250+ TOP MCQs on Population Interactions-3 and Answers

Biology Multiple Choice Questions for BDS-Dental Entrance Exams on “Population Interactions-3”.

1. Which of the following adapt themselves for a prey-predator relationship?
a) Carnivore and decomposer
b) Herbivore and carnivore
c) Herbivore and omnivore
d) Omnivore and carnivore
Answer: b
Clarification: Herbivores and carnivores have adapted themselves to prey-predator relationships. Predation is the reason for energy flow from one organism to another. It is an interaction in which an organism (predator) is benefited by killing another organism (prey).

2. How does a carnivore population increase?
a) Due to the increase in the population of herbivore
b) Due to the increase in the population of omnivore
c) Due to the increase in the population of scavenger
d) Due to the decrease in the availability of grass
Answer: a
Clarification: A carnivore population increases due to an increase in the population of herbivores. In this, an organism i.e. carnivore (predator) is benefited by killing and eating another organism i.e. herbivore (prey).

3. What is an adaptation in which an organism matches its colour with the surrounding to get protection from predators called?
a) Mimicry
b) Camouflage
c) Parasitism
d) Commensalism
Answer: b
Clarification: Camouflage is an adaptation in which an organism matches its colour with the surrounding to get protection from predators. Camouflage can be achieved by different methods such as crypsis, mimesis, etc.

4. Which statement is incorrect about the competition?
a) The organism competes for resources such as food, water, and space
b) One organism’s fights with the other members of same species for mate
c) The competition plays a critical role in natural selection
d) Unlimited supply of resources is one of the primary reasons for competition
Answer: d
Clarification: The statement, unlimited supply of resources is one of the primary reasons for the competition is incorrect about competition. The primary reason for competition is a limited supply of resources. An organism competes for various resources such as space, food, territory, etc.

5. Which statement is false about parasitism?
a) Parasites have a high degree of specialization for their mode of life
b) The parasites are generally smaller than the host
c) The parasites are destroyed by the hosts
d) They reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts
Answer: c
Clarification: The statement, the parasites are destroyed by the hosts is incorrect about parasitism. A relationship between organisms of different species where an organism is benefited and other is harmed is known as parasitism. The organism which is benefited is known as parasite while the harmed one is called the host.

6. Which statement is true about cuckoo?
a) The host does not behave as a babysitter
b) Host behaves as a babysitter
c) They deposit their eggs in the nest of other species
d) Cuckoo builds its own nests
Answer: b
Clarification: In cuckoo, the host behaves as a babysitter. A female cuckoo will generally lay her eggs in a nest of another bird, then leaving the offspring to be hatched and fed by this another bird (host). It is an example of brood-parasitism.

7. What is the interaction called where organisms live together in such a manner that one organism is benefited without affecting the others called?
a) Mutualism
b) Parasitism
c) Competition
d) Commensalism
Answer: d
Clarification: The interaction called where organisms live together in such a manner that one organism is benefited without affecting the others is called commensalism. It is a long-term relationship described by the phrase “sharing of food” or “sharing of the table”.

8. Which one of the following is an example of commensalism?
a) Cuckoo and crow
b) Cattle and grass
c) Orchids and mango tree
d) Tiger and deer
Answer: c
Clarification: Commensalism is a long-term relationship between two species in which one species derives the benefit while other is neither harmed nor benefited. The best example is epiphytic plants such as orchids growing on a mango tree.

9. In which of the following interactions neither of the two species is benefited nor harmed?
a) Antagonism
b) Symbiosis
c) Symbiosis and antagonism
d) Neutralism
Answer: d
Clarification: The following interactions in which neither of the two species is benefited nor harmed is called neutralism. The interaction between rainbow trout and dandelions residing in a mountain valley is an example of neutralism.

10. In which of the following interaction both the species are benefited?
a) Antagonism
b) Neutralism
c) Symbiosis
d) Predation
Answer: c
Clarification: Both the species are benefited in a symbiotic relationship. Symbiosis can be facultative (generally live independently) or obligatory (one or both of the symbionts entirely depend on each other for survival).

11. In which of the following interaction one or both the species may be harmed?
a) Neutralism
b) Antagonism
c) Respiration
d) Photosynthesis
Answer: b
Clarification: Antagonism is the interaction in which one or both the species may be harmed. Antagonism is manifested through competition, parasitism, and predation. In this, the energy is transferred from prey to predator.

12. Which of the two are synonyms?
a) Symbiosis and predation
b) Predation and commensalism
c) Symbiosis and mutualism
d) Predation and mutualism
Answer: c
Clarification: Symbiosis and mutualism are synonymous words. Symbiosis is a close and often long-term physical relationship between two or more species while mutualism is an interaction in which both individuals are benefited.

13. In which of the following interaction, an association between species is not obligatory but both the species are benefited?
a) Mutualism
b) Proto cooperation
c) Commensalism
d) Predation
Answer: b
Clarification: Commensalism is an interaction in which association between species is not obligatory but both the species are benefited. It is a long-term relationship between two species in which one species derives the benefit while other is neither harmed nor benefited.

14. Pollination of flowers by bees is an example of which interaction?
a) Parasitism
b) Commensalism
c) Predation
d) Mutualism
Answer: d
Clarification: Pollination of flowers by bees is an example of mutualism. It is an interaction in which both individuals are benefited. The bees pollinate the flowers in exchange for food (nectar).

15. In which of the following the young bird is brought up by along other birds?
a) Brood parasitism
b) Endoparasite
c) Ectoparasite
d) Permanent parasite
Answer: a
Clarification: The young bird is brought up by other birds in brood parasitism. In this, the parasite lays its eggs in other birds’ nest (host). This kind of interaction is also seen among insects and fishes.

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