300+ TOP Methodology in Humanities MCQs and Answers Quiz

Methodology in Humanities Multiple Choice Questions

1. Modern science depends on
A. opinions

B. beliefs

C. facts

D. intuitions

C. facts

2. Methods that are create and speculative are employed by
A. social science

B. humanities

C. physical science

D. natural science

B. humanities

3. Humanities emphasis the role of
A. meaning of human conditions

B. purpose of human conditions

C. goals of human conditions

D. all of these

D. all of these

4. The source of all the sciences and social sciences is
A. philosophy

B. history

C. psychology

D. astrology

A. philosophy

5. The classical Greek notion of philosophy was
A. to improve our social world

B. to educate its citizens

C. to demarcate the national and social world

D. to understand the world

B. to educate its citizens

6. Literature is primarily a subject of
A. natural sciences

B. social sciences

C. humanities

D. psychology

C. humanities

7. History deals with
A. fancies

B. facts

C. hypotheses of past

D. beliefs

B. facts

8. Founding father of sociology
A. augustie comte

B. emile durkheim

C. max weber

D. karl marx

A. augustie comte

9. Term ideology was coined by
A. louis althusser

B. terry eagleton

C. destutt de tracy

D. frantz fanan

C. destutt de tracy

10. David Hume was a
A. german scientists

B. british philosopher

C. french sociologist

D. american educationist

A. german scientists

11. Twentieth century literary criticism attempted to keep away from
A. discuss on value

B. Answer: on taste

C. Answer: on reality

D. Answer: on truth

A. discuss on value

12. Positivism laid stress on use of
A. social science method

B. cultural studies

C. natural sciences

D. spiritual metaphysics

C. natural sciences

13. Cause hypotheses and explanations are the testing ground of
A. natural sciences

B. social sciences

C. literature

D. philosophy

B. social sciences

14. There is relative freedom from subjective biases in study of
A. philosophy

B. literature

C. natural sciences

D. social sciences

D. social sciences

15. What is prominent factor in structuring taste?
A. education

B. family status

C. social class

D. personality

C. social class

16. ______ is the belief that human beings possess an innate, natural unchanging identity
A. idealism

B. essentialism

C. constructivism

D. naturalism

B. essentialism

17. Theories which understand reality as constructed within culture through language are called _____ theories.
A. constructivist

B. essentialist

C. idealist

D. pragmatist

A. constructivist

18. The evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols, and to act imaginatively and creatively is called.
A. culture

B. subjectivity

C. identity

D. language

A. culture

19. _____ is the verbal expression of culture
A. signs

B. language

C. signals

D. symbols

B. language

20. Capacity that separates humans from other primates
A. emotions

B. mobility

C. communication

D. language

D. language

21. The core idea that man’s language moulds his perception of reality belongs to
A. sapir and whorf

B. saussure and choamsky

C. bloomfield and halliday

D. none of the above

A. sapir and whorf

22. The study of the cultural system of signs is called
A. linguistics

B. pragmatics

C. symbolism

D. semiotics

D. semiotics

23. Hignlish is an example of
A. dialect

B. idiolect

C. ethnolect

D. genderlect

C. ethnolect

24. Father of modern linguistics
A. saussure

B. bloomfield

C. halliday

D. chomsky

A. saussure

25. The Social, economic and cultural context in which reality is represented and communicates meaning is called
A. institution

B. society

C. dialogue

D. discourse

D. discourse

26. ______ Argued for English as a more neutral language where traditional caste names become irrelevant.
A. ambedkar

