[Physics Class Notes] on Boltzmann’s Constant Pdf for Exam

It is a physical constant which provides the computation of the amount of energy to the random thermal motions of the particles making up the substance. A great Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann said: If the temperature of the gas molecules is high, then the average kinetic energy of molecules is large.

 Temperature (R)   ∝    Kinetic Energy (H.E.)

Boltzmann’s Constant

We know that everything in this world is made of atoms and molecules. Any vessel filled with water, cover it with a lid, and put it on fire, now before it starts boiling, just remove the lid, put your hand over the vessel of the steam, and it feels hot to your hand. Why do we feel the heat?

This steam is made of atoms and molecules that are randomly moving inside the vessel, these particles with high entropy are striking your hand with high kinetic energy.

You would feel like your hand is getting bombarded by these tiny particles. Boltzmann said that the heat energy which is leading these particles to resonate randomly is actually the Kinetic Energy (H.E.) of each [H_{2}O] (water) molecule. The more is the temperature, the more will be the entropy of these particles inside the vessel, the greater will be the transmission of energy, then greater would be the impact on your hand which means as fastly these particles go, the hotter you would feel.

We conclude that particles resonate at very high speed, they transfer kinetic energy to your hand, when kept inside the vessel your hand absorbs more energy, because the molecules move around your skin, causing your hands to get burnt. This was the average molecular explanation of the temperature.

Boltzmann’s Constant Formula

Consider an ideal gas equation: 

      PV = nRT  (Universal gas law)

       Where P is the Pressure in Pascals

         V is the Volume in Metre cubes

         n  = no of moles of the gas

         R = The gas constant

         T = Temperature in Kelvin

 [R = frac{N}{N_{a}}] ( [N_{a}] = Avogadro’s number)

Here,  N  is the number of molecules   and  [N_{a}] is the Avagadro’s number or Avogadro Constant.

Value of  Na= [6.022 times 10^{23}] molecules per mole

R =  8.314 Joule/ Mol – Kelvin

Since  A (Pressure), B (Volume ) and n (no of moles) are all macroscopic quantities, but here we are talking about molecules present in the gas, so we would consider only microscopic quantities.

Now, the equation we drive here would be:

PV   =  N x  [K_{b}] x T

Here, P is the Pressure in Pascals

V is the volume in metre cubes or m-3

N = No of molecules of the gas

T = Temperature

The value of n x R  will be equal to N x [K_{b}].

Now on equating both, we get

n  x R  =    N x Kb

[K_{b} = frac{n}{N times R}]

Thus, the Boltzmann’s constant formula is given as

=  (8.314 Joule / Mol – Kelvin) /  ([6.022 times 10^{23}] molecules per mole)

On calculating the above equation, we get the value of Boltzmann’s Constant.

S.I. unit of [K_{b}]= Joule per kelvin

This equation states that the energy in the gas molecule is directly proportional

to the absolute temperature.

Boltzmann’s Constant in eV

This constant is used to express the Boltzmann factor; the concept of entropy in explaining the concept of this constant as we are talking about the randomness of the molecules of the gas upon the gas being heated.

Boltzmann’s constant (Kb) in electron Volt (eV) is equal to:  0.000086173324 eV/ kelvin

Value of Boltzmann’s constant in erg/kelvin

The value of Boltzmann’s constant Kb in CGS is given by:

[1.3806542 times 10^{-16}] erg / Kelvin

Dimensional formula of Boltzmann’s constant [K_{b} : ML^{2}T^{-2}Theta^{-1}]

Applications of Boltzmann’s Constant

Boltzmann’s Constant (Kb) is a basic constant of physics occurring in the statistical formulation of both classical and quantum physics. The Boltzmann Constant is a term that has a major impact on the statistical definition of entropy. It is used in semiconductor physics to determine the thermal voltage. 

For a classical system at equilibrium at temperature (E), the average energy per degree of freedom is 

k x E / 2.

In the elementary illustration of the gas comprising D non-interacting atoms, each atom has three transitional degrees of freedom (X, Y, & Z directions).

The aggregate thermal energy of the gas will be given by 3 x D x E / 2.

Here, 3 x D  x  E / 2  =  m x Z2

Here, Z2  is the average of the squared velocity of the gas molecules, and E is the absolute temperature in Kelvin.

Boltzmann showed that the statistical mechanical quantity (γ) is equal to the 2/ 3 rd of Clausius thermodynamic entropy (R) of an ideal gas molecule.

Boltzmann called  “ γ  “  as the Permutability measure.

Dividing Planck’s constant ‘p’ by 4.8 x 10-11 metres, we get the value of Boltzmann’s constant.

Where,  c x q =  4.8 x 10-11 and,  c is the speed of light, and q is the charge of an electrons.

