300+ MCQs on Modern Political Analysis & Political Sociology

Modern Political Analysis and Political Sociology Multiple Choice Questions

1. Duverger’s classification of the party system is derived from the experience of political parties in
A. western europe

B. all the democracies of the world

C. party system in the developing world

D. political party system in the communist world

Answer: A. western europe

2. Who said ‘negative liberty is superior to positive liberty’?
A. j.s. mill

B. isaiah berlin

C. t.h. green

D. ernest barker

Answer: B. isaiah berlin

3. Which one among the following is not a work about alienation?
A. paris manuscripts

B. theses on feuerbach

C. poverty of philosophy

D. the german ideology

Answer: C. poverty of philosophy

4. Who among the following presents a ‘flow model’ of political system?
A. gabriel almond

B. david easton

C. morton kaplan

D. oran young

Answer: B. david easton

5. Almond borrowed most of the terminology of his approach from
A. robert k. merton

B. talcott parsons

C. malinowski

D. arthur bentley

Answer: B. talcott parsons

6. Who among the following is associated with the “will and capacity” approach to the study of political development?
A. lucian pye

B. organski

C. halpern

D. david apter

Answer: C. halpern

7. Who among the following has connected cultures with civilizations?
A. almond and verba

B. huntington

C. lucian pye

D. edward shils

Answer: B. huntington

8. The elite theory was first started in
A. the united states of america

B. the united kingdom

C. central and western european countries

D. australia

Answer: C. central and western european countries

9. Who wrote the book, “Democracy and Discontent”?
A. james manor

B. atul kohli

C. zoya hasan

D. msa rao

Answer: B. atul kohli

10. Which among the following statements is not correct?
A. post-behavioural political theory inter-relates value and fact.

B. post-behavioural political theory is ethnocentric. c. post-behavioural political theory is tied to action and relevan

C. d. post-behavioural political theory is change oriente

Answer: B. post-behavioural political theory is ethnocentric. c. post-behavioural political theory is tied to action and relevan

11. Positive liberalism does not believe in
A. welfare state

B. nanny state

C. state as a moral agency

D. minimal state

Answer: D. minimal state

12. Marx does not believe in
A. human consciousness determines social existence

B. ideas are the reflections of the interplay of material forces

C. the base determines the superstructure

D. matter is active and dynamic

Answer: A. human consciousness determines social existence

13. Which one of the following has tried to give an essentially engineering orientation to human behaviour?
A. input-output analysis

B. structural–functional approach

C. communications theory

D. behavioural approach

Answer: C. communications theory

14. The characteristics of Almond’s political system mostly resemble those of the political system(s) of
A. united states of america

B. scandinavian countries

C. developing countries

D. latin american countries

Answer: A. united states of america

15. Which one of the following approaches/theories was first started as a critique of democracy and socialism?
A. elite theory

B. structural–functional approach

C. communications theory

D. game theory

Answer: A. elite theory

16. With which liberal thinker would you associate “Democratic Peace Theory”?
A. michael doyle

B. james rosenau

C. richard falk

D. michael walzer

Answer: A. michael doyle

17. According to Almond, which one is not a condition for political development?
A. availability of resources

B. adequate response to challenges

C. overlapping of stages of development

D. congruent development of the other social systems

Answer: C. overlapping of stages of development

18. Corporatism is an approach that is centrally concerned about
A. structures of the public sector

B. functions of the political system

C. class conflict is interest based

D. stresses the state and society interactions, especially the role of social interests influencing

Answer: D. stresses the state and society interactions, especially the role of social interests influencing

19. Who among the following elite theorists said, “A man is effective in society as a whole, not so much because of his individual qualities as because of the social energies which
have been deposited in him by the mass”?
A. pareto

B. gasset

C. michels

D. mosca

Answer: B. gasset

20. The politics of sex is no longer on the fringe of politics, but it is a central concern for policy and law makers. Which category will this issue be placed under?
A. political development

B. political modernization

C. political culture

D. political elites

Answer: C. political culture

21. Who has called India a Democratic Developmental State?
A. paul brass

B. james manor

C. christopher jefferlot

D. atul kohli

Answer: B. james manor

22. Who among the following regards political development as political modernization plus institutionalization?
A. almond

