300+ TOP Mechanical Vibration MCQs and Answers

Mechanical Vibration Multiple Choice Questions

1. Motion of the particle is

A. Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

B. Non uniform

C. Periodic

D. straight line

2. The number of degrees of freedom in a continuous system is

A. 0

B. 1

C. between 2 to 3

D. infinite

3. Degree of freedom is

A. always more than 4

B. the number of independent displacements

C. the number of masses in the system

D. always one

4. The time period (T) of a particle executing SHM is

A. π/ω

B. 2π/ω

C. 3π/ω

D. π/2ω

5. The shock absorbers of automobiles are designed for

A. critical damping

B. under damping

C. over damping

D. none of the above

6. Rayleigh’s energy method can be applied to a system having

A. constant potential energy at every point

B. constant kinetic energy at every point

C. conservative force

D. non-conservative force

7. The amplitude of coulomb damping reduces

A. periodically

B. linearly

C. exponentially

D. none of the above

8. The value of logarithmic decrement is

A. 0.42

B. 1.22

C. 2.32

D. 3.12

9. Following vibrations are produced in the stretched wires of musical instruments

A. Forced transverse

B. Free transverse

C. Free longitudinal

D. None of the above

10. The following applies to forced vibrations

A. Forced vibrations are followed by free vibrations

B. Their amplitude decreases rapidly

C. No external force is required

D. None of the above

11. In Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) the acceleration is directly proportional to

A. Frequency

B. Amplitude

C. Displacement

D. All of the above

12. The shape of graph between velocity and displacement, for a harmonic oscillator is

A. Parabolic

B. Linear

C. Elliptical

D. Hyperbolic

13. The maximum displacement from the mean position is called

A. frequency

B. amplitude

C. time period

D. none of the above

14. Critical damping depends upon

A. Frequency of the system

B. Frequency and amplitude of the system

C. Mass and stiffness

D. Stiffness of the system

15. For damping factor to be unity, behavior of damped vibration is

A. under damped

B. over damped

C. critically damped

D. can’t say

16. The number of nodes for a shaft carrying two rotors at its end will be

A. Zero

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

17. The rate of decay in an oscillating system is called as

A. critical damping

B. over damping

C. under damping

D. logarithmic decrement

18. The reason for shaft to be vibrating violently at whirling speed, is

A. transverse vibrations

B. very high speed

C. resonance taking place

D. all of the above

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