R Programming Puzzles focuses on “Packages ”.
1. ______ Uses Grieg-Smith method on 2 dimensional spatial data.
a) G.S.
b) g.data
c) G1DBN
d) G2db
Answer: a
Clarification: The function returns a GriegSmith object which is a matrix with block sizes, sum of squares for each block size as well as mean sums of squares. G1DBN is a package performing Dynamic Bayesian Network Inference.
2. ______ finds K best paths in a given graph.
a) kBestShortestPaths
b) kcirt
c) ktrees
d) kmap
Answer: a
Clarification: This package provides some routines to conduct the K-adaptive partitioning (kaps) and recursive partitioning (lrtree) for survival data.
3. ________ is a package for parsing, applying, and manipulating data cleaning rules
a) edr
b) editrules
c) edrGraphicalTools
d) edrtools
Answer: b
Clarification: editrules is a package for parsing, applying, and manipulating data cleaning rules. edrGraphicalTools provides tools for dimension reduction methods.
4. ________ performs class prediction based on microarray data and clinical parameters
a) M3
b) M2
c) MAclinical
d) M5
Answer: b
Clarification: M3 is used for reading M3 files.
5. Which of the following package provide namespace management functions not yet present in base R?
a) stringr
b) namespace
c) nbpMatching
d) messagewarning
Answer: b
Clarification: The package namespace is one of the most confusing parts of building a package. nbpMatching contains functions for non-bipartite optimal matching.
6. Which of the following is used to analyze paleontological time-series?
a) accelerometry
b) parfossil
c) paleoTS
d) nbpMatching
Answer: c
Clarification: This package contains parfossil parallelized functions for palaeoecological and palaeogeographical analysis.
7. __________ is used for the analysis of air pollution data.
a) air
b) openair
c) opena
d) openara
Answer: b
Clarification: Data are typically hourly time series and both monitoring data and dispersion model output can be analysed.
8. Which of the following package contains functions for reading and displaying satellite data for oceanographic applications with R?
a) saves
b) satin
c) saws
d) termstrc
Answer: b
Clarification: Saves is used for faster loading of variables.
9. ______ is used for Visualisation, verification and calibration of ternary probabilistic forecasts.
a) toss
b) termstrc
c) ternvis
d) satin
Answer: c
Clarification: TESS is used for faster simulation of reconstructed phylogenetic trees under time-dependent birth-death processes.
10. _________ uniforms and customizes plots of packages ggplot2, graphics and lattice.
a) uniCox
b) uniPlot
c) unknownR
d) unigraph
Answer: b
Clarification: uniPlot() allows to change parameters of the packages graphics, lattice and ggplot2 and to make these changes persistent over one R session.