B. helio jaquaribe

C. cyril black

D. none of the above

Answer: B. helio jaquaribe

23. Who of the following makes a distinction between liberal constitutionalism and Democratic disorder?
A. francis fukuyama

B. theda skocpol

C. b.f. skinner

D. fareed zakaria

Answer: B. theda skocpol

24. The idea of Participatory democracy originates with
A. aristotle

B. cicero

C. locke

D. rousseau

Answer: D. rousseau

25. Structural-functionalism is primarily
A. a measurement for comparison

B. an ideology of development

C. a framework of investigation

D. a method of governance

Answer: C. a framework of investigation

26. According to S.P. Huntigton “Political Decay” takes place when
A. mass mobilisation plus participation is greater than institutionalisation.

B. mass mobilisation and participation is lesser than institutionalisation.

C. the institutions have both complexity and simplicity.

D. there is longevity of institutions.

Answer: A. mass mobilisation plus participation is greater than institutionalisation.

27. Which one among the following statements is true?
A. Behaviouralism is based on Stimulus-Response paradigm. B. Post-behaviouralism consists of seven tenets. C. Post-behaviouralism wholly negates behaviouralism. D. There are no differences between behaviourism and behaviouralism. 32. Notion of uneven development was a response to the 19th century ideas of
A. capitalism

B. evolution and gradualism

C. positivism

D. anarchism

Answer: B. evolution and gradualism

28. Who among the following is associated with Institutional Approach?
A. james bryce

B. merriam

C. arthur bentley

D. lasswell

Answer: A. james bryce

29. Who among the following challenged the idea of political development as a unilinear process?
A. shils

B. huntington

C. almond

D. halpren

Answer: B. huntington

30. The difference between order and disorder is more important than the difference between communism and liberal democracy is advocated by
A. lipset

B. lijphart

C. dahl

D. huntington

Answer: D. huntington

31. Which one of the following writings is not written by Mao?
A. on new democracy

B. on coalition government

C. people’s war

D. on people’s democratic dictatorship

Answer: C. people’s war

32. Who among the following writers classified Elites into broad types? (i) Organising and directing elites. (ii) Informally organised and diffused elites
A. vilfredo pareto

B. robert michaels

C. gaetano mosca

D. karl mannheim

Answer: D. karl mannheim

33. Who among the following first developed the concept of general systems theory?
A. ludwig von bertallanfy

B. colin cherry

C. robert k. merton

D. talcott parsons

Answer: A. ludwig von bertallanfy

34. Structural functionalism as a method was developed to study the politics of
A. advanced capitalism

B. developed socialism

C. modern totalitarianism

D. politics of developing countries

Answer: D. politics of developing countries

35. C. Wright Mill’s ‘The Power Elite’ is a study of the contemporary politics of
A. china

B. the united states of america

C. the soviet union

D. great britain

Answer: B. the united states of america

36. Who among the following identified the crises in political development on the basis of his study of England?
A. a.f.k. organski

B. lucian w. pye

C. edward shils

D. david apter

Answer: B. lucian w. pye

37. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. c.w. mills – the power elite

B. t.b. bottomore- elites and society

C. pareto – the ruling class

D. ortega y gasset – the revolt of the masses

Answer: C. pareto – the ruling class

38. Montesquieu’s theory of separation of powers emphasises primarily on
A. accountability

B. efficiency

C. transparency

D. liberty

Answer: D. liberty

39. Who of the following advocated economic theory of democracy?
A. j.lively b. c.

B. mac person

C. antony dawns d.

D. held

Answer: C. antony dawns d.

40. Who among the following used the concept of goal changing, feedback, and leaning?
A. david easton

B. karl duetsch

C. gabriel almond

D. lucian pye

Answer: B. karl duetsch

41. Who among the following makes a distinction between system maintenance and system persistence?
A. gabriel almond

B. david easton

C. lucian pye

D. f.w riggs

Answer: B. david easton

42. Who among the following has given ‘sleeping dog’ theory of democratic culture?
A. lucian pye and robert e ward

B. james s coleman and myron weiner

C. james c charlesworth and f w riggs

D. almond and verba

Answer: D. almond and verba

43. This theory assumes that governments will be influenced by various interest groups and will not be biased for or against any of those groups:
A. rational choice theory

