300+ JNKVV & RVSKVV PhD Fruit Science Question Paper

JNKVV and RVSKVV PhD Horticulture Fruit Science Entrance Question Paper 

1. Which plant growth regulator is effective in reducing mango malformation?

  1. GA3
  2. Cytokinin
  3. NAA
  4. IAA

Answer: IAA

2. Genomic classification of banana was given by?

  1. Decandole
  2. Simmond &Shephard
  3. G. J. Mendel
  4. G. Herry

Answer: Simmond &Shephard

3. Which is the most economic cross combination for producing gynodioecious lines in papaya?

  1. M2m x M2m
  2. mm x M1m
  3. M2m x mm
  4. mm x mm

Answer: M2m x M2m

4. Which one of the following variety of mango is developed by clonal selection and bears fruit regularly?

  1. Manjira
  2. Neeranjan
  3. Dashehari-51
  4. Arka Neelkiran

Answer: Dashehari-51

5. Botanically rough lemon is known as?

  1. Citrus karna
  2. Citrus medica
  3. Citrus latifolia
  4. Citrus jambhiri

Answer: Citrus jambhiri

6. Gynodioecious cultivar of papaya is?

  1. CO1
  2. Pusa Delicious
  3. Pusa Giant
  4. Pusa Nanha

Answer: Pusa Delicious

7. Best time of pruning in ber is?

  1. April- May
  2. June-July
  3. January- February
  4. August- September

Answer: April- May

8. Citrus myrtifolia is a bud mutant of?

  1. Citrus aurantium
  2. Citrus sinensis
  3. Citrus nobilis
  4. Citrus maxima

Answer: Citrus aurantium

9. Which of the following is a parthenocarpic grape variety?

  1. Perlette
  2. Black corianth
  3. Kali Sahibi
  4. Arka Hans

Answer: Black corianth

10. Plant which grows on another plant is called?

  1. Epiphyte
  2. Lithophyte
  3. Petrophyte
  4. Psammophyte

Answer: Epiphyte

11. Bearing behavior of mango is?

  1. Terminal bearing on new growth
  2. Terminal bearing on old growth
  3. Axillary bearing on new growth
  4. Axillary bearing on old growth
Answer: Terminal bearing on old growth

12. What quantity of NAA is required to prepare 100 ppm solution in two liters of water?

  1. 200 mg
  2. 400 mg
  3. 100 mg
  4. 500 mg
Answer: 200 mg

13. Cytokinin” is generally synthesized in?

  1. Leaves
  2. Young roots
  3. Lower branches
  4. Lower stem
Answer: Young roots

14. Which system of training is also known as closed centre system?

  1. Central leader system
  2. Modified leader system
  3. Espalier system
  4. Open centre system
Answer: Central leader system

15. Which cultivar of banana is suitable for multistory system?

  1. Ney Poovan
  2. Kellar Laden
  3. Amritsagar
  4. Rajapuri
Answer: Ney Poovan

16. If the stamens ripe before the stigmas become receptive the flowers are known as?

  1. Protoandrous
  2. Protogynous
  3. Incompatibility
  4. Sterility
Answer: Protoandrous

17. Mango hybridization work in India was first started by?

  1. Cheema & Dhani (1908)
  2. Burns & Prayag (1911)
  3. R. N. Singh (1925)
  4. Wood house (1898)
Answer: Burns & Prayag (1911)

