[Physics Class Notes] on Transverse Waves Pdf for Exam

Waves are everywhere, and we can describe them as disturbances that flow from one place to another through a medium. While all waves have the same fundamental characteristics and behaviors, some waves can be differentiated from others by visible characteristics. One way to categorize is by the direction of movement of the individual particles of the medium to the direction of the wave propagation. On this basis, waves are divided into two categories: transverse waves and longitudinal waves. A transverse wave is the wave in which every particle moves perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. Besides, A longitudinal wave is the wave in which every particle moves in the direction of propagation of the wave 

In this article, we will discuss Transverse waves, the speed of transverse waves, their features, etc. So, let us dive in.

What is a Wave?

While making a journey through the boat to a place like Elephanta caves, we observe that ripples of a sea make vibrations move the boat forward. These waves move up and down.



This means there is a flow of energy between the particles of a ripple, while it ascends and descends.


The energy flow is in the form of vibrations. So this ascending and descending nature of ripples is like that of waves. We conclude that ripples are waves, and these waves are transverse as they move in the boat’s direction.


Here, the mass of water remained at rest, while the energy in the form of up and down vibrations led the boat to move forward.


Let us take another experiment: throw a cork into a river that has already been disturbed. You will observe that the cork, being porous and hence is lighter in mass than water, will continue to float up and down. Even if the waves appear to be moving outward, the cork remains still. It proves that the waves are not moving. These are the pebble-induced disturbances.


We conclude that the transverse waves are the waves in which there is a flow of energy, while the mass remains at its position.


Let’s study transverse waves.


What are Transverse Waves?

Transverse waves are the waves in which the vibrations move in a direction perpendicular to that of the direction of propagation of the wave.


A pluck of a string or the ripples of water are examples of transverse waves.


If we Observe the Waves of Water:



Each particle in this wave is executing a simple harmonic motion.


This means particles aren’t moving, they’re just oscillating about their mean position, while the wave moves linearly.


These waves are the up and down vibrations of the ripples of water. We can observe that these waves have symmetry about a centerline. 


By symmetrical, I mean, this wave is regular. If we cut a section of a particular crest, then observe that this section repeats end-to-end to make up the whole wave.


The maximum distance a vibration makes away from the wave centerline (crest or trough)  is the amplitude of the wave.



This is what a transverse wave looks like.


We can consider an example of a light wave to understand what amplitude is.


Let’s take two bulbs of different wattage:



The bulb with 100-W power is brighter. So, we can consider this brightness as an amplitude.


Therefore, Power α (Amplitude)2.


Examples of Transverse Waves

The examples of transverse waves are:


Characteristics of Transverse Waves

The characteristics of transverse waves are:

  • Transverse waves can only pass through solids and cannot pass through liquids or gasses.

  • Polarization is a phenomenon that can only be observed in transverse waves. The plane of vibration, also known as polarization, is where all the particles in a medium vibrate at the same place.

  • When transverse waves propagate in a medium, pressure and density remain constant.

  • In transverse waves, the formation of typical crests and troughs is a natural process.

  • The rigidity of the medium affects the propagation of transverse waves.

Sound Waves are Transverse Waves

If we pluck a string from one end just like this:



The wave is moving ahead with particles moving back and forth, and the direction of motion of particles in a direction perpendicular to the propagation of a wave.


Just like a standing wave in a musical sound. When we play the guitar, its string make ripples when we stretch them as shown in the figure below:



We may say that sound waves are transverse. But how can we prove this?


As we took an example of a string. Here, when the wave of particles reaches the end, they invert while coming back. This means when a crest reaches the end while coming back, it turns to a trough as shown in the image below:



We can consider this phenomenon as the reflection of transverse waves.


Speed of a Transverse Wave

Have a look at the wave of a string:



These waves move from left to right at a constant speed. This speed is the speed of a wave.


