[Physics Class Notes] on Bandwidth of a Signal Pdf for Exam

What is implied by the signal bandwidth? Signal bandwidth is a scope of frequencies inside a nonstop arrangement of frequencies. It is estimated in Hertz. The reason behind a communication system is to move information from the transmitter, which is situated in one spot to a beneficiary, which is, for the most part, far away from the transmitter.

At the point when we send an email, we are sending it as bits of information to the collector. This information is moved over the air or wire at a specific frequency relying upon the model picked. Another factor at play is that the information can be in numerous structures; voice, video, photograph, word report, and so forth. Fortunately, there is an enormous spectrum of frequencies waiting for bidding. 


The smaller frequencies are utilized for significant distance communications and can travel unaffected over enormous distances. More significant frequencies have more energy and can convey more information; however, they are exceptionally inefficient and can’t be transmitted over significant distances. One such arrangement of frequencies is utilized for a different reason than others, i.e., the microwaves. For transmitting sounds or speech, the range of frequencies from 300 Hz to 3100 Hz is adequate, and henceforth the present phones work at a transmission capacity of 2800 Hz. Transmission of music requires a signal bandwidth of 20 kHz due to the different instruments with an assortment of pitches. 

The perceptible range of a human is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz while a dog can hear from 50 Hz to 46 kHz. The critical attribute of the bandwidth of a signal is that any band of a given width can convey a similar quantity of information, paying little heed to where the band is situated in the frequency spectrum. For instance, a 4kHz bandwidth of a signal can transmit a phone discussion, whether through lower frequency, similar to a wired phone or modulated to a higher frequency, i.e., mobile phone. 

What we examined until now was for analogue signals. Digital signals are in rectangular structure, either on or off, i.e., 1 or 0. The sine wave is the essential waveform, and each other sort of waveform (triangular, rectangular as in digital) can be composed as a mix of the crucial sine wave. We get digital pulses when we superimpose sine waves of various harmonics. 


The Bandwidth of Transmission Modes

There are different modes of transmission, from smoke signals and beating drums to the modern fibre optics. The quantity of data these different methods can transfer vary colossally. During the 1990s and the mid-2000s, India had a dial-up internet, which was genuinely moderate; however, now, with changes in infrastructure, we have quicker internet. Wires are the most ordinarily utilized transmission media. Wire offers a bandwidth of around 750 MHz. The transmission over the air and free space extends from a couple of hundred kHz to a couple of GHz. An optical fibre can offer a bandwidth of a signal of more than 100 GHz. The bandwidths are allotted to radios, TVs, and cellular communication-related companies by the country’s government.  

Measurement of the Bandwidth of a Signal

Bandwidth is a critical idea in a few technological fields. In signal preparing, it portrays the contrast among upper and lower frequencies in transmission signals like radio signals, and so on. The estimation of the bandwidth of a signal is done in Hertz (Hz). The bandwidth of a signal can be referred to as passband or base bandwidth, depending on the context.

A signal processing system works productively over a limited scope of frequencies. Inside this band of frequencies, the reaction of a system is flat. Outside this band, the frequency reaction bit by bit drops off. The boundary in a system’s frequency response at which the energy moving through a system decreases instead of going through is known as the cut-off frequency. 

Passband bandwidth is a distinction between the upper and lower cut off frequency, and a baseband bandwidth defines as the highest system’s frequency. The bandwidth of a signal in Hertz is a focal idea in numerous fields like hardware, radio, digital communications, the theory of information, and so on.

[Physics Class Notes] on Bell’s Theorem Pdf for Exam

What Does Bell Theorem Mean?

According to a scientist named Bell, for local hidden variables, there is no corporal concept that can propagate the quantum mechanics calculations.

The Physicist, John Stewart Bell brought up a theorem, and later on, it was named as Bell’s theorem. There are some microscopic properties present inside a particle known as hidden variables. 

In general, for microscopes (existing microscopes), it is very difficult to keep an eye on them and study their behavior. 

A Physicist known as Heisenberg stated the Uncertainty Principle. According to his principle, there is no existence of variables outside the context of observation.

Quantum mechanics had no scope in the inacceptable situation after EPR. The EPR quantum mechanics was imperfect in the logic that it botched to version for some rudiments of physical reality. Also, it has desecrated the principle of the finite propagation speed of physical effects. 

