250+ TOP MCQs on Excavation of Earth and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Excavation of Earth”.

1. The removal of earth for highway formation is __________
a) Embankment
b) Sub grade
c) Excavation
d) Filling
Ans : c
Clarification: The process of removal of earth for construction is called excavation, it may be done by manual or machine.

2. The best time to remove soil is during __________
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Rainy season
d) During storm
Answer: a
Clarification: The best time to remove soil is during summer, if it is removed in winter there may be chances of rain so it’s better to remove in summer.

3. What is the equipment used for short haul distance of 100 m?
a) Bulldozer
b) Scrapper
c) Power shovel
d) Hoe
Ans: a
Clarification: The bulldozer is versatile earth equipment used for a short distance of 100m if it exceeds 100 m other equipment can also be used.

4. The blade angle of bulldozer is usually __________
a) 60
b) 90
c) 15
d) 45
Answer: b
Clarification: The blade angle of a bulldozer is usually kept perpendicular, which is always 90 degrees to the soil.

5. The precise control of excavation is possible by __________
a) Scrapper
b) Hoe
c) Shovel
d) Bulldozer
Answer: a
Clarification: The precise control of the excavation is possible by scrapper, but they can’t be used for greater depth.

6. The boom is supported by __________
a) Cab
b) Dipper stick
c) Hoist line
d) Crawler
Answer: c
Clarification: The hoist line gives the support to boom which is attached to the cab, cab is the place where controls are placed and boom is the support.

7. Dragline cannot excavate __________
a) Soft rocks
b) Black cotton soil
c) Clay
d) Stiff material
Answer: d
Clarification: The dragline can’t exert high pressure and remove stiff materials, it can remove only soft rocks.

8. The stiff materials can be excavated by __________
a) Dragline
b) Hoe
c) Power shovel
d) Scrapper
Clarification: How is one equipment which can exert high tooth pressure and excavate stiff materials from the ground.

9. The equipment having a bucket is?
a) Shovel
b) Clam shell
c) Dragline
d) Hoe
Answer: b
Clarification: A clam shell consists of a bucket that is used to carry soil or any other material from a greater depth.

10. The compaction of sand is done by __________
a) Rollers
b) Animals
c) Vibrator
d) Jetting
Answer: d
Clarification: The jetting of the sand cannot be done by using roller or vibrator, it requires effective techniques like jetting and pounding with water.