300+ TOP SOAP Interview Questions and Answers

SOAP Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is SOAP?

  • SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol is a communication protocol, a way to structure data before transmitting it, is based on XML standard. It is developed to allow communication between applications of different platforms and programming languages via internet.
  • It can use range of protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, Post office protocal 3(POP3) to carry documents.
  • Http-Get, Http-Post works with name/value pair which means transferring complex object is not possible with these protocols, whereas SOAP serializes complex structure, such as ASP.NET DataSets, complex arrays, custom types and XML nodes before transmitting and thus allows exchange of complex objects between applications.

2. What is SOAP? Explain its purpose.

SOAP is the acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol. XML based messages over a network of computers are exchanged by using SOAP standard, using HTTP.

SOAP purpose:

A web service needs a combination of XML, HTTP and a protocol which is application-specific. A web service uses XML data for exchanging. The weather service, stock quote service, look up service of postal department are all sending XML messages and receiving an XML reply. This is the pattern that dominates the web services. To perform these web services, SOAP is the reliable protocol.

3. What is the function of SMON?

  • The SMON background process performs all system monitoring functions on the oracle database.
  • Each time oracle is re-started, SMON performs a warm start and makes sure that the transactions that were left incomplete at the last shut down are recovered.
  • SMON performs periodic cleanup of temporary segments that are no longer needed.

4. Give examples where SOAP is used.

  • Remote methods over multiple platforms and technologies are used with HTTP. SOAP is XML based protocol and platform-agnostic. Each application uses different technology. This may cause problems with proxy server and firewalls. SOAP is the solution for this situation.
  • Industries transport the request for finding best route and best cost price. So the application transfers a request to other similar services which uses SOAP.

5. What are the advantages of SOAP?

The main advantages of SOAP are given below:

  1. SOAP has huge collection of protocols
  2. SOAP is an platform and independent.
  3. SOAP is an language independent.
  4. Most important feature of SOAP is that it has Simple and extensible by nature.

6. Can you explain the role of XML in SOAP?

  • XML use by many large companies due to its open source nature. XML is an standard format than it is accepted by many organization.
  • Their is a wide variety of tools are available on shelves which is use to ease the process of transition to SOAP.
  • Significance of XML is that to reduce the speed and efficiency.Future format of XML is binary XML.

7. How can you explain HTTPS in SOAP?

We can say that HTTPS is similar to HTTP But the main difference b/w them is that HTTPS has an additional layer underneath the internet application layer which is use to make encrypted data.HTTPS protocol is much better and widely than other protocols like IOP or DCOM because these procols can filtered by firewalls.
HTTP protocol provide us security when we want to transfer secured data by using advocates WS-I method.

8. How you define Transport methods in SOAP?

If we wanted to transfer messages from one end to another end using with Internet application layer.Using SOAP we can transport many productsfrom one end to another end.To perform this task without any error we use one of SMTP and HTTP protocols(Used in transfering information).

9. How we can say that SOAP is different from traditional RPC?

The main difference b/w SOAP and Traditional RPC are given below:
In SOAP we used procedures which has named parameters and order is irrelevant Where as in XML-RPC order is relevant and parameters do not have names.

10. What do you mean by ESB?

ESB is stands for Enterprise Service Bus. ESB is standard based which is most important component of Service Oriented Architecture(SOA).Using ESB we can connect applications through service interfaces.

SOAP Interview Questions
SOAP Interview Questions
11. What is the SOAP?

SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is an XML-based protocol for exchanging information between two computers over the internet. It enables you to Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) transported via HTTP.
Following are the SOAP characteristics.

  • SOAP is for communication between applications
  • SOAP is a format for sending messages
  • SOAP is designed to communicate via Internet
  • SOAP is platform independent
  • SOAP is language independent
  • SOAP is simple and extensible

12. Where is SOAP used?
It is used to exchanges the information between two computers over the internet. For this we used the XML in special format to send and receive the Information.

13. Difference between XML and SOAP?
XML is language whereas SOAP is protocol.

14. Difference between JSON and SOAP?
JSON is standard to represent human-readable data.  SOAP is a protocol specification for transmitting information and calling web services use XML.

