[Physics Class Notes] on Law of Conservation of Momentum Pdf for Exam

The momentum of an object is the product of the velocity and mass of an object. It is a vector quantity. Conservation of momentum is a fundamental law of physics, which states that the total momentum of an isolated system is conserved in the absence of an external force. In other words, the total momentum of a system of objects remains constant during any interaction if no external force acts on the system. The total momentum is the vector sum of individual momenta. Therefore, the component of the total momentum along any direction remains constant (whether the objects interact or not). Momentum remains conserved in any physical process.

Overview of the Law of Conservation of Momentum

Conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains the same in the absence of an external force, i.e., the momentum can neither be created nor be destroyed, however, it can be changed through the action of forces as described by Newton’s laws of motion.

Momentum is the product of the mass of the object and the velocity at which it is travelling and is also equal to the total force required to bring the object to rest.

One of the real-life aspects of the conservation of momentum is collision problems in which the momentum remains conserved and the net external force remains zero.

Additionally, there are several applications of momentum conservation in our day-to-day life that we will cover on this page. Along with this, we will understand the logic behind this concept and the proof of the conservation of momentum.

Illustration in One-Dimension

Conservation of momentum can be explained through a one-dimensional collision of two objects. Two objects of masses m1 and m2 collide with each other while moving along a straight line with velocities u1 and u2, respectively.  After the collision, they acquire velocities v1 and v2 in the same direction.

Total momentum before collision pi=m1u1+m2u2

Total momentum after collision  pf=m1v1+m2v2

If no other force acts on the system of the two objects, total momentum remains conserved. Therefore,

Pi = pf

m1u1+m2u2= m1v1+m2v2


Derivation of Conservation of Momentum

If no external force is exerted on the system of two colliding objects, the objects apply impulse on each other for a short interval of time at the point of contact. According to Newton’s third law of motion, the impulsive force applied by the first object on the second one is equal and opposite to the impulsive force applied by the second object on the first object.  

During the one-dimensional collision of two objects of masses m1 and m2, which have velocities u1 and u2 before collision and velocities v2 and v2 after the collision, the impulsive force on the first object is F21 (applied by the second object) and the impulsive force on the second object is F12 (applied by the first object). Applying Newton’s third law, these two impulsive forces are equal and opposite, i.e.,

F21 = − F12

If the time of contact is t,  the impulse of the force F21 is equal to the change in momentum of the first object. 

F21. t = m1v1 − m1u1

The impulse of force F12 is equal to the change in momentum of the second object.

F12. t = m2v2 − m2u2

From F21 = − F12

F21. t = − F12. t

m1v1 − m1u1 = − (m2v2 − m2u2)

m1u1+m2u2= m1v1+m2v2

This relation suggests that momentum is conserved during the collision.

Collision in Two – Dimensions

Before the collision, the total momentum is pix = p1 = m1v1, along the X – axis and piy = p2 = m2v2 along the Y – axis. After the collision, the total momentum is pfx = (m + M) ucosθ, along X-axis and pfy = (m+M)usinθ

Applying conservation of momentum,

pix = pfx

m1v1 = (m + M) ucosθ….(1)

piy = pfy

m2v2 = (m+M) usinθ…..(2)

Therefore, squaring and adding equations (1) and (2),

[(m_{1}v_{1})^{2} + (m_{2}v_{2})^{2} = (m+M)^{2} u^{2} (Cos^{2}Theta + Sin^{2}Theta )]

[u = frac{sqrt{m_{1}^{2}v_{1}^{2} + m_{2}^{2}v_{2}^{2}}}{(m + M)}]    

It is the speed of the combined object.

Dividing equation (2) by (1),

[tan Theta = frac{m_{2}v_{2}}{m_{1}v_{

θ gives the direction of the velocity.

Conservation of Momentum Examples

  • Recoil of a Gun: If a bullet is fired from a gun, both the bullet and the gun are initially at rest i.e. the total momentum before firing is zero. The bullet acquires a forward momentum when it gets fired. According to the conservation of momentum, the gun receives a backward momentum. The bullet of mass m is fired with forward velocity v. The gun of mass M acquires a backward velocity u. Before firing, the total momentum is zero so that the total momentum after firing is also zero.

0 = mv + Mu

u = -[frac{m}{M}]v

u is the recoil velocity of the gun. The mass of the bullet is much less than that of the gun i.e. m ≪ M. The backward velocity of the gun is very small,

u ≪ v

  • Rocket Propulsion: Rockets have a gas chamber at one end, from which gas is ejected with enormous velocity. Before the ejection, the total momentum is zero. Due to the ejection of gas, the rocket gains a recoil velocity and acceleration in the opposite direction. This is a consequence of the conservation of momentum


If a rocket of mass m ejects the propellent of small mass dm with an exhaust velocity ve such that the residual rocket of mass m – dm acquires a velocity dv in the opposite direction, the momenta of the propellant and the residual rocket are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

vedm = − (m − dm)dv

Since both  dm and dv are small, the equation can be approximated as

dv = − ve[frac{dm}{m}]

If the mass of the rocket reduces from mo to m’ as its velocity increases from 0 to v’, integrating the above equation

[int_{0}^{v^{1}}dv = -veint_{mo}^{m^{1}} dm/m]

v’ = ve ln[(frac{m}{mo})]

Solved Examples

I. A bullet of mass 6 g is fired with a speed of 500 m/s from a gun of mass 4 kg. What would be the recoil velocity of the gun?