Here are a few terminologies that you need to know: 

  1. Amplitude : Amplitude can be defined as the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position.

  2. Wavelength: The distance between one peak and the next peak, or one trough and the next trough, is known as the wavelength.

  3. Period: The time it takes for two successive peaks to pass through a fixed point is known as the period.

  4. Frequency: The number of wavelengths that travel through a certain point in a second is known as frequency.


This Speed depends on Two Factors

  1. The wave, and

  2. What it is traveling through.


To understand this let’s take transverse waves examples in real life:

  1. Waves travel faster in deep water than shallow water.



  1. Let’s take two ropes of different widths as shown below:



A thin and a thick rope


Let us generate a pulse (or a wave) in these two ropes:




Wave in a thin rope                           Wave in a thick rope


Now, looking at these two images, we might wonder which wave in which rope would have a greater speed?


Well, the wave would pass with a greater force in a thin rope, but how?


Let’s assume, a thin rope as a pipe with a large diameter like this:



The water flow would be fast because the large diameter water pipe would allow the high-flow easily.


Now, let’s assume the thick rope as a water pipe with a smaller diameter:



Now, if the same energy-level water passes through this thin pipe, there will be greater vibrations between the water molecules as they possess higher energy and higher momentum.


From these two examples, we conclude that waves would pass easily through the thick pipe. 


We know that the velocity of a transverse wave is:


          [ v = sqrt{frac{T}{mu}}]. 


           Where v  = wave speed


T = Tension in the string (N/m), and


[mu] = linear mass density (mass per unit length (ml) measured in Kg/m.


This velocity is directly proportional to the square root of the tension in a string and inversely proportional to its linear mass density 


The speed of a transverse wave decreases with an increase in the mass, but how?


Let’s say I have a light-weighted rope and heavy-weighted rope:



If I pluck these two ropes at one end, the rope with lesser weight would make more waves and travel faster than the heavy-weighted rope.


The speed of the wave increases with an increase in tension, but how?


Let’s take two ropes tied in different ways as shown below:




String tied tightly                                          String tied loosely


In these conditions, if I pluck a string that is tied tightly. It will make larger oscillations than the one which is slackened.

[Physics Class Notes] on Types of Force for Class 8 Pdf for Exam

When we study laws of motion, we deal a lot with common forces in mechanics. So, what are the different types of common forces of mechanics? A force is the change of state of an object due to external surroundings. Due to forces, an object will either be in a state of motion or will be resting. For example, consider a football placed on the ground motionless. To move the ball in any direction, you will have to apply some forces on the ball. In this case, you are applying a force to the ball with the help of your legs. Eventually, the ball will move in the intended direction. The common forces in mechanics can be classified into two main groups, that is contact forces and non-contact forces. In this article, we will look at different types of force class 8, and the electrostatic force definition for class 8.

Contact Forces

As the name suggests, we experience contact forces only when the two objects come in contact. Some of the common examples of contact forces are tensional forces, air resistance forces, and frictional forces. In contact forces, the energy is transferred from one object to another. Sometimes you can also notice contact forces when an object is immersed in liquid. We will now look at different types of contact forces.

Spring Force

We all have seen and used spring in our lives. You must have noticed that it shrinks down when you apply force on one side of the spring. As soon as you release the force, the spring jumps back to its original state. Spring force is defined as the force that acts opposite to the displacement of the object.

Applied Force

The applied force is one of the most common types of force class 8. You can witness this force every day. The applied force is the force that we apply on objects using our hands or legs, or by any other object. When you push your chair, you are applying some force to move it in a specific direction.

Air Resistance Force

Air resistance force is the resistance that is naturally present in the air. When you throw an object up in the air, you will notice the object starting to de-accelerate, and this is due to air resistance and gravitational force.

Normal Force

The normal force is the force that is acting on a body that is at a state of rest. When an object rests on another object, it will experience a normal force, that is perpendicular to the surface. This happens to support the weight of the object when placed on a surface. 

