100+ TOP MMT Lab Viva Questions and Answers

MMT Lab Viva Questions :-

1) Differentiate between Engineering Stress/Strain and True Stress/Strain.
2) What is meant by Plastic & Elastic Deformation?
3) Define Upper Yield Point; Lower Yield Point; Ultimate Strength; Fracture Strength.
4) What is meant by Gauge Length?
5) What are the various types of fractures?
6) Differentiate between Brittleness and ductility?
7) Define the term Malleability?
8) What is Strain hardening?
9) How the microstructural defect like slip effects the deformation?

1) Differentiate between Compressive strength and tensile strength.
2) Describe the fracture mechanism of a material under compressive loading.
3) Theoretically compressive strength should be same as the tensile strength of a material, but practically it is not. Why?
4) What is anisotropy? How does it affect the mechanical properties?

1) What is meant by modulus of rigidity?
2) Define torsion strength.
3) What are the factors which may affect the angle of twist?
4) What will be the effect on strength if a solid circular shaft is replaced by a hallow shaft of same dimension.
5) What is meant by strain energy? Give its expression in torsion for solid and hollow circular shaft.
6) What is Poisson’s Ratio?

1) What is meant by toughness?
2) What is the purpose of V-notch in impact testing and what is its dimension?
3) What is resilience?
4) How does tempering change the toughness of a material?
5) Define Notch Impact Strength & Modulus of Rupture.
6) Differentiate between Izod & Charpy impact testing techniques?

1) What is Young’s Modulus?
2) What is meant by Moment of Inertia?
3) How to find out the least count of vernier caliper.
4) What is the effect of temperature on Young’s Modulus?
5) How will you define a beam?
6) What is the difference between a simple supported beam & cantilever beam?
7) What are the formulae used to calculate the Moment of Inertia of a Square section beam; Rectangular section beam and a circular beam about the axis?
8) What is meant by Polar Moment of Inertia & how is it calculated?
9) Derive the relationship between Young’s Modulus, Modulus of Rigidity & Bulk Modulus.
10) Describe different types of loads on beam with the help of sketches.

1) What is meant by heat treatment?
2) What are the different types of heat treatment?
3) Enumerate the need for heat treatment of steel?
4) List different types of hardness testing methods?
5) What is meant by BHN?
6) Differentiate between hardenability and hardness?
7) What are the different types of indenters used in hardness testing?
8) What are the factors which affect the hardness of steels?
9) Why is the minor load applied before applying the major load?
10) Derive the formula to calculate BHN.

1) Why the microstructures of metals are different from each other?
2) What are the effects of microstructure of steel and CI on their mechanical properties?
3) In which way the microstructure of copper is different from the microstructure of brass?
4) Define Pearlite, Austenite, Ferrite, Cementite, Martensite, Bainite, and Ledeburite.
5) What is the purpose of alloying? Describe few alloys of Copper and Aluminium.
6) How are steels classified based on their alloying (carbon) content?
7) What is Cast Iron? What are its types?
8) What are stainless steels? Give its composition.
9) Discuss in brief, the steel manufacturing process.
10) Discuss the properties and manufacturing process of the following: Composites; Ceramics; Plastics and Glass.
11) What are the specifications of grinding and polishing machines?
12) What is lapping? Which degree of accuracy can be achieved in metals by polishing?
13) Why is grinding performed before polishing?
14) What is the need of polishing on four grades of emery paper?
15) Why is the specimen rotated by 90°, while changing from one grade of emery paper to another?
16) Why is dry polishing done before wet polishing?
17) What is the purpose of wet polishing after dry polishing?
18) Why is alumina powder used in wet polishing?
19) What is the purpose of etching?
20) Which etchant is used for etching MS; aluminium; copper?
21) What is the principle of working of metallurgical microscope?

MMT Lab Viva Questions and Answers Pdf ::

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