Solution: The initial momenta of the bullet and the gun are zero such that the total initial momentum is zero. The bullet of mass m = 6g  is fired with forward velocity v = 500 m/s. The gun of mass M = 4kg acquires a backward velocity V. 

m = 6 g =[frac{6}{1000}]kg

According to the conservation of momentum formula,

0 = mv + MV

0 =[frac{6}{1000}]kg(500m/s) + (4kg) v

v = – 0.75 m/s

The recoil speed of the gun is 0.75 m/s. The negative sign implies that the recoil velocity is opposite to the velocity of the bullet.

[Physics Class Notes] on Light – Reflection and Refraction Pdf for Exam

A good explanation is worth a hundred readings, because if you have a clear explanation for the topic then chances are, you may not need to read the explanation again, because you learn, understand, and grasp everything in just one reading. And for the topic of Reflection of Light and Refraction of Light such explanation is very much needed. As it does not only help you in better understanding the topic of Reflection of Light and Refraction of Light, but it also helps you from lots of anxiety, saves lots of your time, and it boosts your morale.

But there is one more thing, which is, it becomes quite difficult for the students to find such an explanation. And hence for making the learning process of the students easy and for saving their time. has brought the complete explanation of Reflection of Light and Refraction of Light, in a language that is easy to understand and grasp for the students. And also, provides the complete explanation of the Reflection of Light and Refraction of Light completely free of cost.

Reflection of Light

  • The process of sending back light rays that drop on an object’s surface is called Light reflection.

  • Silver metal is also one of the best light reflectors.

  • In home the mirrors we use on our dressing tables are plane mirrors.

  • A ray of light is the straight line that the light travels along and a series of light rays is considered a light beam.

 Laws of Reflection of Light

  • The angle of incidence at the point of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection and the incident radius, the reflected radius, and the normal mirror at the point of incidence.

  • These laws apply to all types of reflective surfaces, including spherical surfaces


Characteristics of Images Formed by Mirrors

  • Images created through mirrors are always virtual and erect

  • Image size is always equal to the object size, and the image is inverted laterally.

  • The images formed by the mirror on the plane are as far behind the mirror as the object facing the mirror.

  • Lateral Inversion: If an object is placed in front of the mirror, the left side of the object tends to be the right side of this image. This transition in an object’s sides, and its mirror image, is called lateral inversion.

Spherical Mirrors

A circular mirror’s reflective surface may be angled inside or outwards.

There are two types of spherical mirrors 

1. Concave Mirror: – In a concave mirror light reflection occurs at the concave surface or bent-in surface as shown in the figure below.


2. Convex Mirror: In a convex mirror the light is reflected on the convex surface or bent out as shown in the figure below


Commonly Used Terms About Spherical Mirrors

  1. Center of Curvature: – A spherical mirror reflecting form constitutes a part of a sphere. There is a center to this sphere. This point is termed the spherical mirror’s curvature center. The letter C is represented on it. Note that the curvature center isn’t a part of the mirror. This exists beyond its reflective surface. Before it lies the center of curvature of a concave mirror. However, in the case of a convex mirror, as shown above, it lies behind the mirror. 

  2. Radius of Curvature: The angle of the sphere from which the reflecting surface of a spherical mirror forms a part, is considered the curvature radius of the mirror. The letter R is depicted on it.

  3. Pole: A spherical mirror’s center is called its pole and is represented by the letter P as shown in the figure.

  4. Principle Axis: The straight line that passes through the pole and the curvature center of a spherical mirror is called the mirror’s principal axis.

  5. The Aperture of The Mirror: – Portion of the mirror from which the reflection of light actually occurs is called mirror aperture. The mirror opening actually represents mirror size.


Overview of the Reflection of Light.

When the wavefront of the light returns into the medium from which it originally originated, it is called Reflection of Light. It happens because the wavefront changes its direction at an interface between the two different media. In simple language, we can say that when the lights get sent back from the surface of an object, upon which it lands, to the point of its origin is called reflection of the light. Here, the surface which throws the light back to its origin, that is to say, the surface which reflects the light, is called a reflector. 

Usually, the surfaces which have polished metal are good reflectors. Also, the mirror is one of the most common reflectors, especially out of those who are found in the household. Waxed surfaces and water surfaces also play the role of the reflector. But one of the best reflectors is the silver blaze.

Laws of Reflection of Light in Brief.

There are two laws of reflection of light, which are as under:

  • First Law of Reflection: This law states that the reflected ray and the incidental ray all lie on the same plane.

  • Second Law of Reflection: This law states that the angle of reflection and the angle of the incident are always going to be equal.

Overview of Refraction of Light.

For a long time, it was believed that the light travels in a straight line, but other theories regarding the light were developed in the last century, that is to say in the 20th century. And to a greater extent, these new theories help in developing and understanding the moment of light from one medium to another medium.