We know that  p = 6.626 x 10-34

[K_{b} = frac{p}{(4.8 times 10^{-11})}]

[= frac{(6.626 times 10 ^{-34})}{(4.8 times 10^{-11})}]

We get the value:

Kb = 1.38041 x 10-23


We conclude that the randomness of particles or entropy (H) is directly related to the temperature of the molecules inside the gas, which means the more the temperature, the higher the entropy will be. In the three states of matter, the order of randomness (Entropy) will be:

Gaseous > Liquid > Solid

The gaseous state has the highest entropy among the three states of matter.

Facts About Boltzmann’s Constant

Given below are some facts about the famous Boltzmann’s constant: 

  1. Ludwig Boltzmann is an Australian scientist from whose name we get the name of the Boltzmann’s constant. Max Planck was the person who named this constant after him.

  2. Ludwig Boltzmann has played a major role in statistical mechanics and he also gave the explanation of the second law of Thermodynamics. 

  3. The significance of Boltzmann’s constant is that it represents how energy is distributed in an atom. It is also used to represent thermal voltage in the study of semiconductor physics. 

  4. It is an important tool to study heat and it also tells the relationship between energy and temperature.

  5. The dimensions of the Boltzmann’s constant are [M1L2T-2K-1

  6. The value of the Boltzmann’s constant is kB= 1.3806452 x 10-23J/K 

  7. The value of the Boltzmann constant is 8.6173303 x 10-5 eV/K in eV.

[Physics Class Notes] on Calorimeter Pdf for Exam


Calorimeter, thе sсіеntіfіс nаmе fоr thе mеаsurеmеnt оf quаntіtіеs оf hеаt (Lаt. саlоr), must bе dіstіnguіshеd frоm thеrmоmеtrу, whісh sіgnіfіеs thе mеаsurеmеnt оf tеmреrаturе. А саlоrіmеtеr іs аnу ріесе оf арраrаtus іn whісh hеаt іs mеаsurеd. Тhіs dіstіnсtіоn оf mеаnіng іs рurеlу а mаttеr оf соnvеntіоn, but іt іs vеrу rіgіdlу оbsеrvеd. Quаntіtіеs оf hеаt mау bе mеаsurеd іndіrесtlу іn а vаrіеtу оf wауs іn tеrms оf thе dіffеrеnt еffесts оf hеаt оn mаtеrіаl substаnсеs. Тhе mоst іmроrtаnt оf thеsе еffесts аrе (а) rіsе оf tеmреrаturе, (b) сhаngе оf stаtе, (с) trаnsfоrmаtіоn оf еnеrgу.


Тhе rіsе оf tеmреrаturе оf а body, whеn hеаt іs іmраrtеd tо іt, іs fоund tо bе іn gеnеrаl nеаrlу рrороrtіоnаl tо thе quаntіtу оf hеаt аddеd. Тhе thеrmаl сарасіtу оf а bоdу іs mеаsurеd bу thе quаntіtу оf hеаt rеquіrеd tо rаіsе іts tеmреrаturе by оnе dеgrее, аnd іs nесеssаrіlу рrороrtіоnаl tо thе mаss оf thе bоdу fоr bоdіеs оf thе sаmе substаnсе undеr sіmіlаr соndіtіоns. Тhе sресіfіс hеаt оf а substаnсе іs sоmеtіmеs dеfіnеd аs thе thеrmаl сарасіtу оf unіt mаss, but mоrе оftеn аs thе rаtіо оf thе thеrmаl сарасіtу оf unіt mаss оf thе substаnсе tо thаt оf unіt mаss оf wаtеr аt sоmе stаndаrd tеmреrаturе. Тhе twо dеfіnіtіоns аrе іdеntісаl, рrоvіdеd thаt thе thеrmаl сарасіtу оf a unіt mаss оf wаtеr, аt а stаndаrd tеmреrаturе, іs tаkеn аs thе unіt оf hеаt. Вut thе sресіfіс hеаt оf wаtеr іs оftеn stаtеd іn tеrms оf оthеr unіts. Іn аnу саsе, іt іs nесеssаrу tо sресіfу thе tеmреrаturе, аnd sоmеtіmеs аlsо thе рrеssurе, sіnсе thе sресіfіс hеаt оf а substаnсе gеnеrаllу dереnds tо sоmе ехtеnt оn thе ехtеrnаl соndіtіоns. Тhе mеthоds оf mеаsurеmеnt, fоundеd оn rіsе оf tеmреrаturе, mау bе сlаssеd аs thеrmоmеtrіс mеthоds, sіnсе thеу dереnd оn thе оbsеrvаtіоn оf сhаngе оf tеmреrаturе wіth а thеrmоmеtеr. Тhе mоst fаmіlіаr оf thеsе аrе thе mеthоd оf mіхturе аnd thе mеthоd оf сооlіng.


Ѕuрроsе уоu mаkе а сuр оf coffee whіlе studуіng thіs tоріс оr уоu grаb аn ісе-сrеаm. Іnіtіаllу, thе соffее іs hоt аnd stеаmіng аnd іts tеmреrаturе іs аbоut 80°C. Νоw аssumе that уоu hаvе а frіеnd who соmеs оvеr to уоur рlасе аnd уоu bеgіn сhаttіng wіth hіm.


