300+ TOP Negotiation & Guiding Skills for Tourism MCQs and Answers

Negotiation and Guiding Skills for Tourism Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which among the following is a type of package tour brouchure?
A. Shell brochure

B. Umbrella brochure

C. Regular brochure

D. All the above

Answer: D. All the above

2. Which among the following is not included in a brochure?
A. Itinerary

B. Name of the firm

C. Details of price

D. Name and address of the client

Answer: D. Name and address of the client

3. Expand FIT
A. Foreign inclusive travel

B. Foreign independent travel

C. Foreign independent Tour

D. None of these

Answer: B. Foreign independent travel

4. When a travel agency provide the service of a well educated, trained tour manager during the course of travel, it is known as
A. Escorted tour

B. Hosted tour

C. Inclusive tour

D. Incentive tour

Answer: A. Escorted tour

5. Navy blue colour passport depicts
A. Ordinary passport

B. Official passport

C. Diplomatic passport

D. Alien’s passport

Answer: A. Ordinary passport

6. Passport is issued by
A. Govt. of India

B. Regional Passport Office

C. Department of Tourism

D. State Government

Answer: B. Regional Passport Office

7. Approval for A class tourist guide is given by
A. Government of India

B. Department of Archaeology

C. State government

D. None of these

Answer: A. Government of India

8. Validity of student VISA
A. Duration of the course

B. 5 years

C. Duration of the course or 5 years whichever is less

D. None of these

Answer: C. Duration of the course or 5 years whichever is less

9. VISA attestation is done after the person reaches the destination is called —————-
A. Transit VISA

B. VISA on arrival

C. Tourist VISA

D. All the above

Answer: B. VISA on arrival

10. Which among the following is the external facter which affect tour operation
A. Foreign exchange rate

B. Weather condition

C. Bad publicity

D. All the above

Answer: D. All the above

11. Motivational programme provided for the employees of an organisation is known as ————
A. Hosted tour

B. Incentive tour

C. Inclusive tour

D. Escorted tour

Answer: B. Incentive tour

12. Expand OAG
A. Official Airline Guide

B. Official Airport Guide

C. Organisation for Airline Giudes

D. None of these

Answer: A. Official Airline Guide

13. Custom tour is also known as



D. None of these

Answer: C. GIT

14. If two people booked together the same facilities & reservations, it is known as
A. Single rate

B. Double rate

C. Multiple rate

D. None of these

Answer: B. Double rate

15. Flight itineraries is included in which section of OAG
A. Front section

B. Back section

C. Flight schedules

D. None of these

Answer: A. Front section

16. Baggage agreements is included in ——————
A. The front section of OAG

B. The flight schedule section

C. The back section of OAG

D. None of these

Answer: C. The back section of OAG

17. A dictionary of package tour available for sale by travel agencies is ———–
A. Consolidated tour manual

B. Tour voucher

C. Tour brochure

D. Tour package

Answer: A. Consolidated tour manual

18. The validity period of transit VISA is
A. 1 year

B. 6 months

C. One month

D. 15 days

Answer: D. 15 days

19. The standard rate of a hotel room is known as
A. Special rate

B. Rack rate

C. Group rate

D. None of these

Answer: B. Rack rate

20. Discounted room rate based on the purchase of pre set quantity of rooms is known as ———
A. Special rate

B. Rack rate

C. Group rate

D. None of these

Answer: C. Group rate

21. A type of tour brochure provided with black folders with printed photographs is known as
A. Shell brochure

B. Umbrella brochure

C. Regular brochure

D. None of these

Answer: A. Shell brochure

22. Minimum tour is commonly called as —————–
A. Hosted tour

B. Independent package tour

C. Escorted tour

D. Inclusive tour

Answer: B. Independent package tour

23. Expand CATM
A. Consolidated Air Traffic Manual

B. Consolidated Air transport Manual

C. Consolidated Air Tour Manual

D. None of these

Answer: C. Consolidated Air Tour Manual

24. Expand OHRG
A. Official Hotel & Resort Guide

B. Official Hotel & Restaurant Guide

C. Official Hotel & Resort Group

D. Organisation for Hotel & Restaurant Guide

Answer: A. Official Hotel & Resort Guide

25. Which of the following is not a vendor
A. Hotel

B. Airlines

C. Cruise companies

D. Travel agents

Answer: D. Travel agents

26. Ground operation is also known as
A. Tour operator

B. Travel agencies

C. Shuttle operators

D. Tour wholesalers

Answer: C. Shuttle operators

27. ITC stands for
A. Inclusive Tour by Charter

B. Inclusive Tour Cost

C. Inclusive Travel Charter

D. None of these

Answer: A. Inclusive Tour by Charter

28. Hotel accommodation that includes breakfast & either lunch or dinner




Answer: B. MAP

29. A tourist guide is ————-
A. An encyclopaedia

B. An unofficial ambassador of his country

C. Trained & experienced person

D. All above

Answer: D. All above