When light travels from one medium to another medium the direction of the propagation of light changes in another medium. To put it simply, when the light travels from one medium to another medium, its velocity or speed changes, and this change is called the refraction of light. The nature of another medium plays a good role in the refraction of light.

If you wish to learn more about the refraction of light, you may like to follow this link.

Principle Focus & Focal Length of Spherical Mirrors


  • From above figure we see a set of rays landing on a concave mirror parallel to the principal axis. Now, if we observe the reflected rays, we see that they all intersect on the mirror’s main axis at a point F. This feature is called the principal focus of the concave mirror.

  • In the case of convex mirror rays, these reflected rays appear to originate from point F on the main axis and this point F is called the main focus of the convex mirror.

  • The distance between the pole and a spherical mirror’s principal focus is called the focal length. The letter f is represented on it.

  • There is a relationship between the curvature radius R and the focal length f of a spherical mirror and is given by R=2f, meaning that the main focus of a spherical mirror is between the pole and the curvature center.


Image Formation by Spherical Mirrors

  • The existence, direction, and size of the image created by a concave mirror depend on the object’s position about points P, F, and C.

  • The formed picture can be both actual and simulated, depending on the object’s position.

  • The picture is magnified, diminished, or has the same dimension, depending on the object’s position.


Rules for Obtaining Images Formed by Spherical Mirrors

Rule 1

A ray of light parallel to the mirror’s principal axis passes through its focus after mirror reflection as shown in the figure below


From the above figure, it can be clearly seen that the light rays in concave mirrors travel through the main focus and tend to differ from the main focus in concave mirrors.

Rule 2

A ray of light that passes through the curvature center of the concave mirror or is directed towards the curvature center of a convex mirror, is reflected back along the same path as shown in the figure below.


Rule 3

A ray going through the main focus of a concave mirror or a ray that is directed towards the main focus of a convex mirror is after reflection parallel to the main axis and is shown in the figure below.


Rule 4

A ray incidence is projected obliquely toward the main axis, toward a point P (mirror pole), on the concave mirror, or a convex mirror. The incident and reflected rays obey the reflecting rules at the point of incidence (point P), allowing equal angles to the main axis and shown in the diagram below


Image Formation by Concave Mirror

  1. Between pole P and focus F

  2. At the focus

  3. Between focus F and center of curvature C

  4. At the center of curvature

  5. Beyond the center of curvature

  6. It is called infinity at far distances and cannot be shown in figures

  • The picture formed by a concave mirror for the different object locations is shown in the table below

  • Concave mirrors are used as spotlights, reflectors in car headlights, hand torches, and table lights.

  • In the field of solar energy, large concave mirrors are used to focus sun rays on objects to be heated.

Image Formation by Convex Mirrors

  • To create a ray diagram, we will have to follow the direction of light rays to figure out the position, shape and scale of the image created by the convex mirror.

  • Upon reflection from the mirror, a beam of light parallel to the principal axis of a convex mirror appears to come from its center.

  • A ray of light traveling to the center of convex mirror curvature is reflected back in its own direction.

  • Convex mirrors have their focus and curvature center behind them and no light can go behind the convex mirror and all the rays we show behind the convex mirror are virtual and no ray actually passes through the concentration and curvature center of the convex mirror.

  • Whatever the object’s position in front of the convex mirror, the convex mirror image is always behind the mirror, virtual, erect, and smaller than the object.

  • In the table below is the existence, position, and relative size of the image created by a convex mirror

  • Convex mirrors are used in automobiles as rear-view mirrors to see the traffic on the backside as they give erect images and also a highly decreased one that gives the wide-field view of traffic behind.



Sign Convention for Reflection by Spherical Mirrors

Spherical mirrors reflect light following a set of sign conventions called the New Cartesian Sign Convention. In this convention, the mirror’s pole (P) is taken as the root. The mirror’s principal axis is taken as the coordinate system’s x-axis (X’X). The following are the Conventions

  • The object is always situated to the mirror’s left. This implies that the light from the object falls on the left side of the mirror.

  • All distances are measured from the mirror pole parallel to the principal axis.

  • All distances measured to the right of the origin (along + x-axis) are taken as positive while those measured to the left of the origin are taken as negative (along-x-axis).

  • Positives are taken distances measured perpendicular to and above the main axis (along the y-axis).

  • Distances determined perpendicularly to and below the main axis (along -y-axis) are considered negative.

The figure below shows these new Cartesian sign conventions for spherical mirrors


[Physics Class Notes] on Lorentz Transformation Pdf for Exam

Lorentz transformation refers to the relationship between two coordinate frames that move at a constant speed and are relative to one another. It is named after a Dutch physicist, Hendrik Lorentz.

We can divide reference frames into two categories:

  • Frames of inertial motion – motion with a constant velocity

  • Non-inertial Frames – Rotational motion with constant angular velocity and acceleration in curved paths

Lorentz Transformation in Inertial Frame

A Lorentz transformation can only be used in the context of inertial frames, so it is usually a special relativity transformation. During the linear transformation, a mapping occurs between 2 modules that include vector spaces. The multiplication and addition operations on scalars are preserved when using a linear transformation. As a result of this transformation, the observer who is moving at different speeds will be able to measure different elapsed times, different distances, and order of events, but it is important to follow the condition that the speed of light should be equivalent across all frames of reference.

