Minimum Wages Act 1948 Multiple Choice Questions
1. The Act prescribing minimum limit of wages in certain employment is known as_____________
A. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
B. Factories Act, 1948
C. Minimum Wages Act, 1948
D. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
2. Minimum Wages Act, 1948 requires __________to fix minimum rates of wages in respect of employment specified in the schedule.
A. Central Government
B. State Government
C. Local Administration
D. Appropriate Government
3. Since the respective State Governments have been empowered under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 to independently fix minimum wages, disparities between wages in neighbouring states are common.
A. True
B. False because State Governments are not empowered to fix minimum wages independently.
C. False because there are no disparities between wages in different States.
D. False because of both (b) and (c).
4. Minimum Wages Act, 1948 extends to
A. Whole of India
B. Whole of India except Jammu and Kashmir.
C. Whole of India except Union Territories
D. Whole of India except Andaman and Nicobar.
5. “Adolescent” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 means a person_____________
A. Who has completed his fourteenth year of age but has not completed his eighteenth year
B. Who has completed his tenth year of age but has not completed his eighteenth year
C. Who has completed his fourteenth year of age but has not completed his twentieth year
D. Who has completed his twelfth year of age but has not completed his twentieth year
6. “Adult under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 means a person who has completed his ___________year of age.
A. Fourteenth
B. Eighteenth
C. Twentieth
D. Twenty First
7. “Appropriate Government” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has the same definition as
A. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
B. Companies Act, 1956
C. Partnership Act, 1932
D. Contract Act, 1872
8. According to Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a “Child” means a person who has not completed his
A. 10th year of age
B. 12th year of age
C. 14th year of age
D. 16th year of age
9. An index number in relation to employees in any scheduled employment in respect of which minimum rates of wages have been fixed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is known as
A. Cost of living Index Number
B. Wholesale Price Index
C. Consumer Price Index
D. Cost of Products and Services
10. “Wages” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has similar meaning as in the____________
A. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
B. Companies Act, 1956
C. Partnership Act, 1932
D. None of the above
11. “Wages” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 does not include____________
A. Value of house accommodation supply of light, water, medical attendance
B. Value of travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession
C. Gratuity payable on discharge
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following is excluded from the definition of “Wages” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. House Rent Allowance
B. Dearness Allowance
C. Basic Salary
D. All of the above
13. Which of the following is excluded from the definition of “Wages” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. Leave Travel Allowance
B. Dearness Allowance
C. Basic Salary
D. All of the above
14. How many schedule(s) is/are there of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
15. How many parts are there in the schedule of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
16. Defiition of “Employee” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 includes
A. Skilled labour – Clerical labour
B. Skilled and unskilled both labour – Manual labour
C. Skilled and unskilled both labour – Manual and clerical both labour
D. Unskilled labour – Manual labour
17. Definition of “Employee” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948__________an out-worker.
A. Includes
B. Excludes
C. Includes or excludes at the discretion of Appropriate Government
D. The Act is silent on this provision
18. Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a/an “__________” employee is one who does operations that involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little of no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environmental is necessary.
A. Unskilled
B. Semi-skilled
C. Skilled
D. White collar
19. Whose work requires physical exertion and familiarity with variety of articles or goods?
A. Unskilled employee
B. Semi-skilled employee
C. Skilled employee
D. Out-worker
20. Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 a/an “_______” worker is one who does work generally of defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgement, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others.
A. Unskilled
B. Semi-skilled
C. Skilled
D. Out-worker
21. Whose work is limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope?
A. Unskilled
B. Semi-skilled employee
C. Skilled employee
D. Out-worker employee
22. Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a(an) “__________” employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility.
A. Unskilled
B. Semi-skilled
C. Skilled
D. Domestic
23. Who must possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed?
A. Unskilled employee
B. Semi-skilled employee
C. Skilled employee
D. Out-worker
24. A “ ________” worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.
A. Unskilled
B. Semi-skilled
C. Skilled
D. Highly skilled
25. The responsibility of fixing minimum wages lies with
A. State Government
B. District Magistrate
C. Appropriate Government
D. Local Authorities
26. A minimum rate of remuneration to apply in the case of employees employed on piece work for the purpose of securing to such employees a minimum rate of wages on a time work basis
A. A minimum time rate
B. A minimum piece rate
C. A minimum guaranteed time rate
D. Overtime rate
27. Minimum rate (whether a time rate or a piece rate) to apply in substitution for the minimum rate which would otherwise be applicable in respect of overtime work done by employees
