250+ TOP MCQs on Measurement of Air Data and Answers

Aircraft Performance Multiple Choice Questions on “Measurement of Air Data”.

1. ADD stands for ____________
a) Airflow Direction Detector
b) Aircraft Direction Detector
c) Airflow Density Detector
d) Aircraft Density Detector
Answer: a
Clarification: ADD stands for airflow direction detector. The function of airflow direction detector is to sense the local flow direction relative to the aircraft body axes and these are the part of the aircraft system.

2. The essential requirement of air data measurement is the state of the atmosphere in which the aircraft is flying.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The essential requirement of air data measurement is the state of the atmosphere in which the aircraft is flying. The second essential requirement of air data measurement is the relative motion between the aircraft and the air mass.

3. Air data measurement does not consider the relative motion between the aircraft and the air mass.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: The essential requirement of air data measurement is the relative motion between the aircraft and the air mass. The second essential requirement of air data measurement is the state of the atmosphere in which the aircraft is flying.

4. ADC stands for _____________
a) Aircraft Data Computer
b) Air Data Computer
c) Air Density Computer
d) Air Data Computation
Answer: b
Clarification: ADC stands for air data computer. This is a device installed in aircraft to convert pressure into electrical signals. The conversion is done with the help of transducers which help in processing the electrical signals.

5. ADC is a pure mechanical instrument installed in an aircraft.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: ADC is an electrical power based system and not a pure mechanical instrument. ADC stands for air data computer. This is a device installed in aircraft to convert pressure into electrical signals. The conversion is done with the help of transducers which help in processing the electrical signals.

6. 1 knot=________km/hr
a) 1.773
b) 1.852
c) 1.609
d) 1.414
Answer: b
Clarification: 1 knot=1.852 km/hr. Knot stands for nautical miles per hour. Conversion of nautical miles to kilometers is 1 nautical mile=1.852km. Hence, 1 knot=1.852 km/hr.

7. 1 foot=_________meters
a) 3.28084
b) 0.3678
c) 0.3048
d) 3.4567
Answer: c
Clarification: 1 foot=0.3048 meters. Foot is unit of length or distance in general system whereas meter is a standard unit. Meter is the S.I unit of length in MKS system and used by everyone throughout the world.

8. Which of the following are measured by Pitot – static system in air data system?
a) Height, mach number, airspeed
b) Pressure, density, temperature
c) Height, mach number, pressure
d) Height, mach number, density
Answer: a
Clarification: Height, mach number, airspeed are the quantities measured by Pitot – static system in air data system. They convert the air fed pressures into the movement of a pointer in mechanical instrument.

9. Pitot-static system is a primary flight instrument.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: Pitot-static system is not a primary measuring instrument. The altimeter, indicator and mach meter are the primary flight instruments. The secondary flight instruments are air temperature sensor and ADD’s.

10. ADD is a secondary flight instrument.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The secondary flight instruments are air temperature sensor and ADD’s. The altimeter, indicator and mach meter are the primary flight instruments. The primary instruments are mechanical instruments whereas the secondary instruments are electrical power based instruments.

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