Operating System Multiple Choice Questions on “Distributed Operating System – Types & Resource Sharing”.
1. What is not true about a distributed system?
a) It is a collection of processor
b) All processors are synchronized
c) They do not share memory
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
2. What are the characteristics of processor in distributed system?
a) They vary in size and function
b) They are same in size and function
c) They are manufactured with single purpose
d) They are real-time devices
Answer: a
3. What are the characteristics of a distributed file system?
a) Its users, servers and storage devices are dispersed
b) Service activity is not carried out across the network
c) They have single centralized data repository
d) There are multiple dependent storage devices
Answer: a
4. What is not a major reason for building distributed systems?
a) Resource sharing
b) Computation speedup
c) Reliability
d) Simplicity
Answer: d
5. What are the types of distributed operating system?
a) Network Operating system
b) Zone based Operating system
c) Level based Operating system
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: None.
6. What are characteristic of Network Operating Systems?
a) Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
b) They are transparent
c) They are simple to use
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
7. How is access to resources of various machines is done?
a) Remote logging using ssh or telnet
b) Zone are configured for automatic access
c) FTP is not used
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: None.
8. What are the characteristics of Distributed Operating system?
a) Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
b) Access is done like local resources
c) Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
d) They have multiple zones to access files
Answer: b
Clarification: None.
9. What are the characteristics of data migration?
a) transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
b) transfer the computation rather than the data
c) execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: None.
10. What are the characteristics of computation migration?
a) transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
b) transfer the computation rather than the data
c) execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: None.
11. What are the characteristics of process migration?
a) transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
b) transfer the computation rather than the data
c) execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: None.