Mechanical Engineering Basic Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. The law of motion involved in the recoil of gun is


2. When two elastic bodies collide with each other,


3. The bodies which rebound after impact are called


4. The velocity ratio of a first system of pulleys with 4 pulleys is


5. The unit of power in S.I. units is


6. One watt is equal to


7. Three forces acting on a rigid body are represented in magnitude, direction and line of action by the three sides of a triangle taken in order. The forces are equivalent to a couple whose moment is equal to


8. The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. This is known as


9. During elastic impact, the relative velocity of the two bodies after impact is __________ the relative velocity of the two bodies before impact


10. The maximum frictional force, which comes into play, when a body just begins to slide over the surface of the other body, is known as


Question 1 of 10

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