Lorentz Boost

It is also possible to apply the Lorentz transform to rotate space. A rotation free of this transformation is called Lorentz boost. This transformation preserves the space-time interval between two events.

The Statement of the Principle

The transformation equations of Hendrik Lorentz relate two different coordinate systems in an inertial reference frame. There are two laws behind Lorentz transformations:

  • Relativity Principle

  • Light’s constant speed

Simplest Derivation of Lorentz Transformation

We will start by scaling Galilean transformations by Lorentz factor (γ) which is-

γ = [frac{1}{sqrt{1 – frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}]

γ = [frac{1}{sqrt{1 – β^{2}}}]

Galilean transformations of Newtonian transformations: –




x’=x- vt

Here, x’,  y’ , z’ and ct’  are the new coordinates. We need to transform from x to x’ and ct to ct’.

This implies, x’ = γ(x – βct)

And, ct’ =  γ(ct – βx)

Extending it to 4 dimensions,



Another form of writing the equations, is to substitute β = [frac{v}{c}]

γ = [frac{1}{sqrt{1 – frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}] = [frac{1}{sqrt{1 – β^{2}}}]

x’ = γ(x – ct[frac{v}{c}])

x’ = γ(x – vt)

ct’ =  γ(ct – βx)

ct’ =  γ(ct – [frac{v}{c}]x)

Dividing by c ,

[frac{ct’}{c}] = γ([frac{ct}{c}] – [frac{vx}{c^{2}}])

t’ =  γ(t – [frac{vx}{c^{2}}])

When , v << c , Then [frac{vx}{c^{2}}] ≈ 0

 and when γ is equal to 1,

t’ = γ(t – [frac{vx}{c^{2}}]) becomes t’ ≈ t

x’ = γ(x – vt) becomes x’ = x – vt


Equation of the Lorentz Transformation

Lorentz transformations transform one frame of spacetime coordinates into another frame that moves at a constant speed relative to the other. The four axes of spacetime coordinate systems are x, ct, y, and z.

x’ = γ(x – βct)

ct’ =  γ(ct – βx)

Extending it to 4 dimensions,




The concept of Lorentz transformation requires us to first understand spacetime and its coordinate system.

As opposed to three-dimensional coordinate systems having x, y, and z axes, space-time coordinates specify both space and time (four-dimensional coordinate system). The coordinates of each point in four-dimensional spacetime consist of three spatial and one temporal characteristic.

Need of a Spacetime Coordinate System

Earlier, time was viewed as an absolute quantity. Since space is not an absolute quantity, observers would disagree about the distance (thus, the observers would not agree about the speed of the light) even though they agree on the time it takes for the light to travel. 

Consequently, time is no longer considered an absolute quantity due to the Theory of Relativity.

As a result, the distance between events can now be calculated as a function of time. 

d = (1/2)c


The theory of relativity has changed our understanding of space and time as separate and independent components. Therefore, space and time had to be combined into one continuum.


The path that an object follows as it moves through a spacetime diagram is called its world line. Spacetime diagrams are important because world lines may not correspond to paths that objects traverse in space. For example, when a car moves with uniform acceleration, the graph in a velocity-time graph is no longer a straight line. In your reference frame, a world line is a stationary straight line whose x coordinate is always equal to zero.

Fun Facts about Lorentz Transformation

  1. The world line of the speed of light is the only such path that does not change when followed by a series of contraction and expansion.

  2. The world line of the speed of light is always at an angle of 45° to the spacetime coordinate system.

[Physics Class Notes] on Magnetic Dipole Moment Pdf for Exam

To understand magnetic dipole moment, you first need to understand the simple magnetic moment.



Magnetic movement:

It is the magnitude that signifies the magnetic orientation and strength of a magnet or other object that creates a magnetic field. Examples of such objects that have magnetic moments contain loops of electric current (like electromagnets), elementary particles (such as electrons), permanent magnets, various molecules, and several astronomical objects (such as various planets, certain moons, stars, etc).


Exactly, the word magnetic moment normally denotes to a system’s magnetic dipole moment, the component of the magnetic moment that can be denoted by the same magnetic dipole: magnetic north and south pole divided by a very minor distance. The magnetic dipole component is enough for small adequate magnets or for large sufficient distances. Higher-order expressions (such as the magnetic quadrupole moment) can be needed in addition to the dipole moment for prolonged objects.


The magnetic dipole moment of an object or thing is readily defined in relation to the torque that the object experiences in a certain magnetic field. The same applied magnetic field generates larger torques on objects with bigger magnetic moments. The direction and strength of this torque depend not only on the degree of the magnetic moment but also on its location relative to the direction of the magnetic field. The magnetic moment can also be considered, so, to be a vector. 



It can be defined as a vector linking the aligning torque on the object from an outside applied magnetic field to the field vector itself. The relationship is written by


[tau = mtimes B]


Where τ is the torque acting on the dipole, B is the outside magnetic field, and m is on the magnetic moment.


This definition is based on the principle, of measuring the magnetic moment of an unknown sample. For a current loop, this definition hints at the magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment corresponding to the product of the current times the region of the loop. More, this definition agrees to the calculation of the projected magnetic moment for any known macroscopic current sharing.


