[Physics Class Notes] on Glassware Pdf for Exam

Introduction on Glassware

Glass is an organic solid material that is usually translucent or transparent to the natural elements. It is an amorphous solid. It is most often formed by the rapid cooling of the molten form: some glasses such as volcanic glass are naturally occurring. It is made from abundant and natural raw materials that are melted at very high temperatures to form a new material. Glass is a brittle, hard,non-crystalline substance that is used to make drinking containers, windows, and other articles. In this article, we will discuss what is glassware, the formula of glass uses of glass and glass composition.

What Is Glassware?


It is one of the versatile and oldest human-created tools by man. It is defined as objects or containers made from glass. Scientifically, every solid with a non-crystalline amorphous structure which exhibits a glass transition when heated towards the liquid state is called glass. Glassware is manufactured from opaque sand but is completely transparent. It is widely used in various fields like decorative, laboratories, technological usage, and household products. Production of glassware involves two main methods:

Float Glass Process

In this process, a sheet of glass made by floating molten gases on a bed of molten metal is used. Usually, tin is used for this process, but lead and other various low melting point alloys were used in the past. This method gives very flat surfaces and maintains the uniform thickness of the sheet. This process is also known as the Pilkington process. Float glass is used in the following.

Fine ingredients are mixed to make a batch that flows on to molten gases at 1500°C in the melter, lasting as long as 50 hours free from bubbles, smoothly to the float bath. Float makes a glass of near optical quantity.

Glass from the melter gently flows over a spout to the mirror-like surface of tin starting at 1200°C, leaving the float bath ribbon at 600°C.

It makes profound changes in optical properties can be applied by advanced temperature technology to the cooling ribbon of the glass

The ribbon undergoes heat treatment in a furnace known as a Lehr to relieve stresses.

The float process is renowned for making perfectly flat glass. But to ensure the good quality, an inspection takes place at every stage

It is sold by the square meter. Diamonds wheels trim off stressed edges and cut the ribbon to size.


It is a glass-forming technique that humans have used to shape glass. It consists of inflating molten glass with a blowpipe to form a sort of glass bubble that can be molded into various glassware for practical purposes. The step by step manufacturing of glassware by glassblowing is:

The glass is placed in the furnace that heats it to a 2000°C degree makes it malleable.

The next step is to roll the molten glass on a flat metal slab also known as marver. This acts as a means to control the shape and temperature of the glass.

To give the glass design and color, it’s dropped in crushed color glass, which fuses to the main glass immediately, after this taken back to the Marvel where it is rolled again.

The final step is to remove the glass from a glass pipe. Steel tweezers called jacks are used to separate the bottom part of the blown gas.

Take the blown gas to the annealing overusing heat resistant gloves. This allows the glass to cool down over several hours.

Glass Composition & Formula of Glass

It does not have a specific chemical formula. Rather, it is a description of the molecular structure of the material. The chemical composition can be almost anything it can be all silicon dioxide, it can be all metal atoms or it can be all non-metals atoms. Glass is made from abundant and natural raw materials that are melted at very high temperature. Commercial glasses are made from three main materials- sand, limestone, and sodium carbonate.

Uses of Glass

  • Windows and doors

  • In tableware (cups, bowls, plates)

  • Insulation

  • Interior design and furniture element

  • In automotive-like aircraft, ships, etc.

  • X-ray and gamma rays radiation.

[Physics Class Notes] on Hardness Pdf for Exam

Hardness is a metric that measures how resistant a material is to localised plastic deformation caused by mechanical indentation or abrasion. It has important diagnostic properties in mineral identification or abrasion. There is a general bounding between hardness and chemical composition, thus most hydrous minerals like halides, carbonates, sulfates, and phosphates are relatively soft. Sulfides are relatively most soft (two exceptions being marcasite and pyrite) and silicates are hard and most anhydrous oxides. In general, the different materials have different hardness. For example, hard metals like titanium and beryllium are harder than soft metals like sodium and metallic tin, or wood and normal plastics. Powerful intermolecular bonds are commonly used to identify macroscopic hardness, but the structure of solid materials under stress is more complicated. In addition, there are different measurements of hardness such as scratch hardness, indentation hardness, and rebound hardness.