A. A minimum time rate
B. A minimum piece rate
C. A minimum guaranteed time rate
D. Overtime rate
28. Different minimum rates of wages may be fixed by the Appropriate Government for
A. Different scheduled employments
B. Different classes of work in the same scheduled employment
C. Adults, adolescents, children and apprentices
D. All of the above
29. Different minimum rates of wages may be fixed for different localities by the Appropriate Government.
A. True
B. False because different maximum rates of wages may be fixed for different localities.
C. False because different minimum rates of wages are not allowed to be fixed for different localities.
D. False because of both (b) and (c).
30. The Appropriate Government may fix minimum wages ___________
A. By the hour
B. By the day
C. By the month
D. Any of the above
31. The minimum wages fixed or revised by the Appropriate Government may consist of a basic rate of wages and a special allowance with the variation in the __________
A. Consumption index
B. Cost of living index
C. Inflation index
D. Stock index
32. The minimum wages fixed or revised by the Appropriate Government, an all-inclusive rate includes __________
A. Basic rate
B. Cost of living allowance
C. Cash value of the concessions
D. All of the above
33. The cost of living allowance and the cash value of the concessions in respect of supplies of essential commodities at concession rate shall be computed by the ____________
A. Occupier
B. CEO of the employer establishment
C. Competent authority
D. State Government
34. Who advises the Appropriate Government for co-ordinating work of committees and sub-committees?
A. High Court
B. Local Authority
C. Advisory Board
D. Chief Committee
35. Who advises the Appropriate Government generally in the matter of fixing and revising minimum rates of wages?
A. High Court
B. Local Authority
C. Advisory Board
D. Chief Committee
36. The __________shall consist of persons of be nominated by the Central Government representing employers and employees in the scheduled employments, who shall be equal in number.
A. Advisory Board
B. Central Advisory Board
C. Local Advisory Board
D. State advisory Board
37. How many independent persons are to be appointed in the Central Advisory Board under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. Maximum 1/3rd of the total number of members
B. Minimum 1/3rd of the total number of members
C. Maximum ½ of the total number of the members
D. Minimum 70% of the total number of members
38. Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, each of the committees, sub-committees and the Advisory Board shall consist of persons to be nominated by the ________Government representing employers and employees in the scheduled employments.
A. Central
B. State
C. Local
D. Appropriate
39. Minimum wages payable under the Payment of Wages Act, 1948 shall be paid
A. In cash
B. In kind
C. Either cash or in Kind
D. Partly in cash and partly in kind
40. Where it has been the custom to pay wages wholly or partly in kind, the Appropriate Government by notification in the Official Gazette authorize the payment of minimum wages either wholly or partly in kinD.
A. True
B. False because payment of minimum wages in kind is not allowed
C. False because Central Government will notify in Official Gazette
D. False because payment of minimum wages is not allowed in cash
41. Employment of an employee is essentially __________when it is declared to be so by the appropriate government on the ground that the daily hours of duty include periods of inaction during which the employee may be on duty but is not called upon to display either physical activity or sustained attention.
A. Intermittent
B. Urgent
C. Technical
D. Preparatory
42. If an employee has worked on any day in excess of the normal working hours, he is eligible for __________ under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
A. Overtime rate
B. Minimum wages rate
C. (a) or (b) whichever is higher
D. (a) or (b) whichever is lower
43. Where an employee does two or more classes of work to each of which a different minimum rate of wages of applicable, the employer shall pay to such employee in respect of the time respectively occupied in each such class of work, wages at _________the minimum rate in force in respect of each such class.
A. Less than
B. Not less than
C. Not more than
D. None of the above
44. Where an employee is employed on piece work for which minimum time rate and not a minimum piece rate has been lived under this Act the employer shall pay to such employee wages at not less than the minimum.
A. Piece rate
B. Time rate
C. Overtime rate
D. Guaranteed piece rate
45. Who is required to maintain the registers and records regarding particulars of employees, wages paid to them, work performed by them etC. under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. Trade Union Leader
B. Employer
C. Employee
D. Appropriate Government
46. Who appoints the Inspector under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. Employer
B. Ministry of Labour
C. Appropriate Government
D. Committee of Welfare
47. Who can be appointed as a hearing and deciding authority under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. Commissioner for Workmen’s Compensation
B. Labour Commissioner
C. Judge of a civil court
D. Any of the above
48. What is the time period of presentation of application under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 12 months
D. 24 months
49. The hearing and deciding authority appointed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has the power of a
A. Civil Court
B. Criminal Court
C. High Court
D. Supreme Court
50. Provisions regarding single application in respect of a number of applicants are covered under section __________of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
A. 15
B. 17
C. 21
D. 22
51. Penalties for the offences under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 are covered under Section __________
A. 15
B. 17
C. 20
D. 22