300+ TOP Methods of Teaching English MCQs and Answers Quiz

Methods of Teaching English Multiple Choice Questions

1- ”Language teaching” implies three operations, language, teaching and

A. Learning 
B. Skill
C. Process
D. Nature

2-Language is a means of ——

A. Communication 
B. Human Life
C. Methodology
D. Skill

3-”Each community” says—- formed by the activity of language.

A. J. Whatmough 
B. Leonard Bloomfield
C. Block and Trager
D. Gindsank

4-The function of language is ——-

A. Three   
B. Two
C. Five
D. Four

5- The three function of language are directive informative and

A. Declarative   
B. Emotive
C. Express
D. Imperative

6-The system of language functions through sounds, words and —-

A. Communication   
B. Structure
C. Skill
D. Ideas

7——is the fundamental thing in language learning.

A. Speech   
B. Reading
C. Listening
D. Writing

8- Language is a system of phonetics, grammar and ——-

A. Vocabulary 
B. Structures
C. Patterns
D. Methods

9- The main purpose of language is——

A. Communication       
B. Translation
C. Evocation
D. Gradation

10-Since language is changing, we should teach——

A. Descriptive grammar
B. Prescriptive grammar
C. Traditional grammar
D. Linguistic grammar

11- The regional varieties of a language are called the —-of that language.

A. Dialects   
B. Registers
C. Vernaculars
D. Colloquial

12- English is the mother tongue of —people in the world.

A. 300 million     
B. 200 Million
C. 500 Million
D. 600 Million

13- English is spoken by—– people in the world.

A. 400 Million 
B. 600 Million
C. 700 Million
D. 4500 Million

14-One out of —-persons in the world know English.

A. Ten
B. Five
C. Eight
D. Six

15- English is one of the sixth official language os the

A. UNO   

16- In the words of ——”Anyone who can read English can keep in touch with the whole world without leaving his own home?

A. F. G French
B. Jesperson
C. Edward Spin
D. Bloomfield

17——involves active cognitive processing of the spoken form of the language.

A. Listening     
B. Reading
C. Speaking
D. Writing

18—— Called English ”A window on the modern world and a key that would unlock the vast pressures—-of all scientific and humanistic fields”

A. J. Nehru 
B. V.R Gouark
C. R.N Tagore
D. Mahatma Gandhi

19- The education commission pleaded by —-stressed the need for studying English as a compulsory subject to acquire at least a ”Working knowledge” of English.

A. D.G. S Kothari 
B. N.K Singh
C. S.R. Bomai
D. V.R Gonak

20- Learning a language is a matter of ——–

A. Skill   
B. Process
C. Adjustment
D. Method

21-In the system of language teaching and learning the system of constructing words is called

A. Morphology 
B. Phonetics
C. Semantics
D. Syntax

22-Children listen to their language right from—–

A. Birth 
B. Their mothers
C. Families
D. Circumstances

23- Language can’t functions without a proper—–

A. situation
B. Pupil
C. Teacher
D. Skill

24—–helps in learning the language

A. Motivation   
B. Grammar
C. Skill
D. Teaching

25——Says ”language learning is essentially a habit-forming process.

A. Palmen 
B. F.G French
C. Bloomfield
D. Edward Spin

26——alone enables the learner to acquire the habit of speaking the language.

A. Practice
B. Nature
C. Skill
D. Method

27- A foreign language should be taught——

A. In situation 
B. In classroom
C. At home
D. on the open field

28-Since a language is learned in a natural way, therefore—–considered the first teacher

A. Mother
B. Guide
C. Instructor
D. Family Member

29-Practice and —— drill is essential in language teaching.

A. Pronunciation   
B. Reading
C. Learning
D. Writing

30-That language is a skill which depends on a continuous practice is quoted by—

A. Thorndike   
B. A.S Hornby
C. F.A Close
D. Edward Spin

31-A language involves a sequence and a—–

A. Ratio     
B. Pattern
C. Structure
D. Syntax

32——formulates the rules and principles of the language.

A. Grammar
B. Structure
C. Method
D. Syntax

33- —–Says, ”The only basis of correctness in a language is the usage of its native speakers”

A. C.C Fries 
B. F.G French
C. R.A Close
D. Edward Spin

35—–serves the functions of a language.

A. Vocabulary 
B. Structure
C. Grammar
D. Pattern

36-Speaking skill is the ability to speak English

A. Intelligibly 
B. Confidently
C. Courageously
D. Attentively

37-In the writing skills the students master the mechanics of writing  the use of elementary punctuation marks and —-

A. Capital letters   
B. Structures
C. Methods
D. None

38- Language is essentially a —-

A. Hait forming process 
B. Receiving subject
C. Skill subject
D. learning process

39- Learning a foreign language requires—–

A. Practice   
B. Skill
C. Knowledge
D. Fact

40- There are—– general aims of teaching English at the school stage.

A. 4   
B. 5
C. 3
D. 9

41- In the grammar-translation method ——of the pupils is neglected.

A. Speech     
B. Skill
C. Writing
D. Hearing

42-In the grammar-translation method, the teaching of language starts with the teaching of

A. Reading 
B. Writing
C. Speaking
D. Proficient

43- The grammar-translation method attempts to teach by English by—-

A. Rules   
B. Skill
C. Function
D. Use

44——– developed of reaching to the grammar-translation method.

A. The direct method 
B. The Indirect method
C. The Inductive method
D. None

45- The direct method emphasizes the value of ——–training in learning a foreign language.

A. Oral   
B. Mental
C. Physical
D. None

46- Since language is taught through demonstrations the direct method makes use of ——-

A. Audio-visual aids   
B. Maps
C. Pointer
D. Flesh Cards

47-According to——–the direct method makes the reading of English literature easy.

A. Champion 
B. A.C Wards
C. F.G French
D. None

48-Using a flesh card in the classrooms is a ——

A. Technique       
B. method
C. procedure
D. NOne

49- The Billingual method was first adopted by——

A. Dr.C.J Dodson
B. A.C Wards
C. F.G French
D. Otto Jesperson

50- In the direct method—–is noticed.

A. the mother tongue 
B. English
C. Vernacular
D. Colloquial

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