Tension Force

When we talk about tension force, we refer to the pull force that a rope or string experiences when it is pulled by an object. 

Frictional Force

The frictional force is the force that acts on a moving object. A moving object will be in continuous contact with the surface. The surface exerts a force in the opposite direction of the moving object, which is called frictional force. Everyone experiences a frictional force when walking.

Non-Contact Forces

These forces happen when two objects are placed at some distance. The two objects never come in close contact with each other. The most common non-contact force is gravity. The object never comes in contact with it, yet it is always present and acting upon the object. Some of the essential con-contact forces are explained below.

Electromagnetic Force

The electromagnetic force comprises the magnetic and electric forces between atoms and molecules. The most common example of the electromagnetic force is a magnet. In a magnet, like poles repel and unlike poles attract towards each other.

Gravitational Force

When two objects have mass or matter, there exists gravitational force between them. Gravitational force can be considered an attractive force because it keeps pulling the object to it, for example, the gravity of the earth.

Nuclear Force

There is a strong bond between two or more nuclei or protons; this bond is called nuclear force. The nuclear force is also considered as an attractive force.

Electrostatic Force

Electrostatic force definition for class 8 can be stated as the force between two electrically charged particles. They can either be a repulsive or attractive force. Like charges will repel each other and unlike charges will attract each other.

Force is defined as the push or pull acting on an object. It means that when we push or pull a body, we apply force. Students of class 8 will study different types of forces that exist in nature. Different types of forces exist and students must know the different types of forces and their differences. In this part, we will discuss the different types of forces. The two main categories of force include contact and non-contact forces. 

The most important differences between contact and non-contact forces are given here:

Difference Between Contact and Non-Contact Forces

Contact forces

Non-Contact Forces

Contact forces are the forces that occur between two objects when they come in contact with each other.

Non-contact forces are the forces that occur between two objects even if they are not in contact with each other.

The forces can occur only when two objects come in contact

The forces exist even if the objects are not in contact

Examples of contact forces are: Frictional force, resistance force, etc

Examples of non-contact forces are: Gravitation force, electrostatic force, etc.

Effects of a Force

When a force is applied on an object, it can produce different effects. The difference effects of a force produced on an object are given here:

  • When a force is applied on an object and an object is in motion, the force can stop the object from moving.

  • When a force is applied on an object and an object is at rest, the force can make the object move.

  • When a force is applied on an object it can slow down its motion

  • When a force is applied, the force can also increase the speed of an object

  • The applied force on an object can also change the direction of motion of an object

  • The force can also change the shape and size of an object

[Physics Class Notes] on Ultrasonics Pdf for Exam

The term ultrasonics is said to be the vibrations of frequencies which is greater than the upper limit of the audible range for humans that is greater than about 20 kilohertz. The term sonic is said to be applied to waves that are ultrasound of very high amplitudes. The hypersound which is sometimes known as praeter sound or the microsound is the waves of sound of frequencies that is greater than 1013 hertz. 

At such a high level of frequencies, i.e a frequency of about 1.25 × 1013 hertz, it is very difficult for a wave of sound to propagate efficiently. It is impossible for the longitudinal waves to propagate at all even in a liquid or a solid. That is because the molecules of the material in which the waves are traveling that cannot pass the vibration along rapidly enough.

Ultrasonic Machine

Ultrasound is the wave of sound with frequencies that is higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing. The ultrasound is not different from “normal” that is the audible sound in its physical properties. Except that humans cannot hear it. This limit is said to vary from person to person and is approximately 20 kilohertz that is written as 20,000 hertz in healthy young adults. The devices that are the ultrasound devices operate with frequencies from 20 kHz up to several gigahertz.

Ones is used in many different fields. The term that is ultrasonic devices that are used to detect objects and measure distances. By imagining the ultrasound or sonography is often used in medicine. In the nondestructive testing which is of structures and products. The ultrasound is said to be used in detecting invisible flaws. 

