250+ TOP MCQs on Synthetic Gasoline from Non-Petroleum Sources – 2 and Answers

Engineering Chemistry Questions & Answers for Exams focuses on “Synthetic Gasoline from Non-Petroleum Sources – 2”.

1. Which type of coal is used in Bergius process?
a) Anthracite coal
b) Steam coal
c) Pulverised coal
d) Gas coal
Answer: d
Clarification: Bergius process is used to produce synthetic gasoline form low ash pulverised coal. This coal is finely divided into powder and is converted into a paste.

2. Which substance is mixed with the pulverised coal in the Bergius process?
a) Sulphuric acid
b) Heavy oil and catalyst
c) Heavy oil
d) Catalyst
Answer: b
Clarification: The paste of pulverised coal is mixed with a heavy oil and a catalyst. Nickel oleate is used as a catalyst in this process. This mixture is then sent to a converter.

3. At what temperature does the Bergius process is carried out?
a) 200-300 0C
b) 700-800 0C
c) 350-500 0C
d) 0-150 0C
Answer: c
Clarification: The temperature of converter is set to about 350-500 0C and a pressure of about 200-250 atmospheres where the paste of coal meets hydrogen. The Fischer-Tropsch process is carried out at 200-300 0C.

4. Which product is obtained from the converter in the Bergius process?
a) Hydrocarbons
b) Olefins
c) Fuel oil
d) Gasoline
Answer: a
Clarification: The combination of hydrogen with the carbon framework of the coal yields various hydrocarbons from wax to gases. The high molecular weight hydrocarbons are decomposed further at the high temperature prevailing in the converter giving lower hydrocarbons.

5. Same catalyst is used for production of oil in the Bergius process as used in the production of hydrocarbons.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: For production of gasoline, oils produced in the first stage of the process are subjected to further hydrogenation in the presence of different catalyst. Nickel oleate is not used for this process.

6. Which compounds are rich in gasoline obtained from the Bergius process?
a) Tetraethyl lead
b) Ethanol
c) Olefins
d) Aromatic compounds
Answer: d
Clarification: The gasoline obtained from the Bergius process is rich in aromatic and branched-chain hydrocarbons. Tetraethyl lead is an anti-knocking agent which is used for increasing the octane number.

7. What happens to the middle oil fraction in the Bergius process?
a) The oil is converted into olefins
b) The oil is converter into paraffin
c) The oil is converted into gasoline
d) The oil is converted into hydrocarbons
Answer: c
Clarification: The middle oil fraction is subjected to hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst to produce gasoline. Same process is carried out in the top fraction of the reactor. The heavy oil fraction is recycled to make a paste with a fresh batch of coal powder.

8. Which undesirable compound is present in gasoline?
a) Sulphur compounds
b) Phosphorous compounds
c) Chloride compounds
d) Magnesium compounds
Answer: a
Clarification: The gasoline obtained by any process contains some sulphur compounds and unsaturated hydrocarbons, which get oxidized and polymerised to gums and sludge’s. Hence it has to be refined by chemical processes.

9. How much percentile of sulphuric acid is treated with gasoline for the removal of its impurities?
a) 99 %
b) 60 %
c) 80 %
d) 40 %
Answer: c
Clarification: The impure gasoline is treated with cold 80 % sulphuric acid. This does not react with paraffin, naphthenes and aromatic compounds. It reacts with unsaturated hydrocarbons to produce alcohols and ethers.

10. Removal of gaseous impurities like methane, ethane, propane and butane from gasoline is called as _____________________
a) Stabilization of gasoline
b) Sweetening of gasoline
c) Doping of gasoline
d) Blending of gasoline
Answer: a
Clarification: The stabilization of gasoline is achieved by passing the impure gasoline into a fractionating tower having 49 plates. The lower plates are heated by steam, while the gasoline is introduced near the upper plates.

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