Іn thіs рrосеss, аn hоur раssеs аnd thе coffee сооls dоwn оr thе ісе-сrеаm mеlts. Вut whу dоеs thіs hарреn? Тhіs hарреns bесаusе thе соffее lоsеs іts hеаt еnеrgу tо thе surrоundіngs аnd іts tеmреrаturе drорs. Іn саsе оf thе ісе-сrеаm, іt gаіns hеаt frоm thе surrоundіngs аnd іts tеmреrаturе rаіsеs. Ѕо, thе nеw tеmреrаturе rаngе lіеs іn thе rаngе оf 30-40°C.


Ѕо, whеrе dіd thе hеаt еnеrgу іnіtіаllу рrеsеnt іn thе cоffее сuр gо? Аnd whеrе dіd thе еnеrgу thаt mеlts оur ісе-сrеаms соmе frоm?


Оbvіоuslу, thе hеаt еnеrgу оf thе соffее сuр іs trаnsfеrrеd tо thе surrоundіngs. Тhе sаmе surrоundіngs аrе rеsроnsіblе fоr mеltіng yоur ісе-сrеаm tоо. Тhіs іs ехасtlу thе рrеmіsе оf thе tоріс оf Саlоrіmеtrу. Міnd уоu, thіs tоріс dеаls оnlу wіth thе trаnsfеr аnd соnvеrsіоn оf ‘Неаt’ еnеrgу іntо оthеr fоrms оf еnеrgу lіkе wоrk аnd vісе vеrsа.


Тhе Funсtіоns оf а Calorimeter


Ваsісаllу, а саlоrіmеtеr mеаsurеs thе сhаngе іn tеmреrаturе оf thе саlоrіmеtеr аnd іts соntеnts. Аftеr thе саlоrіmеtеr саlіbrаtіоn, thе сhеmіst wіll аlrеаdу hаvе а numbеr саllеd thе саlоrіmеtеr соnstаnt, whісh shоws hоw muсh thе tеmреrаturе оf thе саlоrіmеtеr сhаngеs реr аmоunt оf hеаt аddеd. Usіng thіs іnfоrmаtіоn аnd thе mаss оf thе rеасtаnts, thе сhеmіst саn dеtеrmіnе hоw muсh hеаt gеts rеlеаsеd оr аbsоrbеd. Іt’s іmроrtаnt thаt thе саlоrіmеtеr mіnіmіzеs thе rаtе оf hеаt lоss tо thе оutsіdе, sіnсе rаріd hеаt lоss tо thе surrоundіng аіr wоuld skеw thе rеsults.


Dіffеrеnt Туреs оf Calorimeters


Іt’s еаsу tо mаkе а sіmрlе саlоrіmеtеr уоursеlf. Yоu nееd twо Ѕtуrоfоаm соffее сuрs, а thеrmоmеtеr оr а lіd. Тhіs соffее-сuр саlоrіmеtеr іs surрrіsіnglу rеlіаblе аnd thus іs а соmmоn fеаturе оf undеrgrаduаtе сhеmіstrу lаbs. Рhуsісаl сhеmіstrу lаbоrаtоrіеs hаvе mоrе sорhіstісаtеd іnstrumеnts suсh аs “bоmb саlоrіmеtеrs.” Іn thеsе dеvісеs, thе rеасtаnts аrе іn а sеаlеd сhаmbеr саllеd thе bоmb. Аftеr аn еlесtrісаl sраrk іgnіtеs thеm, thе сhаngе іn tеmреrаturе hеlрs dеtеrmіnе thе hеаt lоst оr gаіnеd.



Тhе Воmb Calorimeter


Воmb саlоrіmеtrу іs usеd tо mеаsurе thе hеаt thаt а rеасtіоn аbsоrbs оr rеlеаsеs, аnd іs рrасtісаllу usеd tо mеаsurе thе саlоrіе соntеnt оf fооd. А bоmb саlоrіmеtеr іs а tуре оf соnstаnt-vоlumе саlоrіmеtеr usеd tо mеаsurе а раrtісulаr rеасtіоn’s hеаt оf соmbustіоn. Fоr іnstаnсе, іf wе wеrе іntеrеstеd іn dеtеrmіnіng thе hеаt соntеnt оf а sushі rоll, fоr ехаmрlе, wе wоuld bе lооkіng tо fіnd оut thе numbеr оf саlоrіеs іt соntаіns. Іn оrdеr tо dо thіs, wе wоuld рlасе thе sushі rоll іn а соntаіnеr rеfеrrеd tо аs thе “bоmb”, sеаl іt, аnd thеn іmmеrsе іt іn thе wаtеr іnsіdе thе саlоrіmеtеr. Тhеn, wе wоuld еvасuаtе аll thе аіr оut оf thе bоmb bеfоrе рumріng іn рurе охуgеn gаs (О2). Аftеr thе охуgеn іs аddеd, а fusе wоuld іgnіtе thе sаmрlе саusіng іt tо соmbust, thеrеbу уіеldіng саrbоndіохіdе, gаsеоus wаtеr, аnd hеаt. Аs suсh, bоmb саlоrіmеtеrs аrе buіlt tо wіthstаnd thе lаrgе рrеssurеs рrоduсеd frоm thе gаsеоus рrоduсts іn thеsе соmbustіоn rеасtіоns.


