300+ TOP MCQs on Plant Movement and Answers

Plant Movement Multiple Choice Questions

1. Twining of tendrils around a support is a good example of

A. chemotropism

B. nastic movements

C. phototropism

D. thigmotropism

Answer: D thigmotropism

2. A plant is said to be etiolated when it has

A. few leaves than normal

B. abnormally long delicate and pale yellow shoot

C. variegated leaves

D. a stunted stem with yellow leaves

Answer: B abnormally long delicate and pale yellow shoot

3. Plasmodia of slime mold are known to show

A. ciliary movement

B. amoeboid movement

C. thigmonasty

D. no movements

Answer: B amoeboid movement

4. An apparatus commonly used to demonstrate phototropism is

A. heliotropic chamber

B. clinostat

C. arc auxanometer

D. photometer

Answer: A heliotropic chamber

5. The movements where organism and its organs move from one place to another in response to external stimuli are called

A. tropic

B. nastic

C. nutational

D. tactic

Answer: D tactic

6. Auxanometer is used to demonstrate

A. movements

B. growth

C. auxin concentration

D. respiration

Answer: B growth

7. Most of the leaves and flower buds open because of differential growth of their surface. This is known as

A. hyponasty

B. epinasty

C. thigmonasty

D. nutation

Answer: B epinasty

8. Which one of the following would be an example of chemotropic movement?

A. movement of moss antherozoid in response to cane sugar secreted by archegonia

B. movement of fern antherozoid in response to malic acid

C. growth of pollen tube on the stigma

D. growth of pollen grain inside the anther

Answer: C growth of pollen tube on the stigma

9. Leaves of clover close during night and open during the day; such a movement is known as

A. nyctinasty

B. thermonasty

C. diurnal variation

D. phototropism

Answer: A nyctinasty

10. Clinostat is employed in the study of

A. osmosis

B. growth movements

C. photosynthesis

D. respiration

Answer: B growth movements

11. Thigmotropism is the response of the plant to

A. gravity

B. water

C. light

D. contact

Answer: D contact

12. The time period between application of stimulus and its visible response is called

A. presentation time

B. relaxation time

C. reaction time

D. stimulation period

Answer: C reaction time

13. Phototropic movements of stem and roots are due to

A. action of gravity

B. action of light

C. differential action of hormones

D. epinasty and hyponasty

Answer: B action of light

14. Closure of lid of pitcher in pitcher plant is

A. a paratonic movement

B. a tropic movement

C. a turgor movement

D. an autonomous movement

Answer: A a paratonic movement

15. Tropic movements are due to

A. cell elongation

B. cell division

C. sudden gain of water

D. sudden gain of light

Answer: C sudden gain of water

16. Leaves of Mimosa pudica droop as soon as they are touched. What type of moment is it?

A. nyctinasty

B. thigmonasty

C. seismonasty

D. hyponasty

Answer: C seismonasty

17. Thigmotropism is best exhibited by

A. root apex

B. tendrils

C. thorns

D. lamina

Answer: B tendrils

18. The most effective wavelength in inducing phototrophic moments is

A. red and far red

B. blue and red

C. blue and violet

D. green and yellow

Answer: C blue and violet

19. Opening of flower in involves

A. epinasty

B. hyponasty

C. mutation

D. phototaxis

Answer: A epinasty

20. The streaming movement of living protoplasm can be best demonstrated in

A. pith cells

B. root tip cells

C. staminal hairs of Tradescantia

D. epidermal peels of onion

Answer: C staminal hairs of Tradescantia

21. Streaming movement of protoplasm in Hydrilla leaves is an example of

A. spontaneous movement

B. induced movement

C. paratonic movement

D. tropic movement

Answer: A spontaneous movement

22. Tertiary roots are

A. orthogeotropic

B. plagiogeotropic

C. diageotropic

D. agegeotropic

Answer: C diageotropic

23. A horizontally placed plant exhibits apogeotropism due to

A. accumulation of auxin on the upper side

B. accumulation of auxin on the lower side

C. cell enlargement on the upper side

D. cell shrinkage on the lower side

Answer: B accumulation of auxin on the lower side

24. Movements caused by internal factors are

A. paratonic

B. autonomic

C. intrinsic

D. rheotropic

Answer: B autonomic

25. Pneumatophores show

A. positive geotropism

B. negative geotropism

C. plageotropism

D. negative phototropism

Answer: B negative geotropism

26. Which of the following plant shows both nyctinasty and thigmonasty?

