250+ TOP MCQs on Solids Mechanical Properties – Stress-Strain Curve | Class 11 Physics

Physics Multiple Choice Questions on “Solids Mechanical Properties – Stress-Strain Curve”.

1. A material have a stress strain curve which can look similar to the equation y = x2 (for all x>0). True or False?
a) True
b) False
Answer: a

2. The stress corresponding to fracture point is called ______
a) ultimate stress
b) breaking stress
c) yield stress
d) plastic stress

Answer: b
Clarification: Breaking stress refers to the stress at which the material fractures. Ultimate stress is the maximum stress a material can handle before breaking. The material doesn’t fracture at this stress. Yield stress refers to the stress after which plastic deformation begins.

3. Which of the following statements is correct for ductile materials.
a) Large deformation takes place between elastic limit and fracture point
b) Have no proportional limit
c) Break immediately after proportional limit
d) Cannot be drawn into wires
Answer: a

4. Which of the following statements is correct for brittle materials.
a) It breaks soon after elastic limit is crossed
b) It shows significant plastic deformation before breaking
c) It is used to make wires
d) Stress is never proportional to strain
Answer: a

5. What does the area under the stress-strain curve represent?
a) Toughness
b) Total deformation
c) Modulus of elasticity
d) Average force applied

Answer: a
Clarification: Area under the stress-strain curves represents toughness. Total deformation is given by the net strain multiplied by original length. Modulus of elasticity is the ratio of stress to strain under elastic limit.

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