A substitute definition is helpful for thermodynamic calculations of the magnetic moment. In this definition, the magnetic dipole moment of a structure is the negative gradient of its fundamental energy, Uint, with respect to the outer magnetic field:


[m = frac{-widehat{x} partial U{int}}{partial B{x}} – frac{widehat{y} partial U{int}}{partial B{y}} – frac{widehat{z} partial U{int}}{partial B{z}}].


Magnetic Dipole

It is the magnitude that signifies the magnetic orientation and strength of a magnet or other object that yields a magnetic field. Exactly, a magnetic moment mentions to a magnetic dipole moment, the constituent of the magnetic moment that can be signified by a magnetic dipole. A magnetic dipole is a magnetic north pole and South Pole divided by a minor distance.


Magnetic dipole moments have sizes of the current time’s region or energy separated by magnetic flux density. The unit for dipole moment in centimeter–gram–second electromagnetic system, in meter–kilogram– second–ampere is an ampere-square meter, is the erg (unit of energy) per gauss (unit of magnetic flux density). One thousand ergs per gauss equal to one ampere-square meter.


The theory underlying the magnetic dipole

The field (magnetic) of any magnet can be exhibited by a series of terms for which every term is more complicated (having finer angular features) than the one before it. The first three terms of that series are known as monopole (denoted by isolated magnetic south or north pole) the dipole (denoted by two equal and opposite magnetic poles), and the quadrupole (denoted by four poles that combine together form two equal and opposite dipoles). The degree of the magnetic field for every term reduces progressively sooner with distance than the previous term so that at big enough distances the first non-zero term will govern.


For several magnets, the first non-zero word is the magnetic dipole moment. (To date, no isolated magnetic monopoles have been experimentally identified.) A magnetic dipole is the boundary of either a current loop or a pair of poles as the dimensions of the source are drop to zero while keeping the moment continuous. As long as these restrictions only apply to fields far from the sources, they are the same. However, the two models give different predictions for the inside field


Magnetic potentials

Usually, the equations for the magnetic dipole moment (and higher-order terms) are derived from theoretical quantities known as magnetic potentials which are simpler to deal with mathematically than the magnetic fields.


In the magnetic pole model, the related magnetic field is the demagnetizing field H{displaystyle mathbf {H} }. Then the demagnetizing portion of H does not include, by description, the part of H {displaystyle mathbf {H} }due to free currents, there occurs a magnetic scalar potential such that


[H(r) = – triangledown psi]


In the amperian loop model, the related magnetic field is the magnetic induction B{displaystyle mathbf {B} }. Since magnetic monopoles do not occur, there happens a magnetic vector potential such that


[B(r) = triangledowntimes A.]


Both of these potentials can be measured for any arbitrary current sharing (for the amperian loop model) or magnetic charge distribution (for the magnetic charge model) is providing that these are restricted to a small adequate region to give:


[A(r, t) = frac{mu_{0}}{4pi} int {j(r’)}{|r – r’|} dV’]


[psi (r, t) = frac{1}{4pi} int {rho(r’)}{|r – r’|} dV’]


Here p is the magnetic pole strength density in analogy to the electric charge density J is the current density in the amperian loop model, which leads to the electric potential, and the volume (triple) integrals over the coordinates that make up r’. The denominators of this equation can be prolonged with the help of multipole expansion to give a sequence of terms that have greater power of distances in the denominator. The first nonzero term, so, will dominate for great distances. The first non-zero term for the vector potential is given by


[A(r) = frac{mu_{0}}{4pi} frac{mtimes r}{|r|^{3}}]


Where m is : 

[m = frac{1}{2} iiint{V} rtimes j dV]


Here r is the position vector, j is the electric current density & the integral is a volume integral.


 × is the vector cross product, In the magnetic pole perspective, and the first non-zero term of the scalar potential is


[psi (r) = frac{m.r}{4pi |r|^{3}}].


Here m may be represented in terms of the magnetic pole strength density but is more usefully expressed in terms of the ma
gnetization field as: 


[m = iiint M dVm].


The same symbol m is used for both equations since they produce equivalent results outside of the magnet.


Derivation of Magnetic Dipole Moment Formula

Magnetic Dipole moment- 

The magnetic field,  R at a distance l along its axis, B due to a current loop carrying current i of radius, is given by: 


[B = frac{mu_{0}i R^{2}}{2(R^{2} + l^{2})^{frac{3}{2}}}]


At the present, if we think a point which is far from the current loop such that l>>R, then we can estimate the field as:


[B = frac{mu_{0}i R^{2}}{2l^{3}((frac{R}{i})^{2} + 1)^{frac{3}{2}}} approx frac{mu_{0}i R^{2}}{2l^{3}} = frac{mu_{0}}{4pi} frac{2i(pi R^{2})}{l^{3}}]


currently, the area of the loop, A is

[A = pi R^{2}]


therefore, the magnetic field can be written as


[B = frac{mu_{0}}{4pi} frac{2iA}{l^{3}} = frac{mu_{0}}{4pi} frac{2mu}{l^{3}}]


We can mark this new quantity μ as a vector that points next to the magnetic field, so that


[bar{B} = frac{mu_{0}}{4pi} frac{2 bar{mu}}{l^{3}}]


take in the astounding connection to the  electric dipole field:


[bar{E} = frac{1}{4 pi epsilon_{0}} frac{2 bar{p}}{r^{3}}]


Thus we call this quantity μ→ the magnetic dipole moment. Different electric fields such as magnetic fields do not have ‘charge ‘counterparts. Hence there are no sources or sinks of magnetic fields, here can only be a dipole. Whatever we produce a magnetic field comes with both a sink and a source that is there is both a north pole and south pole. With the help of different ways, the magnetic dipole is the fundamental unit that can produce a magnetic field. 