Hardness is based on plasticity, ductility, elastic stiffness, strain, strength, toughness, viscosity, and viscoelasticity. For example, polymers and elastomers, it is defined as the resistance to elastic distortion of the surface.

Scratch Hardness

Scratch hardness is a measurement of a sample’s resistance to fracture or permanent plastic deformation caused by pressure from a sharp edge. An object made by a tougher material will scratch an object made by a softer material, according to the theory. Scratch hardness refers to the force used to break through the film to the substrate when examining coatings. Sclerometer is a tool that is used for the measurement of scratch hardness.

Indentation Hardness

The resistance of a sample to material deformation caused by a steady compression load from a sharp object is measured by indentation hardness. Indentation hardness test is primarily used in engineering fields and metallurgy fields. Indentation tests are based on the principle of calculating the essential dimensions of an indentation created by special dimensions and loaded indenter.

Rebound Hardness

Rebound hardness is the type of hardness that is related to elasticity. The height of the “bounce” of a diamond-tipped hammer falling from a set height into a substrate is measured by rebound hardness, also known as dynamic hardness. The rebound hardness test and the bennett hardness scale are two scales that measure rebound hardness. The ultrasonic contact impedance (uci) method determines the hardness by calculating the frequency of an oscillating rod. A metal shaft with a vibrating part and a pyramid-shaped diamond preparation on one end make up the oscillating rod.

Marcasite and Pyrite in Hardness

Marcasite and pyrite are two general minerals. Both of them are fes2 chemicals, making them Polymorphs. Polymorphs are also minerals with the same chemical composition but different crystal structures. Diamond and graphite, both minerals being pure carbon and both are polymorphs. Diamond and graphite have different arrangements of carbon atoms giving these two minerals very distinct physical properties. Marcasite and pyrite, on the other hand, also have identical physical properties, making them tough to tell from each other.

Let’s Discuss Their Properties,

  1. Marcasite and pyrite both are metallic and pale yellow to brassy yellow. 

  2. Marcasite and pyrite can tarnish and be iridescent. 

  3. Generally, both have densities of about 5 grams per cubic centimetre (pyrite is a bit denser, but not enough to be detectible without delicate calculation).  

  4. Marcasite and pyrite both can even be found together in the same rock. 


There are five hardening processes which follow as,

  1. Hall-petch strengthening

  2. Work hardening

  3. Solid solution strengthening

  4. Precipitation hardening

  5. Martensitic transformation.

Since there is no universal concept for hardness, it is assumed that it is a composite property that includes contributions from yield power, work hardening, true tensile strength, modulus, and other variables. The hardness of a surface can be determined using several different techniques.

Method of Hardness

The following are a couple of the more traditional approaches.

Mohs Hardness Test

German mineralogist friedrich mohs in 1812 was devised one of the oldest ways of measuring hardness. The mohs hardness test involves observing whether a substance of known or specified hardness scratches the surface of a material. Minerals are graded around the mohs scale, which is made up of ten minerals with arbitrary hardness values, for assigning numerical values to this physical property. Although the mohs hardness test is useful for identifying minerals in the environment, it is not appropriate for determining the hardness of industrial materials such as ceramics or steel. Mohs hardness can be measured on a micro or nanoscale.

Brinell Hardness Test

The brinell hardness test is the most popular hardness test tool used on engineering materials. Dr j. A. Brinell was discovered the brinell test in sweden in 1900. The brinell test uses laptop computers to applying a specified load to a hardened sphere of a specified diameter. The brinell test number, or simply called the brinell number, is obtained by dividing the load used, in kilograms, by the measured surface area of the indentation, in square millimetres, left on the brinell hardness test surface. The brinell hardness test gives measurement over a fairly large area that is less affected by the coarse grain structure of these materials this is rockwell hardness or vickers hardness tests.

Rockwell Hardness Test

The rockwell hardness test uses a machine to apply a specific load and then measure the depth of the resulting impression. The indenter may either be a steel ball of some fixed diameter or a spherical diamond-tipped cone of  0.3 mm tip radius, and 120° angle called a brale. A light load of 10 kg is added first, causing a slight initial penetration to seat the indenter and eliminate any surface irregularities. The main load is added after the dial is reset to 0. The depth reading is taken when the main load is still on after the major load has been removed.