Industrially the term that is ultrasound is used for cleaning, and mixing, and accelerating processes that are chemical. Animals such as bats generally use ultrasound voice for locating prey and obstacles as well.

The term that is acoustics which is the science of sound starts as far back as Pythagoras in the 6th century BC who wrote on the properties which are the mathematical properties of stringed instruments. In 1794 echolocation which are in bats was discovered by Lazzaro Spallanzani when he demonstrated that bats hunted and navigated by inaudible sound. In 1893 Francis Galton invented the Galton whistle that is an adjustable whistle that produced ultrasound which he used to measure the hearing range of humans and other animals as well. This was demonstrating that many animals could hear sounds above the hearing range of humans. In 1917 the first application of the technology of ultrasound was an attempt to detect submarines by Paul Langevin. The effect, which is known as piezoelectric, was generally discovered by Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880 which was useful in transducers to generate and detect ultrasonic waves in air and water.

Ultrasonic Frequency

The term that is sounds with a frequency of 20 kHz and higher are said to be referred to as ultrasound or we can say ultrasonic sound. We can say that the high frequency sound is sound of which the frequency lies between 8 and 20 kHz. The sound which is the high frequency sound with a frequency over 16 kHz can hardly be heard but it is not completely inaudible. The sound which is the high frequency sound and even ultrasound in the lower frequency zone that is up to 24 kHz can be audible if the sound level is high enough. The sound that threshold is the level of the sound where sound can be perceived that usually rises sharply once the frequency and therefore the tone) becomes higher. A person who is younger  hears high frequency sound better and their hearing range is greater toward the high frequencies.

The term that is ultrasound and sound of the frequencies that are of high range are widely applied in the industry and health care and also in movement detectors, the range finders and remote controls as well. We can notice that typical for these applications is that their sound levels are low and that the sound frequency usually lies below 100 kHz. The applications that are the medical and industrial generally make use of a wider range of ultrasound frequencies which is up to MHz and usually use much higher sound levels.

Ultrasonic Vibration

The wavelength or the vibrations that are beyond the audible limit of the ear of the humans are called ultrasonic or supersonic vibrations.

These vibrations have very possibilities that are interesting in the field of investigative dermatology. The purpose that is of my brief preliminary report is to call this subject to the attention of dermatologists which is as there are few reports that are on it in our literature.

The frequencies which are most commonly used in various biological, and medical, and commercial, and military applications have ranged from 100 to 1500 kilocycles.

The waves that are the ultrasonic waves generally differ from electromagnetic ones in that they do not traverse a vacuum. 

The term Ultrasonics is a name which is given to various specific topics in which the properties of ultrasound are exploited. The ultrasound is simply sound whose frequency is too high to be heard by the ear of human beings, that is to say the frequency is above c 20 kHz. 

[Physics Class Notes] on Unit of Electric Field Pdf for Exam


Coulomb’s law deals with the force that acts between two distinct electric charges. According to the fundamental concept of the electric field,

Coulomb’s law is applied to static charges. An electric field is produced due to the motion of charged particles, and also when charges move relative to each other. Based on the experiments, it has been found that the electric field propagates through space at a finite speed (speed of light). The electric field concept is an essential aspect of the propagation of an electromagnetic wave through space, in a manner analogous to the propagation of light. By understanding the concept of the electric field, we can get to know how starlight travels vast distances through empty space.

Coulomb’s law is based on the idea of force acting at a distance. This force is caused by an electric field and acts upon a charge placed in this electric field. The electric field is the real concept and is denoted by the electric field lines. The electric field lines are useful in describing the motion of a charge in the electric field.

Definition of the electric field

The electric field [vec{E}] is a vector quantity. It exists in almost every point of space. The electric field describes the force which acts on a particle that is placed in the field. 

For an arbitrary charged particle having charge q, the electric field is given by

[vec{E} = frac{vec{F}}{q}]

The dimension of the electric field is Newton’s/coulomb or N/C.