Bell’s Theorem Formula

A formula has been developed by John Stewart Bell to measure the subatomic phenomenon. 

The formula is:

P (X = Y) + P (Y = Z) + P (Z = X) ≥ 1


X, Y, and Z = Photon measurement variables


P (X = Y) is the probability of X = Y (applicable)

Bell’s Theorem Experiment 

Two observers, commonly known as Alice and Bob, have taken part in the EPR assumed experiment. The EPR performs in liberated quantities of spin on a pair of electrons, equipped at a source in an unusual state known as a spin-singlet state.

Bell has found a definite inference of EPR. Alice calculated the spin in the x-direction along with Bob’s measurement in the x-direction. It was measured with confidence whereas instantaneously before the measurement of Alice, the result of Bob resulted statistically merely. 

Through the experiment, he depicted a statement which stated that “when the spin is in the x-direction but not an element of physical reality, the properties pass from Alice to Bob rapidly.

According to Bell, the entangled particles communicate with each other faster than light. If we believe about anything that can go faster than light, we are wrong as per scientists since nothing goes faster than light.

Bell’s Theorem Proof states about the particle getting twisted out.

What is Bell’s Inequality?

We can learn and explain Bell’s inequality with the help of quantum mechanics. The behavior of electrons inside a magnetic field is quite interesting. We can study them with the help of quantum mechanics. 

The result of the electron inside the magnetic field sets them apart as half of the electron goes towards the right side, and the other half of the electrons go towards the left.

Again, the electrons which are situated at the right side are sent towards another magnetic field, which is perpendicular to the left.

Also, they get separated in a different way that few of them go down, and few of them go up. This randomness of electrons can be studied with the help of Bell’s theorem. 

What is Local Realism?

To prove and explain Bell’s theorem; a concept is used known as Local realism with Asis and Barsha (the consequence of random specimens). 

Sita and Ramesh have seen two values with the help of a detector setting. The observed values are A (a, λ) and b is B (b, λ), respectively.

So, the expression that states about local realism, 

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[Physics Class Notes] on Blind, Visually Impaired, Optical Low Vision Aids Pdf for Exam

The Human Eye

The human eye is an essential sense organ that allows us to see the beautiful world. The specialty of this optical instrument lies hereunder:

The eye is the best camera created by God. Yet, some people face difficulty in viewing the nearby or far off objects clearly, while some people don’t get the opportunity to see the world with their open eyes. 

Keeping in mind the needs of every individual, around 1285, one of the eyeglass inventors named Salvino D’Armate invented the first vision aid called the reading stone. Slowly and gradually, by modifying technology, visually impaired people also got the chance to look and feel the world around them. 

In this article, you will learn about the types of optical instruments that have tossed the scenario of the world by changing the way people see the world around them. So, let us study the optical vision aids.

Optical Low Vision Aids

Myopia: Nearsightedness

Many people face difficulty viewing nearby objects; however, they can see the far off objects with ease. This type of optical defect is known as Myopia. 

In the above figure, we can see that the shape of the eye bends the light, and the image focuses in front of the retina rather than focusing on it.

This optical defect can be rectified by using a Concave Lens. The figure below demonstrates the correction of Myopia:

Hypermetropia: Longsightedness

An optical defect in which a person can see the far off objects but find difficulties in viewing the nearby objects, such a defect is called the Hypermetropia. This is how it happens:


Hypermetropia is a common problem where a large image is formed because of the large focal length, causing the nearby objects to appear to blur. 

This defect can be corrected by using a converging lens or a convex lens. The figure below demonstrates the way to correct this problem:

From the above diagram, we can see that a convex lens is kept in front of the eye lens, which forms a virtual image of the near point of the eye, i.e., at a distance of 25 cm, the image gets focused on the retina.


Astigmatism is a type of refractive error, or we can say it is an imperfection that comes in the curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye such that eyes cannot focus the light uniformly on the retina. 

The parallel rays of light coming from infinity form multiple focal points with the accommodation at rest because of which the objects seem blurry at all distances. The figure below demonstrates the astigmatism defect:


Astigmatic cornea distorts the focus of light in front or beyond the retina. The figure below shows why objects seem blurry at all times:

For correcting this defect,  a particular lens is used called the cylindrical lenses (contact lenses). The figure below demonstrates the correction:


An aging eye defect because of which person loses the ability to view the objects clearly with the passing time. It is a physiological inability to accommodate the near vision. A person has to hold a reading material far away to avoid headaches and eye strain. The below figure demonstrates this defect: 


Since this defect is a progressive worsening issue with the age so, people dealing with this issue can use bifocal or progressive eye lenses as a temporary aid for viewing the nearby and far objects, where bifocal lenses have the two following sections:

Primary Section: It is a large section that helps to correct the distance vision.