B. nehru

C. gandhi

D. raja ram mohan roy

A. ambedkar

27. Narrative is an act of
A. imitation

B. communication

C. imagination

D. expression

B. communication

28. Wimsatt and Robert Pen Warren belong to a group called
A. new critics

B. structuralist

C. post modernist

D. formalist

A. new critics

29. Who wrote Shamela
A. henry fielding

B. shakespeare

C. samuel richardson

D. daniel defoe

A. henry fielding

30. J.M. Coetzee’s Foe is a retelling of
A. jane eyre

B. wide sargasso sea

C. robinson crusoe

D. joseph andrews

C. robinson crusoe

31. Mary Shelly’s Fankenstein is about the quest of a
A. explorer

B. poet

C. scientist

D. doctor

C. scientist
32. Who wrote wide Sargasso sea
A. jean rhys

B. charlette bronte

C. daniel defoe

D. emile bronte

A. jean rhys
33. The narrative strategies of Hadith are associated with which religion?
A. hinduism

B. judaism

C. jainism

D. islam

D. islam
34. Study of narrative is known as
A. sociology

B. grammatology

C. lexicology

D. narratology

D. narratology
35. The essay ‘Narrative Construction of Reality’ was written by
A. walter scott

B. jerome bruner

C. roland barthes

D. derek walcott

B. jerome bruner

36. The idea of mimesis was first introduced by _____ & _____
A. plato and aristotle

B. plato and longinus

C. dryden and longinus

D. socrates of descartes

A. plato and aristotle
37. According to Aristotle _____ is the effect of mimesis
A. monologue

B. catharsis

C. confession

D. confusion

B. catharsis
38. _____ is the direct representation of reality
A. mimesis

B. diegesis

C. reality

D. logos

A. mimesis
39. Indirect representation or re-presentation of reality is known as
A. mimesis

B. narration

C. diegesis

D. description

C. diegesis
40. If On a Winter’s Night Traveler is a novel by
A. salman rushdie

B. italo calvino

C. daniel defoe

D. shakespeare

B. italo calvino
41. Saleem Sinai is a character in
A. midnight’s children

B. one hundred years of solitude

C. if on a winter’s night traveler

D. satanic verses

A. midnight’s children

42. Who prepared the two main modes of thinking Logico Scientific of the narrative
A. jerome bruner

B. roland barthes

C. wayne c. booth

D. italo calvino

A. jerome bruner
43. Dorothy wordsworth is William Wordsworth’s
A. mother

B. sister

C. wife

D. daughter

B. sister
44. Narrative theory focuses on author, text and
A. reader

B. critic

C. narrator

D. critic

A. reader
45. The concept of implied author was first formulated by
A. roland barthes

B. immanuel kant

C. vladimir propp

D. wayne c booth

D. wayne c booth
46. Which of the following is heterodox school of Indian Philosophy?
A. nyaya

B. budhism

C. vaisesika

D. yoga

B. budhism
47. Which school propounded the doctrine of syadavada?
A. jainsim

B. sankhya

C. vedanta

D. yoga

A. jainsim

48. Which one of the following is a means of valid knowledge?
A. tarka

B. anumana

C. smriti

D. pramana

B. anumana
49. Another name for illusion in
A. smrit

B. khyati

C. anumana

D. samvada

B. khyati
50. The prama that is not accepted by the Samkya school is
A. perception

B. inference

C. comparison

D. testimony

C. comparison

51. Which of the Pramanas was accepted by all the schools?
A. perception

B. inference

C. doubt

D. representation

A. perception
52. Which among the following is a type of invalid knowledge?
A. doubt

B. testimony

C. inference

D. tarka

A. doubt
53. The earliest available Indian literature on record are the
A. puranas

B. sasthras

C. vedas

D. itihasas

C. vedas
54. _____was the period of the early settlement of the Aryans in the Indus Valley.
A. epic period

B. sutra period

C. vedic period

D. none of these

C. vedic period
55. Democratization of upanishadic ideas occurred through
A. jainism

B. gita

C. carvaka school

D. nyaya

B. gita

56. Which school accepts only perception as a pramana?
A. carvaka

B. yoga

C. mimamsa

D. vaiseshika

A. carvaka
57. Commentaries on sutras are called
A. kavya

B. sabda

C. bhashya

D. mantra

C. bhashya
58. Materialism does not accept _____ as a primal element
A. air

B. space

C. water

D. earth

B. space
59. The first of the central doctrines of Budhism concerns the ___ noble truths
A. four

B. six

C. eight

D. nine

A. four
60. According to Sankhya School, the unchanging eternal self is called
A. prakriti

B. guna

C. dravya

D. purusha

D. purusha

61. The shared system of structures and conventions and rules in language is called…….
A. parole

B. langue

C. signs

D. pidgin

B. langue
62. ______ is the specific utterance that arises out of language to enable communication
and production of meaning.
A. langue

B. parole

C. signification

D. sound

B. parole
63. Language is a system of ______
A. langue

B. parole

C. signs

D. symbols

C. signs
64. The linguistic sign is an ______ link between a significant and signified.
A. affiliatory

B. arbitrary

C. affective

D. attractive

B. arbitrary
65. Language acquires meaning through ______
A. difference

B. destruction

C. arbitrariness

D. change

A. difference
66. To which game does Saussure compare language?
A. monopoly

B. chess

C. cards

D. carems

B. chess

67. The state or fact of remaining the same under varying aspects or conditions is
A. identity

B. ethnicity

C. sexuality

D. essentiality

A. identity
68. Subjectivity is not an essence of the individual; it is an effect of _____
A. nature

B. identity

C. culture

D. individual

C. culture
69. In every discourse _______ is inscribed in the way the values of the dominant party
controls representation and communication.
A. culture

