300+ TOP IGKV CET Questions and Answers Exam

IGKV CET Model Questions

1. What is tilth?

A. Tilth is the mechanical condition of soil
B. Tilth is the physical condition of soil
C. Tilth is a mechanical condition of soil
D. None of the above

2. What is the objective of tillage?

A. To improve tilth
B. Increasing crop production
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

3. Which of the following variety of rice shows resistance against leaf blight?

A. Indira barani dhan-1
B. Sahbhagi dhan
C. Samleshwari
D. Kalinga-3

4. Which type of soil is best for the cultivation of soybean?

A. Kanhar
B. Matasi
C. Dorsa
D. Kachar

5. What is the irrigation percentage of the plains of Chhattisgarh?

A. 53%
B. 33%
C. 43%
D. 63%

6. According to Agriculture Census 2010-11, What is the total number of marginal farmers in Chhattisgarh?

A. 2182834
B. 3182834
C. 1182834
D. 4182834

7. Which district had the highest Rabi crop productivity in 2018?

A. Raipur
B. Mahasamund
C. Narayanpur
D. Bijapur

8. Which is the late maturing variety of maize?

A. Prakash
B. Narmada Moti
C. Shakti 1
D. Pioneer

9. What is DSR?

A. Direct Seeding of Rice
B. Direct Sowing of Rice
C. Delay Seeding of Rice
D. Delay Sowing of Rice

10. When did Chhattisgarh get excellent award for integration of economic crop insurance portals under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana?

A. 19 October 2022
B. 18 October 2022
C. 20 October 2022
D. 21 October 2022

11. Magnesium is a constitute of?

A. Protein.
B. Chloroplast.
C. Chlorophyll.
D. Cell wall.

12. The GM varieties available for cultivation in India..?

A. Rice.
B. Cotton.
C. Soybean.
D. Oat.

13. The anticodon region present in..?

A. t-RNA.
B. m-RNA.
C. Both a and b.
D. None of the above.

14. The DNA site at which RNA polymerase binds is known as..?

(During transcription)

A. Receptor.
B. Regulator.
C. Both a and b.
D. Promoter.

15. …. codons are used for all the 20 essentials amino acid in the genetic code dictionary?

A. 25.
B. 64.
C. 45.
D. 74.

16. Citrus canker is also known as..?

A. A – form canker.
B. B – form canker.
C. C – form canker.
D. E – form canker.

17. The bacterial wilt of tomato is related with..?

A. Galls disease.
B. Soft rot diseae.
C. Tumor disease.
D. Vascular disease.

18. Mycoplasma is resistant to..?

A. Penicillin.
B. Ampicillin.
C. Both a and b.
D. None of the above.

19. …. is a intracellular organelles?

A. Plasmid.
B. Ribosome.
C. Inclusion body.
D. All of the above.

20. The causal organism of apple scab is..?

A. Sphaceloma ampelinum.
B. Venturia inaequalis.
C. Streptomycesacidiscabies.
D. None of the above.

21. Stoma is regulated by..?

A. Guard cells.
B. Cell turgidity.
C. Transportation.
D. Evaporation.

22. In hand and chicken disease..?

A. All berries are small.
B. All berries are big.
C. Most of the berries remain small, and some develop as normal berries.
D. All of the above.

23. Hen and chicken disease is caused by the deficiency of..?

A. Zn.
B. Fe.
C. Mn.
D. Boron.

24. The Pink Disease is disease of..?

A. Mango.
B. Guava.
C. Cashew nut.
D. Coconut.

25. Which conducts photosynthesis in plants?

A. Carbon dioxide.
B. Oxygen.
C. Chlorophyll.
D. Chloroplast.

26. Reverse Kreb’s Cycle is also known as..?

A. Reverse Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle.
B. Reverse Carboxylic Acid Cycle.
C. Reverse Kreb’s Acid Cycle.
D. Reverse Tricarboxyl Acidic Cycle.

