250+ TOP MCQs on Cast Iron Sleepers and Answers

This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Cast Iron Sleepers”.

1. Which of the following is true about cast iron sleepers?
a) They are difficult to manufacture
b) Less scrap value
c) Difficult gauge maintenance
d) Good lateral stability
Answer: c
Clarification: Cast iron sleepers have bars which get bent over time. This makes gauge maintenance difficult.

2. The inspection and maintenance of Cast iron pot sleepers is very easy.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: The inspection and maintenance of Cast iron pot sleepers is inconvenient and difficult. This is because the fittings are hidden.

3. What is the full form of CST-9 sleepers?
a) Central Standard Trial-9
b) Central Strength Tally-9
c) Compressive Strength Target-9
d) Cast Steel Trial-9
Answer: a
Clarification: CST stands for Central Standard Trial. 9 represents that the sleeper is ninth in the series made by the Central Standard Office.

4. Why were CST-9 sleepers available with reverse jaws?
a) For anti-sabotage measures
b) For making it attractive
c) For easy manufacturing
d) Less wear and tear
Answer: a
Clarification: Usually three reverse jaw CST-9 sleepers are provided per rail. This is done to prevent any damage or theft.

5. Which of the following is not true about the CST-9 sleepers?
a) Not suitable for mechanical maintenance with tie hammers
b) Limited strength to hold LWRs
c) Very less lateral stability
d) Needs more attention
Answer: c
Clarification: The CST-9 sleepers provide considerably good stability. But requires constant attention.

6. What is used to hold the rail in case of CST-10 sleepers?
a) Fixed lug and key
b) Double coil spring washers
c) Clips and keys
d) Elastic fastenings
Answer: b
Clarification: CST-9 sleepers use fixed lug and key. CST-10 sleepers use Double coil spring washers for holding the rails.

7. What is used in CST-11 sleepers to accommodate the pandrol clip?
a) Double coil spring washers
b) A shoulder is provided
c) Lugs and keys
d) Single coil washer
Answer: b
Clarification: The CST-11 has an improvement over CST-10 sleeper that a shoulder is provided for Pandrol clip. Double coil spring washers are not used.

8. Which of the following sleepers is used by the Indian railways?
a) CST-9
b) CST-13
c) CST-11
d) CST-12
Answer: a
Clarification: CST-9 sleepers are extensively used by the Indian railways. The rest are still in experimental stage.