B. power

C. reality

D. politics

B. power
70. Structures of power that determine what is written or said, that is, represented are
called _____
A. discourses

B. culture

C. ideologies

D. reality

A. discourses
71. The capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices
is referred to as ______
A. ability

B. competence

C. agency

D. acceptance

C. agency
72. The authors of the work Social Construction of Reality.
A. sapir and whorf

B. berger and luckman

C. halliday and bloomfield

D. marx and engel

B. berger and luckman

73. The process whereby every day repeated practices slowly become the norm is called …….
A. habitualisation

B. institutionalization

C. reification

D. personalization

A. habitualisation
74. A set of beliefs “every body knows” that aim at making the institutionalized
structure believable for the individual is called ______.
A. ideology

B. customs

C. symbolic universes

D. beliefs

C. symbolic universes
75. The most widespread group of languages today is ______
A. afro-asiatic

B. dravidian

C. indo-european

D. balto salvonic

C. indo-european

76. Name an Orientalist who praised Sanskrit for its wonderful structure.
A. james mill

B. max muller

C. william jones

D. shelly

C. william jones
77. “Minute on Education”, formulated by Thomas Babington Macaulay came out in
A. 1857

B. 1845

C. 1835

D. 1850

C. 1835
78. The term used by Salman Rushdie for the method of nativising English, making it
A. falsification

B. chutnification

C. nativism

D. heteroglossia

B. chutnification
79. The discipline of criticism resists colonial culture through the promotion of native
culture including language.
A. nativism

B. orientalism

C. ethnicity

D. integration

A. nativism
80. The Algerian freedom fighter who demanded the end to the violence on the native
A. albert camus

B. frantz fanon

C. jean amrouche

D. richard mimouni

B. frantz fanon

81. In which poem does Derek Walcott subscribe to the idea of bilingualism?
A. “castaway”

B. “names”

C. “a far cry from africa”

D. none of these

C. “a far cry from africa”
82. Scientific method involves generating testable
A. hypothesis

B. facts

C. arguments

D. principles

A. hypothesis
83. Humanities often employs ______ as an important tool in the production and
reproduction of meanings of culture, literature and history.
A. narrative imagination

B. reference

C. comparison

D. imagination

A. narrative imagination
84. Philosophy relies on
A. reasoning

B. reasoned arguments

C. experiences

D. argumentation

B. reasoned arguments
85. ‘What is history’ is written by
A. i.a. richard

B. roland barthes

C. e.h. carr

D. engel

C. e.h. carr

86. Art of constructing history is called
A. sociography

B. hermeneutics

C. histriology

D. historiography

D. historiography
87. History is a continuous dialogue between the ______ and the ______
A. past and future

B. present and past

C. present and future

D. all the above

B. present and past
88. _______ looks for meanings, orientations and value laden interpretation
A. astrology

B. humanities

C. mathematics

D. ontology

B. humanities
89. Persons who tried to enrich the methods of humanities were _____ and ____
A. e.h. carr & maxweber

B. h.g. gadmer & wilhem dilthey

C. emile durkhiem & athuser

D. jerome bruner of b.f. skinner

B. h.g. gadmer & wilhem dilthey
90. If we strip literature of _____ we would be wiping off the discipline itself.
A. values

B. expression

C. imagination

D. criticism

A. values
91. ______ considered artistic representation of the real world as an imagination of
A. plato

B. aristotle

C. descartes

D. socrates

A. plato

92. ______ considered literature as a sphere separate from politics or ethics.
A. descartes

