300+ TOP Synonyms MCQs and Answers Quiz Exam Test [LATEST]

Synonyms Multiple Choice Questions Exercises

1. __________ is the synonym of “JOIN.”

a. Release

b. Attach

c. Disconnect

d. Detach

2. _______________ is the synonym of “AFFECTION.”

a. Dislike

b. Hatred

c. Disinterest

d. Fondness

3. __________ is the synonym of “ANCIENT.”

a. Modern

b. Old. fashioned

c. New

d. Recent

4. ____________ is the synonym of ‘PALATABLE’.

a. Substandard

b. Inferior

c. Wretched

d. Agreeable

5. __________ is the synonym of “DELICATE.”

a. Fragile

b. Sturdy

c. Tough

d. Strong

6. ___________ is the synonym of ‘MEMORANDUM’.

a. enormous

b. directive

c. extensive

d. massive

7. What is the meaning of the word ‘error’ ?

a. a request

b. a mistake

c. to inform

d. to write

8. _______ is the synonym of eccentric.

a. Bizarre

b. Common

c. Usual

d. Boring

9. __________ is the synonym of “BRITTLE”.

a. Intelligent

b. Bright

c. Breakable

d. Tough

10. Select the synonym of the following word: Launch

a. Cease

b. Conclude

c. March

d. Inaugurate

11. __________ is the synonym of “TRAGIC”.

a. Delightful

b. Happy

c. Dreadful

d. Fortunate

12. _________ is the synonym of “CONSENT”

a. Disagreement

b. Approval

c. Fight

d. Rejection

13. Which of the following has the same meaning as the word ‘Analyze’ ?

a. To inspect

b. To get angry

c. To play

d. To end

14. The synonym of the word ‘VINTAGE’ is _______.

a. fresh

b. antique

c. new

d. hi. tech

15. What is the synonym of ‘horrible’?

a. Awful

b. Agreeable

c. Pleasant

d. Worst

16. What is the synonym of ‘camouflage’?

a. Rush

b. Hide

c. Accelerate

d. Bustle

17. ________ is the synonym of ‘CAPABLE’.

a. Proud

b. Inept

c. Competent

d. Untrained

18. __________ is the synonym of “PERFECT.”

a. Ideal

b. Inferior

c. Bad

d. Poor

19. What is the meaning of “APPLAUDED”.

a. to show patience

b. to praise

c. to defeat

d. to increase

20. ________ is the synonym of “GIANT”.

a. Huge

b. Hard

c. Hot

d. Great

21. What is the meaning of the word ‘Phobia’?

a. Liking for something

b. Fear of something

c. Happy about something

d. Interested in something

22. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: Acquit

a. Accuse

b. Hold

c. Clear

d. Convict

23. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: Revival

a. Recover

b. Bore

c. Destroy

d. Dull

24. Choose the correct synonym for the word given below: Contentious

a. Peaceable

b. Content

c. Controversial

d. Calm

25. Choose the correct synonym for the word given below: Convolute

a. Straight forward

b. Clear

c. Controlled

d. Complicated

26. What is the synonym of “PITY”?

a. Cruelty

b. Sympathy

c. Merry

d. Glad

27. What is the meaning of the word ‘Strategy’?

a. A strange story

b. A plan

c. A way of thinking

d. A disturbance

28. __________ is the synonym of ‘FANTASY’.

a. Genuine

b. Superb

c. Imaginary

d. Eccentric

29. Choose the correct synonym for the word given below: Odour

a. Taste

b. Smell

c. Watch

d. Touch

30. ______ is the synonym of “COMPEL”.

a. Force

b. Obstruct

c. Relax

d. Surrender

31. Select the synonym of the following word: Prospect

a. Forecast

b. Risk

c. Hopeless

d. Liability

32. Choose the correct synonym for the word: CORRECT

a. Concrete

b. Irregular

c. Unscrupulous

d. Incorrect

33. Choose the correct synonym for the word: SCORN

a. Acceptance

b. Pulled

c. Contempt

d. Admire

34. Choose the correct synonym of the word given below: Poignant

a. Praised

b. Gentle

c. Heart breaking

d. Cheerful

35. Choose the correct synonym for the word given below: Ludicrous

a. Sensible

b. Prudent

c. Logical

d. Ridiculous

36. __________ is the synonym of “DELICIOUS”.