Most elementary particles behave fundamentally as magnetic dipoles. For instance, the electron itself behaves as a magnetic dipole and has a Spin Magnetic Dipole moment. This magnetic moment is inherent from the electron has neither an area A (it is a point object) nor does it spin around itself but is fundamental to the nature of the electron’s existence.


We can simplify the magnetic moment for ‘N’ turns of the wire loop as


μ = NiA


The magnetic field lines of a current loop look alike to that of an idealized electric dipole:


The internal magnetic field of a dipole

The two types of dipole (current loop and magnetic poles) give the same prediction for the magnetic field far from the source. On the other hand, inside the source region, they give different predictions. The magnetic field between both poles (see figure for Magnetic pole definition) is in the opposite direction to the magnetic moment (which points from the negative charge to the positive charge), while within a current loop it is in the same direction (see the figure to the right). The restrictions of these fields must also be diverse as the sources minimize to zero sizes. This difference only matters if the dipole limit is used to analyze fields inside a magnetic material.


If a magnetic dipole is shaped by making a present loop smaller and smaller, but keeping the product of current and area even, the limiting field is


[B(x) = frac{mu_{0}}{4pi} [frac{3n(n.m) – m}{|x|^{3}} + frac{8pi}{3} m partial (x)]]


Contrasting the expressions in the previous section, this limit is exact for the internal field of the dipole.


If a magnetic dipole is formed by taking a “north pole” and a “south pole”, bring them closer and closer together but keeping the product of magnetic pole charge and distance constant, the limiting field is


[H(x) = frac{1}{4pi} [frac{3n(n.m) – m}{|x|^{3}} + frac{4pi}{3} m partial (x)]]


These fields are connected by B = μ0(H + M), where M(x) = mδ(x) is the magnetization.

[Physics Class Notes] on Magnetization Magnetic Intensity Pdf for Exam

We have all played with magnets when we were young and we even remember it as well. Some of us even play with them now But what makes them ‘magnetic’? Have we ever thought why don’t all the materials and substances possess a magnetic field? Have we ever just wondered about it? In this chapter we are going to cover the topics which are magnetization and magnetic intensity.

As we know that the magnetization generally results from a moment which is said to be the magnetic moment. The motion which is of electrons that is in the atoms is what induces this. The net magnetization which we already know as a result from the response that is of a material to the external magnetic field. We can also recall here that it also takes into consideration any unbalanced magnetic dipole moment that is inherent in the material due to the motion of its electrons as we have mentioned earlier.


Magnetization is a term which is also termed as magnetic polarization which is said to be  a vector quantity that gives the measure of the density of permanent or we can say induced dipole moment in a given magnetic material. As we all already know that magnetization generally results from the magnetic moment, that is which results from the motion of electrons in the atoms or we can say that the spin of nuclei or the electrons. The net magnetization generally is said to result from the response of a material to the external magnetic field that is together with any unbalanced magnetic dipole moment that usually is inherent in the material due to the motion which is in its electrons as mentioned earlier. The concept of magnetization generally helps us in classifying the materials on the basis of their magnetic property. In this section we are going to  learn more about magnetization and the concept which is of magnetic intensity.

The Measurements which are of magnetic properties which have been used to characterize a wide range of systems from oxygen and metallic alloys and the solid state materials as well as the coordination complexes containing metals. Most organic and main groups are elements that are compounds which have all the electrons that are paired and these are said to be the diamagnetic molecules with very small magnetic moments. All of the metals that are transitioned have at least one state which is of  oxidation with an incomplete d subshell. 

The measurement which is of Magnetic is particularly for the first row transition elements which give the information about the number of unpaired electrons. That is the number of electrons which are unpaired that generally provides information about the oxidation state and along with that the electron configuration as well. The determination of the magnetic properties which are of the second and third row elements or the transition elements is more complex. The magnetic moment which we already know is calculated from the magnetic susceptibility that is since the magnetic moment is not measured directly we do it this way. There are several ways to express the degree to which a material acquires a magnetic moment which is in a field. 

Magnetic Intensity

The Magnetic behaviour that is of a magnet is said to be characterized by the alignment of the atoms which are inside a substance. When a substance which is ferromagnetic is brought under the application that is of a strong external magnetic field which is  then they experience a torque that is wherein the substance which aligns themselves in the direction of the magnetic field applied and hence gets strongly magnetized in the direction of the field or we can say the magnetic field.

All the substances which we have seen possess magnetic properties and the most general definition that is of magnetism defines it as a particular form which is of interactions originating which is in between moving electrically charged particles.