B. aristotle

C. plato

D. kant

B. aristotle
93. Aristotle stressed on the ______ value of literary texts
A. moral

B. educational

C. aesthetic

D. religious

C. aesthetic
94. ______ opined that there should be a logical gap between the description.
A. david hume

B. bertrand russel

C. saussure

D. chomsky

A. david hume
95. Specific ways of preferred and practiced behaviour in social situation are
A. rules

B. norms

C. habits

D. standard

B. norms
96. According to whom ideology plays an active role in social formation.
A. terry eagleton

B. testutt de tracy

C. f. engel

D. louis althusser

D. louis althusser
97. ‘The Rhetoric of fiction’ was written by
A. vladimir propp

B. wayne c. booth

C. italo calvino

D. plato

B. wayne c. booth

98. A narrator who is outside the story is
A. homodiegetic

B. author

C. autodigetic

D. hetrodiegetic

D. hetrodiegetic
99. A heterodiegetic narrator narrating the story of other character from the inside of the
story is called
A. homodiegetic

B. heterodiegetic – intradiegetic

C. heterodiegetic

D. autodiegetic

B. heterodiegetic – intradiegetic
100. ______ is an example of multiple narrative
A. sherlock holmes

B. as i lay dying

C. lucky jim

D. none of these

B. as i lay dying

101. Autodiegetic narrator is
A. homodiegetic

B. heterodiegetic

C. author

D. reader

A. homodiegetic
102. When narrator is a character in the story he/she is known as
A. protagonist

B. antagonist

C. view point character

D. chorus

C. view point character
103. Fabula and Sjuzet are introduced in literary narratives by
A. structuralist

B. formalist

C. new criticism

D. russian formalist

D. russian formalist
104. Who studied and analysed the plot structures of folktales?
A. victor shaklovsky

B. vladimir propp

C. frantz fanen

D. frantz kafka

B. vladimir propp
105. Who is the French critic who argued that literary narratives consist of signs?
A. homi k. baba

B. roland barthes

C. ben okri

D. gerard genette

B. roland barthes

106. According to Gerard Genette narration in all literary narrative include
A. historic

B. recit

C. narrating

D. all the above

D. all the above
107. The image of new country dreamt by Francis Bacon
A. utopia

B. new atlantic

C. brave new world

D. caligula

B. new atlantic
108. The human rights philosopher who argued that the victims of atrocity and opposition
tell their stories in the form of testimonies and autobiographies.
A. michad ontage

B. saul bellow

C. julia kristeva

D. michael ignatieff

C. julia kristeva
109. Who is the founder of deconstruction?
A. roland barthes

B. jacques derrida

C. kent

D. saussure

B. jacques derrida
110. A work in the physical, printed book the narrative inside it is known as
A. text

B. sign

C. narration

D. story

A. text

111. _____ is the relationship of one text to others
A. textuality

B. inner text

C. fluid text

D. comparative literature

A. textuality
112. _____ is the relationship of a text to other text in the genre/type
A. intertextuality

B. architextuality

C. metatextuality

D. hypertextuality

B. architextuality
113. Epigraphs, prefaces, forwards, etc. that have some connection to the main narrative
is known as
A. hypertextuality