Rockwell Superficial Hardness Test

The rockwell superficial hardness test is used to test thin materials, lightly carbonised steel surfaces or parts that might be angled or mangle under the conditions of the regular test. This test uses the same indenters as the standard rockwell hardness test but the loads are reduced. A minor load of 3 kilograms is used and the major load is either 15 or 40 kilograms depending on the indenter used.

Vickers and Knoop Microhardness Test

The vickers and knoop hardness tests are an updated version of the brinell test and this is used to measure the hardness of thin-film coatings or the surface hardness of case-hardened parts. Vickers and knoop microhardness test consist small diamond pyramid is pressed into the sample under loads that are less than those used in the brinell hardness test. The shape of the diamond pyramid indenter is the only distinction between the vickers and knoop experiments. A square pyramidal indenter is used in the vickers test, which is resistant to cracking brittle materials. On the other hands, the knoop test using a rhombic-based pyramidal indenter which produces longer but shallower indentations.

Durometer Hardness Test

A durometer is a device that is simply used for measuring the indentation hardness of elastomers or rubber and soft plastics such as polyolefin, vinyl, and fluoropolymer. A durometer hardness test commonly uses a calibrated spring to apply specific pressure to an indenter foot. The indenter foot can be either cone-shaped or sphere-shaped. An appropriate device measures the depth of indentation. Durometers are always available in a variety of models and the most popular testers.

Barcol Hardness Test

The barcol hardness test obtains a hardness value by calculating the penetration of a sharp steel point under a spring load. The uniform pressure is applied until the dial indicator reaches a maximum. The barcol hardness test method is used to decide the hardness of both reinforced and non-reinforced rigid plastics and to determine the degree of cure of resins and plastics.

[Physics Class Notes] on Higgs Boson Pdf for Exam

Classical theories always found to be in good agreement with massive objects, such as the galaxies, planets, etc. but the classical mechanics or the classical theories always failed to explain how the atom works, in fact, according to classical theories atoms do not exist! In the early 20th centuries, physicists realised that they needed a completely new theory to account for atomic particles and it is known as quantum theory. The version that sums up the current knowledge of elementary particles and forces is known as the standard model. It has the leptons (the components of the matter), force particles (such as the gluon, photon, W and Z), and the Higgs Boson which is most essential and required to explain part of the masses of the other particles.

The Higgs Boson, which is also familiarly known as the god particle is one of the new age discoveries and top elementary particles available in nature. According to the standard model, the elementary particles are classified as Bosons and fermions and the Higgs Boson or the God particle belongs to Bosons. Let us have a detailed explanation and information about the Boson particle and the Higgs Boson.

Boson Particle

The fundamental particles or elementary particles are mainly classified into two types, fermions and Bosons. Fermions are the elementary particles that are designated with the odd half-integral spin and they are further classified into leptons and hadrons. Bosons are the integral spin particles and they do not obey Pauli’s exclusion principle. The fundamental particles that have an integral spin and obeys the Bose-Einstein distribution are known as the Bosons or Boson particles.  

Higgs Boson Particle

The standard model of fundamental particles describes the fundamental forces (except gravitation force), the particles which transmit those forces and three generations of the particles. We know that the fundamental particles are massless or of negligible mass, but that does not mean they are completely massless. 

Then the question that arose was, why do elementary particles have masses? This question was answered by Higgs Boson. Higgs Boson explained why elementary particles have mass and this explanation is familiarly known as the Higgs Boson theory.  The Higgs Boson particle is an elementary particle predicted by the standard model and its existence was proved in 1912 by ATLAS and CMS. 

In 1964, one of the British physicists Peter Higgs was working on the particles at Edinburgh University, he predicted that in addition to the particles the scientists already knew, there must be another one. The new particle would give mass to the particles, and make sense of all the theories about them. Scientists looked for this new particle and named it the Higgs Boson or the Higgs particle for years. In 2012, LHC physicists noticed an interesting signal that brought a wave of curiosity and they thought this signal might be the missing particle. It was confirmed as the Higgs Boson particle in 2013.

What is Higgs Boson? 

