Best School, Colleges and Universities to Study in Netherlands with Student visa, Curriculum, Scholarships, Course Fees, Job placement and Cost of living.
Best School, Colleges and Universities to Study in Netherlands with Student visa, Curriculum, Scholarships, Course Fees, Job placement and Cost of living.
Rank | Name of University |
1 | Wageningen University & Research Center |
2 | Wageningen University & Research |
3 | University of Amsterdam |
4 | Utrecht University |
5 | Delft University of Technology |
6 | University of Groningen |
7 | Leiden University |
8 | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
9 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
10 | Radboud University Nijmegen |
11 | Maastricht University |
12 | Eindhoven University of Technology |
13 | Tilburg University |
14 | University of Twente |
State wise Universities in Netherlands
List of Universities in Gelderland
List of all top 8 universities/ Colleges in Gelderland to study Abroad.
Rank in Gelderland | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Wageningen Universiteit | Gelderland | 8 | 254 |
2 | Radboud Universiteit | Gelderland | 10 | 297 |
3 | Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen | Gelderland | 20 | 1431 |
4 | ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de kunsten | Gelderland | 30 | 2469 |
5 | Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences | Gelderland | 35 | 2885 |
6 | Christelijke Hogeschool Ede | Gelderland | 40 | 4601 |
7 | Iselinge Hogeschool | Gelderland | 42 | 5221 |
8 | Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences | Gelderland | 44 | 5873 |
List of Universities in Groningen
List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Groningen to study Abroad.
Rank in Groningen | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | Groningen | 5 | 147 |
2 | Hanzehogeschool Groningen | Groningen | 16 | 1255 |
List of Universities in Limburg
List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Limburg to study Abroad.
Rank in Limburg | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Universiteit Maastricht | Limburg | 13 | 620 |
2 | Zuyd Hogeschool | Limburg | 28 | 2145 |
List of Universities in North Brabant
List of all top 9 universities/ Colleges in North Brabant to study Abroad.
Rank in North Brabant | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | North Brabant | 9 | 283 |
2 | Universiteit van Tilburg | North Brabant | 12 | 539 |
3 | Fontys Hogescholen | North Brabant | 14 | 1105 |
4 | AVANS Hogeschool | North Brabant | 18 | 1280 |
5 | Breda University of Applied Sciences | North Brabant | 25 | 1837 |
6 | Design Academy Eindhoven | North Brabant | 32 | 2704 |
7 | HAS Hogeschool | North Brabant | 36 | 3254 |
8 | TIAS School for Business and Society | North Brabant | 38 | 4013 |
9 | Hogeschool de Kempel | North Brabant | 46 | 6667 |
List of Universities in North Holland
List of all top 7 universities/ Colleges in North Holland to study Abroad.
Rank in North Holland | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Universiteit van Amsterdam | North Holland | 3 | 126 |
2 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | North Holland | 7 | 251 |
3 | Hogeschool van Amsterdam | North Holland | 15 | 1108 |
4 | Hogeschool INHolland | North Holland | 24 | 1580 |
5 | Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten | North Holland | 26 | 1888 |
6 | Gerrit Rietveld Academie | North Holland | 37 | 3349 |
7 | Hogeschool iPABO | North Holland | 49 | 7819 |
List of Universities in Overijssel
List of all top 5 universities/ Colleges in Overijssel to study Abroad.
Rank in Overijssel | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Universiteit Twente | Overijssel | 6 | 249 |
2 | Hogeschool Saxion | Overijssel | 17 | 1279 |
3 | Hogeschool Windesheim | Overijssel | 23 | 1568 |
4 | Hogeschool Viaa | Overijssel | 43 | 5480 |
5 | Katholieke PABO Zwolle | Overijssel | 47 | 6801 |
List of Universities in South Holland
List of all top 12 universities/ Colleges in South Holland to study Abroad.
Rank in South Holland | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Technische Universiteit Delft | South Holland | 1 | 118 |
2 | Universiteit Leiden | South Holland | 4 | 139 |
3 | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | South Holland | 11 | 448 |
4 | Hogeschool Rotterdam | South Holland | 21 | 1465 |
5 | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education | South Holland | 27 | 1995 |
6 | De Haagse Hogeschool | South Holland | 29 | 2190 |
7 | Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten | South Holland | 33 | 2772 |
8 | Hogeschool Leiden | South Holland | 34 | 2825 |
9 | Codarts Rotterdam | South Holland | 39 | 4368 |
10 | Hotelschool The Hague | South Holland | 41 | 4946 |
11 | Islamitische Universiteit Rotterdam | South Holland | 48 | 6904 |
12 | Driestar Hogeschool | South Holland | 50 | 8160 |
List of Universities in Utrecht
List of all top 5 universities/ Colleges in Utrecht to study Abroad.
Rank in Utrecht | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Universiteit Utrecht | Utrecht | 2 | 120 |
2 | Hogeschool Utrecht | Utrecht | 19 | 1310 |
3 | Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht | Utrecht | 22 | 1564 |
4 | Nyenrode Business Universiteit | Utrecht | 31 | 2522 |
5 | Marnix Academie | Utrecht | 45 | 6439 |