Based on the electric field, the electric force is described as:

[vec{F} = q vec{E} ]

For a positive charge q, the direction of the electric field is in the same direction of the force vector.

We can calculate the value of the electric field by using Coulomb’s law. By substituting a test charge q in the numerator of Columbus law, and a charge qi, we can get the electric field as follows.

Coulomb’s Law:

[vec{F} = frac{1}{4pi epsilon _{0}}frac{qq_{i}}{r^{2}}widehat{r}_{i}].

Electric Field:

[vec{E} = frac{vec{F}}{q} frac{1}{4pi epsilon _{0}} frac{q_{i}}{r^{2}} hat{r_{i}}]

Where [widehat{r}_{i}] is the unit vector, which indicates the direction of the electric field between from the source charge to the target test charge i.e., from q to qi.

Unit of Electric Field

The SI unit of an electric field is volt/meter.

Explanation: Electric field intensity is the force that acts on a unit positive charge placed in that field. The electric potential is the amount of work that is required to bring a positive unit charge from infinity to the point of influence of the electric field. 

From this explanation, we can say that, when a charged particle moves in a region of the electric field, an electric potential is developed. Thus, the electric potential is the work done in moving a particle. We can calculate the electric potential by multiplying the electric field with a displacement vector. Electric potential is given by:

E ∗ r = v

Insights on electric field

The electric field is a modified electric force experienced by a unit positive test charge.

You can visualize the concept of the electric field in this way. Imagine a unit positive test charge placed at a point. Now bring a charge of higher magnitude near that test charge. The test charge will experience either a push or pull due to the influence of the electric field of the other charge.

The force that the test charge experiences at any point of the electric field, when divided by the magnitude of the test charge, is the electric field at that point. The direction in which the test charge experiences force is the direction of the electric field at that point. An electric field exists even if the test charge is removed from that point.

[Physics Class Notes] on Unit of Surface Tension Pdf for Exam

Surface tension is an interesting topic to study. It is defined as the attractive force that is found mostly in liquids which usually pulls molecules in the surface together. This results in the minimization of the area of the surface. In technical terms, the surface tension is the energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid by a unit of area. The surface tension is present due to the imbalance of attractive intermolecular forces or we say the cohesive forces that are between molecules. This phenomenon mostly occurs with water generally but it can happen with other liquids as well. Let us look at some surface tension units.

The Unit of Surface Tension

We find many of the examples of surface tension in nature and we have listed a few of them below in the article:

  • There are small insects such as water striders walking on water because their weight is not that enough to penetrate the surface tension.

  • A needle that is small when carefully placed over the surface of water can be made to float on water though the needle is several times denser than water. If the surface is agitated to break the tension ultimately, then the needle disturbs the surface tension and will sink quickly.

  • The detergent and the soaps lower the surface tension of water so that it can more readily soak into solid and pores areas.

  • The droplets of water that acquire their round shape due to surface tension. They are pulled spherical shape by the force that is cohesive of the surface layer

Surface tension is the tendency of surfaces of liquid to shrink generally into the minimum surface area possible. The phenomenon that is surface tension allows insects that are water striders to float and slide on a surface of water without becoming even partly submerged.

There are primarily two mechanisms that are in play. One is a force that is inward on the surface molecules which is causing the liquid to contract. There is a second method that is the tangential force parallel to the surface of the liquid. The net effect is the liquid that generally behaves as if its surface were covered with a stretched elastic membrane.

Unit of Surface Tension of Liquid

The force that is the cohesive one between liquid molecules is responsible for the phenomenon that is called as surface tension. The molecules which are at the surface of a glass of water do not have other water molecules on all sides of them. It is not really said to be true that a “skin” generally forms on the water surface. The force which is the cohesive one between the molecules in a liquid are shared with all neighboring molecules. Those which are on the surface have no neighboring molecules above and thus they exhibit a force which is the stronger attractive forces upon their nearest neighbors on and below the surface. Surface tension could be generally defined as the property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force which is due to the cohesive nature of the water molecules.