According to the Higgs Boson meaning, the Higgs Boson is that elementary half-integral particle related to the Higgs field, a field that provides mass to other fundamental particles like electrons and quarks. A particle’s mass determines what proportion it resists changing its speed or position when it encounters a force. Not all elementary particles have mass. For example, the photon, which is the particle of light and carries the electromagnetic force, has no mass at all.

The Higgs Boson particle is connected with a weak force. We know that electromagnetism describes particles interacting with photons, the basic units of the electromagnetic field. In an alternative way, the modern theory of weak interactions describes force particles (the W and Z particles) interacting with electrons, neutrinos, quarks and other particles. In many aspects, these force particles are almost similar to photons. But they are also strikingly different at the same time. 

The photon probably has no mass (i.e., massless or negligible mass) at all. From experiments, we know that a photon can not be more massive than the thousand-billion-billion-billionth (10⁻³⁰) mass of an electron, and for theoretical reasons and assumptions, we believe it has exactly zero mass. The W and Z force particles, however, have enormous masses, around more than 80 times the mass of a proton, one of the constituents of an atomic nucleus. 

Scientists are now studying and analyzing the Higgs Boson properties to determine if it precisely matches the predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics. If the Higgs Boson deviates from the model, it is going to provide clues to new particles that only interact with other Standard Model particles through the Higgs Boson and thereby lead to new scientific discoveries.

Did You Know?

Peter Higgs’ best-known paper on the new particle was initially rejected. But this was a blessing in disguise since it led Peter Higgs to feature an entire paragraph introducing the now-famous Higgs Boson particle. In 1964, Peter Higgs wrote two papers, each just two pages long, on what is now referred to as the Higgs field. The journal Physics Letters accepted and approved the first but sent the second back. Yoichiro Nambu, a highly regarded physicist who had reviewed the second paper, insisted Peter Higgs add a section explaining his theories’ physical implications. Higgs added a paragraph predicting that an excitation of the field, like a wave in the ocean, would yield a new particle. He then submitted the revised paper to the competing journal Physical Review Letters, which published it and now one of the important discoveries.

[Physics Class Notes] on How to Make a Model of Seasons? Pdf for Exam

Every season generally lasts for approximately three months. Various conditions of the weather mark seasons. During Spring, the days are warm while the nights are cold. But things are different during the summer season when the nights are warm and the days are hot. The weather is charming during winter when both the nights and the days are cool just like the conditions are during Spring. 

However, during the winter season, conditions are just the reverse of the days and nights in summer. Winter days and nights are freezing. It is the availability of sunlight in a particular region of the Earth that causes changes in seasons. The changes in the season have a significant impact on the temperatures of different places. Here, we will be grabbing detailed information on making a seasonal model for a school project.

Making Seasons Project for School


If you are wondering how to make a winter season model or how to make a spring season model, go through the detailed example provided below. This step by step process on creating a model of seasons can help you with your school project. Students who work on this 4 seasons models assignment will understand the reason why there is the longest daylight on the same day every year.

Things Required for the Summer Season Model Project

The things you will need for this summer season project are as follows:

  • Styrofoam ball measuring 4 inches

  • Two bamboo skewers measuring 12 inches each

  • Brush for painting

  • Black marker

  • Styrofoam ball measuring 6 inches

  • Pencil

  • Modelling clay in the size of a lemon piece

  • Acrylic black and yellow paints

  • Protractor

  • A white piece of 22 by 22 inches

  • Poster Board

The Step by Step Procedure

  • The very first step that you will have to take is inserting one of the bamboo skewers through the centre of the Styrofoam ball. You will have to do this very carefully.

  • Now divide the modelling clay into two equal pieces and make a ball out of both the pieces. Next, try to make a stand using one of the clay ball pieces by pressing the piece against a table. Later, try inserting the skewer’s pointed edge into the stand made of the clay ball piece. It will be the same skewer that you inserted through the huge ball. The same procedure should be continued with the other clay ball piece as well, but this time the skewer will be one inserted through the smaller ball.

  • Now take the painting brush and colour the huge ball using yellow acrylic paint. It will serve as the model of the Sun.