B. para text

C. architextuality

D. metatextuality

B. para text
114. _____ is a construction and it is implied is the work known as implied reader.
A. author

B. characters

C. narrator

D. reader

D. reader
115. Text on computer screen which can alter their appearance is called
A. solid text

B. liquid text

C. fluid text

D. screen play

C. fluid text
116. Foe is a novel by
A. ben okri

B. ama ata aidoo

C. j.m. coetzee

D. jean rhys

C. j.m. coetzee

117. ______ is a best example for intertextuality
A. wide sargarso sea

B. waste land

C. new atlantis

D. foe

B. waste land
118. W.H. Auden has an architextual connection with satires of
A. sheridan

B. alexander pope

C. jonathan swift

D. ben johnson.

B. alexander pope
119. Who among the following outlined the four periods of the development of Indian
A. aurabindo

B. dr. s. radhakrishnan

C. j. krishnamurthy

D. swami vivekananda

B. dr. s. radhakrishnan
120. Vaisesika School of Philosophy was founded by
A. mahavira

B. kanada

C. dharmakriti

D. yaska

B. kanada
121. Through which pramana do we get the knowledge of non-existence
A. anitya

B. anupalabdhi

C. abhini bodha

D. bhavana

B. anupalabdhi
122. Which school of philosophy deals with the ritualistic aspects of Vedas
A. vedanta

B. mimamsa

C. sankhya

D. charvaka

B. mimamsa

123. Which school of philosophy was founded by Gotama?
A. budhism

B. nyaya

C. vaisesika

D. jainism

B. nyaya
124. Astika Schools accepted the authority of
A. upanishads

B. epics

C. vedas

D. vedantas

C. vedas
125. Yoga school of philosophy was found by
A. yogananda

B. nagarjuna

C. patanjali

D. nimbaraka

C. patanjali

126. Name of Adi Sankara’s guru
A. yogananda

B. gaudapada

C. namdev

D. ramanuja

B. gaudapada
127. The Indian word for philosophy is
A. vedanta

B. darsana

C. sastra

D. mokshamarga

B. darsana
128. _____ is an essential characteristic of valid knowledge
A. truth

B. avadhi

C. apprehension

D. smriti

A. truth
129. Nyaya school with its science of reasoning is also known as
A. dharma sastra

B. tarkasastra

C. yoga sutras

D. all of the above

B. tarkasastra
130. The dialectic method propounded by Nagarjuna is known as the
A. direct method

B. prasanga method

C. tharka method

D. none of these

B. prasanga method

131. Thomas Luckmann is a follower of _____ school of sociology.
A. naturalistic

B. pragmatist

C. phenomenological

D. existentialist

C. phenomenological
132. God or Brahman cannot be the cause of world is suggested by
A. naiyayikas

B. yoga school

C. sankhya school

D. sankara

C. sankhya school
133. Lack of mutual intelligibility between two language is known as
A. mutual intelligibility

B. language barrier

C. language boundary

D. language island

C. language boundary
134. The Gate keeper was book written by
A. terry eagleton

B. e.h. carr

C. peter widdowson

D. raymon williams

A. terry eagleton
135. _____ revolutionized historiography in the 19th century
A. voltaire

B. leopold von ranke

C. hegd and marx

D. michel foucault

B. leopold von ranke

136. Group of South Asian scholars interested in the post-colonial and post-imperial
societies of South Asia in particular and the developing world in general.
A. common wealth

B. post colonial

C. post modern

D. subaltern

D. subaltern
137. _____ is relatively new field of history
A. cultural history

B. economic history

C. environmental history

D. ethnohistory

C. environmental history
138. _____ in the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history.
A. paleography

B. genealogy

C. numismatics

D. family history

B. genealogy
139. _____ is a school of Budhism which accepted plurality of realities.
A. mahayana

B. hinayana

C. sautranikas

D. vaibhasikas

B. hinayana
140. _____ is a quantitative philosophy
A. nyaya

B. vaisesika

C. vedanta

D. sankhya

D. sankhya
141. ______ composed Sankhya Aphorisms
A. gotama

B. kapila

C. patanjali

D. sankara

B. kapila

142. ______ philosophy says that control over Citta gives the power of control over
A. nyaya

