Gene Manipulation written test Questions & Answers focuses on “Basic Laboratory Techniques – 5”.
1. Northern Blotting is not a variant of Southern blotting.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Clarification: Northern blotting technique is a variant of Southern blotting technique and is used exclusively for the analysis of RNA.
2. Which of the following is found in Northern blotting but not in southern blotting?
A. Gel
B. Nitrocellulose
A. Reactive paper
D. Probe
Answer: C
Clarification: In Northern blotting, RNA bands are blot-transferred from the gel onto a chemically reactive paper, where they are bound covalently.
3. The reactive paper used is prepared by which technique?
A. Heating
B. Hydrolysis
A. Acidification
D. Diazotization
Answer: D
Clarification: The reactive paper is prepared by diazotization of aminobenzyloxymethyl paper, which itself can be prepared from Whatman 540 paper.
4. How can hybridizing bands be located?
A. Radiography
B. Autoradiography
A. UV radiation
D. Infrared radiation
Answer: B
Clarification: Once covalently bound, the RNA is available for hybridization. Bands can be located by autoradiography.
5. When was it found that RNA can be bound to nitrocellulose membranes under appropriate conditions?
A. 1980
B. 1880
A. 1940
D. 1950
Answer: A
Clarification: It was found in 1980 by Thomas that RNA bands can be blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes under appropriate conditions.
6. Nylon membranes have superseded the need of ___________ in southern blotting techniques.
A. Probe
A. DBM paper
D. Gel
Answer: C
Clarification: Suitable nylon membranes have been developed for efficient binding of RNA, because of the convenience of these membranes; the need for DBM paper has been superseded.
7. Which of the following techniques does not involve nucleic acids?
A. Northern blotting
B. Western blotting
D. Southern blotting
Answer: B
Clarification: The term Western blotting refers to a procedure which does not directly involve nucleic acids, but which is of importance in gene manipulation.
8. Western Blotting is used to transfer __________
A. Genes
B. Proteins
D. Probe
Answer: B
Clarification: Western blotting techniques are used to transfer the protein molecules from acrylamide gels to membranes for further procedures.
9. When was the Western blotting technique developed?
A. 1980
B. 1961
A. 1981
D. 1971
Answer: C
Clarification: The technique was developed by Brunette in 1981. Western blotting techniques are used to transfer the protein molecules from acrylamide gels to membranes for further procedures.
10. The protein bands transferred by the western blotting are previously ______________
A. Electrophoresed
B. Heated
A. Calibrated
D. Mixed
Answer: A
Clarification: Western blotting involves a transfer of electrophoresed protein bands from a polyacrylamide gel on to a nitrocellulose or nylon membrane.
11. In Western blotting, proteins bind __________ to the membrane.
A. Loosely
B. Covalently
A. Irreversibly
D. Strongly
Answer: D
Clarification: In the western blotting technique, nitrocellulose or nylon membranes are used which aid in strong binding of the sample.
12. Which interactions are made use of in Western blotting technique?
A. Covalent
B. Hydrophobic
A. Protein-ligand
D. Protein-protein
Answer: C
Clarification: The bound proteins are available for analysis by a variety of specific protein-ligand interactions. Most commonly antibodies are used.
13. Which is the most common ligand in Western blotting?
A. Lactose
B. Toxins
A. Genes
D. Antibodies
Answer: D
Clarification: Ligands are used to facilitate protein-ligand interactions in the blotting technique. The most common ligands used are antibodies.
14. Lectins identify which of the following in a Western blotting technique?
A. Glucoprotein
B. Glycoprotein
A. Antibiotic
Answer: B
Clarification: Lectins are basically ligands and help in the detection of a major class of proteins called the glycoproteins. They promote protein-ligand interaction.
15. What are the lectins?
A. Antigen
B. Antibody
Answer: B
Clarification: Lectins are antibodies; that is they play the role of ligand in protein-ligand interactions. Lectins are used to identify glycoproteins.
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