  • You can use the black marker for drawing a line around this ball. The line should be halfway between the bottom and the top side. It serves as the equator of the Earth.

  • Now draw another line around the ball by starting from 1 cm to the left of the skewer serving as the top of the ball and ending it at 1 cm right of the skewer serving as the bottom. This second line represents the border between night and day on Earth.

  • Use the paintbrush again for painting the borderline to show night and day on the left side. This time you will have to use the black acrylic paint. It serves as the model of Earth.

  • Next. Take the pencil and measuring stick for drawing diagonal lines on the poster board. You will have to draw the lines from the nearby two corners till the centre on the opposite side. Cut along the lines and make it a point to keep the huge triangle centre.

  • The market can now be used for writing the title of the project, that is “Summer Solstice: Northern Hemisphere.” Under the title, draw the position of the Earth with the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

  • Carve the upright model of Earth approximately 3 inches away from the left corner bottom of the triangle on the poster board. Now get the protractor and make it stand in the modelling clay with a skewer held vertically at an angle of 90°. The next step is tilting the skewer to the right side at an angle of 231/2°.

  • Now position the model of Sun on the right side of the model of Earth. You need to ensure that the model of Sun is approximately 3 inches away from the right corner of the triangle on the poster board.

This working model will help you in understanding the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.

[Physics Class Notes] on Hyperfine Structure Pdf for Exam

We know that when an atom is subjected to the varying magnetic field we notice that, the spectral lines are further subdivided into closely spaced lines, the process of splitting of spectral lines is known as the hyperfine structure. The hyperfine structure is mainly observed during the Zeeman effect, which explains particularly the splitting of energy levels or the spectral lines in the presence of external magnetic fields. The splitting of energy levels in the Zeeman effect is directly proportional to the applied magnetic field. Such splitting is explicitly known as the hyperfine structure.

Hyperfine Splitting

Many fine structure components of the spectral lines, when they are observed under a high resolution spectrometer, it is noticeable that those fine lines are further subdivided into smaller lines separated by considerably small spacing. And this process of splitting of the spectral line is known as hyperfine splitting or the hyperfine structure. 

When we examine the Balmer series of spectral lines we know that it consists of four different spectral lines corresponding to violet, blue, green and red wavelengths. When spectral lines of the hydrogen spectrum examined under a high-resolution spectrometer it was found that a single spectral line appears to be resolved into two pairs of closely spaced single lines such that these split lines will be having slightly different wavelengths. This splitting spectral line is known as the hyperfine structure of a hydrogen atom.

When the red spectral line or which is also known as the H[_{alpha}] the line is closely examined with high-resolution spectrometers, physicists found that it consists of two closely spaced doublet lines due to spin-orbit coupling. We know that the electrons are revolving around the nucleus in definite orbitals and due to the orbital motion of electrons a magnetic field is generated. When the spin electron magnetic moment interacts with the magnetic field, this interaction is familiarly known as spin-orbit coupling. 

In atomic spectroscopy, the energy levels of electrons of an atom are given by the formula:

⇒ n[^{2s+1}] l[_{j}]  …..(1)


n – The principal quantum number

s – The spin angular momentum quantum number

l – The orbital angular momentum quantum number

j – The total angular momentum quantum number (i.e., the sum of both spin and orbital angular momentum i.e., j = l ± s)

Depending upon the value of ldifferent orbits or energy levels are designated, for example, for l = 0 we have S-orbit, for l = 1 we have P-orbit, and so on.

Hyperfine Levels

The hyperfine levels of the spectral line describe the splitting of spectral lines due to the electron spin and the relativistic correction to the total energy of the hydrogen atom electron. When electrons transit from lower energy level to higher energy level by absorbing the energy, it will be unstable and hence loses its energy in the form of photons of different wavelengths that further results in a spectrum.

The interaction between the magnetic field generated due to the relative motion of the nucleus and the electron spin angular momentum will result in the splitting of the energy of electrons into two energy levels.  