18. Which variety of papaya is suitable for tooty fruity and candy used in Canning industry?

  1. Pusa Giant
  2. Pink Flesh Sweet
  3. Pusa Delicious
  4. CO-5
Answer: Pusa Giant

19. Banana breeding work in India was first started in?

  1. 1925
  2. 1938
  3. 1949
  4. 1971
Answer: 1949

20. Tristeza virus in citrus is transmitted by?

  1. Mazus persicae
  2. Pentalonia nigronervosa
  3. Daucus dorsalis
  4. Toxoptera citricida
Answer: Toxoptera citricida

21. Kinnow Mandarin was developed by?

  1. L. Moss
  2. W.B. Hayes
  3. T. Tanaka
  4. H.B. Frost
Answer: H.B. Frost

22 Pink berry formation is common problem in which variety of grape?

  1. Angoor Kalan
  2. Arka Shyam
  3. Black Champa
  4. Thompson Seedless

Answer: Thompson Seedless

23 Diploid varieties of apple are generally?

  1. Self-sterile
  2. Cross-compatible
  3. Self-fertile
  4. Self-infertile

Answer: Self-fertile

24 Double sigmoid’ growth curve is found in?

  1. Apple
  2. Pear
  3. Ber
  4. Fig
Answer: Fig

25 Which variety of banana remains starchy even on ripening?

  1. Grand Naine
  2. Nendran
  3. Robusta
  4. Harichal
Answer: Nendran

26 Vellaikolumban mango is a?

  1. Autopolyploid
  2. Allopolyploid
  3. Tetraploid
  4. Triploid
Answer: Allopolyploid

27. Flying Dragon’, a dwarfing rootstock of citrus, is susceptible to?

  1. Citrus tristeza
  2. Phytophthora Answer: root rot
  3. Citrus nematode
  4. Iron chlorosis
Answer: Iron chlorosis

28 Black sapota is botanically known as?

  1. Bassia longifolia
  2. Diospyrus digyra
  3. Manilkara zapota
  4. Achrus zapota
Answer: Diospyrus digyra

29 Grape phylloxera’ a worldwide problem of grapevine, is basically?

  1. Fungus
  2. Virus
  3. Insect
  4. Nematode
Answer: Insect

30 Disease free plants in micro propagation can be obtained through?

  1. Meristem culture
  2. Anther culture
  3. Cell culture
  4. Embryo culture
Answer: Meristem culture

31 Which Papaya species is resistant to distortion ring-spot virus?

  1. Carica papaya
  2. Carica microcarpa
  3. Carica pentagona
  4. Carica cauliflora
Answer: Carica cauliflora

32 Which type of apomixes is found in apple?

  1. Recurrent
  2. Non-recurrent
  3. Polyembryony
  4. Nucellar Embroyony
Answer: Recurrent

33 Which of the following system of training of grapes has high cost benefit ratio?

  1. Head
  2. Kniffin
  3. Bower
  4. Trellis
Answer: Bower

34 Bunchy Top of banana was first reported in?

  1. India (1920)
  2. Malaysia (1895)
  3. Fiji (1891)
  4. USA (1875)
Answer: Fiji (1891)

35 A cold tolerant species of papaya is?

  1. C. papaya
  2. C. cauliflora
  3. C. candicana
  4. C. candamarcensis
Answer: C. candamarcensis

36 The most common type of Jamun grown in North India?

  1. Paras
  2. Gulabi
  3. Raj Jamun
  4. Jath Jamun
Answer: Raj Jamun

37 Degreening of citrus fruit is done by?

  1. Ethephon
  2. Auxin
  3. Methyl Bromide
  4. Cytokinin
Answer: Ethephon

38 National Biodiversity Authority was established in the year?

  1. 1998
  2. 2005
  3. 2000
  4. 2003
Answer: 2003

39 Citrange the potential rootstock of citrus has originated as a result of cross between?

  1. Sweet orange and Trifoliate orange
  2. Sweet orange and Mandarin
  3. Trifoliate orange and Mandarin
  4. Trifoliate orange and sweet orange
Answer: Sweet orange and Trifoliate orange

40 Nematode resistant rootstock of fig?

  1. Ficus bengalensis
  2. Ficus glomerata
  3. Ficus religiosa
  4. Ficus infectotria
Answer: Ficus glomerata

41 The root stock used to impart dwarfism in Alphonso mango is?

  1. Mulgoa
  2. Sindhu
  3. Vellaikolumban
  4. Rumani
Answer: Vellaikolumban

42 Fruit necrosis in aonla is due to?

  1. B deficiency
  2. Ca deficiency
  3. K deficiency
  4. Zn deficiency
Answer: B deficiency

43 Banana variety which is immune to panama wilt is?

  1. Rasthali
  2. Poovan
  3. Basrai
  4. Lalkela
Answer: Basrai

44 Example for spindle shape sapota variety is?

  1. PKM-1
  2. PKM-2
  3. PKM-5
  4. PKM-4
Answer: PKM-4

45 Apples develop ‘Brown Heart’ disorder due to accumulation of toxic substances if?

  1. Oxygen supply is increased during storage
  2. Oxygen supply is reduced during storage
  3. CO2 is increased during storage
  4. CO2 is reduced during storage
Answer: Oxygen supply is reduced during storage

46 The hormone responsible for apical dominance is?

  1. Indole acetic acid
  2. Florigen
  3. Gibberellic acid
  4. Abscisic acid
Answer: Indole acetic acid

47 Rootstock of citrus suited for dryland is?

  1. Jambhiri
  2. C. macroptera
  3. Karnakhatta
  4. Rangpur lime
Answer: Karnakhatta

48 Which one of the following Psidium species has the dwarfing effect on scion?

  1. Psidium littorale
  2. Psidium pumilum
  3. Psidium montanum
  4. Psidium guineense
Answer: Psidium pumilum

49 Apple scab caused by?

  1. Venturia inaequalis
  2. Erwinia amylobora
  3. Quadraspidiotus perniciosus
  4. Podospharea leucotricha
Answer: Venturia inaequalis

