Engineering Chemistry LAB VIVA Questions :-
- What are Hard waters?
- How are the waters classified based on the degree of Hardness?
- How is hardness of water caused?
- How is temporary hardness be removed?
- How do you express the total hardness of water?
- What is EDTA?
- Write the structural formula for EDTA.
- Why is disodium salt of EDTA preferred to EDTA?
- Why is Ammonia solution added while preparing EDTA solution?
- What is buffer solution?
- Why is ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer added?
- Why is the indicator Eriochrome Black(EBT) shows wine red color at the beginning and blue color at the end?
- Why are the titration involving EDTA carried out slowly towards the end point?
- What is the application of hardness date in environmental engineering practice?
- What are the constituents of cements?
- What is the prime constituents of cement?
- Why is the role of glycerol & NaoH?
- What is the function of diethyl amine?
- Why is Eriochrome Black T indicator cannot be used in this experiment?
- Which is the indicator used in the determination of CaO I cement solution?
- What are constituents of Brass?
- How is brass solution prepared?
- What is the purpose of adding urea?
- Why is ammonium hydroxide added to the brass solution?
- What is the bluish white precipitate formed after adding ammonia solution?
- Why is acetic acid added?
- How is librated iodine estimated?
- What is the reaction that occurs between iodine and sodium thiosulphate?
- Why is starch indicator added towards the end point?
- What is the white precipitate produced at the end of point?
- What is the min constitutes of haematite ore?
- Give the others form of iron ore.
- What is the role of stannous chloride?
- Why is mercuric chloride added?
- What happens when the excess of stannous chloride is not removed
- What is the indicator used?
- Why is the color of the indicator drop remains the same at the end point?
- What is the reaction that occurs during the titration?
- What is weak acid?
- What is pKa of acid?
- What is meant by pH of a solution?
- What is modern definition(IUPAC) of pH?
- Why is glass electrode called an ion selective electrode?
- How is measurement of pH made?
- How are pH and pKa related?
- How is the measurement of pH made?
- How are pH and pKa related?
- How are pKa and strength of a weak acid related?
- What are the electrodes used in the measurement of pH for the determination of pKa?
- Why is pH increases suddenly after the equivalence point?
- What is chemical oxygen demand?
- What general group of organic compounds are not oxidesied in the COD test?
- What is the role of silver sulphate?
- What is the role of mercuric sulphate?
- What are the products formed after COD analysis?
- Why is sulphuric acid added during the preparation of standard FAS solution?
- What is the composition of ferroin?
- Mention a few application of COD test in environmental engineering practice.
- What is the limitation of COD?
- What is a potentiometer titration?
- Give the principle of potentiometer titration.
- What are the electrodes used in potentiometer titration?
- What is determining factor in the oxidation reduction reaction?
- What is an indicator electrode?
- What is the reaction that occurring between FAS and potassium dichromate?
- What are the advantages of potentiometric titration?
- What is Colorimetry?
- What forms the basis for colorimetric determination?
- What is photoelectric colorimeter?
- What are filters? Why are they used?
- What is wave length?
- What is frequency?
- What is wave number?
- State Beer’s law.
- State Lambert’s law.
- State Beer-Lambert’s law.
- What is calibration curve?
- What is meant by transmittance?
- Mention a few important criteria for satisfactory colorimetric analysis.
- Mention a few advantages of photoelectric colorimetric determination.
- What is Blank solution?
- Why is ammonia added? Why is that same amount of ammonia added?
- Why is estimation of copper done at 620 nm wave length?
- State ohm’s law.
- What is conductance?
- What is the unit of conductance?
- Mention the different types of conductivities.
- Which of the above conductivity measured during conductometric titration?
- What is specific conductivity?
- What is equivalent conductivity?
- What is molar conductivity?
- What is a cell?
- What is the principle involved in conductometric titration?
- How is the accuracy of the method determined?
- What are the advantages of conductometric titration over visual or potentiometric titration?
- What is viscosity?
- What is viscosity-coefficient of a liquid?
- What is density of a liquid?
- What is specific gravity?
- How are specific gravity and density related?
- What is SI unit of viscosity-coefficient?
- What are the factors that affect the viscosity of a liquid?
- How does the viscosity vary with temperature?
- Why is acetone used for cleaning viscometer?
- Why do you require laboratory temperature for viscosity determination?
- How is the viscosity of liquid related to its mobility?
- What is fluidity of a liquid?