15. What are the rules for using SOAP?

16. What is SOAP Envelope Element?

17. What does SOAP Namespace defines?
The namespace defines the Envelope as a SOAP Envelope. If a different namespace is used, the application generates an error and discards the message.

18. What is the SOAP encodings?
The envelope specified the encoding for the body.  This is a method for structuring the request that is suggested within the SOAP specification, known as the SOAP serialization. It’s worth noting that one of the biggest technical complaints against SOAP is that it mixes a specification for message transport with a specification for message structure.

19. What does SOAP encodingStyle Attribute defines?
The encodingStyle attribute is used to define the data types used in the document(s). This attribute may appear on any SOAP element, and applies to the element’s contents and all child element(s).

20. What are the Different Transport Protocols?
SOAP, REST,  SMTP, raw TCP Socket.

21. What is UML?
Unified Modeling Language

22. can we send soap messages with attachments.
Yes, We can send photos/Audio/video with soap messages as an attahcment. SOAP messages can be attached with MIME extensions that come in multipart/related. It is used to send messages using the binary data with defined rules. The SOAP message is carried in the body part with the structure that is followed by the message of the SOAP.

23. What is the difference between SOAP and other remote access techniques?
SOAP is simple to use and it is non-symetrical whereas DCOM or CORBA is highly popular and usually have complexity in them. It also has the symmetrical nature in it.

24. What are the problems faced by users by using SOAP?
There is a problem to use this protocol as firewall is a security mechanism that comes in between. This ock all the ports leaving few like HTTP port 80 and the HTTP port is used by SOAP that bypasses the firewall. It is a serious concern as it can pose difficulties for the users. There are ways like SOAP traffic can be filtered from the firewalls.

25. What is Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)?
SOAP acts as a medium to provide basic messaging framework. On these basic messaging frameworks abstract layers are built. It transfers messages across the board in different protocols; it also acts as a medium to transmit XML based messages over the network.

26. Give an example about the functioning of SOAP?
Consider a real estate database with huge data ranges. If a user wants to search about a particular term, the message with all the required features such as price, availability, place, etc will be returned to the user in an XML formatted document which the user can integrate into third party site for additional performance.

27. Explain about Remote call procedure?
Remote call procedure is considered as a very important function in SOAP. In RCP a user (node) sends a request to another node (server) where the information is processes and sent to the user. It immediately sends message across the network.

28. Explain about Transport methods in SOAP?
Internet application layer is used to transfer messages from one end to another end. Various products have been transported successfully from one end to another end using SOAP. Both SMTP and HTTP are two successful transport protocols used in transmitting information, but HTTP has gained good ground than HTTP.

29. Explain about HTTPS in SOAP?
HTTPS is similar to HTTP but it has an additional layer underneath the internet application layer which makes the data encrypted. This protocol is widely used than IOP or DCOM because those protocols are filtered by firewalls. HTTPS protocol advocates WS-I method to provide security for transmission of secured data.

30. Explain about the role of XML in SOAP?
XML is chosen as a standard format because it was already in use by many large companies and immensely due to its open source nature. A wide variety of tools are available on shelves which ease the process of transition to SOAP. XML can significantly reduce the speed and efficiency but binary XML is being considered as a format for future.

31. What is the difference between RPC and Local calls?
An important difference between Remote call procedure and local call is that remote call can fail often and this occurs without the knowledge of the user. Local calls are easily handled. Another main difficulty lies with the code writing capability because it is written in a low level language.

32. What are the elements which should be contained in SOAP message?
Following elements are contained in the SOAP message.

  1. An envelope element which identifies and translates the XML document into a SOAP message.
  2. A header element is a must as it should contain header message.
  3. A body is required which should contain call and response message.
  4. Fault element is required which can communicate about the errors occurred during the process

33. What about the SOAP Envelope element?
A SOAP message will have the SOAP element as the root element. SOAP element name space should always have the value of : as that defines the Envelope.

34. What about the actor element?
A SOAP message has to travel a very long distance between its client and server but during the process a part of the message may be intended to be deployed to another destination which is made possible by the SOAP elements actor attribute which address the header element to a particular location.

35. What about the SOAP body element?
This part of the element will contain the message which is intended for the ultimate delivery point. An element can be described inside the body element as a default namespace which indicates about the error message during the process. SOAP element acts just like a code to be processed during the execution of a certain application.

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