50 Which one of the following is not a variety of mango?

  1. Arka Anmol
  2. Arka Hans
  3. Arka Neelkiran
  4. Arka Puneet
Answer: Arka Hans

51 Pusa Nanha” dwarf variety of Papaya is developed through?

  1. Mutation
  2. Hybridization
  3. Heterosis
  4. Selection
Answer: Mutation

52 Pollen sterility is serious problem in?

  1. Ber
  2. Aonla
  3. Grape
  4. Pomegranate
Answer: Ber

53 In-situ method of grafting in mango is?

  1. Soft wood grafting
  2. Veneer grafting
  3. Side grafting
  4. Epicotyl grafting
Answer: Epicotyl grafting

54 Flowering occurs in aonla in the month of?

  1. September-October
  2. March-April
  3. July-August
  4. December- January
Answer: March-April

55 Pyrus pashia (Shehgal) is known as?

  1. Wild pear
  2. Cultivated pear
  3. Wild peach
  4. Wild apple
Answer: Wild pear

56 Jackfruit is?

  1. Parthenophilous
  2. Anemophilous
  3. Entomophilous
  4. Self pollinated
Answer: Anemophilous

57 Air layering or Gootee method of propagation was developed by?

  1. Horticultural Research Centre, Saharanpur
  2. NBRI, Lucknow
  3. Horticultural Research Centre, Bangalore
  4. IARI, New Delhi
Answer: Horticultural Research Centre, Saharanpur

58 Seedlessness in banana is due to?

  1. Vegetative parthenocarpy
  2. Obligatory parthenocarpy
  3. Stenospermocarpy
  4. Simulative parthenocarpy
Answer: Vegetative parthenocarpy

59 Removal of male bud in banana is technically known as?

  1. Disbudding
  2. Mattocking
  3. Denavelling
  4. Tipping
Answer: Denavelling

60 Papain contains protein percentage of?

  1. 65.2 percent
  2. 55.5 percent
  3. 82.2 percent
  4. 72.2 percent
Answer: 72.2 percent

61 Apomictic rootstock of apple is?

  1. Malus siversii
  2. Malus sieboldii
  3. Malus baccata
  4. Malus paradisiaca
Answer: Malus baccata

62 The nodal agency for introduction and exchange of germplasm in India is?

  1. CGDI
  2. NBPGR
  3. IPGRI
  4. NBA
Answer: NBPGR

63 Inserting inter stock in between rootstock and scion is?

  1. Double working
  2. Inter locking
  3. Triple working
  4. Inter mingling
Answer: Double working

64 Kinnow is a hybrid cross between?

  1. Citrus unshui x Citrus sinensis
  2. Citrus nobilis x Citrus diliciosa
  3. Citrus reticulate x Citrus nobilis
  4. Citrus diliciosa x Citrus reticulate
Answer: Citrus nobilis x Citrus diliciosa

65 Arka Aruna is a cross between?

  1. Banganpalli x Alphonso
  2. Alphonso x Dashehari
  3. Alphonso x Janardan Pasand
  4. Alphonso x Banganpalli
Answer: Banganpalli x Alphonso

66 Which of the pear variety is a bud sport?

  1. Punjab Gold
  2. Red Anjou
  3. Punjab Nectar
  4. Red Blush
Answer: Red Anjou

67 Seedless banana is an?

  1. Autotriploid
  2. Allotetraploid
  3. Autotetraploid
  4. Allotriploid
Answer: Autotriploid

68 Grape rootstock 1613 is a hybrid of?

  1. V. champini x Othelo
  2. V. solonis x Othelo
  3. V. solonis x V. champini
  4. Othelo x V. solonis
Answer: V. solonis x Othelo

69 M 27 rootstock was evolved from the cross?

  1. M13 x M 7
  2. M 13 x M9
  3. M 9 x M 13
  4. M7 x M13
Answer: M 13 x M9

70 Cork spot in pear appears due to deficiency of?

  1. Ca
  2. B
  3. Zn
  4. Cu
Answer: Ca

71 The name Solo series of papaya was given by?

  1. R. S. Pillai
  2. H. P. Olmo
  3. J. E. Higgins
  4. N. E. Lee
Answer: J. E. Higgins

72 Who is better known as Father of systemic pomology?

  1. De Candolle
  2. Darwin
  3. Vavilov
  4. Lammark
Answer: De Candolle

73 Green berries in grape can be minimized with application of?

  1. Cycocel
  2. Ethrel
  3. NAA
  4. IAA
Answer: Ethrel

74 Genomic constitution of FHIA-1 is?

  1. AAA
  2. ABBB
  3. AAAB
  4. ABB
Answer: AAAB

75 Grape fan leaf virus is spread by?

  1. Whitefly
  2. Aphid
  3. Bird
  4. Nematode
Answer: Nematode

76 The parents of Tangelo citrus are?

  1. Mandarin x Sweet orange
  2. Mandarin x Sour orange
  3. Mandarin x Grapefruit
  4. Mandarin x Lemon
Answer: Mandarin x Grapefruit

