250+ TOP MCQs on Idealized Remote Sensing System and Answers

Surveying Multiple Choice Questions on “Idealized Remote Sensing System”.

1. Which of the following doesn’t indicate a stage in remote sensing?
a) Reflectance of energy
b) Transmission of energy
c) Energy source
d) Absorption of energy
Answer: d
Clarification: Remote sensing can be defined as the process of obtaining information without any contact with the object. In this process, it undergoes several steps for obtaining the required output. They include energy source, propagation of energy, interaction of energy, reflectance of energy, transmission and usage of data.

2. The electromagnetic wave travelling from source to the object is having same wave length.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: The electromagnetic waves while travelling from source to the object under goes interaction with the atmosphere. During this interaction, the EM waves will undergo scattering, refraction due to this it can undergo loss in information.

3. Which of the following indicates the functioning of a sensor?
a) Transmits energy
b) Absorbs wave length
c) Sensitive to wave length
d) Reflects energy
Answer: c
Clarification: A sensor can be defined as an electromagnetic instrument, which server as a path for recording and transmitting energy. It is sensitive to wave length and yield data on the wavelength of the wave transmitted.

4. Among the following, which indicates the correct set of classification of data?
a) Analog, digital
b) Digital, binary
c) Binary, analog
d) Vector, raster
Answer: a
Clarification: The data obtained at the end of the transmission can be classified as analog and digital formats. The usage of the data depends upon the type of bit the software can adopt to show the result. In general, digital format is most probably used.

5. Which type of remote sensing uses its own source of electromagnetic energy?
a) Passive
b) Active
c) Satellite
d) Orbital
Answer: b
Clarification: Active remote sensing involves the usage of its own electromagnetic energy, which emits and absorb the reflected energy. Camera with flash is an example for this process. In the case of passive remote sensing, it uses other source of energy.

6. The correct sequence of transmission of electromagnetic waves in remote sensing system can be given as ___________
a) Energy source, transmission of signal, propagation of signal
b) Transmission of signal, propagation of signal, energy source
c) Propagation of signal, transmission of signal, energy source
d) Energy source, propagation of energy, transmission of signal
Answer: d
Clarification: In the process of remote sensing, it undergoes certain series of stages for obtaining the data. The sequence is given as energy source, propagation of energy, interaction of energy, reflectance of energy, transmission of the signal and usage of data.

7. Signal can be generated by ____________
a) Interaction of EM waves with surface
b) Interaction of EM waves with energy source
c) Interaction of EM waves with atmosphere
d) Interaction of EM waves with sensor
Answer: a
Clarification: When the electromagnetic waves interact with the earth’s surface, it generates signals which are emitted from the surface. They contain spectral signature, which is useful in earth’s surface material.

8. Which among the following is the first Indian remote sensing satellite?
a) Quick Bird
c) IRS-1A
d) MOS
Answer: c
Clarification: IRS-1A is the first Indian remote sensing satellite which was launched in the mid 1980’s. It is capable of recording the reflected EM waves from the surface and transmits them to the ground station.

9. Among the following, the correct set of remote sensing classification can be given as __________
a) Active, orbital
b) Active, passive
c) Passive, orbital
d) Orbital, satellite
Answer: b
Clarification: Remote sensing is the process of obtaining information without any contact with the object. This includes using its own source of energy or using another source for reflecting and absorbing. The classification includes active and passive remote sensing.

10. The data obtained by the process of remote sensing needs great knowledge to understand it.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: After receiving the reflected energy from satellite to the ground station, the data is all set to use. It may be in digital or analog format. But the usage requires a great depth of knowledge regarding the signal formation and generation of data.

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