300+ TOP Marma MCQs and Answers | Indian Systems of Medicine

Marma Multiple Choice Questions Indian Systems of Medicine 

1. Khatva bandha is advised for

A. Sankha
B. Ganda
C. Hanu
D. All of these

Answer: D

2. Which one among the following is used for Raktamokshana in deep seated blood?

A. Sringa
B. Jaluka
C. Alabu
D. Siravyadha

Answer: B

3. According to Charaka the number of types of Vrana updravas are

A. ten
B. sixteen
C. four
D. fifteen

Answer: B

4. Arsoyantra is a type of

A. Talayantra
B. Salakayantra
C. Nadiyantra
D. Swasthikayantra

Answer: C

5. According to Susruta which of the following types of bandhana is done in siras

A. Gadha bandha
B. Sama bandha
C. Sithila bandha
D. None of these

Answer: A

6. According to Susruta the number of types of Salya gati are

A. five
B. four
C. two
D. eight

Answer: A

7. The description of practical training of surgery is available in which adhyaya of susruta samhita?

A. Yogyasutriyam
B. Visikhanupravesaniyam
C. Vranithopasaniyam
D. Ashtavidhasastrakarmiyam

Answer: A

8. Sanigraha and anigraha are the types of __________ yantra.

A. Sandamsa
B. Nadi
C. Tala
D. Upa

Answer: A

9. According to Susruta the number of Yantra doshas are

A. Ten
B. Eight
C. Twelve
D. Six

Answer: C

10. According to Susruta, Salyatantra is considered supreme among the Ashtangas due to

A. Asukriya
B. Use of yantra, sastra, kshara and agni
C. Sarva tantra samanyat
D. All of these

Answer: D

11. Which of the following is the Benign tumor of bones?

A. Osteosarcoma
B. Ewing’s tumor
C. Giant cell tumor
D. None of these

Answer: D

12. Severe pain, delayed healing and cheloid formation is due to

A. Sira-snayu chedana
B. Mamsa chedana
C. Kandara chedana
D. None of these

Answer: D

13. Which of the following surgical procedure is done for fissure in ano?

A. Sphincterotomy
B. Mayo’s operation
C. Haemorrhoidectomy
D. None of these

Answer: A

14. Susruta has described Shatkriya kala in the context of

A. Vrana
B. Vidradhi
C. Visarpa
D. Granthi

Answer: A

15. Hiatus hernia is

A. Inguinal hernia
B. Femoral hernia
C. Incisional hernia
D. Herniation of a part of stomach through diaphragm

Answer: D

16. According to Susruta the number of kantabhagna is

A. twelve
B. eight
C. four
D. six

Answer: A

17. Sitasophata is a characteristic feature of

A. Pachyamana sopha
B. Ama sopha
C. Pakwa sopha
D. None of these

Answer: B

18. According to Vagbhata the length of sastra kosa is

A. 12 angula
B. 10 angula
C. 16 angula
D. 9 angula

Answer: A

19. Yantra used for the extraction of foreign body from the bone is

A. Sandamsa yantra
B. Tala yantra
C. Swastika yantra
D. Nadi yantra

Answer: C

20. The shape of incision on the hand is

A. Ardhachandra mukha
B. Trikonam
C. Chandramandala
D. None of these

Answer: C

21. Which of the following is true in case of undukapuccha sotha?

A. Fever, vomiting and pain at once
B. Pain first, vomiting second and fever last
C. Fever last, vomiting second and pain last
D. Vomiting first, fever second and pain last