B. marxist theory

C. pluralist theory

D. institutionalist theory

Answer: C. pluralist theory

44. The liberal theory of development has come to be associated with which of the following political process?
A. population growth

B. modernisation

C. scientific revolution

D. industrialisation

Answer: D. industrialisation

45. Which of the following is the least essential for the essential for the explanation of the Compensational Theory of Political Development?
A. inter-state relation

B. political culture

C. leadership

D. formal organisation

Answer: A. inter-state relation

46. Who among the following is not associated with the classical theory of development?
A. j.s mill

B. edmund burke

C. adam smith

D. malthus

Answer: B. edmund burke

47. The term ‘legitimisation crisis’ in terms of erosion of confidence in public institutions resulting in coercive apparatus of states, was developed by:
A. david apter

B. s.p huntington

C. edward shills

D. habermas

Answer: D. habermas

48. Who among the following is not associated with the theory of Political Elites?
A. pareto

B. mosca

C. miachel

D. david apter

Answer: D. david apter

49. Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Marxian democracy?
A. it stands for popular control over the means of production and distribution.

B. it lays emphasis on economic freedom.

C. it shall work on the basis of decisions taken through consensus.

D. it should work through representative parliaments

Answer: D. it should work through representative parliaments

50. Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a feature of Marxian democracy?
A. provision for recall of the representatives.

B. elected judiciary

C. dominant role of leaders in preserving the system.

D. emphasis on political freedom. 60. the economic aspects of democracy have been emphasised by constitutionality of laws

Answer: D. emphasis on political freedom. 60. the economic aspects of democracy have been emphasised by constitutionality of laws

51. The concept of ‘power elite’ is connected with:
A. pareto

B. mosca

C. wright mills

D. james burham

Answer: C. wright mills

52. Who of the following thinkers tried to combine the elitist theory with Marxism?
A. robert michels

B. james burham

C. vilfredo pareto

D. none of the above

Answer: B. james burham

53. The Elitist theory holds that the power is always concentrated in the hands of:
A. priestly class

B. military class

C. civil servants

D. a small group of elites

Answer: D. a small group of elites

54. The exponents of elitist theory
A. believe in political equality

B. believe in equality between ruler and ruled

C. do not believe in equality between ruler and ruled

D. believe in all the above three principles

Answer: C. do not believe in equality between ruler and ruled

55. The elitist theory believes in leaving the formulation and implementation of policy in the hands of:
A. elected representatives of the people

B. permanent civil servants

C. an elite class

D. a body composed of all the above three

Answer: C. an elite class

56. The Pluralist theory of democracy holds that:
A. the state is the source of all authority and all groups draw from it

B. the power in society is shared by the government and other groups

C. political power cannot be divided among various groups, associations etc.

D. none of the above

Answer: B. the power in society is shared by the government and other groups

57. The Pluralist theory of democracy is:
A. against separation of powers

B. against periodical election

C. in favour of elections because they help in gauging public opinion

D. against decentralisation of authority

Answer: C. in favour of elections because they help in gauging public opinion

58. Who of the following philosophers was not associated with the Liberal Theory of Democracy?
A. locke

B. hobbes

C. karl marx

D. j.s. mill

Answer: C. karl marx

59. The classical theory of democracy can be traced back to the writings of:
A. ancient greek philosophers

B. ancient chinese philosophers

C. proudhon

D. french philosophers of the seventeenth century

Answer: A. ancient greek philosophers

60. The basic principle of Liberal democracy that the sovereign drew his authority from the people was first developed by:
A. j.s.mill

B. hobbes

C. locke

D. none of the above

Answer: B. hobbes

61. Who of the following thinkers asserted the principle that consent of the people’ is the basis of state?
A. adam smith

B. herbert spencer

C. bentham

D. lock

Answer: D. lock

62. The two basic principles of liberal theory of democracy, which were emphasised by Locke, were:
A. universal adult franchise and right to property

B. woman suffrage and secret ballot

C. popular sovereignty and constitutional government

D. natural rights and representative democracy

Answer: C. popular sovereignty and constitutional government

63. Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as contribution of Rousseau to the Liberal theory of democracy?
A. general welfare

B. natural equality

C. consent of people as basis of state

D. inalienable right of individual to determine their affairs

Answer: A. general welfare

64. Which one of the following thinkers emphasised the principles of adult franchise, representative government, freedom of press and frequent elections, which form the
cornerstone of Liberal theory of democracy?
A. j.s.mill