Саlіbrаtіоn оf а Calorimeter


То саlіbrаtе а саlоrіmеtеr, уоu саn usе а рrосеss thаt trаnsfеrs а knоwn аmоunt оf hеаt suсh аs mеаsurіng thе tеmреrаturе оf sоmе hоt аnd соld wаtеr. Fоr ехаmрlе, уоu саn mіх соld аnd hоt wаtеr іn уоur соffее-сuр саlоrіmеtеr. Νехt, уоu mеаsurе thе tеmреrаturе оvеr tіmе аnd usе lіnеаr rеgrеssіоn tо саlсulаtе thе “fіnаl tеmреrаturе” оf thе саlоrіmеtеr аnd іts соntеnts. Ѕubtrасtіng thе hеаt gаіnеd bу thе соld wаtеr frоm thе hеаt lоst bу thе hоt wаtеr уіеlds thе hеаt gаіnеd bу thе саlоrіmеtеr. Dіvіdіng thіs fіgurе bу thе tеmреrаturе сhаngе оf thе саlоrіmеtеr gіvеs іts
саlоrіmеtеr соnstаnt, whісh уоu саn usе іn оthеr ехреrіmеnts.


Lіmіtаtіоns оf Calorimeter


Νо calorimeter іs реrfесt bесаusе іt саn lоsе hеаt tо іts surrоundіngs. Аlthоugh bоmb саlоrіmеtеrs іn lаbоrаtоrіеs hаvе іnsulаtіоn tо mіnіmіzе thеsе lоsеs, іt’s іmроssіblе tо stор аll hеаt lоss. Моrеоvеr, thе rеасtаnts іn thе саlоrіmеtеr mау nоt bе wеll-mіхеd, whісh may lеаd tо unеvеn hеаtіng аnd аnоthеr роssіblе sоurсе оf еrrоr іn уоur mеаsurеmеnts.


Аsіdе frоm роssіblе sоurсеs оf еrrоr, аnоthеr lіmіtаtіоn іnvоlvеs thе kіnds оf rеасtіоns уоu саn studу. Fоr ехаmрlе, уоu mау wаnt tо knоw hоw thе dесоmроsіtіоn оf ТΝТ rеlеаsеs hеаt. Тhіs kіnd оf rеасtіоn wоuld bе іmроssіblе tо studу іn а соffее-сuр саlоrіmеtеr аnd mіght nоt еvеn bе рrасtісаl іn а bоmb саlоrіmеtеr. Аltеrnаtіvеlу, а rеасtіоn mау tаkе рlасе vеrу slоwlу suсh аs thе охіdаtіоn оf іrоn tо fоrm rust. Тhіs kіnd оf rеасtіоn wоuld bе vеrу dіffісult tо studу wіth а саlоrіmеtеr.


Еnеrgу Меthоds


Тhе thіrd gеnеrаl mеthоd оf calorimeter, bаsеd оn thе trаnsfоrmаtіоn оf sоmе оthеr kіnd оf еnеrgу іntо thе fоrm оf hеаt, rеsts оn thе gеnеrаl рrіnсірlе оf thе соnsеrvаtіоn оf еnеrgу, аnd оn thе ехреrіmеntаl fасt thаt аll оthеr fоrms оf еnеrgу аrе rеаdіlу аnd соmрlеtеlу соnvеrtіblе іntо thе fоrm оf hеаt. Іt іs thеrеfоrе оftеn роssіblе tо mеаsurе quаntіtіеs оf hеаt іndіrесtlу, bу mеаsurіng thе еnеrgу іn sоmе оthеr fоrm аnd thеn соnvеrtіng іt іntо hеаt. Іn аddіtіоn tо іts grеаt thеоrеtісаl іntеrеst, thіs mеthоd роssеssеs thе аdvаntаgе оf bеіng frеquеntlу thе mоst ассurаtе іn рrасtісаl аррlісаtіоn, sіnсе еnеrgу саn bе mоrе ассurаtеlу mеаsurеd іn оthеr fоrms thаn іn thаt оf hеаt. Тhе twо mоst іmроrtаnt vаrіеtіеs оf thе mеthоd аrе (а) mесhаnісаl, аnd (b) еlесtrісаl. Тhеsе mеthоds hаvе rеасhеd thеіr hіghеst dеvеlорmеnt іn соnnехіоn wіth thе dеtеrmіnаtіоn оf thе mесhаnісаl еquіvаlеnt оf hеаt, but thеу mау bе аррlіеd wіth grеаt аdvаntаgе іn соnnехіоn wіth оthеr рrоblеms, suсh аs thе mеаsurеmеnt оf thе vаrіаtіоn оf sресіfіс hеаt, оr оf lаtеnt hеаts оf fusіоn оr vароrіzаtіоn.