Secondary Section: It helps us to see nearby objects.

Visual Aids for Visually Impaired

Who are blind people? Can they see the world around them? The answer to this question is sad No! But they have a superior power to feel; this ability is used as an aid to help them read things as normal people do. This aid is the Braille System.

In the year 1824, the Braille system was invented by Louis Braille. One of the essential aids for Visually Impaired people is the Braille system. Braille or breɪl is the strategic writing system for blind people. 

In this system, there are six dots, raised in different patterns to form 26 letters of English; this arrangement of dots, to give English alphabets, is the Braille alphabet. The image below shows the Braille script from A to Z:

The braille system comprises equivalents for punctuation marks and also imparts symbols to show letter groupings. Braille alphabets are read by moving the hand or hands from left to right along each line.

[Physics Class Notes] on Buoyancy Pdf for Exam

It is often observed that while swimming our body feels light or while taking out water from the well, the bucket feels lighter when it is partially or fully immersed in water. The reason behind this is that our body experiences forces from the downward direction or the opposite direction of the gravitational pull. This results in a decrease in weight. This is one of the reasons why the plastic balls float on the water instead of sinking in the water due to their weight.

The upward force exerted by a fluid opposes the weight of an object, immersed in the fluid. The pressure at the bottom of an object submerged in the fluid is always greater than at the top. The difference in the pressure of the fluid results in the net upward force on the object. This upward force is termed Buoyancy. It is necessary to understand density and relativity to completely understand the concept of Buoyancy.

The mass per unit volume of material is termed Density. The density is used to measure how tightly packed the matter is.

Density ρ = Mass/Volume=M/V

KG is the S.I unit or density, whereas, g is the C.G.S unit of density.

Relative Density: The ratio of the density of a substance to the ratio of the density of the water is termed the relative density or the specific gravity of a substance.

The relative density is measured as follows:

Relative Density = Density of a substance / Density of water

The relative density is the ratio of a substance having similar quantities; therefore, there is no unit for relative density.

Buoyancy is one of the main reasons why an object floats in water or fluid. The force exerted on fluid when an object is partly or fully immersed in the liquid can be termed Buoyancy. The differences in pressure on the opposite side of an object are the buoyant forces. 

Newton (N) is the unit used to describe the buoyant force.


For example: When a body is in water some amount of water is displaced in the water due to its weight. This amount of water is determined based on the density of an object which is related to the volume as well.

The center of Buoyancy is the point where the force is applied to the object.

Buoyant Force/ Upthrust:

The upward force exerted by an object when an object is partly or fully immersed in a fluid is called the Buoyant Force. The buoyant force makes a body appear lighter when immersed in fluid partially or wholly.

An object tends to sink if the density of the object is greater than the density of the fluid it is submerged in. But if the density of the object is lower than the density of the liquid it is submerged in then the object will float. In other words, if the relative density of a substance is less than 1, the substance will float in water whereas, if the relative density of a substance is more than 1 then the substance will sink in the water.

The Buoyant Force Formula is as Follows:

Fbuoyant​ = ρVf​g

In this formula, pVg is the density of the displaced fluid multiplied by the volume of the displaced fluid. The density p -= m/V, therefore, m = pV. From this, we know that pVf is the mass of the displaced fluid.

We can also replace pVf with m.

Thus, Fbuoyant​ = mf​g

The buoyant force depends on two important factors:

  1. The density of fluid it is placed in.

  2. The volume of the body.

There are various applications of the buoyant force. Some of the applications are given below:


The large ballast tank in the submarine is of great use to control its position and depth. The ballast tank allows the water to get into the submarine as it submerges in water and to make it weigh greater than the buoyant force.

Hot Air Balloon

The buoyant force is used to raise and float the hot air balloon. The air in the atmosphere exerts a buoyant force on the object. The hot air balloon descends when the weight of the balloon is greater than the buoyant force. It becomes stable when the buoyant force and the weight of the hot air balloon are the same.