The molecules of water want to cling to each other. However at  the surface there are fewer molecules of water to cling to since there is air above thus we say that there are no water molecules. This usually results in a bond that is stronger between those molecules that actually do come in contact with one another and a layer of strongly bonded water as well. This layer of the surface that is held together by surface tension) creates a barrier that is considerable between the atmosphere and the other water. In fact we can say that  other than mercury only water has the greatest surface tension of any liquid. 

Within a human body that is made up of a liquid there is a molecule that will not experience a net force because the forces by the neighboring molecules all of then get cancelled out . However for a molecule which is on the liquid’s surface, there will be a net inward force since there will be no attractive force acting from above. This inward force or the net force causes the molecules that are on the surface to contract and to resist being stretched or broken. Thus we can say that the surface is under tension which is probably where the name that is “surface tension” came from. 

Now due to the phenomenon of surface tension there are small objects that will “float” on the surface of a fluid, as long as the object cannot break through and the objects cannot separate the top layer of water molecules. When an object is on the surface of any of the fluids there is the surface under tension will behave like an elastic membrane.

[Physics Class Notes] on Uses of Battery Pdf for Exam

A battery is a collection of chemical cells having a cathode and an anode, which creates the flow of electrons in a circuit. 

Batteries work as a mediator between electronic appliances and electric current supply. They are available in numerous shapes and sizes according to their type and use. 

Batteries are a compact source of energy. Energy storage is a major problem throughout the world. Batteries solve this problem by reducing the storage capacity very little and eliminating the need to carry fuel. Batteries are one of the most convenient ways to store power. 

All batteries that are invented to date are composed of three basic components: an anode (negative terminal), a cathode (positive terminal), and an electrolyte (which is usually a chemical substance that causes a reaction between anode and cathode). 

When the negative terminal and the positive terminal of a battery are connected in a circuit, a chemical reaction occurs between the electrolytes and the negative terminal. This reaction generates electrons that flow through the circuit and get deposited in the positive terminal i.e., the cathode. When the cathode or anode material is consumed, the reaction stops occurring, and the battery stops generating electricity. Here the battery is called ‘dead’. 

Types of Batteries

The type of batteries can be classified into two categories mainly:

  1. Primary Battery

The type of battery that cannot be recharged again and which has the capacity to produce electricity immediately needed is known as Primary Battery. It is non-rechargeable and disposable by nature. Such batteries drain out and stop producing the current as soon as the energy of their supply gets exhausted. Zinc Carbon and Alkaline Batteries are the major types of Primary Batteries. On a major basis, Primary Batteries are of utmost useful for small appliances such as Flash Lights or radio as the size of the Primary Cell is comparatively small and standard in size. Interestingly, the energy that is consumed during the manufacturing of Primary Batteries is almost 50 times higher than its actual energy supply and that is why Primary Batteries are a significant cause of pollution resulting in unfriendly technology towards the environment. 

  1. Secondary Battery:

The type of battery that can be recharged and reused again, is known as a Secondary Battery. Unlike Primary Batteries, Secondary Batteries are produced in different shapes and sizes and are comparatively costlier than Primary Batteries. But on the other hand, Secondary Batteries do not commit any harm to the environment as they are reusable and can be recycled too. The period of usage of Secondary Battery is much longer and efficient.  It can be recharged as many times as a person wants. The major use of Secondary Batteries is reported by the Automobile Industry, a variety of portable devices used by consumers and by different types of vehicles. For vehicles that operate on batteries, there are numerous power stations at regular intervals to recharge the battery of the vehicle in order to operate it.

