300+ TOP Correct form of Verb MCQs and Answers Quiz

Correct form of Verb Multiple Choice Questions exercises

1. I was very grateful that he _____ (repair) my computer so promptly.

a. repairs

b. will be repairing

c. will repair

d. repaired

2. Last night while sleeping, I _____ (have) a beautiful dream that my dog had given birth to puppies.

a. would have

b. had

c. am having

d. has

3. If your path is being blocked, I ____(move) my vehicle out of your way.

a. have moved

b. moving

c. will move

d. moved

4. That you are ___ (drink) while driving, aggravates your offence.

a. drink

b. drank

c. drunk

d. been drink

5. My Uncle Samuel _____(be) a source of inspiration for me since I was a young boy.

a. was being

b. will be

c. is being

d. has been

6. Except that Govind is short. sighted, he is ___________.

a. inept for the post

b. weak for the post

c. fit for the post

d. not eligible for the post

7. In order to save the company from further loss, the employees _________________.

a. formed a union

b. asked for increase in salary

c. decided to work extra hours

d. went on a strike

8. If you ______ your eyes you will hurt them.

a. squeeze

b. squeezing

c. squeezed

d. squeezes

9. Although it ___ (rain) heavily this monsoon, there is a deficit of rainfall in some parts of the state.

a. raining

b. rained

c. been raining

d. has been raining

10. I am busy today. You ______ meet me tomorrow after the class.

a. must

b. could

c. would

d. shouldn’t

11. I had my hair straightened and _____ (style) at the new beauty parlour.

a. styled

b. styling

c. styles

d. has styled

12. Last evening, we ____________ (go) to the mangroves by boat, when we found a rare seagull.

a. were going

b. went

c. have been going

d. have gone

13. We should all desire _______ world where only peace prevails.

a. for a

b. in this

c. with in

d. coming to

14. This town, once a prosperous sea port, is now a _________.

a. beautiful town

b. vibrant town

c. heap of ruins

d. flourishing town

15. The book, in parts, _______ boring.

a. Is

b. are

c. were

d. Had

16. Select the grammatically correct option:

I was waiting at Rainbows since 4 o’ clock.

a. I have been waiting at Rainbows since 4 o’ clock.

b. I had been waiting at Rainbows since 4 o’ clock.

c. I will be waiting at Rainbows since 4 o’ clock.

d. I wait at Rainbows since 4 o’ clock.

17. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

a. Reema or her friends run every day.

b. Her friends or Reema run every day.

c. Her friends or Reema are running every day

d. Reema or her friends is running every day.

18. In spite of many failures, he hopes to _________.

a. lose

b. succeed

c. get dejected

d. quarrel

19. Next summer, I _____ (wear) the same wedding dress that my mother wore at her wedding.

a. have worn

b. was wearing

c. will be wearing

d. wear

20. Identify the right option with the correct sentences.

a. To teach children you need patience.

b. To teach children you need a patience.

c. To teach childrens you need patience.

d. To teach children for, you need patience.

21. She is beautiful __________ intelligent.

a. or

b. with

c. and

d. to

22. After _______ (finish) the work, they let the water fall on the wooden floor.

a. finished

b. finishing

c. had finished

d. finishes

23. Identify the correct sentence from among the given below options.

a. Since we were late, so we decide to go by taxi.

b. Since we were late, we decided to go by taxi.

c. Since we were late, that we decided to go by taxi.

d. Since we were being late, we decided for taxi.

24. She is _______ good at dancing __________ singing.

a. either, neither

b. neither, or

c. neither, nor

d. Either, not

25. Prakash _________ at home for an hour but Jaya could not reach on time.

a. is waiting

b. will be waiting

c. had been waiting

d. has waited

26. Select the grammatically correct option:

a. They can play as well as we can.

b. They can play as well as us can.

c. They can play as well as them can.

d. They can play as well as me can.

27. Select the grammatically correct option:

a. Sushmita is proud of her medals.

b. Sushmita is proud in her medals.

c. Sushmita is proud at her medals.

d. Sushmita is proud to her medals.

28. Select the grammatically correct option:

a. Between you and I it is a bad idea

b. Between you and he it is a bad idea

c. Between you and she it is a bad idea

d. Between you and me it is a bad idea

29. Neem has _________ qualities and doctors have saved countless lives by using raw neem leaves.

a. Remedial

b. Flavoring

c. Inferior

d. Doubtful

30. I know that you ___ (pass) the exam with flying colours.

a. Pass

b. Will pass

c. Passed

d. Should pass

31. At the last Olympics, he ______(carry) the Indian flag during the opening day parade.

a. shall carry

b. carries

c. will carry

d. carried

32. Shah Jahan ___ (build) the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

a. built

b. building

c. builded

d. will build

33. I like to _________ (sing) when I am tired.

a. sing

b. singing

c. sings

d. sang

34. The police ___________ people in the neighborhood since last week.

a. have been interrogating

b. has interrogated

c. have interrogated

d. has been interrogating

35. Ten new members have enrolled and seven ____ (resign).

a. is resigned

b. have been resigned

c. have resigned

d. was resigned

36. Mary sat _____ Archana and Ruchi, so that she could be in the middle.

a. outside

b. beyond

c. between

d. near

37. He _______ (to eat) fish for lunch.

a. ate

b. was eat

c. eating

d. would be eat

38. I ___ (do) my homework when she called.

a. am doing

b. Do

c. was doing

d. No changes required

39. Some snakes are very _______, so you should be careful if you see one.

a. slippery

b. ugly

c. dangerous

d. gentle

40. The _________ ceremony of the ancient tribes can be shocking as it involves human sacrifices.

a. Immolation

b. Ritualistic

c. Atonement

d. Penance

41. Priya _____ (sleep) for three hours when we reach.

a. sleep

b. will have been sleeping

c. sleeping

d. will sleep

42. If I ___ (start) walking at 8 o`clock, I will be able to reach school before the bell rings.

a. have started

b. starts

c. will start

d. start

43. He will come ____ the movie starts.

a. as far as

b. afterwards

c. after

d. as long as

44. He ___ (steal) money from the bank when the policeman caught him in the act.

a. stolen

b. steal

c. is stealing

d. was stealing

45. I _____ (play) football when you entered.

a. play

b. was playing

c. playing

d. will playing

46. By the time I arrived at the train station, my train ___ (leave) the platform.

a. had left

b. leaves

c. leaving

d. do leave

47. We _____ (drive) down the street when the traffic lights suddenly turned red.

a. had driven

b. were driving

c. will drive

d. drive

48. Finally, the town municipality ______ (perform) road repairs after heavy rains caused the roads to become damaged.

a. performs

b. is performing

c. performing

d. perform

49. The criminal_________(strike) a hard blow on Richard’s head.

a. Striked

b. Struck

c. Strikes

d. Striken

50. Abdul ___ (study) for two hours.

a. was studying

b. studied

c. has been studying

d. No change required

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