The overall density of a ship is less than that of the sea, because of the hollow-like structure of the ship. The volume of the water displaced by the ship gives equal weight to the ship. The buoyant force is large to give support to the ship and make it float.


Most of the fishes use the Archimedes Principle to swim in the water. The fish go up and down in the water and fill its air sac or the swim bladder with gases. The gases diffuse from their body and make their body lighter in weight. This helps the fish to go up in the water.

Following are the Factors that Affect Buoyancy:

  1. The volume of the fluid, the substance is placed in.

  2. The density of the fluid.

  3. Acceleration due to the gravitational force.

The mass of an immersed object and the density of an immersed object do not affect the buoyancy and the buoyant force. The overall depth of the object submerged does not affect the buoyant force. The deeper depth will not have any kind of effect on the buoyant force. The pressure at the top and bottom of the object will increase and decrease at the same rate when an object descends or ascends in the fluid. Therefore, the buoyant force remains unchanged even when the object goes deeper into the fluid. It is important to know the weight of the displaced fluid to find out the buoyant force of an object.

The buoyant force of an object = the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

It is very essential to understand the buoyancy and the buoyant force to calculate and determine whether an object will sink or float when submerged in a fluid.

Example: A cubical shape large iceberg whose specific gravity is 0.9 is floating in the seawater. If the iceberg proportion above the sea level is 20 cm and the specific gravity of the seawater is 1.025, determine the volume of the iceberg.


Let the side of the cubical iceberg be h.

The total volume of the iceberg =

The volume of the submerged portion is = (h -20) x

Now, For flotation, the weight of the iceberg = weight of the displaced water

The side of the iceberg is 164 cm.

Thus, the volume of the iceberg is 4.41

Answer: 4.41

[Physics Class Notes] on Celestial Bodies Pdf for Exam

Celestial bodies are intriguing. They are some of the most interesting things that you will ever get to study. The Earth is the birthplace of the human race. We are a species capable of great things. But one of the most important questions that any person can ask is that are we the only ones here? Are we the only people who are capable of all of these things, or is it more complicated than that? The answer to this question of finding life on another planet has been something that scientists have been spending their entire lives to find for years now. 

Celestial Bodies 

So what exactly are celestial bodies? Why should we even study them in the first place? Why is there a need for us to find out if we are the only ones here or not? All of these questions will be answered in this article. We will be taking a deeper look into the space that surrounds our planet Earth and we will try to understand everything in detail about the celestial bodies surrounding it. 

Have you ever tried watching the night sky with a telescope? If yes, then you may know some of these celestial bodies that we are going to be discussing in the article. However, if you have not seen the night sky through a telescope, then try to list down the things that you would see on a normal evening from your house. Try this activity and find out how many celestial bodies you can name!

A celestial object is a naturally happening phenomenon that occurs in the observable universe. In astronomy, the words object and body are often used interchangeably. On the other hand, a celestial body is a solo, strongly bound, adjoining entity, while the celestial object is a complex, less cohesively bound structure, which may consist of multiple bodies or even other objects with substructures. Celestial bodies or heavenly groups are objects in space such as the Sun, planets, Moon, and stars. 

They form a part of the massive universe we live in and are typically very far from us. The magnificent night sky is dotted with such objects and when we see them using a telescope, they expose fascinating worlds of their own. Because they are so far away, we cannot see all of them with the naked eye and we depend upon telescopes to study them. The word celestial body is as wide as the entire universe, for both known and unknown. By definition, a celestial body is any natural object outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. Simple examples are the Moon, Sun, and the other planets of our solar system. But those are very partial examples. The Kuiper belt holds many celestial bodies. Any asteroid in space is a celestial body.


Classification of Celestial Bodies.

  1. Stars

  2. Planets

  3. Satellites

  4. Comets

  5. Asteroids

  6. Meteor and Meteorites

  7. Galaxies



A star is a form of a celestial object made up of a shining spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to the Earth is the Sun. Several other stars are visible to the naked eye from the Earth during the night time, looking at a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their enormous distance from the Earth. Historically, the most noticeable stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms, the brightest of which gained proper tags. Astronomers have drawn together star catalogues that identify the known stars and deliver standardised stellar designations. However, it is estimated that there are over 300 sextillions (3×1023) stars in the Universe, including all-stars outside our galaxy (the Milky Way), which are invisible to the naked eye from the Earth.