Usual Lifetime of a Battery

The average lifetime of a battery depends on its type and size. Non-rechargeable batteries have comparatively a low lifespan as their cells exhaust quite early whereas rechargeable batteries have a long lifespan as they can be recharged again and again until their cells are operational in nature. A lot of factors affect the battery life stated as below:

  • Self Discharge: Lack of supply of current leads to Self-discharge of batteries especially with disposable batteries. 

  • Corrosion: Corrosion in the internal parts of the batteries is one of the major reasons for its short lifespan. Because of internal corrosion, the active parts of the batteries also become inactive. 

  • Physical Components Changes: The life of electrical appliances depends a lot on their physical state. 

  • Charge/Discharge Speed: With changing technology, there is equipment that helps in the fast charging of any device. Such equipment may increase the speed of charging but in return decreases the lifespan of a device. Thus, leading towards dead batteries. 

  • Overcharging: Just like fast charging, overcharging of batteries, again and again, leads to its damage. They can be of no longer use if overcharged repeatedly.

  • Memory Effect: Overuse of memory of a device also leads towards a shorter lifespan of batteries. Over storage of data fills the whole memory of the device and damages the internal memory of the device because of which the battery is also affected. 

  • Environmental Effect: The temperature range of weather affects the battery life a lot. In case of extreme weather conditions, the battery level may fluctuate leading it to recharge again and again which results in battery failure. 

  • Storage: An average life of a battery can be extended by keeping it at low temperatures. Though it depends on its different types and sizes too. 

What are the Uses of Battery? 

Here are some major uses of batteries in our day-to-day life. 

  1. Around the House 

Batteries are used in various things that we use in our house. Batteries are used to power things like remote controls, torches, wall clocks, flashlights, hearing aids, weight scales, etc. 

Rechargeable batteries are also used in various devices like digital cameras, mobile phones, batteries of vehicles, video game devices, remote control cars, home maintenance tools, and many more. 

  1. Medical Environments 

Hospitals, health centers, and other emergency services depend upon batteries to a great extent. Batteries are necessary to make devices like electrocardiograms, electrocardiographs, infusion pumps, glucose meters, and other testing kits function properly. 

Nickel-cadmium batteries and lithium-ion batteries are highly used in the medical industry because they can be recharged. 

  1. Firefighting and Emergency Response 

Radio is the most important tool of an emergency responder. They serve as an easy way for communication in places where danger persists. These radios are powered by high-quality large batteries, which are capable of holding a huge amount of charge. 

Other devices like ECG monitors, metal detectors, and flashlights are powered by batteries. These devices are very necessary to save the lives of people. 

  1. Military Use 

A utility tool and a set of batteries are the most important tool of armed personnel. 

The military environment may not witness the need for batteries at first, but they are used in many ways. Batteries are used to power radio communications, night vision devices, radar communications, optical equipment, and various other field devices, which make the work easier and safer. 

Batteries Used in Electric Vehicles 

The batteries used in electric vehicles are called the electric-vehicle battery (EVB) (or traction battery). This battery has its application in giving power to the electric motors of electric vehicles like battery electric vehicles (BEV) or hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). 

The batteries of electric vehicles are usually rechargeable (secondary) batteries, and typically lithium-ion batteries are used. These batteries are specifically designed for high output ampere-hour (or kilowatt-hour) capacity. 

Electric Vehicle Battery Types: 

Lead Acid Battery Uses 

Vehicles that need a constant source of uninterruptible energy use lead-acid batteries. Almost all vehicles in the world presently use this battery. 

For example, streetcars need lights that can function even when the engine is not running. The lights get the power from the batteries. Lead-acid batteries are also used in accessories like clocks and alarms. 

Industrial and automotive applications also use lead-acid batteries. The lead-acid batteries have gained much popularity, and are also highly used because of the following reason: 

  1. Proven as regards performance. 

  2. Recyclable. 

  3. Economical to use. 

  4. Easier to use. 

  5. Safer compared to alternatives. 

  6. They are capable of operating over a wide range of temperatures. G. These batteries don’t need any management service. 

