300+ TOP LISP Interview Questions and Answers

LISP Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is LISP?

  • LISP is the high-level programming language after Fortran.
  • LISP is stands for List Processing.
  • This programming language was invented by John McCarthy in 1958 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

2. Write a program in LISP to find sum of three numbers?

(write (+ 8 10 12))

3. Write a program in LISP to print “LISP EXPERT”?

(write-line “LISP EXPERT”)

4. What is the programming structure for LISP?
Programming structure is composed of symbolic expressions(s-expressions).

s-expression: It consists of three valid objects:

  • Atom: string of contiguous characters
  • String: A group of characters
  • Lists: sequence of atoms

5. What are the common objectives of LISP?
The common objectives of LISP are:

  1. Provides smooth growth path and easy transitions
  2. Provides layered approach
  3. Provides language for powerful programming environment
  4. Provides the efficient delivery of applications

6. What is setq in LISP?
setq: It is used to set variables in LISP.

7. What is slot?
slot: It is a variable which is used to store data or field.

8. What are the most commonly used slot options?
Most Commonly used slot options are:

  • initarg symbol
  • initform expression
  • accessor function-name

9. What are the two pre-defined packages used in LISP?
Pre-defined packages LISP are:

  • Common Lisp User( Contains packages with editing and debugging tools)
  • Common Lisp(Contains functions and variables)

10. What is the importance of the hash table in LISP?
Hash table in LISP is a collection of key and value pairs which is based on the hash code of the key. It is used to access the items in the collection.

LISP Interview Questions
LISP Interview Questions

11. How many types of variables are available in LISP?
Two types of variables are available in lisp:

  1. lexical variable
  2. special variable

12. How many data types are categorized in LISP?
There are two types of data types:

  1. Data Structure: Strings, list, bit-vectors etc
  2. Scalar Types: Characters, Number types etc

13. What is Lisp Constants?
In Lisp, Constants are variables and the value of constant can’t be changed.

Construct constants are declared by using defconstant in Lisp.

14. What is the use of predicate in LISP?
It is a type of function that is used to test the arguments for specific conditions.

Conditions are:

  • Returns nil value if condition is false
  • Retrieves some non-nil value if condition is true

15. What are the three defun macro arguments to define a function in LISP?
The arguments are:

  • Name of the function
  • Body of the function
  • Parameters of the function

16. What are the features of LISP?
The features of LISP are:

  • LISP is a machine-independent language
  • LISP uses iterative design methodology
  • LISP provides high level debugging.
  • LISP provides complete I/O library
  • LISP is a expression-based language

17. What are the types of applications built in LISP?
The types of applications built in LISP are:

  • G2
  • Emacs
  • AutoCad
  • Yahoo Store
  • Igor Engraver

18. What is the file extensions used in LISP?
lisp or .lsp is the file extensions used in LISP.

19. What is REPL?
REPL: stands for read-evaluate-print loop. It is interpreter that is used to check the source code in a repeated loop.

20. Which notation LISP follows?
LISP follows the prefix notation.

21. What is typep predicate in LISP?
typep predicate: It is used for finding whether an object belongs to a specific type.

22. What is macro in LISP?
macro: It is a function that takes an s-expression as arguments and returns a LISP form, which is then evaluated

23. Which construct is used to declare the global variables in LISP?
defvar construct is used to declare the global variables in LISP.

24. What is the use of block function in LISP?
block function: It is used to create a named block with a body composed of zero or more statements.

25. What is the use of defun macro in LISP?
defun macro: It is used for defining functions.

Defun macro needs three arguments to define a function:

  • Name of the function
  • Parameters of the function
  • Body of the function

26. What are the number types supported by LISP?
The number types supported by LISP are:

  1. Ratios
  2. Integers
  3. Complex numbers
  4. Floating-point numbers

27. Which function is used to create a sequence in LISP?
make-sequence function is used to create a sequence in LISP.

28. What is the syntax used to create a sequence in LISP?
The syntax used to create a sequence is:

make-sequence sqtype sqsize &key :initial-element

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