. Sea

Answer: C

59. Fire worms show resemblance with
A. Butterfly
B. Caterpillars
C. Bee
D. All of these

Answer: B

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