Answer: B

22. The extraction of Salya from same route from which it entered is

A. Anuloma method
B. Pratiloma method
C. Tiryak method
D. None of these

Answer: B

23. Saturday night palsy is related to

A. Radial nerve
B. Median nerve
C. Ulnar nerve
D. Axillary nerve

Answer: A

24. The treatment of Karkasa, Sthira, Prithu and Katina arsas is

A. Bheshaja
B. Agnikarma
C. Kshara
D. Sastra

Answer: B

25. Kuttana Sastra karma is described by

A. Charaka
B. Susruta
C. Vaghata
D. Bhavamisra

Answer: C

26. Krukenburg tumor is related with

A. Uterus
B. Breast
C. Ovary
D. Prostate

Answer: C

27. Treatment of Atidagdha is the same as that of

A. Kapha visarpa
B. Pitta visarpa
C. Vata visarpa
D. Vata-Kapha visarpa

Answer: B

28. The cause of detah in indravasthi marmaghata is

A. Cardiac arrest
B. Haemorrhage
C. Nerve injury
D. None of these

Answer: B

29. Cold water should not be used in

A. Durdagdha
B. Plushtadagdha
C. Atidagdha
D. Samyagdagdha

Answer: B

30. Barium enema is used for the diagnosis of

A. Fistula in Ano
B. Ulcerative colitis
C. Internal piles
D. None of these

Answer: B

31. Dushya of vidradhi is

A. Mamsa
B. Meda
C. Twak
D. All of these

Answer: D

32. Which among the following is the longest yantra?

A. Sandamsa yantra
B. Swasthika yantra
C. Tala yantra
D. Salaka yantra

Answer: B

33. All are functions of yantra except

A. Visravana
B. Vivarana
C. Vyuhana
D. Vikarshana

Answer: A

34. According to Susruta, Ayaskantha is included in _________ yantra.

A. Swasthika
B. Sandamsa
C. Upa
D. Nadi

Answer: C

35. The type of bandage used in Bhagna is

A. Gada
B. Sama
C. Sithila
D. None of these

Answer: B

36. A fall on the outstretched hand with a supination force leads to

A. Colle’s fracture
B. Smith’s fracture
C. Both (1) and (2)
D. None of the above

Answer: A

37. Which one among the following is a Sadyapranahara marma?

A. Gulpha
B. Krikatika
C. Guda
D. Bruhati

Answer: C

38. The measurement of hole of Sringa for Achushana is

A. Sidharthaka
B. Masura
C. Kalaya
D. Thila

Answer: A

39. Vetasapatra Sastra is used for

A. Bhedana
B. Vyadhana
C. Aharana
D. Eshana

Answer: B

40. The Sastra used for Anulomana karma is

A. Mandalagra
B. Eshani
C. Suchi
D. Kurcha

Answer: B

41. According to Susruta the first treatment of Vranasopha is

A. Upanaha
B. Snehana
C. Vimlapana
D. Visravana

Answer: C

42. According to Susruta the number of types of Sandhimukta are

A. twelve
B. six
C. eight
D. ten

Answer: B

43. Sequestrum is a ________ bone in osteomyelitis.

A. dead
B. degenerative
C. live
D. none of these

Answer: A

44. Sathaponaka bhagandara is due to the predominance of

A. Vata dosha
B. Pitta dosha
C. Kapha dosha
D. Tridosha

Answer: A

45. The Varthi used after the extraction of salya from the head is

A. Thila
B. Bala
C. Pippalyadi
D. None of these

Answer: B

46. According to Susruta the number of types of alepa are

A. three
B. seven
C. ten
D. eight

Answer: A

47. According to Susruta the number of types of bandages are

A. fifteen
B. fourteen
C. ten
D. seven

Answer: B

48. According to Susruta the specification of Dhara for Bhedana is

A. Kaisiki
B. Ardhakaisiki
C. Masuravat
D. Ardhamasuravat

Answer: C

49. According to Susruta the number of Nadiyantras are

A. twenty
B. twenty six
C. twenty five
D. twenty eight

Answer: A

50. The Cheena bandha is applied in

A. Lalata
B. Apanga
C. Uras
D. None of these

Answer: B

51. According to Susruta the number of Dahana visesa are

A. four
B. eight
C. three
D. seven

Answer: A

52. Which among the following is used for agnikarma?

A. Mandalagra
B. Karthari
C. Jambavoshta
D. Kuthari

Answer: C

53. Agnikarma prevents raktasrava by

A. Dilatation of arterial ends
B. Contraction of arterial ends
C. Burning of tissues
D. None of these

Answer: B

54. Which one of the following is used for Salyaharana?

A. Yantra
B. Sastra
C. Jaluka
D. Kshara

Answer: A

55. __________ is a Visalyaghna Marma.