  • The Magnetic interaction relates spatially separate objects to material and it is transmitted by means of fields which are magnetic about which we have already studied .This magnetic field which we know is important characteristics of the EM form of matter.

  • We already know that the source which is of the magnetic field is a moving electric charge that is  an electric current. On the scale of an atom there are two types of macroscopic current which are associated with electrons.
    (a) the current which is orbital is which the electron in an atom moves about the nucleus that is in closed paths which is constituting electric currents loops
    (b) the current which generally spins relates to the internal degrees of freedom of the motion of electrons and this can only be understood through quantum mechanics.

  • The electrons which are Like electrons in an atom and their  atomic nucleus may also have magnetic properties like magnetic moment but we note that it is fairly smaller than that of electrons then only.

  • The moment which is Magnet denoted by  m is nothing but the quantitative measure of the magnetism of a particle.

  • For an elementary loop which is closed with a current denoted by  i in it and the magnitude denoted by modulus |m| of a magnetic moment vector equals the current times the loop area S that is we can say that
    |m|=iS and direction of m can be determined using the right hand rule.

  • All the micro structural which is of the elements of matter electrons and the protons and neutrons are elementary which generally carriers of magnetic moment and combination of these can be principal sources of magnetism

  • Thus we can say that the magnetic properties are inherent to all the substances that is they are all magnets

An external magnetic field which we already know has an influence on these atomic orbital and spin currents and two effects of basic of an external field are observed

(i) the first is said to be a diamagnetic effect which is a consequence of Faraday’s law that is of induction. According to the Lenz law we can say that a magnetic field always sets up an induced current with its magnetic field direction opposite to a field or the initial field .Therefore the diamagnetic moment generally created by the external field is always said to be negatively related to this field.

Earth’s Magnetic Field

Earth’s magnetic field is the natural magnetic field that surrounds our planet. It is also known as the geomagnetic field. The earth’s magnetic field extends millions of kilometers into outer space and seems likely to be a bar magnet. The earth’s south magnetic pole is close to the North Pole. The magnetic north pole is in the South Pole, Antarctica. A compass magnet’s north pole points north as the magnetic property of the north and south poles attracting acts on earth and the compass.The Earth’s magnetic field spreads largely far and wide but is very ineffective in terms of field power. Earth’s natural Magnetism is generated by convection currents of molten iron and nickel in the planet’s core.

These currents hold streams of charged particles and cause magnetic fields and this magnetic field deflects ionizing charged particles coming from the sun which are also known as solar wind and control them from entering the atmosphere. Without this magnetic shield, the solar wind could have slowly eliminated the complete atmosphere stopping life on earth from existing. Mars, for example, does not have a strong atmosphere, and that’s why life can not sustain itself because it does not have a magnetic field covering and shielding it.

The earth’s magnetic poles are not geographically aligned to the actual north and south poles. The magnetic south pole is in Canada while the magnetic north pole lies in Antarctica. The magnetic poles are inclined by about 10 degrees to the earth’s original rotational axis.

Components of Earth’s Magnetic Field

The 3 components that are responsible for the magnitude and direction of the earth’s magnetic field-

  • Magnetic declination- Magnetic declination is described as the angle between the true north and the actual magnetic north. On the horizontal plane, the true north is never at a steady position and keeps changing, relying upon the position on the earth’s surface and time.

  • The magnetic inclination or the angle of dip- The magnetic inclination is also called the angle of dip. It is the angle created by the horizontal plane on the earth’s surface. At the magnetic equator, the angle of dip is always 0° and at the magnetic poles, the angle of dip is always 90°.

[Physics Class Notes] on Measure Diameter of a Small Spherical Body Using Vernier Callipers Pdf for Exam

Vernier caliper was invented by a French Mathematician named Pierre Vernier in 1631. It is an instrument for making very accurate measurements.


Vernier caliper works on the principle that vernier scale uses the alignment of line segments that can be displaced by small amounts for the measurement.


It uses two scales viz: the main scale and the auxiliary scale. The main is similar to the ruler, while the vernier scale slides on the main scale that makes readings to the fraction of a division on the main scale.


Vernier Caliper Measurement

Vernier calipers are used in the two following areas:

Vernier calipers measure the diameter of small spherical objects, depth, and length very accurately, that’s why they are called Precision measuring instruments.


Parts of Vernier Caliper

A vernier caliper has the following parts:

  1. Outside Jaws: To measure the external diameter of a small spherical object.

  2. Inside Jaws: To measure the internal dimension of a small spherical object.

  3. Measuring Depth Probe: For measuring the depth of objects.

  4. Main Scale: In cm.

  5. Main Scale: in inches.

  6. Vernier Scales: In cm.

  7. Vernier Scales: In inches.

  8. Retainer: To block the movable part.




The formula for the vernier caliper measurement is:

Measurement = MSR + (VSR * L.C.)

The least count of the vernier caliper is:

L.C.  measurement = 1 MSD – 1VSD

Objective: To ascertain the diameter of a spherical body.


Apparatus/Materials Required:



The smallest distance that can be measured along with the distance is the least count or L.C. L.C.is the difference between one main scale division and one vernier scale division.

The formula for the same is given below:

n (MSD) = (n – 1) VSD


MSD = Main scale division.

VSD = Vernier scale division.