B. sankya

C. yoga

D. vedanta

C. yoga
143. Sociolinguistics can be defined as
A. study of language in relation to society

B. study of society in relation to language

C. interaction of society and linguistics

D. study of language and literature

A. study of language in relation to society
144. Linguistics competence is a notion proposed by
A. bloom field

B. chomsky

C. saussure

D. derrida

B. chomsky
145. According to J. Derrida
A. test in an entity

B. text is a gas

C. test is a non existing

D. text is discourse

B. text is a gas
146. Who proposed seven standards of Textuality
A. de beangrande and dressler

B. chomsky and bloom field

C. derrida and saussure

D. none of these

A. de beangrande and dressler
147. Language of literature is
A. cryptic

B. delphic

C. accurate

D. ornamental

B. delphic

148. Theory of ______ is perhaps one of the greatest contribution of prague school.
A. theory of criticism

B. theory of signs

C. theory of functional style

D. theory of grammar

C. theory of functional style
149. Course in General Linguistics was written by
A. sapir

B. chomsky

C. saussure

D. bloomfield

C. saussure
150. When sign designate the whole word concept is signified and _____ is signifies
A. the object

B. sound image

C. verbal symbol

D. none of these

B. sound image

151. Exponent of reader response theory
A. derrida

B. lacan

C. stanley fish

D. r.p. warren

C. stanley fish
152. Of ‘Grammatology’ is written by
A. harold bloom

B. derrida

C. paul de man

D. roland barthes

B. derrida
153. _____ proposed the name narratology to the study of narratives.
A. derrida

B. roland barthes

C. todorov

D. tracy

C. todorov
154. Which among the following is heterodox school of philosophy
A. mimamsa

B. lokayata

C. sankhya

D. vaisesika

B. lokayata
155. Five old system of discipline or five rows are the teachings of ____ philosophy
A. budhism

B. mimamsa

C. jainism

D. carvaka

C. jainism

156. The exponent of each school wrote his own understanding of Vedas and Upanishads
in the form of
A. mantras

B. sutras

C. khyati

D. bhasyas

B. sutras
157. Which of the pramanas is not accepted by Sankhyas?
A. perception

B. inference

C. testimony

D. comparison

D. comparison
158. Citta-vriti-nirodha can be attained through
A. pranayama

B. niyama

C. pratyahara

D. all the above

D. all the above
159. Our understanding of reality is based on
A. conception

B. codes of perception

C. interpretation

D. description

B. codes of perception
160. Who analyzed a set of six actants in narrative
A. athuses

B. vladimir propp

C. a.j. greimas

D. wayne c. booth

C. a.j. greimas

161. ______ codes informs our interpretation of narrative
A. proairetic code

B. hermaneutic code

C. cultural code

D. semic code

B. hermaneutic code
162. Who proposed the three levels of narrative Historic, Recit and narrating?
A. vladimir prop

B. gerard genette

C. antoni gramci

D. roland barthes

B. gerard genette
163. New critics argued that
A. meaning is inside the text

B. meaning lies outside the text

C. meaning in created

D. none of these

A. meaning is inside the text
164. Among the given critics who is not in new criticism
A. wimsatt

B. beardsley

C. robert penn warren

D. northrop frye

D. northrop frye
165. Among the given critics who is not exponent of deconstruction
A. f.r. levis

B. derrida

C. harold bloom

D. paul de man

A. f.r. levis
166. A text that can be read in form of several different texts is called
A. interactive

B. multimodal

C. intertextual

D. fluid text

B. multimodal

167. _____ is a collection of shared expectations about such long public habits.
A. universe

B. institution

C. community

D. legitimization

B. institution
168. _____ is the process by which subjective everyday reality becomes objective reality.
A. universalization

B. naturalization

C. reification

D. legitimatization

C. reification
169. The word difference was coined by
A. j.m. coetze

B. derrida

C. saussure

D. chomsky

B. derrida
170. Who is the first western philosopher who attempted a systematic study of society?
A. aristotle

B. ibn khaldun

C. plato

D. longinus

C. plato
171. In which year the term sociology was coined?
A. 1798

B. 1839

C. 1846

D. 1739

B. 1839
172. The word sociology is made up of two words. These are
A. societies and logy

B. societies and logista

C. socious and logus

D. socia and logos

C. socious and logus

173. The book sociology is written by
A. m. ginsberg

B. j.s. mill

C. davis and moore

D. rosenberg

A. m. ginsberg
174. Criticism which seeks a synthesis between the psychological criticism and
sociological criticism
A. psycholinguistics

B. ontological criticism

C. new criticism

D. eco criticism

B. ontological criticism
175. The Golden Bough was written by
A. w.h.r. rivers

B. morgan

C. james frazer

D. evans.

C. james frazer

176. There are two type of causal explanation namely
A. scientific and historical

B. positive and negative

C. positivist and phenomenologist

D. scientific and sociological

A. scientific and historical
177. In social sciences empiricism sometimes goes by the name
A. negativism

B. naturalism

C. positivism

D. phenomenology

C. positivism

178. The process whereby western nations establish their rule in parts of the world away from their home territories
A. colonialism

B. empiricism

C. anti colonialism

D. cohabitation

A. colonialism

179. Louis Althusser is a
A. german philosopher

B. american philosopher

C. french philosopher

D. greek philosopher

C. french philosopher

180. Post modern art and thought favours
A. reflexivity and self consciousness

B. fragmentation

C. discontinuity

D. all of the above

D. all of the above

181. ____ involves demystifying a text to reveal internal arbitrary hierarchies and presupposition.
A. post modernism

B. anti colonialism

C. deconstruction

D. positivism

C. deconstruction

182. The Vaisesika’s atomism agrees with the ____ atomism
A. vedanta

B. greek

C. nyaya

D. jaina

B. greek

183. The theory of no soul is attributed to
A. budhism

B. hinduism

C. jainism

D. none of the above

A. budhism

184. According to Patanjali God is never
A. free

B. in bondage

C. without purpose

D. cruel

B. in bondage

185. According to Berger and Luckman all knowledge is derived from and maintained by
A. search for truth

B. social interaction

C. education

D. philosophy

B. social interaction

186. The word which means ‘to insult’ evolved from the perception of the values a ‘nigger’ stands for
A. integrate

B. aggravate

C. denigrate

D. exaggerate

C. denigrate

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