A star’s life starts with the gravitational collapse of a gaseous nebula of material composed mostly of hydrogen, along with helium and small amounts of heavier elements. When the lunar core is sufficiently thick, hydrogen becomes gradually converted into helium through nuclear fusion, liberating energy in the process. The rest of the interior of the star transfers energy away from the core through a mixture of the radiative and convective heat transfer process. The interior pressure prevents it from collapsing further under its own gravity. A star with a mass bigger than 0.4 times the Sun’s mass will expand to become a red hulk when the hydrogen fuel in its core is exhausted.    



A planet is a body that revolves around a star that is enormous enough to be spherical by its own magnitude, is not big enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals.

The word planet is an ancient word that ties to history, astrology, science, mythology, and religion. Five planets in the Solar System are seen with our naked eye. These were observed by many early cultures as celestial, or as emissaries of idols. As logical knowledge advanced, human awareness of the planets changed, incorporating several dissimilar objects. In our solar system, we have eight planets; they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Planets are mostly divided into two main types: big low-density giant planets, and smaller stony terrestrials. There are eight planets in the Solar System. In order of rising distance from the Sun, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, then the four giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Six of the planets are circled by one or more natural satellites.

Numerous thousands of planets around other stars (“extrasolar planets” or “exoplanets”) have been shown in the Milky Way. As of 5 Feb 2019, 3,956 known extrasolar planets in 2,973 planetary systems (plus 654 multiple planetary systems), going in size from just above the size of the Moon to gas goliaths about twice as large as Jupiter, have been discovered, out of which more than 100 planets are of the same size as the Earth, nine of which are at the same comparative distance from their star as the Earth from the Sun, i.e. in the circumstellar habitable area.




It is a natural celestial object with a recognized orbit around a planet of the Solar System, some as small as a kilometer across. In the Solar System, there are six terrestrial satellite systems covering 185 known natural satellites. Four IAU-Mentioned dwarf planets are also known to have natural satellites: Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. As of September 2018, there are 334 other small planets known to have moons.

The Earth-Moon structure is unique in that the ratio of the mass of the Moon to the frame of the Earth is much greater than that of any other natural-satellite–planet proportion in the Solar System (although there are minor-planet systems with even greater ratios, notably the Pluto–Charon system).    



A comet is an icy object which is present in a Solar System object that, when travelling close to the Sun, warms and starts to emit gases, a practice known as outgassing. This creates a visible atmosphere or coma, and sometimes also a tail. These occurrences are due to the effects of solar radiation and the solar wind acting upon the core of the comet. Comet cores range from a few hundred metres to tens of kilometres across and are made up of loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky part
icles. The coma can be up to 15 times the Earth’s diameter, while the tail may give one astronomical unit. If satisfactorily bright, a comet may be seen from the Earth without the help of a telescope and may subtend an arc of 30° (60 Moons) through the sky. Comets have been seen and recorded since ancient times by many cultures.

Comets are distinguished from asteroid-ds by the existence of an extended, gravitationally unbound atmosphere nearby their central core. This atmosphere has parts named as the coma which is surrounded by its nuclei (the central part immediately surrounding the core) and the tail (a usually linear section consisting of dust or gas is blown emitting out from the coma by the Sun’s RAYS pressure or out streaming solar air plasma). However, dead comets that have passed close to the Sun several times and have lost nearly all of their volatile ices and dust may come to resemble minor asteroids. Asteroids are assumed to have a different origin than comets, having formed around Jupiter orbit rather than in the outer Solar System. The discovery of main-belt comets and lively centaur minor planets has a fuzzy distinction between asteroids and comets. In the first period of the 21st century, there was the discovery of some minor bodies with long-period comet orbits, but features of inner solar system asteroids were called Manx comets.



Asteroids are small planets, especially of the inside Solar System. Big asteroids are also called planetoids. These expressions have historically been applied to any astronomical body orbiting the Sun that did not look like a planet-like disc and was not seen to have characteristics of a lively comet such as a tail. As small planets in the outer Solar System were discovered, they were naturally found to have volatile-rich tops like comets. As a result, they were frequently famed from objects found in the main asteroid belt.. The word “asteroid” refers to the small planets of the inner Solar System.

