Phylum Echinodermata Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does the term echinoderms mean
A. Tube feet
B. Star shaped
C. Spiny skin
D. Stomach foot
Answer: C
2. The terrestrial species of Echinodermata is
A. Brittle star
B. Starfish
C. Sea lily
D. None of these
Answer: D
3. The echinoderms are related to chordates by their similarity in the development of
A. Gut
B. Nervous system
C. Heart
D. Coelom
Answer: D
4. Seastar has a brain
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: B
5. Lost parts can be regenerated in Echinoderms
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
6. There are exclusively ……… animals.
A. Marine
B. Freshwater
C. Terrestrial
D. All of these
Answer: A
7. Characteristics feature of Echinodermata is.
A. They are triploblastic
B. They have a true coelom
C. Fertilization is external
D. All of these
Answer: D
8. Example of Echinoderms is
A. Planaria
B. Flatworm
C. Sea cucumber
D. All of these
Answer: C
9. Tube feet is a locomotory organ in Echinoderms
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
10. Echinoderms are triploblastic.
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
11. Taxonomists have divided echinoderms into classes;
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: C
12. Scientist believed that echinoderms evolved from;
A. Asymmetrical ancestors
B. Bilaterally symmetrical ancestors
C. Radially symmetrical ancestors
D. Symmetrical ancestors
Answer: B
13. Echinoderms are from which period;
A. Cambrian period
B. Cretaceous period
C. Palaeozoic period
D. Cenozoic period
Answer: A
14. Class Asteroidea involves sea stars;
Answer: A
15. “Ophiuroidea” is the class of phylum Chordata;
Answer: B
16. Animals present in class Asteroidea have arms;
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: C
17. Sea stars are believed to share a common evolutionary history with phylum;
A. Annelida
B. Arthropoda
C. Echinodermata
D. Chordata
Answer: D
18. In sea stars, Madreporite is the opening for;
A. Digestive system
B. Water vascular system
C. Excretory system
D. Circulatory system
Answer: B
19. Madreporite are present on the aboral surface in the sea star;
Answer: A
20. Class Asteroidea involves animals that are Rodlike
Answer: B
21. Ampulla contract and force fluid into
A. Suckers
B. Podia
C. Radial canal
D. Stone canal
Answer: B
22: Which structures at the tip of the podia come into contact with the substrate.
A. Suckers
B. Ampulla
C. Rectal caeca
D. All of these
Answer: A
23: Podia contract by forcing water back into
A. Ostia
B. Suckers
C. Ampulla
D. None of these
Answer: C
24: When the podia contracts, the body is pulled forward.
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
25: In echinoderms, the mouth leads into 2 parts stomach.
A. No
B. Yes
Answer: B
26: Echinoderms prey on
A. Oysters
B. Clams
C. Seafood
D. All of these
Answer: D
27: Short intestine extends from the pyloric stomach to
A. Urinary bladder
B. Anus
C. Urethra
D. Ureter
Answer: B
28: Starfish eats bivalves such as
A. Clams
B. Oysters
C. Mussels
D. All of these
Answer: D
29: Small fish is the food of starfish.
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
30: Starfish pry the shell open with arms.
A. No
B. True
Answer: B
31. Asexual reproduction in sea stars takes place by:
A. Binary fission
B. Regeneration
C. Budding
D. Parthenogenesis
Answer: B
32. The endoskeleton in echinoderms is made up of:
A. Calcareous plates
B. Mucous plates
C. Proteinaceous plates
D. none of these
Answer: A
33. Skin gills in starfish play role in:
A. locomotion
B. thermoregulation
C. osmoregulation
D. gas exchange and excretion
Answer: D
34. Sea stars can grow from a small fragment such as one arm, as long as at least ¼ of the central disc is present:
A. yes
B. No
Answer: A
35. Sea stars are hermaphrodite:
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: B
36. Pedicellaria are modified:
A. tube feet
B. integumentary structures
C. spines
D. some other structures
Answer: C
37. Main difference between starfishes and a brittle star is:
A. number of arms
B. structure of the ambulacral groove
C. tube feet
D. pedicellaria
Answer: B
38. The mode of nutrition in ophiuroids is:
A. predators only
B. scavengers only
C. decomposers
D. predators and scavengers
Answer: D
39. The projections between spines and plates are called papulae.
A. yes
B. no
Answer: A
40. Ophiuroidea traps food with calcareous plates between their spines
A. yes
B. no
Answer: B
41. Which class of Echinoderm lack Arms.
A. Asteroidea
B. Ophiuroidea
C. Echinoidea
D. Crinoidea
Answer: C
42. Body surface is usually covered with moveable spines.
A. Crinoidea
B. Asteroidea
C. Ophiuroidea
D. Echinoidea
Answer: D
43. The examples of Echinoidea are.
A. Sea urchins
B. Sand Dollars
C. Sea Biscuits
D. All of these
Answer: D
44. Seastar is the example of Echinoidea.
Answer: B
45.Sea urchin has a spherical shape body.
Answer: A
46. Chewing apparatus called Aristotle’s lantern present in.
A. Sand Dollars
B. Sea urchin
C. Sea Biscuit
D. Seastar
Answer: B
47.Use tube to filter food out of the water.
A. Sea Biscuit
B. Seastar
C. Sand Dollars
D. Sea urchin
Answer: C
48. Which class of Echinoderm is most primitive.
A. Crinoidea
B. Echinoidea
C. Asteroidea
D. Ophiuroidea
Answer: A
49. Lilly like the class of Echinoderm is class Crinoidea.
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
50. Asteroidea is a hedgehog-like class.
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: B
51. Most primitive form of echinoderms is:
A) Holothuroidea
B) Crinoidea
C) Ambulacral
D) None
Answer: A
52. Oral surface of Crinoidea is:
A. Upward
B. Downward
C. Forward
D. None
Answer: A
53. Along the length of the arms are branches called:
A. Grooves
B. Podia
C. Pinnules
D. Crown
Answer: C
54. Aboral surface of Crinoidea attached to the substrate by means of the bendable stalk:
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
55. Class Holothuroidea have excess arms:
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
56. Muscular cloaca of Holothuroidea is used for:
A. Respiration
B. Excretion
C. Gas exchange
D. All
Answer: C
57. The largest known sea star weighted is about:
A. 12 pounds
B. 10 pounds
C. 11 pounds
D. 8 pounds
Answer: C
58. Female sea star can lay eggs at a time:
A. 10 million
B. 12 million
C. 1000 million
D. 100 million
Answer: D
59. Sea Cucumber has no arms:
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
60. The process of regeneration occurs in Sea Cucumber:
A) Yes
B) No
Answer: A