250+ TOP MCQs on Highway Costs and Answers

Highway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Highway Costs”.

1. The improvement in highway leads to the following.
a) Increase in vehicle operation cost
b) Decreased comfort to passenger
c) Reduction in accident rate
d) Difficulty in driving
Answer: c
Clarification: The improvement in highway leads to reduction in the vehicle operation cost, saving time, reduction in accident rate and increased comfort of passengers.

2. Several highway are implemented by __________
a) Government
b) Private
c) Public private partnership
d) Depends on the requirement
Answer: c
Clarification: Most of the highway are constructed by private companies and maintained by government, some may be government, some may be private but most are public private partnership.

3. The improvement benefits of roads don’t include which type?
a) Improvement in city
b) Improvement in a district
c) Improvement in a state
d) Improvement in between two countries
Answer: d
Clarification: The improvement may never take place between two countries as it is a concern regarding security, the Improvement takes place in city, district state and country.

4. The benefits due to the road improvement are classified into how many types?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: b
Clarification: The benefits are classified into two types namely tangible and intangible benefits, tangible are which can be measured and intangible are related to social aspects.

5. The social facilities like medical services, educational and recreation facilities are classified as __________
a) Tangible benefits
b) Intangible benefits
c) Tangible & Intangible benefits
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: All these are related to social aspects as they are not tangible.

6. The cost of the vehicle operation and time for unit distance may be represented by __________
a) T=a+b+c
b) T=a+ (b+c)/speed
c) T=a+b
d) T=a
Answer: b
Clarification: ‘a’ is the running cost per unit distance, ‘b’ is a fixed hourly cost and ‘c’ is the portion of cost depending on speed.

7. The rate of fuel consumption for every motor cycle will be at __________
a) Low speed
b) High speed
c) Optimum speed
d) Zero speed
Answer: c
Clarification: The optimum speed is a speed limit in which neither the bike is going fast nor slow, it usually is between 30-45 Kmph for bikes.

8. The unevenness index in terms of the international roughness index is given by __________
b) UI=IRI/2
c) UI=IRI/3
d) UI=(IRI)1.12
Answer: d
Clarification: The UI is the unevenness index and IRI is the international roughness index, UI is in mm/km and IRI is in m/km.

9. As the unevenness index increases there is no substantial increase in __________
a) Fuel consumption
b) Wear and rear of tyres
c) Vehicle maintenance cost
d) Increase of speed
Answer: d
Clarification: As there is an increase in the unevenness index, there is no substantial increase in speed, instead it decreases.

10. What is the maximum life span assumed for the highway?
a) 70 years
b) 80 years
c) 90 years
d) 100 years
Answer: d
Clarification: The life span for the right of way is assumed between 75 to 100 years, and the maximum life span assumed is 100, it may also be 70,80 and 90 depending on the pavement design.