There are zillions of asteroids, many assumed to be the crushed leftovers of planetesimals, bodies within the young Sun’s solar nebula that never grew big enough to become planets. The massive majority of known asteroids orbit within the key asteroid belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter or are co-orbital with Jupiter (the Jupiter Trojans). However, several other orbital families exist with significant populations, including the near-Earth objects. Single asteroids are categorised by their typical spectra, with the majority falling into three key groups: C-type, M-type, and S-type. These were termed after and are usually identified with carbon-rich, metallic, and silicate (stony) configurations, respectively. The sizes of asteroids vary greatly; the largest, Ceres, is almost 1,000 km (625 mi) across.

Asteroids are separated from comets and meteoroids. In the case of comets, the difference is one of composition: while asteroids are mainly made of minerals and rock, comets are mainly composed of dust and ice. Furthermore, asteroids are formed closer to the Sun, preventing the progress of cometary ice. The difference between asteroids and meteoroids is mainly in size: meteoroids have a radius of one metre or less, whereas asteroids have a radius greater than one metre. Finally, meteoroids can be made of either cometary or asteroidal materials.

Meteor and Meteorites


A meteor is also known as a shooting star, and the path of meteor is visible and glowing meteoroids glowing meteoroid, comet, or asteroid through the Earth’s atmosphere, after being heated to burning by collisions with air molecules in the upper atmosphere, making a streak of light via its quick motion and sometimes also by flaking glowing material in it. Although a meteor may seem like a few thousand feet from the Earth, meteors naturally occur in the mesosphere at altitudes from 76 to 100 km (250,000 to 330,000 ft). The root word meteor comes from the Greek meteōros, which says “tall in the air”.

Billions of meteors enter the Earth’s atmosphere daily. Most meteoroids that cause meteors are about the size of a particle of sand, i.e., they are usually millimetre-sized or even smaller. Meteoroid sizes can be measured from their mass and density which, in turn, can be expected from the observed meteor trajectory in the higher atmosphere. Meteors showers is a natural phenomenon and it can occur in showers, which begins when the Earth travels through a tributary of debris left by a comet, or as “random” or meteors, not associated with a specific stream of space debris. Several specific meteors have been seen, largely by members of the public and others largely by accident, but with enough information that orbits of the meteoroids producing the meteors have been measured. The atmospheric speeds of meteors result from the movement of the Earth around the Sun at about 30 km/s (68,000 mph), the orbital speeds of meteoroids, and the gravity well of the Earth.



A galaxy is a gravitational system of stars, interstellar gas, stellar fragments,  dust, and dark matter. The word galaxy is originated from the Greek word galaxies (γαλαξίας), literally meaning “milky”, a reference to the Milky Way. Galaxies are in size from small with just a few hundred million ([10^{8}]) stars to colossi with one hundred trillion ([10^{14}]) stars, each orbiting its galaxy’s centre of mass.

Galaxies are characterised according to their visual morphology as oval, spiral, or irregular. Many galaxies are believed to have supermassive black holes at their cores. The Milky Way’s central black hole, known as Sagittarius A*, has a weight of four million times greater than the Sun. Since April 2016, GN-z11 is the oldest and best reserved observed galaxy with a comoving distance of 32 billion light-years from the Earth and observed as it existed just 400 million years after the Big Bang.

The space between galaxies is filled with an unsubstantiated gas (the intergalactic medium) having an average mass of less than one atom per cubic metre. Most galaxies are gravitationally systematised into groups, clusters, and superclusters. The Milky Way is part of the Local Group, which is ruled by it and the Andromeda Galaxy and is part of the Virgo Supercluster. At the biggest scale, these associations are mostly arranged into sheets and filaments surrounded by immense spaces. The biggest structure of galaxies yet to be recognized is a cluster of superclusters that has been termed Laniakea, which holds the Virgo supercluster.


We hope that the article was helpful for you to understand what celestial bodies are and why exactly they are important. The space around us is very interesting and it takes a good amount of curiosity to figure out what are the basic differences between these objects and what makes them so unique.

[Physics Class Notes] on Charging By Induction Pdf for Exam

Most of the objects present in the universe are electrically neutral, that is they will be possessing equal numbers of charges. In order to charge the neutral bodies, we must create an imbalance of charges externally. Basically, there are three methods of charging an object: charging by friction, charging by conduction, and charging by induction respectively. The neutral bodies are charged by friction when we rub the two bodies, charging by conduction can be done by touching a conducting body, and finally, the charging by induction is done by bringing two conducting bodies in contact or held near.

