250+ TOP MCQs on Road Characteristics – 1 and Answers

Traffic Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Road Characteristics – 1”.

1. How many travel movements are present on a typical trip?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 3
d) 2
Answer: b
Clarification: There are 6 types of travel movements on a typical trip as per AASHTO. Main Movement, Transition, Distribution, Collection, Access, and Termination are the 6 types of travel movements in a typical trip as per AASHTO.

2. Which travel movement occurs when vehicle transfers from the through portion of trip to the remaining travel movement functions?
a) Main Movement
b) Access
c) Transition
d) Distribution
Answer: c
Clarification: The travel movement which occurs when vehicle transfers from the through portion of the trip to the remaining travel movement function is Transition. For example, a vehicle uses ramp transition from a freeway to a surface arterial.

3. In how many groups are highways classified based on access and mobility?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 6
d) 2
Answer: b
Clarification: Highways are classified into 4 groups based on access and mobility. The four major classes of highways are Limited-access facilities, Arterials, Collectors and Local street.

4. Which class of highway classification provides 100% mobility?
a) Arterials
b) Collectors
c) Limited-access facilities
d) Local street
Answer: c
Clarification: Limited-access facilities is the class of highway classification that provides 100% mobility. But access to bordering land is prohibited.

5. Arterials are surface facilities designed essentially for through movement and not permitting any access to abutting land.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: The given statement is false. Arterials are surface facilities designed essentially for through movement of vehicles. They permit some access to abutting land.

6. The function of arterial can be strengthened by which of the following options?
a) Incorporating sharp curvature
b) Use of cul-de-sacs
c) Not having any residence in front of collector
d) Limiting the number of locations of entry and exit on the arterial
Answer: d
Clarification: By limiting the number of locations of entry and exit on the arterial, the function of arterial can be strengthened. Incorporating sharp curvature and use of cul-de-sacs strengthens the function of local street. Not having any residence in front of collector strengthens the function of collector.

7. Coordinated signals provided for continuous progressive movement at appropriate speed strengthens the function of arterial.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The given statement is true. Coordinated signals provided for continuous progressive movement at appropriate speed to strengthen the function of arterial. Parking prohibition also strengthens the function of arterial.

8. Which of the following is not a primary element of the geometry of a highway section?
a) Horizontal alignment
b) Vertical alignment
c) Cross-sectional element
d) Traffic Signals
Answer: d
Clarification: Traffic Signals is not a primary element of the geometry of a highway section. Horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, and cross-sectional element are the primary elements that govern the geometry of a highway.

9. Which of the following is an important consideration for designing Horizontal alignment?
a) Social consideration
b) Aesthetics
c) Maintenance of comfortable operations
d) Superelevation
Answer: a
Clarification: Social consideration is is an important factor when designing a Horizontal alignment. Forecast demand volumes, patterns of development and natural barriers are some of the factors that are considered when designing a Horizontal alignment.

10. Which of the following is not an Engineering factor?
a) Topography
b) Natural barriers
c) Forecast demand volumes
d) Drainage patterns
Answer: c
Clarification: Forecast demand volumes is not an Engineering factor. It deals with demand prediction and specific origin and destination of vehicles.

11. What is the unit of Grade in a vertical alignment?
a) Meter
b) Hectare
c) Dimensionless
d) Kilograms
Answer: c
Clarification: Grade in a vertical alignment is a dimensionless quantity. Grade is the longitudinal slope of a roadway. It is represented with a decimal or percentage.

12. Which of the following is a primary design criterion for vertical curves?
a) Drainage
b) Forecast demand volumes
c) Sub-surface conditions
d) Natural barriers
Answer: a
Clarification: Drainage is a primary design criterion for vertical curves. Forecast demand volumes, sub-surface conditions, and natural barriers are primary factors for designing horizontal curves.

13. Which of the following is an important consideration for designing cross-sections of a highway?
a) Superelevation
b) Topography
c) Forecast demand volumes
d) Sub-surface conditions
Answer: a
Clarification: Superelevation is an important consideration for designing cross-sections of a highway. Lane widths, medians, and shoulders are some of the considerations taken when designing cross-sections of a highway.

14. Cross-sections are designed every 30.5 m along the length and at the point that forms a transition.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The above statement, “Cross-sections are designed every 30.5 m along the length and at the point that forms a transition” is true. This is done to provide comfort to the riders.

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