77 Which is used as an ethylene absorbent?

  1. K2SO4
  2. K2S2O5
  3. KMNO4
  4. KNO3
Answer: KMNO4

78 Wooly aphid resistant root-stock of apple is?

  1. M-27
  2. Northern spy
  3. M-9
  4. Crab-apple
Answer: Northern spy

79 High density planting was first established in which fruit tree?

  1. Apple
  2. Guava
  3. Banana
  4. Mango
Answer: Apple

80 Which variety of mango have characteristic turpentine flavor?

  1. Banganpalli
  2. Totapari
  3. S.B. Chausa
  4. Langra
Answer: S.B. Chausa

81 Papaya leaf curl disease is transmitted through?

  1. Aphid
  2. Whitefly
  3. Bacteria
  4. Fungus
Answer: Whitefly

82 Which pigment is responsible for orange yellow colour in papaya?

  1. Flavonoids
  2. Lycopene
  3. Anthocyanins
  4. Xanthophylls
Answer: Xanthophylls

83 For successful grafting, stock and scion shall be?

  1. Of different species
  2. Of different class
  3. Of same species
  4. Of similar groups
Answer: Of same species

84 The concept of effective pollination period (EPP) was developed by?

  1. Williams
  2. Frost
  3. Swingle
  4. Janick
Answer: Williams

85 “Bangkok Golden Apple” is a variety of?

  1. Pear
  2. Guava
  3. Ber
  4. Peach
Answer: Guava

86 The somatic chromosome number (2n) of Illaichi cultivar of ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) is?

  1. 12
  2. 24
  3. 48
  4. 96
Answer: 96

87 Deformed papaya fruits with bumpy skin surfaces are produced due to the deficiency of?

  1. Boron
  2. Manganese
  3. Calcium
  4. Potassium
Answer: Boron

88 Which pathogen is associated with ‘Replant problem’ in apple?

  1. Phytophthora infestans
  2. Phytophthora parasitica
  3. Phytophthora sylvaticum
  4. Phytophthora aphanidermatum
Answer: Phytophthora sylvaticum

89. Flattening of branches in sapota is caused by?

  1. Spiroplasma
  2. Fungus
  3. Bacteria
  4. Phytoplasma
Answer: Fungus

90. Enology is the study of?

  1. Monuments
  2. Drying of horticultural produce
  3. Wines
  4. In-vitro propagation
Answer: Wines

91. Pollination is the process by which the pollen grains are transferred from?

  1. Anther to stigma
  2. Anther to ovary
  3. Stigma to filaments
  4. Stigma to ovary
Answer: Anther to stigma

92. Wind breaks are generally planted in which direction of orchard?

  1. North- South
  2. North- Western
  3. South-West
  4. East- West
Answer: North- Western

93. Synthetic hybrid of banana is?

  1. BodlesAltafort
  2. Monthan
  3. KlueTaperod
  4. Kellar Laden
Answer: BodlesAltafort

94. Which species is known as Chinese guava and tolerant to guava wilt?

  1. Psidium pumilum
  2. Psidium guineense
  3. Psidium cattleianum
  4. Psidium fredrichathalianum
Answer: Psidium fredrichathalianum

95. Which variety of ber is resistant to powdery mildew?

  1. Gola
  2. Sanaur-2
  3. Umran
  4. Mundia
Answer: Sanaur-2

96. Ultra dwarfing rootstock (M-27) of apple was developed by?

  1. Mark Tydeman (1929)
  2. Vanden Eude (1912)
  3. Chalmers (1920)
  4. Dunn &Stolp (1970)
Answer: Mark Tydeman (1929)

97. Which species is known as dwarf pomegranate?

  1. Punica cholorocarpa
  2. Punica protopunica
  3. Punica nana
  4. Punica porphyrocarpa
Answer: Punica nana

98. Which type of self incompatibility is found in ber?

  1. Sporophytic
  2. Heteromorphic
  3. Gametophytic
  4. Not found
Answer: Sporophytic

99. Pineapple guava is scientifically known as ?

  1. Psidium guajava
  2. P. Friedrichsthalianum
  3. Syzygium cuminii
  4. Feijoa sellowiana
Answer: Feijoa sellowiana

100. Veneer grafting in mango was first developed by?

  1. Lynch (1941)
  2. Sant Ram (1965)
  3. S. K. Mukherjee (1960)
  4. Traub and Auchter (1934)

Answer: Lynch (1941)

JNKVV and RVSKVV PhD Horticulture Fruit Science Entrance Questions with Answers Pdf Download

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