A. Drosera

B. Cuscuta

C. Utricularia

D. Mimosa

Answer: A Drosera

27. Introlling of grass leaves during dry conditions is due to

A. their thin leaf blade

B. parallel venation

C. absence of palisade cells

D. presence of bulliform cells

Answer: D presence of bulliform cells

28. The movement shown by the lateral leaflets of trifoliate leaf of Indian Telegraph Plant ( Desmodium gyrans) is

A. autonomic movement of variation

B. paratonic movement of variation

C. autonomic movement of growth

D. paratonic movement of growth

Answer: A autonomic movement of variation

29. Movements in the leaf of Mimosa pudica occur due to changes in

A. pulvinus and pulvinules

B. pinna and pinnules

C. leaf and leaflets

D. petiole and rachis

Answer: A pulvinus and pulvinules

30. Thigmotropism occurs due to

A. water

B. light

C. contact

D. air

Answer: C contact

31. Growth of pollen tube towards embryo sac is

A. geotropism

B. thigmotropism

C. chemotropism

D. all of these

Answer: C chemotropism

32. Curling of tendrils is due to

A. nyctinasty

B. phototropism

C. heliotropism

D. thigmotropism

Answer: D thigmotropism

33. Sleep movements in Samanea saman are regulated by

A. N

B. P

C. K

D. Mg

Answer: C K

34. Movement of pollen tube towards ovule is

A. chemotropism

B. haptotropism

C. thigmotropism

D. phototropism

Answer: A chemotropism

35. Thigmotaxis is shown by

A. Amoeba

B. Hydra

C. Ascaris

D. Paramecium

Answer: A Amoeba

36. Movement stimulated by external factor is

A. spontaneous movement

B. autonomic movement

C. physical movement

D. paratonic movement

Answer: D paratonic movement

37. Ability of Venus Fly Trap to capture insect is due to

A. specialised muscle-like cells

B. chemical stimulation by prey

C. rapid turgor pressure

D. passive process requiring no special ability on the part of the plant

Answer: C rapid turgor pressure

38. Which flower shows nyctinastic movement?

A. Albizzia lebbek

B. Pentapetes

C. Mimosa pudica

D. Bryophyllum

Answer: B Pentapetes

39. Drooping of tamarind leaves after sunset is

A. phototropism

B. phototaxis

C. photonasty

D. chemotaxis

Answer: C photonasty

40. Response of plants due to reversible turgor change in pulvinus as a result of touch is

A. photonasty

B. thermonasty

C. seismonasty

D. cheminastry

Answer: C seismonasty

41. Which locomotory movement is not correct?

A. cyclosis and rotation of cytoplasm in Hydrilla

B. sucrose induced movement of sperms

C. flagellar movement of slime mold

D. Chlamydomonas moves away from intense light

Answer: C flagellar movement of slime mold

42. Seismonasty occurs in

A. Samanea saman

B. Albizzia lebbek

C. Hibiscus rosa sinensis

D. Mimosa pudica

Answer: D Mimosa pudica

43. Nastic movement is caused by

A. soil

B. protein

C. rainfall

D. temperature

Answer: D temperature

44. Movement of hairs in Drosera is

A. photonastic

B. thermonastic

C. thigmonastic

D. seismonastic

Answer: C thigmonastic

45. The roots bend towards the gravity due to no oxygen on the side

A. no auxin on the side of stimulus

B. less auxin on the side of stimulus

C. more auxin on the side away from stimulus

D. less auxin on the side away from stimulus

Answer: D less auxin on the side away from stimulus

46. The leaves of my Mimosa pudica (sensitive plant) droop down on touch because

A. the plant has nervous system

B. leaves are very tender

C. leaf tissues are injured

D. turgor pressure of the leaf base changes

Answer: D turgor pressure of the leaf base changes

47. Which of the following movements in plants is not related to changes in auxin levels?

A. nyctinastic leaf moments

B. movement of roots towards soil

C. movement of sunflower, tracking the direction of the sun

D. movement of shoot towards light

Answer: A nyctinastic leaf moments

48. Geotropic responses in roots are due to

A. inhibition of growth in stem

B. more growth on the upper side of the root

C. uniform growth on all sides of the root

D. more growth on the lower side of the root

Answer: B more growth on the upper side of the root

49. When a plant is rotated in a clinostat, it

A. nullifies the effect of gravity

B. nullifies the effect of light

C. both a and b

D. none of these

Answer: C both a and b

50. Nastic movements differ from tropic movements in being

A. movements of variation

B. non-directional

C. directional

D. stimulated by chemicals

Answer: B non-directional

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