250+ TOP MCQs on Design of Horizontal Alignment – 2 and Answers

Highway Engineering Questions and Answers for Experienced people on “Design of Horizontal Alignment – 2”.

1. The mechanical widening of a track is given by ___________
a) l2/2R
b) nl2/2R
c) nl3/2R
d) nl/2R
Answer: b
Clarification: The mechanical widening of track is given by nl2/2R where n is the number of tracks, l is the length of wheel base and R is the radius of track.

2. The length of wheel base usually considered in India is?
a) 6.1m
b) 5.9m
c) 5.8m
d) 5.5m
Answer: a
Clarification: The length of the wheel base may be assumed as 6.0m or 6.1m for vehicles if data is unknown, this value is considered for commercial vehicles.

3. The total off tracking of a vehicle having wheel base length as 6.1m and radius of curve 120m is?
a) 0.150
b) 0.151
c) 0.153
d) 0.155
Answer: d
Clarification: The total off tracking of a vehicle = l2/2R

4. The extra width required on two lane pavement for a radius of curve 100m as recommended by IRC is ___________
a) 0.6m
b) 0.7m
c) 0.8m
d) 0.9m
Answer: d
Clarification: IRC recommends a value of 0.9m for two lane pavement for radius of curve 100m, this value decreases with increase in the length of curve.

5. The mechanical widening of a curve is 1.5m, the curve is having a radius of 120m and design speed as 80kmph find the total widening on the curve.
a) 2.20m
b) 2.26m
c) 2.25m
d) 2.24m
Answer: b
Clarification: The total widening is the sum of mechanical widening and psychological widening,
Extra width required=1.5m + V/9.5√R
=1.5 + 80/9.5 √120

6. The most preferred type of transition curve by IRC for highway is ___________
a) Spiral
b) Cubic parabola
c) Parabola
d) Lemniscate
Answer: c
Clarification: The most preferred type of transition curve by IRC for highway is parabola, for its ease of construction and other field work.

7. The minimum value of change of centrifugal acceleration is ___________
a) 0.4m/sec3
b) 0.5m/sec3
c) 0.6m/sec3
d) 0.7m/sec3
Answer: b
Clarification: The minimum value of change of centrifugal acceleration is 0.5 m/sec3 and the maximum value is 0.8m/sec3.

8. The rate of change of acceleration in m/sec3 for a design speed of 85kmph is ___________
a) 0.5
b) 0.6
c) 0.7
d) 0.8
Answer: a
Clarification: The rate of change of acceleration for a design speed of 85kmph is given by

9. In a steep terrain the radius of curve is 100m and the design speed is 80kmph then the length of transition curve will be ___________
a) 44m
b) 54m
c) 64m
d) 74m
Answer: c
Clarification: The length of the transition curve will be V2/R

10. The total shift of a transition curve is ___________
a) L2/12R
b) L2/24R
c) L2/48R
d) L2/96R
Answer: b
Clarification: The total shift of a transition curve is L2/24R, where L is the length of the transition curve and R is the radius of the curve.

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