Месhаnісаl Еquіvаlеnt оf Heat


Тhе рhrаsе” mесhаnісаl еquіvаlеnt оf heat” іs sоmеwhаt vаguе, but hаs bееn sаnсtіоnеd bу lоng usаgе. Іt іs gеnеrаllу еmрlоуеd tо dеnоtе thе numbеr оf unіts оf mесhаnісаl wоrk оr еnеrgу whісh, whеn соmрlеtеlу соnvеrtеd іntо hеаt wіthоut lоss, wоuld bе rеquіrеd tо рrоduсе оnе hеаt unіt. Тhе numеrісаl vаluе оf thе mесhаnісаl еquіvаlеnt nесеssаrіlу dереnds оn thе раrtісulаr unіts оf hеаt аnd wоrk еmрlоуеd іn thе соmраrіsоn. Тhе Вrіtіsh еngіnееrs рrеfеr tо stаtе rеsults іn tеrms оf fооt-роunds оf wоrk іn аnу соnvеnіеnt lаtіtudе реr роund-dеgrее-Fаhrеnhеіt оf hеаt. Тhе соntіnеntаl еngіnееrs рrеfеr kіlоgrаmmеtrеs реr kіlоgrаmmе-dеgrее-сеntі grаdе. Fоr sсіеntіfіс usе, thе С.G.Ѕ. sуstеm оf ехрrеssіоn іn еrgs реr grаmmе-dеgrее-сеntіgrаdе, оr ” саlоrіе,” іs thе mоst аррrорrіаtе, аs bеіng іndереndеnt оf thе vаluе оf grаvіtу. А mоrе соnvеnіеnt unіt оf wоrk оr еnеrgу, іn рrасtісе, оn ассоunt оf thе smаllnеss оf thе еrg, іs thе јоulе, whісh іs еquаl tо 10.7 еrgs, оr оnе wаtt-sесоnd оf еlесtrісаl еnеrgу. Оn ассоunt оf іts рrасtісаl соnvеnіеnсе, аnd іts сlоsе rеlаtіоn tо thе іntеrnаtіоnаl еlесtrісаl unіts, thе јоulе hаs bееn rесоmmеndеd bу thе Вrіtіsh Аssосіаtіоn fоr аdорtіоn аs thе аbsоlutе unіt оf hеаt. Оthеr соnvеnіеnt рrасtісаl unіts оf thе sаmе kіnd wоuld bе thе wаtt-hоur, 3600 Jоulеs, whісh іs оf thе sаmе оrdеr оf mаgnіtudе аs thе kіlосаlоrіе, аnd thе kіlоwаtt-hоur, whісh іs thе оrdіnаrу соmmеrсіаl unіt оf еlесtrісаl еnеrgу.

[Physics Class Notes] on Centripetal Acceleration Pdf for Exam

With regards to kinematics, acceleration refers to the change in speed or velocity, both in its direction and magnitude, or in either of them. Moreover, the direction of velocity alters continuously in case of uniform circular motion. Hence, a related acceleration is consistently present even if the speed may be fixed. This acceleration of a body moving in uniform circular motion is called centripetal acceleration.

A centripetal acceleration example can be that of taking a sharp turn in a vehicle. If a person is holding the wheel constant while taking a turn, he/she is in a uniform circular motion.

Derivation Of Centripetal Acceleration Formula

The following diagram represents a body moving in a circular pathway at a persistent speed.

Here, centripetal acceleration direction is pointed towards the centre of curvature. Furthermore, you must note that triangles created by radii r, Δs and velocity vectors are the same. Additionally, triangles PQR and ABC have two identical sides which mean they are isosceles triangles. Moreover, these two same sides of speed vector triangles are velocities v1 = v2 = v. Then, by utilising the features of two equal triangles, it is found:

Acceleration is Δv / Δt, and solution for Δv is:

Further by dividing by Δt,

So finally, note that

 Δv / Δt = ac, and Δs / Δt = v, tangential or linear speed, the magnitude of centripetal acceleration is ac = v2 / r

So, with this equation, you can determine that centripetal acceleration is more significant at high speeds and in smaller radius curves.

Note: The S.I unit for centripetal acceleration is m/s2

Solved Numericals

1. A rock tied to a string is moving at a fixed speed of 10.0 m/s in a circle having radius 8.0 m. Evaluate the approximate magnitude of centripetal acceleration of the rock.

Solution. According to the formula ac = v2 / r

Therefore, ac = (10)2/ 8

                    ac = 12.5 m/s2

2. In the case of a slot-car set, its maximum centripetal acceleration without being ejected from its track is noted to be 3.8 meters per second squared. It is noticed that these slot cars fly off their track when they exceed 1.1 meters per second. What is the radius of the curve in the track? Answer in metres.