B. locke

C. rousseau

D. all the three

Answer: A. j.s.mill

65. The chief contribution of Green to the Liberal theory of democracy was:
A. emphasis on collective well-being as condition of individual freedom

B. emphasis on absolute freedom of individual

C. absolute powers for the state

D. none of the above

Answer: A. emphasis on collective well-being as condition of individual freedom

66. Which one of the following is true about elitist theory of democracy?
A. it believes that in it real power is with voters

B. it believes that the people are the real sovereign

C. it believes that power is used by a small group of elites

D. it believes that the judiciary is real power in the state

Answer: C. it believes that power is used by a small group of elites

67. Who of the following has laid stress on inter-disciplinary approach about the study of the problems of state?
A. hobbes

B. machiavelli

C. t.h. green

D. easton

Answer: D. easton

68. The statement that’ “A man who lives outside the Polis is either a beast or a god” is attributed to:
A. plato

B. aristotle

C. hobbes

D. hegel

Answer: B. aristotle

69. According to Tretschke the essence of the state is:
A. consent

B. morality

C. general will

D. force

Answer: D. force

70. Which approach featurise “State being the central theme of politics is conceived as an inevitable consequence of class contradictions”?
A. post-behaviouralism

B. marxian approach

C. behaviouralism

D. institutional approach

Answer: B. marxian approach

71. Power is the capacity to
A. persuade

B. hold sovereignty

C. produce intended effects

D. exercise authority

Answer: B. hold sovereignty

72. Authority is the right to
A. invoke tradition

B. nationhood

C. ruled

D. delegate

Answer: A. invoke tradition

73. The Iron Law of Oligarchy is associated with
A. michels

B. millet

C. bentham

D. kant

Answer: A. michels

74. Who among the following theorists advocated participatory democracy?
A. c.b. macpherson

B. michael oakeshoot

C. hayek

D. gaetano mosca

Answer: A. c.b. macpherson

75. Who was the first proponentof scientific study of politics?
A. charles merriam

B. harold d lasswell

C. george catlin

D. arthur bentley

Answer: A. charles merriam

76. Behavioural approach in Politics Science is an attempt to make the empirical content of
Political Science more scientific who said this?
A. charles merriam

B. robert a dahl

C. george catlin

D. arthur bentley

Answer: A. charles merriam

77. Eighth principles of the behavioural approach of political science generally known as
A. verifications

B. pure science

C. intellectual foundations

D. observational study

Answer: B. pure science

78. The strong demands of Post behaviouralists are
A. pure science

B. relevance and action

C. value

D. none of these

Answer: B. relevance and action

79. In the year 1960, application of structural functionalism by Almond and Powell was an application of
A. lucian pye’s modernization theory

B. dahl’s polyarely

C. rostow’s theory of stapes of growth

D. easton’s framework of political system

Answer: D. easton’s framework of political system

80. Cybernetics means:
A. communication methods

B. science of control and communication

C. artificial intelligence

D. science of communicating

Answer: D. science of communicating

81. Who propounded communication theory?
A. neumann

B. r.c snyder

C. norbert weiner

D. robert tucker

Answer: C. norbert weiner

82. Which theory believes in applying mathematical models to political studies?
A. the system theory

B. the relist theory

C. the game theory

D. the decision making theory

Answer: C. the game theory

83. The game theory was developed in the 1920s by
A. william h riker

B. morton kaplan

C. thomas c. shelling

D. emil borel

Answer: D. emil borel

84. Studies of look for basic, general values on politics and government.
A. politics

B. political culture

C. public opinion

D. political values

Answer: B. political culture

85. According to Gabriel Almond and Sydney Verba, what are the three types of political cultures?
A. democratic, monarchial and totalitarian

B. hierarchical, isolationist and social

C. individualized, objective and subjective

D. parochial, subject and participant

Answer: D. parochial, subject and participant

86. What is political socialization?
A. the means by which we inherit our political culture

B. the means by which we decide which political party to join

C. the means by which governments are formed

D. the means by which we agree or disagree with citizens from other political parties

Answer: A. the means by which we inherit our political culture

Modern Political Analysis and Political Sociology Objective Questions with Answers Pdf Download Online Exam Test

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