The electron with +½ will have a magnetic spin momentum and experiences a torque due to the presence of a magnetic field and hence it will rotate it, at the same time, the electron with -½ will also have some magnetic spin momentum and experiences a torque due to the presence of magnetic field and hence it will rotate it in opposite direction. As the electron rotates, there will be a change in its internal energy and it is given by:

⇒ U = – μ • B

(Note: since they rotate by a different amount, hence they will also have a different amount of energy)

Suppose that the electron in hydrogen atom transit from 1s level to 2P level, we know that the motion of the electron is associated with the orbital quantum number and the spin quantum number. When the electron is in the 1S state it is in its own orbit and hence a single energy level is obtained, whereas the 2p state due to spin-orbit interaction splits into two levels. Mathematically, we write:

⇒ j = l ± s

Did You Know:

  • As the hyperfine structure is very small, the transition frequencies are usually not located in the optical but are in the range of radio- or microwave (also called sub-millimetre) frequencies.

  • Hyperfine splitting gives the 21 cm line observed in H I regions in the interstellar medium.

  • Carl Sagan and Frank Drake considered the hyperfine levels of hydrogen to be a sufficiently universal phenomenon so as to be used as a base unit of time and length on the Pioneer plaque and later the Voyager Golden Record.

[Physics Class Notes] on Instantaneous Speed and Velocity Pdf for Exam

Velocity and Speed are related to Displacement and Distance respectively. Speed is the Distance per unit Time and Velocity is the Displacement per unit Time. Speed has magnitude but no direction i.e. scalar similar to Distance. Velocity has magnitude with direction i.e. vector similar to Displacement.

Formulas for Speed and Velocity:

Speed = rate of change of Distance = [frac{textrm{Change in Distance}}{textrm{Change in Time}}]

Velocity = rate of change of Displacement = [frac{textrm{Change in Displacement}}{textrm{Change on Time}}]

Similar to Distance and Displacement which have distinctly different meanings regardless of their similarities, Speed and Velocity also have different meanings. A body/ object that moves with a high Speed can cover a large Distance within a short period of Time. Contrast to that will be the Distance covered and Time taken for an object/ body that moves with low Speed. An object with no movement will have a zero Speed.

For instance, a person who is moving rapidly- one step forward and one step backward, it means that he returns to his starting position. This will result in a zero Velocity. The motion will never result in a change of position since the person always tends to return to his original starting point. In order to maximize the Velocity, a person in motion must maximize the Distance that he is displaced from the original position.

Average Speed and average Velocity:

A moving body/ object often undergoes changes. Average Speed is the Distance traveled by the object divided by the Time taken for the travel.

Average speed = [frac{textrm{Distance Traveled}}{textrm{Time of Travel}}]

Whereas, average velocity is the changes in the position i.e. the displacement divided by the time taken.

Average velocity = [frac{textrm{Displacement}}{textrm{Time taken}}]

Difference between Average Velocity and Average Speed:


Average Velocity

Average Speed


The change in the Displacement i.e. the position divided by the Time taken

The Distance traveled by the object divided by the Time taken


Displacement/ Time taken

Distance traveled/ Time of travel


It can be either positive or negative

It will always be positive

Measurement in unit

m/ s

m/ s

Scalar or vector



Instantaneous Speed:

The rate of change of position with Time is called Speed. As an object moves, its Speed may change accordingly. The Speed of an object at any given instant is called an Instantaneous Speed. It can be determined by finding out the average Speed over a very short Distance and Time.

The formula for Instantaneous Speed:

It is equal to the Speed at an interval of Time. Following is the formula for finding out the Instantaneous Speed:

Instantaneous Speed = limit as a change in Time approaches zero (change in positron/ change in Time)

[V=lim_{Delta trightarrow 0}=frac{Delta _x}{Delta _t}=frac{Delta _x}{Delta _t}]

Here, x is the Distance traveled by the body. The Instantaneous Speed is measured in meter per second (m/ s) as it is the Speed at a particular Time interval.

Both the Instantaneous Speed and Velocity will be present in a moving object. The Distance traveled with respect to Time is the scalar quantity and how fast an object is moved is shown by this.

For Example:

A school bus undergoes changes in Speed. Speedometer will show the changes in Speed for a regular interval of Time.

Speed for various objects is given below:


m/ s

m/ h

Brisk walk



Sprint runner



Official land Speed record



Space shuttle on reetry



The Speed of sound at sea level



Difference Between Average Speed and Instantaneous Speed:

Average Speed

Instantaneous Speed

The total Distance covered by an object during a certain Time span is used to calculate the average Speed.