Measure Diameter of a Small Spherical using Vernier’s Calipers

Procedure to measure diameter of a small spherical cylindrical body using vernier’s calipers is as follows:

  • Check with the instrument, keep both the jaws closed and make sure that the zero of the main scale and the vernier scale coincide with each other.

  • Now, use a magnifying glass to check whether we were able to coincide the two zeroes and then check the number of divisions coinciding with each other.

  • Release the movable jaw by opening the screw. Put the cylindrical spherical body inside these jaws but not tightly. Make sure that these jaws lie perpendicular to the body. Slowly and gently tighten the screw to adjust the instrument in the position of the body.

  • Note the position of zero of the vernier scale against the main scale ( we won’t get the perfect coincide). Now, read the reading on the main scale division to the left of the zero marks of the vernier scale (V.S.).

  • Now, repeat the steps from 3 to 6, do the measurements along with the different positions of the curved surface of the sphere, and obtain at least three readings in each case.


What Did You Observe?

We observed the following things:

  • Main scale 1 mm  = 0.1 cm.

  • Number of vernier scale division (M) = 10.

  • If 10 vernier scale divisions are equal to 9 main scale divisions, then:

1 vernier scale division is equal to 0.9 main scale divisions.

  • Vernier constant  = 1 MSD – 1 VSD  = 1 – 0.9 = 0.1 main scale divisions

  • So, we get the vernier constant as 0.1 MSD = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm.

So, observed reading  – (± Zero reading) = True reading.

So, this was the procedure to measure the diameter of a small spherical. Now, record all the readings in the table given below:


The Table form for Noting the Details of Measuring the Diameter of a Small Spherical is:


Main Scale Reading (N)

No of Coinciding Vernier Division (K)

Vernier Scale Reading, V = N * Vc (in cm or mm)

The Measured Diameter is Equal to N + V (cm or mm)


Zero error = ± ……cm.


Mean observed diameter in cm = ……


The formula for the corrected diameter is the difference between the mean observed diameter and the zero error.


Our final result is:


The diameter of the cylinder or the sphere in……cm.


Types of Vernier caliper

Flat Edge Vernier Caliper – This kind of vernier is used for basic tasks. We can measure the length, breadth, diameter and thickness of a task, among other things. Because the jib on its edge is of a unique kind, it may also be used to obtain the inner measurement. However, the job breadth must be deducted from that measurement.

Knife Edge Vernier Caliper – This Vernier caliper’s edge is as sharp as a knife. This vernier caliper is useful for measuring tiny spaces, the distance between bolt holes, and so on. Its basic flaw is that the thin edge of its jaw wears down fast, causing it to give incorrect measurements.


Vernier Gear Tooth Caliper – This is a unique tool that resembles the combination of two vernier calipers. It has two distinct scales, vertical and horizontal. The thickness of a gear tooth may be calculated using a vernier caliper and its pitch circle.


Vernier Depth Gauge – This tool is used to gauge the depth of a job’s slot, hole, or groove. This depth gauge is created from a thin beam, similar to a narrow rule. It has an inch or metric system for the main scale and vernier scale. This is nearly identical to a vernier caliper. However, instead of a jaw, it has a flat-shaped base, as illustrated in the figure. 


Vernier Height Gauge – It’s used to take accurate measurements of a job’s height or to mark it. It’s comparable to a vernier caliper, but it’s utilized by connecting certain extra attachments to it. The length of the beam is still fixed to a base. The height of a task is measured or marked with an offset scriber mounted on the beam itself. 


Vernier Dial Caliper – When using a standard vernier caliper, there is a potential of making a mistake when it comes to clear reading. Vernier Dial calipers are now often used for this purpose. It has a graduation dial in place of the vernier scale, as indicated in the illustration. It can measure in both inches and millimetres, just as vernier calipers. Rack and pinion are employed in it, same as in a dial test indicator. The rack is still attached to the main scale, which is connected to the dial’s pinion.



When using a vernier caliper, take the following precautions into account:

  • The parallax error is the most prevalent type of mistake. When an object is seen from a different angle, this mistake happens. This causes the object to look in a little different location than it actually is, which can cause us to misread a measuring scale. When taking the Main Scale reading and the Vernier Coincidence, the observer should place his eyes exactly above the scale to eliminate this inaccuracy. 

  • While measuring, make sure to take all of your readings in the same unit system. If any measurements are collected in a different system’s unit, they must be converted to the correct units before being utilized in calculations.

  • When gripping the object to be measured, avoid using too much force on the jaws. The thing should be gently held between the jaws at all times.

  • Make sure the vernier caliper does not have a zero error before taking any measurements. If the error is zero, the necessary connections should be made.

  • Measuring precision is mostly determined by two senses:

    • Sense of sight

    • Sense of touch

  • A cloth soaked in cleaning oil should be used to clean and dry the object’s surface and instrument cover.

  • Loosen the vernier caliper locking key and ensure there is no friction between the scales while rotating the vernier caliper’s jaws.

  • Additional measures should be required in the case of a digital vernier caliper: Press the on/off button after bringing the jaws into contact with each other. 

  1. Check the reading and make sure it is zero.

  2. Move the slider and check whether all the buttons and the LCD display are working properly.