Charging a conducting body by induction method is most widely used, in this method we see that we can charge conducting bodies without even touching them. For understanding the charging by induction and charging by induction example one should have a thorough knowledge of the nature of conductors and polarization processes. In this article, we will have a deep insight into charging by induction method.

What is Charging by Induction?


The charging by induction definition states that it is a process of charging conducting bodies without touching them or by bringing the two conducting bodies near to each other. This method of charging is the one in which with the help of a charged object, a neutral object is charged but without touching the objects. The charged particle is brought closer to a neutral or an uncharged conductor which is grounded on a material that is neutrally charged. If a charge flows between two objects, the uncharged conductive material will develop a charge whose polarity will be opposite to that of the charged object. 

For example, let us assume that we have a neutral body such that there is no net charge i.e., the conducting body is having an equal number of positive and negative charges. Now we know conduction can be seen if we have mobile charges, due to the presence of an equal number of positive and negative charges it is considered to be a non-conducting body, this can be charged by bringing a negatively charged body near it and we will see all the positive charges get attracted and the charging by induction will be observed. Basically during charging by induction no charges will be flowing through the ground i.e., charging by induction grounding.

Charging by induction by using a positively charged rod, involves the following procedure;

  1. On two insulating platforms, place two metal spheres A and B, and bring them close.

  1. A positively charged rod is brought close to A but don’t let it touch it. Free electrons in the rod are attracted by the sphere. A positive charge will accumulate on the rear surface of B. Both types of chargers are unable to escape the metal spheres. Because of this, the charges live on the surface of the metal spheres. A negative charge will accumulate on the left surface of sphere A while a positive charge will accumulate on the right surface of sphere B. All the electron particles are not collected on the left surface of A. The negative charge building upon A’s left surface repels all the other electron particles. The force of repulsion is caused by the accumulated charges under the operation of the attraction force of the rod due to which equilibrium is achieved in a shorter period.

  1. Until the glass rod is held close to the sphere, the charges that are collected will remain visible on the surface. The charges will no longer be affected by the external forces when the rod is withdrawn and will revert to the original neutral condition.

In this process, the metal spheres will be equally and oppositely charged and the process is known as induction charging. In the whole operation, the positively charged rod will not lose any of its charges.

Charging by induction by using a negatively charged rod, involves the following procedure;

  1. A and B are two metal spheres that are touching each other. A negatively charged rod is brought close to the spheres there will be repulsion between the electrons of the charged rods and the spheres cause the electrons to move away.

  2. The electrons are transported from sphere A to sphere B due to which sphere A will become positively charged and sphere B will become negatively charged because of the migration of the electrons. 

  3. The entire sphere system will become electrically neutral. When the charged rod is removed, the charge will redistribute through the spheres.


An electroscope is one of the common lab demonstrations that illustrate the charging by induction method. The devices that are used to detect the presence of an electric charge on an object are known as an electroscope. So, in the Electroscope Lab, a positively charged object (for example objects such as an aluminium pie plate) is used to charge an electroscope by induction method. An electroscope is a device that is capable of detecting the presence of a charged object (irrespective of the polarity of charges). It is often used in electrostatic experiments and illustrations in order to test for charge and to deduce the type of charge present on an object. The charges based on the Coulomb Electrostatic force which is responsible for the motion of the test charge are detected by an electroscope. It can also be regarded as a crude voltmeter since the electric charge is equal to the capacitance for an object. The instrument quantitatively measuring the charge is known as an electrometer.

There are all types of varieties and brands of electroscope from the gold leaf electroscope to the needle electroscope designed as per the need. Though there are different types of electroscopes available, the basic operation of each electroscope is the same. Generally, the electroscope consists of a conducting plate or knob, a conducting base, and either a pair of conducting leaves or a conducting needle both work efficiently. Students can find more detailed explanations in charging by induction worksheet and try to solve charging by conduction and grounding worksheet answers.


  • The charging by induction method is the most efficient method of charging and it is used in most applications. The charging by induction class 12 will help students to understand the importance of charging by induction.

  • In commercial products, the charging by induction process is governed with the help of induction coils. 

  • In smartphones, both the phone and therefore the charging dock contain induction coils of iron wrapped with copper wire. When we place the phone on the charging dock an electromagnetic field is produced between the induction coils. 

  • Once the electromagnetic field is produced, electricity is in position to pass between the two induction coils, charging the phone wirelessly.