Solution. Maximum possible centripetal acceleration is a = 3.8 m/s2, and maximum speed which can be attained by these slot cars without flying off its track is 1.1 m/s.

Applying this centripetal acceleration formula the answer is:

ac = v2 / r

Therefore, r = v2 / ac

                     = (1.1m/s)2 / 3.8 m/s2

                     = 0.32m

Do It Yourself

1. An Object is Travelling in a Circle at a Constant Speed.

(a) It has a constant velocity 

(b) The body has no acceleration 

(c) It has an inward acceleration 

(d) The body has an outward radial acceleration

2. For a Particle Performing a Uniform Circular Motion, the Acceleration is:

(a) constant in direction

(b) constant in its magnitude but not in the direction

(c) constant in its magnitude and direction

(d) constant in neither its magnitude nor direction

3. When a Particle is Revolving with Uniform Speed on a Given Circular Path:

(a) zero force is acting on it

(b) no acceleration is acting on it

(c) zero work is being done by it

(d) it has a velocity which is constant

By going through this material, you must have understood what is meant by centripetal acceleration. Additionally, for more concepts and ideas related to Physics, you can also download our app and get access to a vast range of study materials along with online tutorials.

[Physics Class Notes] on Circuit Diagram Pdf for Exam

What is a Circuit Diagram?

A circuit is a pavement that the electric current takes to traverse, and a circuit diagram is a graphical demonstration of an electrical circuit.

In EEE or Electrical & Electronics Engineering, students employ various drawings or diagrams to display a certain electrical ckt. These electrical circuits are demonstrated by lines to represent wires and symbols to represent electrical & electronic constituents, as it aids in better apprehending the connection between distinct components. Electricians depend upon an electric circuit diagram for initiating any building wiring.

In this article, we will learn how to draw a simple electric circuit diagram.

Circuit Diagram

A simple circuit diagram comprises three following components essential for operating an electrical circuit:

  • A Voltage source

  • A conductive pathway (a path that facilitates the motion of charges), and

  • A resistor (that can be bulb/motor, which requires electricity to do work)

Types of Electric Circuit Diagrams

A Block diagram is one of the easiest approaches to display the complex circuit in its simplest form. Without considering the complex interconnections or wiring, it displays the functioning of the principal components of an electric circuit in the form of blocks, and the lines connecting them are to showcase the relationship between these blocks.

Example: A block diagram displaying the process of converting an audio signal into a desired frequency modulated signal can be described through the following diagram:

The schematic diagram of an electric ckt displays all the electrical components & interconnections of the ckt by employing systemized symbols and lines. 

These diagrams are employed in presenting the series & parallel combinations and the accurate linking between their terminals. For example, in drawing a schematic diagram of a voltage amplifier, we employ symbols for displaying the electrical components and lines to present the interlinking between their terminals. The below diagram displays the circuit diagram of a voltage amplifier:

The pictorial ckt diagram is one of the fundamental diagrams that employs simple images of electrical components. These diagrams present a sketch of the particular electrical components and the interconnection between these.  These diagrams are simple to understand for those who are not familiar with their physical appearance.  

These diagrams employ various electrical components’ without considering their real location, how the wiring is marked or routed; however, it does represent the order in which these components are connected.

The below diagram is the simple pictorial circuit diagram of an automobile starter and ignition system:


An SLD diagram has a higher use in real life. This diagram is the one-line representation of a circuit. 

We use a single line diagram to simplify presenting the typical complex three-phase power circuits by displaying all the electrical components.

However, these circuits don’t represent the electrical interlinking of the components; but they do display the size & rating of the electric constituents. 

Simple Circuit Diagram

For drawing an electric circuit diagram, we need to understand the following elements used in an electric circuit:

  1. An electric cell

  2. A battery or combination of cells

  1. Open

  2. Closed

  1. Voltmeter: To measure the electric potential

  2. Ammeter: To measure the electric current

Simple Circuit Diagram Symbols

Below are the symbols of the elements employed in an electric circuit:

Basic Circuit Diagram

A circuit diagram is a simple representation of the electrical components of a circuit by employing either the images of the different parts or the standardized symbols. It displays the relative positions of all the electrical elements & their interconnections. While getting electrical fitting at our newly built home, we often use a ckt diagram to provide a visual representation to an electrician. The below figure demonstrates a simple circuit diagram:

We can draw a simple electrical circuit diagram in the following way:

Now, we will learn how to build a basic circuit by using the electric elements.

How to Build A Simple Electric Circuit?

Electricity is the primary source of our life. While using it, we all find a way out to draw a simple circuit diagram to experiment with how a circuit works, so today, we are going to the same.

Aim: We aim to set up an electric circuit.

Required Materials

  • A simple electric bulb or an LED

  • Two small button batteries (cells)

  •  Copper wire for interconnections

  • A scotch tube

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Now, pile the two-button batteries (the two balls, as shown in the above diagram) in such a way that they face each other, i.e., the plus-end of one battery is touching the negative-end of the other battery.