The exact Speed that an object at motion at a given instant Time is the Instantaneous Speed.

Instantaneous Velocity:

Velocity at a specific instant in Time is the Instantaneous Velocity. If the Velocity is not constant, then it will differ from that of the average Velocity. At the same Time, for an object with standard Velocity over a period of Time, its Instantaneous Velocity and average Velocity will be the same. The calculation for Instantaneous Velocity at a particular moment is done by substituting the corresponding Time value of a variable, in the first-Time derivative of the Displacement equation.

   Instantaneous velocity=[V=lim_{Delta trightarrow 0}=frac{Delta _s}{Delta _t}=frac{Delta _s}{Delta _t}]

Where dS is the Displacement vector.

Difference Between Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity:

Average Velocity

Instantaneous Velocity

In order to find an average Velocity for an object, divide its total Displacement by the total Time taken for an object to move from one place to the other.

The Velocity of an object at a single instant in Time is the Instantaneous Velocity.


To solve the sums related to Speed and Velocity, a student must remember the formulas. The students must wr
ite the formulas and then practice the calculations in order to solve the sums with ease. 

Avg Velocity = [frac{textrm{Displacement}}{textrm{Time Travel}}].


Avg Speed = [frac{textrm{Distance}}{textrm{Time}}]. 

Lack of practice can cause a student to forget the fundamental concepts of this chapter. Instantaneous Speed and Velocity has sums on average Speed and Velocity so in order to avoid confusion between the two, a student must solve the calculations.

Students are expected to be well versed with the questions present in the textbook in the back of the chapter. It has questions that give out a general idea in regards to the questions that are beneficial for the board Exams or any Exams at all. Solving the calculations regularly will build the foundation for understanding and learning Instantaneous Speed and Velocity.  

The solved Examples in the textbooks will definitely help a student in getting ready for tougher questions. It is essential in clearing the basic concepts and reading through the Instantaneous Speed and Velocity. Solved Examples are a great way to grasp the topic and know how the sums are solved. So it will save a lot of Time if students practice them immediately after learning the chapter. 

Instantaneous Speed and Velocity can be hard to understand so it is okay to get stuck here and there in the chapter. Reaching out to the Teachers, friends or using online platforms can help in clearing the doubts and understanding Instantaneous Speed and Velocity quickly and easily. Physics is always essential to be understood instead of simply memorized. Students perform more effectively if they are confident and with less doubts.   

It is highly recommended for the students to solve the sample papers as well as practice papers regularly for honing their skills in calculating the questions faster. Sample question papers give an overall idea regarding the possible questions which will make the student get used to Instantaneous Speed and Velocity and help during the Exams. Practice papers are awesome if the students are willing to practice and sharpen their knowledge and put it to a better test. 


Online platforms to get classes are a good way for getting better knowledge regarding Instantaneous Speed and Velocity. This chapter is very essential for physics and it should be taken seriously and understood thoroughly. Students must be willing to learn and expand their knowledge regarding Instantaneous Speed and Velocity. 

Taking notes in class and after understanding the chapter is a habit that can help students immensely and it can be useful for the students to understand not only the theory of the chapter but also the practical aspect of it. Fundamental concepts require thorough understanding and writing something down always aids in registering the knowledge. It can also be beneficial while reading before the Exams. 

Students should study the chapter everyday in order to stay in touch with the chapter, Instantaneous Speed and Velocity. The concepts are vast but very basic that will help the students during the Exams. Reading is a habit that not only helps in deciphering the topics but also honing a skill of quick reads saves Time during Exams. It will acquaint the students with the chapter and they can know where they lack and which parts are their strengths in a particular chapter of the subject. 

The sample papers, practice papers for Instantaneous Speed and Velocity online classes and doubt clearing sessions for the same are available on ’s official website and mobile application. The solutions can be downloaded from the website as well. It will surely help the students during the Examination season. The students should also consider solving questions from popular books like HC Verma and the solutions to the questions present in the textbook is found on regarding the chapter on Instantaneous Speed and Velocity that can be downloaded in PDF formats with ease.