250+ TOP MCQs on Climb Rate and Answers

Aircraft Performance Multiple Choice Questions on “Climb Rate”.

1. Which of the following is the correct safe height of an aircraft?
a) 20000m
b) 15000m
c) 30000m
d) 40000m
Answer: b
Clarification: The safe height of an aircraft for take-off above the airfield is 15000m. The use of safe height is to avoid ground based obstacles and make a clear flight path to avoid aircraft collision and loss of life and property.

2. The operating height is achieved by maximum rate climb.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The operating height is achieved by maximum rate climb. The safe height of an aircraft for take-off above the airfield is 15000m. The use of safe height is to avoid ground based obstacles and make a clear flight path to avoid aircraft collision and loss of life and property.

3. The best economic flight is achieved by _________
a) maximum drag
b) minimum speed
c) minimum drag
d) maximum fuel consumption
Answer: c
Clarification: The best economic flight is achieved by minimum drag speed and take minimum time to climb. It is must that the flight path is obstruction free and need to continue flight without any stop before take-off.

4. The airspeed best for rate of climb to close to that of their minimum drag speed.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The airspeed best for rate of climb to close to that of their minimum drag speed. The operating height is achieved by maximum rate climb. The safe height of an aircraft for take-off above the airfield is 15000m. The use of safe height is to avoid ground based obstacles and make a clear flight path to avoid aircraft collision and loss of life and property.

5. Thrust is directly proportional to airspeed.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Thrust is directly proportional to airspeed. This means the thrust increases with increase in airspeed and decrease with decrease in decrease in airspeed. The airspeed best for rate of climb to close to that of their minimum drag speed.

6. What is climb rate?
a) The rate at which the flight take-off the ground
b) Speed at which the flight takes-off
c) Distance required for flight to take-off
d) Fuel required for the take-off of flight
Answer: a
Clarification: The climb rate is the rate at which the flight take-off the ground. The airspeed best for rate of climb to close to that of their minimum drag speed. The operating height is achieved by maximum rate climb. The safe height of an aircraft for take-off above the airfield is 15000m.

7. The thrust required during the take-off is a function of ________
a) time
b) fuel
c) weight
d) lift
Answer: c
Clarification: The thrust required during the take-off is a function of weight, altitude and temperature i.e. WAT. Thrust is directly proportional to airspeed. This means the thrust increases with increase in airspeed and decrease with decrease in decrease in airspeed. The airspeed best for rate of climb to close to that of their minimum drag speed.

8. The flight mach number is inversely proportional to relative pressure.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The flight mach number is inversely proportional to relative pressure. This states that the flight mach number increases with decrease in relative pressure and decreases wit increase in relative pressure.

9. Drag raise is avoided by maintaining constant mach number.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Drag raise is avoided by maintaining constant mach number. The best economic flight is achieved by minimum drag speed and take minimum time to climb. The best rate of climb is achieved by less drag raise.

10. WAT anticipated changes result in better climb performance.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: WAT anticipated changes result in better climb performance. The thrust required during the take-off is a function of weight, altitude and temperature i.e. WAT. Thrust is directly proportional to airspeed.

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