27. The biogas can be compressed after the removal of..

A. Oxygen.
B. Methane.
C. Carbon dioxide.
D. H2SO4.

28. Biogas is produced by..?

A. Sulfate-reducing bacteria.
B. Methanogens.
C. Both a and b.
D. None of the above.

29. The intensive tillage leaves …. crop residue on soil?

A. More than 15%.
B. Less than 15%.
C. 15%.
D. 15 – 20%.

30. Zone tillage is a type of..?

A. Modified deep tillage.
B. No tillage.
C. Strip tillage.
D. Rotational tillage.

31. The insects have a body divided into three regions called..?

A. Tridex.
B. Tagmata.
C. Compound body.
D. Segmented body.

32. Which is non insect hexapod?

A. Protura.
B. Collembola.
C. Diplura.
D. All of the above.

33. The order …. includes lacewing?

A. Diptera.
B. Lepidoptera.
C. Hemiptera.
D. Neuroptera.

34. The family of rice weevil is..?

A. Dermestidae.
B. Curculionidae.
C. Alydidae.
D. Tenebrionidae.

35. Permethrin is sold under the brand name of..?

A. Waxz.
B. Flit.
C. Nix.
D. Hop.

36. The seed rate of pole type variety of french bean is..?

A. 40 – 45 kg/ha.
B. 25 – 30 kg/ha.
C. 50 – 55 kg/ha.
D. 15 – 20 kg/ha.

37. The best time for the extraction of papain from papaya is..?

A. Night.
B. Dusk.
C. Evening.
D. Morning.

38. Meaning of running water in Mughal garden is..?

A. Resurrection of life.
B. Prosperous in life.
C. Reflection of beauty of sky.
D. Happiness in life.

39. Nector should contain at least..?

A. 15% juice.
B. 20% juice.
C. 25% juice.
D. 30% juice.

40. Olive is..?

A. One seeded.
B. Double seeded.
C. No seed.
D. Multiple seeds.


41. The total area of the fruit crops in the state is ….?

A. 2,58,630 Ha.
B. 2,09,730 Ha.
C. 2,38,140 Ha.
D. 3,50,100 Ha.

42. The total production of vegetable crops in the state was …. MT in the year 2019-20?

A. 81,08,007.
B. 71,58,909.
C. 65,50,000.
D. 50,50,500.

43. Area under …. cultivation is negligible in the state

A. Fruit.
B. Flower.
C. Spices.
D. Vegetable.

44. The agro climatic zones in Chhattisagadh is..?

A. 15.
B. 21.
C. 27.
D. 30.

45. ….% land of Chhattisgarh plains is irrigated?

A. 25%.
B. 31%.
C. 37%.
D. 43%.

46. The bhantha soil (भांठा मृदा) is dominant in..?

A. Chhattisagadh plains.
B. Chhattisgarh plateau.
C. Chhattisgarh hills.
D. All of the above.

47. There are …. lakh family of farmers in Chhattisgarh?

A. 29.68.
B. 48.64.
C. 25.96.
D. 37.46.

48. Currently, there are …. cooperative mills of sugar in chhattisagadh?

A. 5.
B. 4.
C. 2.
D. 1.

49. How many times Chhattisgarh has won Krishi Karman Puruskar?

A. 3.
B. 4.
C. 5.
D. 6.

50. The average annual rainfall in the state is..?

A. 11,00 mm.
B. 14,00 mm.
C. 17,00 mm.
D. 9,00 mm.

51. Land covered by the forest is..?

A. 33%.
B. 37%.
C. 25%.
D. 43%.

52. Madamsilli project is near to..?

A. Mahanadi project.
B. Gangrel project.
C. Dudhua dam.
D. Heerakud.

53. Which pair is right?

Domestic animals and their percentage in the state….

A. Cattle – 64%.
B. Buffalo – 37%.
C. Goat – 20%.
D. Pig – 1%.

54. Which is dioecious..?

A. Pointed gourd.
B. Spine gourd.
C. Both a and b.
D. None of the above.

55. Commercial method of propagation in rose is..?

A. Cutting.
B. Grafting.
C. T budding.
D. Divisions.

56. The symptoms of whiptail in cauliflower appears on..?

A. Leaves.
B. Curd.
C. Stem.
D. Whole plant.

57. A farm should not be run further, when..?

A. There is no fund.
B. Low productivity.
C. Investment is higher than the output for a long time.
D. All of the above.

58. The transgenic crop production is maximum under?

A. Corn.
B. Cotton.
C. Sugar beet.
D. Canola.

59. Which produces continuous rain?

A. Stratus.
B. Cirus.
C. Alto stratus.
D. Nimbostratus.

60. SRI technology was developed in..?

A. South Africa.
B. Indonesia.
C. Madagascar.
D. Main land China.

61. Sand culture is popular in..?

B. UK.
C. India.
D. Middle East.

62. The scientific name of wild oat is..?

A. Zizania palustris.
B. Avena foetida.
C. Avena sativa.
D. None of the above.

63. Super rice produces …. grains per panicle?

A. 50 – 100.
B. 150 – 250.
C. 250 – 300.
D. 300 – 350.

64. Dead heart symptom is caused by..?

A. Gall midge.
B. Yellow stem borer.
C. Green leaf hopper.
D. Cut worms.

65. The test weight is measured in..?

A. Pound per bushel.
B. KG per bushel.
C. Gram per bushel.
D. All of the above.

66. The term Green House Effect first used in this way by..?

A. Joseph Fourier.
B. N. G. Ekholm.
C. Jonny Tyndall.
D. Svante Arrhenius.

67. As of 2018 Carbon Dioxide constitutes about …. atmosphere?

A. 0.04% by volume of the atmosphere.
B. 0.4% by volume of the atmosphere.
C. 4% by volume of the atmosphere
D. None of the above.

68. The atmospheric layer nearest to earth surface is..?

A. Exosphere.
B. Stratosphere.
C. Troposphere.
D. Thermosphere.

69. What is the impact of green house effect?

A. Ice melting.
B. Drying of many lakes.
C. Sea level rise.
D. Global warming.

70. Which Indian State receives least amount of Monsoon?

A. Haryana.
B. Asam.
C. Rajasthan.
D. Gujarat.

71. …. is the thermo insensitive crop?

A. Wheat.
B. Sunflower.
C. Rice.
D. All of the above.

72. The inflorescence of rice is known as..?

A. Panicle.
B. Ear.
C. Spike.
D. Raceme.

73. The origin place of soybean is.?

B. China.
C. Ghana.
D. South Africa.

74. The depth of seeding in wheat depends on..?

A. Length of coleoptiles.
B. Length of radical.
C. Length of mesocotyl.
D. All of the above.

75. Country having maximum area under hybrid rice?

B. Indonesia
C. India.
D. China.

 IGKV CET Previous Year objective questions with answers pdf download online exam test

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