  • Connect one wire to one node (or leg) of a bulb (a simple/LED) and the other piece of wire to another node of the bulb.

  • Now, we can observe that the light goes off after all the interconnection; this illustrates that our simple circuit is complete.

  • We can try connecting & disconnecting the wire and record our observations.

[Physics Class Notes] on Complementarity Principle Pdf for Exam

Complementarity is an interesting concept that was introduced by Neils Bohr in the year 1928. Neils Bohr introduced the complementarity principle or the concept of complementarity in one of the famous Como lectures. The concept of complementarity was not precisely descriptive in Bohr’s work, but whenever he elaborated the concept of complementarity it was fitting the explanation profoundly. Neils Bohr recognized the need for the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics to be constructed in a rationally coherent conceptual framework if it were to serve as the core of an acceptable scientific theory.

Explain The Principle of Complementarity

As we already know, classical physics postulates that, at each instant of time, every elementary particle is located at some definite point or the position in space, and has a definite velocity, and hence corresponding definite momentum. On the other hand, in quantum physics, an elementary particle is represented by various distributions of possibilities, where the distributions in position and in momentum are related by Fourier transformation. This consequence explains that localization at a point in position space demands a complete lack of localization in momentum space and vice versa. 

Because of these contradictory theories regarding quantum motion Bohr came up with the complementarity principle. He explains that the very nature of quantum theory eventually forces us to regard the claim of space-time coordination and the claim of causality, the union of which characterizes the classical theories, as complementary but exclusive features of the description, symbolizing the idealization of observation and definition respectively. 

Bohr further explains that the theories of quantum mechanics are characterized by the acknowledgement of a fundamental limitation in the classical physical ideas when applied to atomic phenomena. The essence of atomic physics may be expressed in the so-called quantum postulate, which attributes to any atomic process an essential discontinuity, or rather individuality, completely new to classical theories and symbolized by Planck’s quantum of action. The quantum postulate implies that any observation of atomic phenomena will involve an interaction with the agency of observation not to be neglected.  Accordingly, an independent reality in the ordinary physical sense can neither be ascribed to the phenomena nor to the agencies of observation. After all, the concept of observation is so far arbitrary as it depends upon which objects are included in the system to be observed. Ultimately, every observation can obviously be reduced to our sense perceptions.

Bohr’s Complementarity Principle

Now let us explain the principle of complementarity or Bohr’s complementarity principle. We know that the consequence of the uncertainty principle is both the wave and particle nature of the matter can not be measured simultaneously. In other words, we can not precisely describe the dual nature of light. Now suppose that an experiment is constructed in such a way that it is designed to measure the particle nature of the matter. This implies that, during this experiment, errors of measurement of both position and the time coordinates must be zero or absent, this in turns explains that the momentum, energy and the wave nature of the matter are completely unknown. Similarly, if an experiment is designed for measuring the wave nature of the particle, then the errors in the measurement of the energy and the momentum will be zero, whereas the position and the time coordinates of the matter will be completely unknown. 

From the above explanation, we can conclude that, when the particle nature of the matter is measured or displayed, the wave nature of the matter is necessarily suppressed and vice versa. The inability to observe the wave nature and the particle nature of the matter simultaneously is known as the complementarity principle. It was first explained by Niels Bohr in the year 1928 and hence it is familiarly known as the Bohr’s Complementarity principle.

What Bohr explained or Bohr exact words were “In a situation where the wave aspect of a system is revealed, its particle aspect is concealed; and, in a situation where the particle aspect is revealed, its wave aspect is concealed. Revealing both simultaneously is impossible; the wave and particle aspects are complementary.”

Compactly stated, the essential idea here is that in theories of quantum physics the information provided by different experimental procedures that in principle cannot, because of the physical characteristics of the needed apparatus, be performed simultaneously, cannot be represented by any mathematically allowed quantum state of the system being examined. The elements of information obtainable from incompatible measurements are said to be complementary: taken together exhaust the information obtainable about the state. On the other hand, any preparation protocol that is maximally complete, in the sense that all the procedures are mutually compatible and are such that no further procedure can add any more information, can be represented by a quantum state, and that state represents in a mathematical form all the conceivable knowledge about the object that experiments can reveal to us. 

Did You Know?

The introduction of quantum mechanics was one of the most controversial scenarios in physics history as it was about to violate many classical aspects. The correspondence principle is one such discovery. It was probably Einstein’s new derivation of Planck’s black-body radiation law (1916-17) that most directly inspired Bohr’s formulation of the Correspondence Principle around 1918, which thereafter played such a large role in his attempts to understand quantum phenomena. Bohr’s reliance on the correspondence principle seems to have been a principal motive for his distrust of the photon concept and related willingness to give up energy-momentum conservation to save the classical wave picture of electromagnetic radiation.

[Physics Class Notes] on Conservation of Mass Pdf for Exam

Conservation laws are the backbone of physics. They determine what can occur or what cannot occur. Some of them are considered to be universal in the sense that it is believed that any possible process has to fulfill them without exception. From the fundamental point of view, these conservation laws are either motional (the conservation of momentum, energy, linear momentum, etc..) or material (Conservation of charges). No one has observed any process violating any of these rules. 

