250+ TOP MCQs on Workover Fluids – Well Killing and Answers

Petroleum Production Operations Multiple Choice Questions on “Workover Fluids – Well Killing”.

1. What is Kill fluid?
a) A very low-density mud
b) Sea Water with low density
c) Brine Water with low density
d) Very High-density Mud
Answer: d
Clarification: Kill Fluid is a fluid with high density capable of producing a good hydrostatic fluid against the influx in a wellbore sufficient to shut off the flow of well. Well, Killing is a case when the reservoir pressure is equal or slightly greater than the Formation fluid pressure.

2. What is Bull heading?
a) Drill bit balling
b) Starting of production
c) Contingency well kill
d) Production ceases
Answer: c
Clarification: Bull Heading is a very common method of contingency well killing. Without rigging up for circulation heavy weighted kill fluids are pumped down the well. This is the bluntest instrument when there is less time for the fluid to control.

3. Which of the following is the most time-consuming process for of killing of a well?
a) Lubricate and bleed
b) Forward Circulation
c) Reverse Circulation
d) Bull Heading
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Answer: a
Clarification: Lubricate and bleed is the most time-consuming process for killing a particular well. This process of well killing involves repeatedly pumping in small quantities of kill mud into the wellbore and then bleeding off excess pressure. Bull Heading is a very common method of contingency well killing. Forward and reverse circulation are an almost similar process but the method of pumping fluid is different.

4. In the case of Reverse circulation, kill fluid is pumped into the production tubing and circulated out through the annulus.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Clarification: The statement is False. The corrected statement is kill fluid is pumped into the production tubing and circulated out through the annulus in the case of a Forward circulation. For Reverse circulation, the kill fluid is pumped down the annulus and circulated up the tubing.

5. To start the production the kill well process is required.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: Well killing is a process in which a good hydrostatic fluid head is created against the influx in a wellbore sufficient to shut off the flow of well. In this process, the reservoir pressure is equal or slightly greater than the Formation fluid pressure.

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