250+ TOP MCQs on Methods of Improving Engine Performance and Answers

IC Engine Mcqs on “Methods Of Improving Engine Performance”.

1. The extent to which the measured value deviates from the true value of the measurand is?
a) precision
b) accuracy
c) resolution
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Accuracy is the extent to which the measured value deviates from the true value of the measurand while precision is the degree of reproducibility among several independent measurements of the same true value under reference conditions and resolution is the magnitude of discernible or detectable output changes as the measurand is continuously varied over the range.

2. The degree of reproducibility among several independent measurements of the same true value under reference conditions is?
a) precision
b) accuracy
c) resolution
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: Precision is the degree of reproducibility among several independent measurements of the same true value under reference conditions and resolution is the magnitude of discernible or detectable output changes as the measurand is continuously varied over the range while accuracy is the extent to which the measured value deviates from the true value of the measurand.

3. ____________ is the ability of a measuring device to reproduce output readings when the same measurand value is applied to it repeatedly under the same environmental conditions and in the same direction.
a) Precision
b) Repeatability
c) Accuracy
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Repeatability is the ability of a measuring device to reproduce output readings when the same measurand value is applied to it repeatedly under the same environmental conditions and in the same direction and accuracy is the extent to which the measured value deviates from the true value of the measurand while precision is the degree of reproducibility among several independent measurements of the same true value under reference conditions.

4. ____________ is a measure of the probability that a measuring device will continue to perform within specified limits of error over a specified length of time under specified conditions.
a) Reliability
b) Repeatability
c) Accuracy
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: Reliability is a measure of the probability that a measuring device will continue to perform within specified limits of error over a specified length of time under specified conditions while repeatability is the ability of a measuring device to reproduce output readings when the same measurand value is applied to it repeatedly under the same environmental conditions and in the same direction and accuracy is the extent to which the measured value deviates from the true value of the measurand.

5. ____________ is the magnitude of discernible or detectable output changes as the measurand is continuously varied over the range.
a) Reliability
b) Repeatability
c) Resolution
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: Resolution is the magnitude of discernible or detectable output changes as the measurand is continuously varied over the range and reliability is a measure of the probability that a measuring device will continue to perform within specified limits of error over a specified length of time under specified conditions while repeatability is the ability of a measuring device to reproduce output readings.

6. ____________ is the time required for the output of measuring device to reach a specified percentage of its final value as a result of a step change of measurand.
a) Response time
b) Repeatability
c) Resolution
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: Response time is the time required for the output of measuring device to reach a specified percentage of its final value as a result of a step change of measurand while resolution is the magnitude of discernible or detectable output changes as the measurand is continuously varied over the range.

7. ____________ is the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum limits of the range.
a) Response time
b) Repeatability
c) Span
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: Span is the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum limits of the range while reliability is a measure of the probability that a measuring device will continue to perform within specified limits of error over a specified length of time under specified conditions and response time is the time required for the output of measuring device to reach a specified percentage of its final value as a result of a step change of measurand.

8. ____________ is the ability of a measuring device to retain its repeatability and other characteristics throughout its specified operating life and storage life.
a) Response time
b) Stability
c) Span
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Stability is the ability of a measuring device to retain its repeatability and other characteristics throughout its specified operating life and storage life while span is the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum limits of the range.

9. ____________ is the measurand values over which a measuring device is intended to measure, specified by upper or lower limits.
a) Range
b) Stability
c) Span
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: Range is the measurand values over which a measuring device is intended to measure, specified by upper or lower limits and stability is the ability of a measuring device to retain its repeatability and other characteristics throughout its specified operating life and storage life while span is the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum limits of the range.

10. ____________ is the time required for the output of a measuring device to rise from 10% to 90% of its final value.
a) Range
b) Rise time
c) Span
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Rise time is the time required for the output of a measuring device to rise from 10% to 90% of its final value and range is the measurand values over which a measuring device is intended to measure, specified by upper or lower limits.

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