300+ TOP Miscellaneous of Oral Pathology & Medicine MCQs Answers

Miscellaneous of Oral Pathology and Medicine Multiple Choice Questions

  1. A 9 year old child’s mother comes to dental clinic with the complaint of oral ulceration, fever and shedding of skin of palms and soles: she is giving history of premature shedding of teeth and increased sweating she is also giving one month history of using any new teething gel available in market. The child is suffering form:
    A. Acrodynia
    B. Pemphigus vulgaris
    C. Epidermolysis Bullosa
    D. Erosive lichen planus
  2. Characteristic Tram- line calcifications in skull radiographs is observed in:
    A. Cleidocranial dysostoses
    B. Sturge – weber syndrome
    C. Paget’s disease
    D. Mc Cline – Albright syndrome
  3. Perception of taste even in absence of stimuli is known as:
    A. Ageusia
    B. Dysguesia
    C. Cocoguesia
    D. Phantoguesia
  4. Enzymes which play an important role in calcification are:
    A. Enolase & calcitonin
    B. Alkaline phosphatase & catalase
    C. Alkaline phosphatase & pyrophosphatase
    D. Pyrophosphatase & carbonic anhydrase
  5. Strength of collagen is due to:
    A. Hydroxy glacine
    B. Glycine
    C. Proline
    D. Hydroxproline
  6. Bruxism is characterized by:
    A. Increased mobility of the teeth
    B. Radiographic widening of the pdl
    C. Morning pain in muscles
    D. All of the above
  7. Strawberry gingivitis is seen in:
    A. Wegener’s Granulomatosis
    B. Scorbutic Gingivitis
    C. Plasma cell Gingivitis
    D. Leukemic Gingivitis
  8. What is the term for the radio opaque area found at the root apex of young permanent teeth involved with chronic pulpitis?
    A. Apical cyst
    B. Apical condensing osteitis
    C. Chronic apical periodontitis
    D. Stage one apical osteofibroses
  9. Antischkow cells are present in all of the following conditions except:
    A. Sickle cell anaemia
    B. Iron deficiency anaemia
    C. Apthous ulcer
    D. Herpes simplex
  10. Difference between epithelium of oral cavity and cavity lining of cyst is:
    A. Stratum corneum
    B. Stratum lucidum
    C. Stratum germinativum
    D. Stratum spinosum
  11. Which is the most preferred route for drug administration in the management of chronic pain?
    A. Intrathecal
    B. Oral
    C. Subdermal
    D. Intravenous
  12. The Sensitive period for tetracycline induced discoloration in the permanent maxillary mandibular incisors and canines is?
    A. 3 months postpartum to 7th year of life
    B. 4 months in utero to 3 months postpartum
    C. 5 months in utero to 9 months postpartum
    D. Birth to 7th year
  13. Which is T cell tumor?
    A. Burkitt’s lymphoma
    B. Mycosis fungiodes
    C. Mantel cell leukemia
    D. Hairy cell leukemia
  14. The disorder characterized by craniosynostoses, craniofacial anomalies, severe symmetrical syndactyly (cutaneous and bony fusion) of hands and feet along with prexial syndactyly and variable soft form syndactyly:
    A. Carpenter syndrome
    B. Crounzon Syndrome
    C. Apert Syndrome
    D. Down’s syndrome
  15. HLA – B27 histocompatbility antigen is seen in:
    A. Sjogren’s disease
    B. Ankylosing spondylitis
    C. Felty’s syndrome
    D. Scleroderma
  16. For primary herpes simplex, the diagnosis is made by which gene:
    A. Culture with giemsa stain:
    B. Culture with wright strain
    C. Routing cytology
    D. Flourescent stain for cytology
  17. Burning tongue might not be associated with:
    A. Ranula
    B. Diabetes mellitus
    C. Pernicious anaemia
    D. Local irritation
  18. Which of the following is a non-destructive method of age estimation in adults?
    A. Assessment of root dentin translucency
    B. Amino acid racemisation
    C. Evaluation of tooth cementum annulations
    D. Pulp to tooth ratio of canines
  19. Tooth discoloration due to high bilirubin secretion is seen in the:
    A. Pink tooth of mummery
    B. Ochronosis
    C. Chlorodontia
    D. Leong teeth
  20. Out of syphilitic glossitis, plummer vinson syndrome Mikulicz’s syndrome and hepatitis A; which of these predispose to squamous cell arcinoma?
    A. Syphilitic glossitis and plummer vinson syndrome
    B. Syphilitic glossitis and Mikulicz’s syndrome
    C. Plummer vinson disease and hepatitis A
    D. Hepatitis A and Mikulicz’s Syndrome
  21. Perimolysis is:
    A. Tooth wear due to gastric secretion
    B. Tooth wear due to bruxism
    C. Tooth wear due to dentifrices
    D. Peripheral blood cell destruction
  22. Differential diagnosis of hypercementosis includes all of these EXCEPT :
    A. Cemental dysplasia
    B. Cemental aplasia
    C. Condensing osteitis
    D. Focal periapical osteopetrosis
  23. Which of the following is a virus induced epithelial hyperplasia?
    A. Molluscum contagiosum
    B. Focal epithelial hyperplasia
    C. Squamous papilloma
    D. All of the above
  24. Cardiac condition requiring Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective Endocarditis?
    A. Coronary Heart Disease
    B. Rheumatic Heart Disease
    C. Cardiac Pacemakers
    D. Hypertensive Heart Disease
  25. Biopsy of a clinically suspicious lesion is negative. The most appropriate treatment is:
    A. Tell patient no malignancy
    B. Repeat the biopsy
    C. Observe the patient for twelve months
    D. Observe the patient for three months
  26. Disease characterized by insidious onset and by an absolute increased in number of circulating RBCs and in total blood volume?
    A. Leukopenia
    B. Osler’s disease
    C. Mediterranean disease
    D. Aplastic anaemia
  27. Tubular (Canalicular) adenoma occurs on:
    A. Upper lip
    B. Palate
    C. Lower lip
    D. Glingiva
  28. Alveolitis sicca dolorosa is otherwise known as:
    A. Trigeminal neuralgia
    B. Sicca syndrome
    C. Dry socket
    D. Myospherulosis
  29. A radiograph of the mandibular anterior teeth in a patient reveals radiolucencies above the apices of right lateral and central incisors. No restorations or cavities are present There is no pain or swelling and the pulps are vital. The diagnosis is:
    A. Periapical granuloma
    B. Cementoblastoma
    C. Radicular cyst
    D. Chronic abscess
  30. Endocarditis prophylaxis is recommended during following dental procedures except:
    A. Dental extractions
    B. Initial placement of orthodontic brackets
    C. Intracanal endodontic treatment
    D. Periodontal procedures
  31. Forensic Identification utilizes:
    A. Lip prints
    B. Lip Schutz bodies
    C. Lip pits
    D. Lip reading
  32. Radiographs of a 40 years old female revealed radiolucent areas around several of her mandibular teeth, all which tested vital on the electric pulp tester, These area represent?
    A. Multiple granulomas
    B. Periapical osteofibroses
    C. Chronic periapical abscesses
    D. Bone hypoplasias associated with opalescent teeth
  33. Feature of acanthosis nigricans is?
    A. Insulinoma, obesity & cutaneous hypopigmentation
    B. Insulin resistance, obesity, cutaneous hyperpigmentation
    C. Thickening of spinous layer, insulin resistance, obesity
    D. Thickening of spinous layer insulin resistance, lean

Miscellaneous of Oral Pathology and Medicine objective questions with answers pdf download online exam test

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