a. Unpleasant

b. Bland

c. Horrible

d. Tasty

37. Select the synonym of the following word: Ritual

a. Discord

b. Neglect

c. Procedure

d. Wise

38. What is the synonym of ‘horrible’?

a. Awful

b. Agreeable

c. Pleasant

d. Worst

39. What is the synonym of ‘camouflage’?

a. Rush

b. Hide

c. Accelerate

d. Bustle

40. __________ is the synonym of “DISAPPEAR”.

a. Begin

b. Increase

c. Fade

d. Remain

41. Select the synonym of the following word: Panic

a. Wonder

b. Scared

c. Calm

d. Brave

42. __________ is the synonym of “FRIENDLY”.

a. Mean

b. Reserved

c. Amiable

d. Aloof

43. __________ is the synonym of “PACIFY”.

a. Aggravate

b. Soothe

c. Irritate

d. Provoke

44. ________is the synonym of the word “RIPPLE”.

a. Tear apart

b. Drop by drop

c. Wave

d. Break down

45. ______________ is the synonym of “EXCITING.”

a. Boring

b. Thrilling

c. Dull

d. Unstimulating


a. Capability

b. Competence

c. Plenty

d. Failure

a. Pending

b. Delegation

c. Reproof

d. Censure

a. Haggle

b. Capability

c. Potency

d. Departure

a. Superfluity

b. Subsequent

c. Steer

d. Surplus

a. Complicated

b. Intricate

c. Disaster

d. Bid

51. LACK
a. Evasion

b. Deficiency

c. Scarcity

d. Silent

52. SIN
a. Crime

b. Vice

c. Wild

d. Dry

a. Campaign

b. Foolish

c. Peace

d. Tranquility

a. Comfortable

b. Concur

c. Accede

d. Wages

55.   DECIDE
a. Lobby

b. Resolve

c. Lie

d. Determine

56.   REASON
a. Prop

b. Preserve

c. Argue

d. Debate

57.   URGE
a. Incite

b. Spur

c. Destine

d. Obituary

58.   SCOLD
a. Surplus

b. Chide

c. Reprove

d. Hail

a. Industrious

b. Active

c. Grove

d. Eager

60.   EMPTY
a. Dominate

b. Unfilled

c. Vacant

d. Dip

61.   WICKED
a. Virtue

b. Resort

c. Corrupt

d. Evil

62.   WILD
a. Savage

b. Uncivilized

c. Ransom

d. Wake

a. Vacate

b. Misery

c. Leaning

d. Inclination

a. Difference

b. Diversity

c. Spot

d. Seem

a. Accomplishment

b. Hasted

c. Mishap

d. Census

66.   DANGER
a. Risk

b. Insecurity

c. Cope

d. Ancillary

a. Consistent

b. Festive

c. Resolution

d. Firmness

a. Potency

b. Capability

c. Tumble

d. Violation

a. Gang

b. Consent

c. Approbation

d. Release

a. Love

b. Attachment

c. Reform

d. Merger

71.   ABUSE
a. Wild

b. Excess

c. Accede

d. Reproach

a. Reveal

b. Explicit

c. Unfold

d. Love

73.   NEED
a. Sham

b. Want

c. Lack

d. Surpass

74.   LOWER
a. Disgrace

b. Debase

c. Increase

d. Silent

75.   WANT
a. Rich

b. Poverty

c. Need

d. Vanity

a. Advance

b. Proceed

c. Fete

d. Surge

77.   SHY
a. Rescue

b. Steal

c. Bashful

d. Timid

78.   HUMBLE
a. Meek

b. Modest

c. Devour

d. Bounty

a. Praise

b. Ennui

c. Timorous

d. Shaky

80.   TROTH
a. Afflict

b. Distress

c. Lie

d. Faith

81.   EQUAL
a. Uniform

b. Even

c. Entice

d. Usury

82.   OWN
a. Acknowledge

b. Sin

c. Confess

d. Span

a. Equate

b. Carelessness

c. Vanity

d. Negligence

84.   GODLY
a. Holy

b. Modify

c. Pious

d. Sob

85.   MOB
a. Fend

b. Phase

c. Orbit

d. Crowd

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