A. Sthanamoola
B. Sthapani
C. Sthanarohita
D. Sringataka

Answer: B

56. __________ is used to sharpen the blade of instruments.

A. Pashanasila
B. Salmali Phalakam
C. Slakshnasila mashavarna
D. None of these

Answer: C

57. Foreign bodies which are visible should be pulled out by

A. Kankamukha yantra
B. Simhamukha yantra
C. Sami yantra
D. None of these

Answer: B

58. Nakha is considered as

A. Anusastra
B. Upayantra
C. Sandamsa yantra
D. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: D

59. Sastrakarma used in Unmargi vrana is

A. Eshana
B. Visravana
C. Seevana
D. None of these

Answer: A

60. During Seevana, what will be the consequence of punctures being very near the Vranoshta?

A. Ruja
B. Avalunchana
C. Kotha
D. None of these

Answer: B

61. According to Susruta the nature of Nalakasthi is

A. Namyanthe
B. Vibhidhyanthe
C. Bhajyanthe
D. None of these

Answer: C

62. Marmasrita nadeevrana is treated with

A. Kshara sutra
B. Sastra
C. Jaluka
D. None of these

Answer: A

63. One among the following is Tridoshaja

A. Sambukavarta
B. Unmargi
C. Sathaponaka
D. Ushtragreeva

Answer: A

64. According to Susruta the number of types of Sadyovranas are

A. five
B. six
C. eight
D. nine

Answer: B

65. According to Susruta the number of types of Marmas based on the structure are

A. five
B. six
C. eight
D. four

Answer: A

66. According to Susruta the maximum amount of blood that can be removed in Siravedha is

A. Chathushpalam
B. Prastham
C. Ardhapalam
D. None of these

Answer: B

67. According to Susruta, Sastrakarmas are how many in number?

A. Thirteen
B. Six
C. Eight
D. Ten

Answer: C

68. Pradhana Yantra is

A. Kakamukha
B. Kankamukha
C. Simhamukha
D. Vyakhramukha

Answer: B

69. Pramana of siravedha in mamsapradesa is

A. Vrihi matra
B. Kalaya matra
C. Masura matra
D. Yava matra

Answer: D

70. One among the following is not the function of Kshara

A. Chedya
B. Vedhya
C. Bhedya
D. Lekhya

Answer: B

71. Tennis elbow is

A. pain over the lateral epicondyle
B. Olecranon bursitis
C. Pain over the medial epicondyle
D. None of these

Answer: A

72. Which of the following is a raktasthambhana method as per susruta?

A. Sandhanam
B. Skandanam
C. Dahanam
D. All of these

Answer: D

73. Which of the following is not eight in number?

A. Sastra doshas
B. Vranopadravas
C. Vranavasthu
D. Ksharagunas

Answer: B

74. The commonest site of fissure in Ano is

A. 6 O’ clock
B. 12 O’ clock
C. 3 O’ clock
D. 9 O’ clock

Answer: A

75. Sastra karma vyapat are

A. four
B. eight
C. sixteen
D. ten

Answer: A

76. Avasadana upakrama is required for

A. Mridu mamsa vrana
B. Sthira vrana
C. Kandu yukta vrana
D. None of these

Answer: D

77. Kaisiki is

A. Bandha
B. Sastradhara
C. Seevana
D. None of these

Answer: B

78. As per Susruta the thickness of alepa is

A. Mahishardra charma
B. Mahisha charma
C. Aswa charma
D. Go charma

Answer: A

79. Sambhara means

A. Vranithagara
B. Dhupanayoga
C. Accessories required for operation
D. Pathyahara

Answer: C

80. The normal contour of the shoulder is altered in

A. fracture of the greater tuberosity in humerus
B. Dislocation of the head of humerus
C. Fracture of scapula
D. Fracture of clavicle

Answer: B

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