250+ TOP MCQs on Lime Soda Process and Answers

Environmental Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Lime Soda Process”.

1. The permanent hardness can be removed by adding lime and soda.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The permanent hardness can be removed by adding Ca (OH)2 as lime and sodium carbonate as soda in water and the process is called lime soda process.

2. The time required for the mixing of lime and soda in lime soda process is _____________
a) 10min
b) 20min
c) 40min
d) 80 min
Answer: c
Clarification: The time required for the mixing of lime and soda in water in lime soda process is between 30-60min to allow completion of the chemical reaction. Precipitated chemicals are removed by sedimentation or filtration or both.

3. The temperature at which the softening of water takes place by lime soda process is ____________
a) 10o-21oC
b) 20o-30oC
c) 39o-45oC
d) 90oC
Answer: a
Clarification: The lime soda process can be operated continuously or intermittently at either 10o-21oC or at 100oC.

4. Which chemical is used for removing the permanent hardness of Calcium chloride?
a) Lime
b) Chlorine
c) Soda
d) Both lime and soda
Answer: b
Clarification: Only soda ash is used for removing the permanent hardness of Calcium chloride whereas for magnesium chloride both lime and soda are used for removing the permanent hardness.

5. Softening chemicals, lime and soda do not depend on ____________
a) Free carbon dioxide present
b) Non carbonate hardness
c) Total magnesium
d) Carbonate hardness
Answer: d
Clarification: Lime and soda depend on free carbon dioxide present, non carbonate hardness, total magnesium and does not depend on carbonate hardness.

6. The detention period of a lime soda treatment plant is ____________
a) 1hour
b) 3hours
c) 2-4hours
d) 4-7hours
Answer: c
Clarification: The detention period of a lime soda treatment plant is 2-4 hours to obtain greater clarification.

7. The minimum reaction time allowed in the recarbonation basin is ____________
a) 5minutes
b) 10minutes
c) 15minutes
d) 20minutes
Answer: d
Clarification: During lime soda treatment, the recarbonation of water is done in recarbonation basin where the minimum reaction time is 20minutes.

8. What is the pH at which recarbonation should be done?
a) 7
b) 4.5
c) 8.2
d) 9.5
Answer: d
Clarification: The carbonation of water containing excess lime will form a colloidal precipitate of calcium carbonate that is less soluble at pH 9.4-9.6, so the recarbonation should not be done below this range.

9. Which filter is normally used in the lime soda treatment plant?
a) Slow sand filter
b) Rapid sand filter
c) Dual media filter
d) Mixed media filter
Answer: b
Clarification: The recarbonated water in lime soda treatment plant is passed through the rapid filter to ensure complete clarification.

10. What is the detention time of a water softening accelerator?
a) 1-6minutes
b) 20minutes
c) 30 minutes
d) 1-2hours
Answer: d
Clarification: A water softening accelerator is a device that is used for mixing, flocculation and clarification of water and they have a short detention period in comparison to a sedimentation tank that is 1-2hours.

11. The sludge in water softening accelerator is deposited at ____________
a) Sedimentation tank
b) Reaction zone
c) Concentrator
d) Secondary mixing zone
Answer: c
Clarification: The sludge in water softening accelerator is deposited at a concentrator which can be discharged through a pipe continuously or can be discharged upon a schedule that can operate automatically.