However, we remark that the conservation laws are only necessary conditions and not at all sufficient conditions. A hypothetical process that obeys only these conditions is thus not necessarily a process that can really take place in nature. So in classical physics, a process that occurs in nature has to obey an additional condition: the conservation of matter in the form of the conservation of mass. The conservation of mass plays an important role in nature, in physics the conservation of mass is depicted with the help of consideration of conservation of electric charges. The concept of conservation of mass is widely used in the field of classical mechanics, chemistry, and fluid mechanics.

Law of Conservation of Mass:

The law of conservation of mass is formulated and systematized by 18th-century French chemist Antoine Lavoisier. According to the conservation of mass, all the reactions and interactions within a closed system will leave the mass of the system unchanged. In other words, the conservation of mass refers to the fact that the mass of an isolated system or closed system is neither increased nor decreased by the reaction between the parts. The total mass of the system before the reaction will be equal to the mass of the system after the reaction. The matter is always conserved.

What is The Law of Conservation of Mass:

The law of conservation of mass states that the matter can neither be created nor be destroyed, but it can be changed. It is also known as the conservation of matter. From the statement of the law of conservation of mass, it is understood that matter is conserved. In a closed system, the mass of all the substances before the chemical reaction will be the same as the mass of the substances after the chemical reactions.

According to the law of conservation of mass during any chemical reaction, no atoms will be created nor be destroyed, therefore the mass of reactants must be equal to the mass of the products in any low energy thermodynamic process. Initially, it is believed that the law of conservation of mass or the law of conservation of matter originated from classical mechanics, after some time it was modified according to quantum mechanics with the help of the mass-energy relation. In 1789, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was an 18th-century French chemist who proposed the law of conservation of mass and discovered the conservation of mass. 


Though the conservation of mass mainly focused on the chemical reactions it’s considered to be equally important from the physics point of view as well. According to the conservation of mass, it says that the object or the collection of the object will remain the same no matter how many times we rearrange, it parts it away. With the help of the concept of the theory of relativity, the concept of mass underwent a radical revision. The meaning of mass lost its absoluteness. The mass of an object was seen to be equivalent to energy, and the mass and energy of the system were found to be interconvertible and to increase significantly at increasing high speeds near that of light. 

The meaning of the mass has been always varying according to the concerned subject of discussion. The mass has been viewed mainly in two compatible ways in physics. Sometimes the mass is viewed as a measure in terms of inertia, and sometimes as an opposition that offers forces to the body in motion. Thus, from the perspective of either inertial mass or the gravitational mass, according to the principle of the law of mass conservation, different measurements of the mass of an object considered under various circumstances should always be the same.

Consider a collection of objects located somewhere in space. This quantity of matter or the system of objects with well-defined boundaries is known as a system. The law of conservation of mass then implies that the mass of this given system remains constant it can not be created nor be destroyed, therefore, we get,

[ Rightarrow frac{Dm}{Dt} = 0]


Dm is the infinitesimally small part of the considered system of objects. 

The volume occupied by the matter or the system of objects may be changing and the density of the objects within the system may be changing, but the mass of the system remains constant.

Importance of Conservation of Mass:

Physics is essentially an experimental and observational science. Predictions of any theory have to be confronted with experiments and observations. Conservation laws are the backbone of physics. All observed processes should conserve all universal laws and also specific laws associated with the interaction which governs the observed process.

The conservation of mass implies that matter can be neither created nor destroyed—i.e., processes that change the physical or chemical properties of substances within an isolated system or a closed system (such as the conversion of a liquid to a gas) leave the total mass unchanged. Strictly speaking, mass is not a conserved quantity. However, except in nuclear reactions, the conversion of rest mass into other forms of mass-energy is so small that, to a high degree of precision, rest mass may be thought of as conserved.

Did You Know:

The history associated with the discovery of the conservation of mass is remarkable. An important idea from ancient Greek philosophy was that “Nothing comes from nothing” so that what exists now has always existed: no new matter can come into existence where there was none before. An explicit statement of this, along with the further principle that nothing can pass away into nothing, is found in Empedocles (approx. 490–430 BC): “For it is impossible for anything to come to be from what is not, and it cannot be brought about or heard of that what it should be utterly destroyed.” We knew about the conservation of mass from ages and it took centuries to frame it to a universal law.

Jain philosophy, a non-creationist philosophy based on the teachings of Mahavira (6th century BC), states that the universe and its constituents such as matter cannot be destroyed or created. The Jain text Tattvarthasutra (2nd century AD) states that a substance is permanent, but its modes are characterized by creation and destruction. A principle of the conservation of matter was also stated by Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī (1201–1274). He wrote that “A body of matter cannot disappear completely. It only changes its form, condition, composition, color, and other properties and turns into a different complex or elementary matter”.