250+ TOP MCQs on Attack Vectors – DNS Hacking and Security and Answers

Cyber Security Multiple Choice Questions on “Attack Vectors – DNS Hacking and Security”.

1. __________ is a naming system given to different computers which adapt to human-readable domain names.
b) DNS
c) WWW
d) ISP

Answer: b
Clarification: DNS is a naming system given to different computers that adapt to human-readable domain names. For example, Google.co.in has a computer-readable IP address which is & as the primary & secondary DNS addresses.

2. DNS stands for _____________
a) Data Name System
b) Domain Name Server
c) Domain Name System
d) Domain’s Naming System

Answer: c
Clarification: Domain Name System can be compared to the phonebook of the WWW. Users’ access information over the web through these human readable domain names. For example www.google.co.in gas computer-readable IP address which is & as the primary & secondary DNS addresses.

3. Some security issues might exist owing to misconfigured __________________ which can direct to disclosure of information regarding the domain.
a) DNS names
b) HTTP setup
c) ISP setup
d) FTP-unsecured

Answer: a
Clarification: Some security issues might exist owing to misconfigured DNS names which can direct to disclosure of information regarding the domain. DNS adapts to human readable domain names.

4. ______________ is a form of nasty online attack in which a user gets redirects queries to a DNS because of override of system’s TCP/IP settings.
a) DNS mal-functioning
b) DNS cracking
c) DNS redirecting
d) DNS hijacking

Answer: d
Clarification: Misconfigured DNS names which can direct to disclosure of information regarding the domain. DNS hijacking is a form of nasty online attack in which a user gets redirects queries to a DNS because of override of system’s TCP/IP settings.

5. _____________ can be attained by the use of malware or by changing the server’s settings.
a) DNS poisoning
b) DNS cracking
c) DNS hijacking
d) DNS redirecting

Answer: c
Clarification: DNS hijacking is a form of nasty online attack in which a user gets redirects queries to a DNS because of override of system’s TCP/IP settings. It can be attained by the use of malware or by changing the server’s settings.

6. There are _________ main types of DNS hijacking.
a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5

Answer: b
Clarification: There are two main types of DNS hijacking. These are by infecting the computer with malware or DNS trojans and the other type is hacking the target website and changes its DNS address.

7. DNS trojans are used for performing a type of DNS hijacking.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: DNS hijacking is a form of nasty online attack in which a user gets redirects queries to a DNS because of override of system’s TCP/IP settings. There are two main types of DNS hijacking. These are by infecting the computer with malware or DNS trojans.

8. The _______________ matches and maps to the user friendly domain name.
b) DNS
c) WWW
d) ISP

Answer: b
Clarification: The DNS matches for directing the user-friendly domain name (like google.co.in) to its equivalent IP address. DNS servers are typically owned by any ISPs or other business organizations.

9. Which of the following is not an example of DNS hijacking?
a) ISP DNS hijacking
b) DNS hijacking for phishing
c) DNS hijacking for pharming
d) HTTP-based DNS hacking

Answer: d
Clarification: DNS hijacking is a form of nasty online attack in which a user gets redirects queries to a DNS because of override of system’s TCP/IP settings. ISP DNS hijacking, DNS hijacking for phishing, DNS hijacking for pharming are some of the examples of DNS hijacking attack.

10. A ______________ is essentially a text file residing on the server that hosts different domain containing entries for dissimilar resource records.
a) Zone file
b) Robot file
c) Bot file
d) DNS file

Answer: a
Clarification: A Zone file is essentially a text file residing on the server that hosts different domain containing entries for dissimilar resource records. It is used in DNS hijacking.

11. ______________ which is also termed as DNS spoofing, is a kind of attack which uses DNS based vulnerabilities for diverting the traffic of the internet.
a) DNS poisoning
b) DNS re-routing
c) DNS cracking
d) Domain link poisoning

Answer: a
Clarification: DNS cache poisoning which is also termed as DNS spoofing, is a kind of attack which uses DNS based vulnerabilities for diverting the traffic of the internet away from genuine servers.

12. DNS poisoning is very dangerous because it can extend its reach from one ___________ to another.
a) ISP server
b) DNS server
c) Linux server
d) Domain user

Answer: b
Clarification: DNS poisoning which is also termed as DNS spoofing is a kind of attack which uses DNS based vulnerabilities for diverting the traffic of the internet. DNS poisoning is very dangerous because it can extend its reach from one DNS server to another.

13. A _________________ can be poisoned if it is having an erroneous entry where the invader gets to organize the DNS server & change different kinds of information on it.
a) Server data
b) Domain name
c) DNS cache
d) System file

Answer: c
Clarification: A DNS cache can be poisoned if it is having an erroneous entry where the invader gets to organize the DNS server & change different kinds of information on it. DNS poisoning is very dangerous because it can extend its reach from one DNS server to another.

14. The ____________ Domain Name Server data will get spread to the ISPs & will be cached there.
a) working
b) compromised
c) corrupted
d) poisoned

Answer: d
Clarification: DNS cache poisoning is a kind of attack which uses DNS based vulnerabilities for diverting the traffic of the internet. The poisoned Domain Name Server data will get spread to the ISPs & will be cached there.

15. The user could be influenced by DNS hijacking if the government of that country uses DNS redirecting as a mechanism to mask censorship.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Clarification: A DNS cache can be poisoned if it is having an erroneous entry where the invader gets to organize the DNS server & change different kinds of information on it. The user could be influenced by DNS hijacking if the government of that country uses DNS redirecting as a mechanism to mask censorship.

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