Battery Used in Mobile Phones 

Batteries used in mobile phones are capable of holding a huge amount of energy, which makes the device keep running for hours. It is no doubt a miracle of chemical engineering. Let us try to know the working procedure of such high-performance batteries. 

Mobile phones use lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion), which consist of a pair of electrodes (a cathode and an anode) and an electrolyte. 

The electrodes are usually made up of materials like lithium, graphite, or even nano-wires, but they are based on the science of the functioning of lithium. Lithium is a highly reactive metal, and hence it tends to react with other materials. 

State the Unique Difference between a Cell and a Battery 

Battery: The function of a battery and a cell is similar, but a battery contains several cells arranged in either series or parallel to produce a voltage of desired levels. A power bank is the best example of a battery; it is used to charge mobile phones. 

Cell: A cell is a source of energy that generates only DC voltage and current of small magnitude. For example, the cells used in remote control or wristwatches can generate voltage within the 1 .5 – 3 V range.

Are Batteries Harmful in Any Way?

In the world, everything has its pros and cons, so do batteries. Batteries are undoubtedly used in every way possible. Whether it is in our daily life or professional life. Even children’s toys are battery operated.

In such cases where it is used in such a high amount, there are adverse effects of it too. It can affect human health as well as the environment. As responsible individuals, we can make or take care of it, maybe not for everyone but ourselves and the people residing with us. 

Everyone should be aware of things that can lead to negative effects from the use of the battery. Some things that should be taken care of are mentioned below.

  • Not every battery but some or most batteries are made up of metals and chemicals that can be harmful in their particular manner. Even though great care is taken while making batteries, one should be always careful. 

  • Metal like lead is considered a toxic metal. If we get exposed to lead many negative effects can take place in the human body. Where it is different for infants and pregnant women from an adult.

  • In adults, it can lead to memory loss whereas it can affect more adversely on infants and pregnant woman’s fetuses.

  • Most small batteries or button batteries are suggested to keep away from kids, as there are so many active cases going on only for the children who swallow batteries. 

  • Not only the human body but the environment also gets affected by batteries if they are not disposed of properly. Many cases are registered from the areas or landfills where the batteries are disposed of. 

  • Normal batteries can be disposed of along with the trash but avoid throwing batteries containing harmful chemicals and metals in them. 

  • Associations are forming a dedicated team of people only working towards battery disposals so that hazards created from battery disposal can be reduced as much as possible.

  • Every individual must contain in-depth knowledge about things that are hazardous to living beings and the environment, where battery disposal is no less than a topic to not consider.

  • Overall batteries are not harmful if you use them properly.


Are Batteries Replaceable in Near Future?

When we say future, we always think about innovations. Things we cannot even think of or imagine about. But in the past few decades, we have seen innovations, upgrades, and new ways of using things. Whether it is from cabled telephone to wireless cell phones, or letters to texts, or mud pots to refrigerator. 

With time everything is either updated or replaced. Like can you see anyone sending letters through a pigeon or horseman? No right. But when we talk about the replacement of batteries, it feels impossible and possible at the same time.   

It is hardly impossible to think about something, which we use in our daily life operating on a battery. Many new materials are used to produce a new type of battery.

Maybe the use of metals and chemicals which are used currently can be replaced, but replacing the battery itself seems weird and something we are not used to seeing. 

Thus there is no guarantee for the future, so hoping for the best and making the best out of it for the environment should be considered.

Though there are interesting facts that state the statistical estimation of around 30% growth in the demand for batteries in the near future by  2030. Day by day the demand for electrical vehicles is incre
asing which leads to a rise in demands for more batteries and power stations. The use of Second Batteries is reported comparatively high against Primary Batteries. On average, the lifespan of batteries in electric vehicles is 5-8 years after which they can be recycled and reused again. Such an estimation may probably result in a reduction of overall cost and in the remarkable growth of demand for batteries.