30. A general tour doesn’t include
A. Shopping

B. Sight seeing

C. Museums

D. entertainment

Answer: C. Museums

31. A special interest tour doesn’t include
A. Shopping

B. Archaeological sites

C. Museums

D. Folklore

Answer: A. Shopping

32. Which of the following is not a participant tour?
A. Language

B. Age

C. Level of interest

D. Entertainment

Answer: D. Entertainment

33. The tourist who have particularized knowledge in any area is known as ——————-
A. General guide

B. Specialized guide

C. Escort

D. None of these

Answer: B. Specialized guide

34. The tourist guide who stationed at the monuments is categorized as ————–
A. A class tourist guide

B. B class tourist guide

C. Both A & B class guide

D. Both B & C class guide

Answer: D. Both B & C class guide

35. Which of the following is not a component of package tour cost
A. Accommodation cost

B. Transportation cost

C. Sight seeing cost

D. Shopping cost

Answer: D. Shopping cost

36. Which of the following is the skill required for a tour manager?
A. Researching

B. Public speaking

C. Communication skill

D. Above all

Answer: D. Above all

37. Handling agents is ————–
A. Domestic tour operators

B. Incoming tour operators

C. Specialist tour operators

D. Mass market tour operators

Answer: B. Incoming tour operators

38. Which of the following is the skill required for a tourist guide?
A. Leadership

B. Patience

C. Sense of humour

D. All of above

Answer: D. All of above

39. Which of the following is not a supplementary accommodation?
A. Resort

B. Motels

C. Youth hostels

D. Pensions

Answer: A. Resort

40. Which of the following is not considered as surface transportation?
A. Travel in house boats

B. Travel in cars

C. Travel in air carriers

D. Travel in coaches

Answer: C. Travel in air carriers

41. Cargo flights carry ————
A. Passenger

B. Goods

C. Both goods and passengers

D. Dangerous goods

Answer: B. Goods

42. Which of the following is not an ancilliary service?
A. Duty-free goods

B. Insurance

C. Sale of optional excursion

D. Transportation facility

Answer: D. Transportation facility

43. An intermediary who does not sell products & services to the public is
A. Wholesaler

B. Retailer

C. Producer

D. Consumer

Answer: A. Wholesaler

44. The retailer in travel trade is —–
A. Tour operators

B. Travel agencies

C. Sevice providers

D. None of these

Answer: B. Travel agencies

45. The wholesaler in travel trade is —–
A. Tour operators

B. Travel agencies

C. Sevice providers

D. None of these

Answer: A. Tour operators

46. Price reduction for the sale of large number of units is called ——
A. Discount

B. Fare

C. Volume discount

D. None of theser

Answer: C. Volume discount

47. A tour wholesaler who sells package vaccations is called ——
A. Travel agent

B. Tour operator

C. Tour wholesaler

D. None of these

Answer: B. Tour operator

48. A tour wholesaler who sells tour components individually, without assembling them is called —-
A. Travel agent

B. Tour operator

C. Co-ordinator

D. Consolidator

Answer: D. Consolidator

49. Net fare of an airline ticket is —–
A. Discounted fare

B. Actual fare

C. Premium far

D. None of these

Answer: A. Discounted fare

50. Net fares are offored by the airline to
A. The general public

B. Travel agencies

C. Tour operators

D. Both travel agencies & tour operators

Answer: D. Both travel agencies & tour operators

51. When a consolidator reserves pf prepays large quantity of seats, it is called ——
A. Reservation of airline seats

B. Blocks

C. Booking file

D. None of these

Answer: B. Blocks

52. The cut-off date is also known as —–
A. Option date

B. Expiry date

C. Maturity date

D. None of these

Answer: A. Option date

53. The discount rate is procided for the tour operators for purchasing hotel rooms is called
A. Discount

B. Room quata

C. Net fare

D. Bulk fare

Answer: B. Room quata

54. Which among the following components can’t get discount?
A. Hotel room

B. Airline seats

C. Car rentals

D. Entrance fee

Answer: D. Entrance fee
55. Before designing a tour, the tour operator should consider —
A. Purpose of the trip

B. Length of stay

C. Client budget

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

56. Departure city is —-
A. The origin point of a journy

B. The destination point of a journey

C. Intermediate point

D. None of these

Answer: A. The origin point of a journy
57. Booking file should include
A. Name field

B. Phone field

C. Itinerary

D. Above all

Answer: D. Above all
58. Place in an itinerary means —
A. Components in an itinerary

B. Time gap between two activities

C. Facilities

D. None of these

Answer: B. Time gap between two activities
59. An off center fold brochureproviding a front sheet smaller than the second is caller —-
A. Central fold

B. Small booklet

C. Leaflets

D. Gate fold

Answer: D. Gate fold
60. Each portion of an itinerary is called as —–
A. Division

B. Segment

C. Group

D. None of these

Answer: B. Segment

61. The trip which orginates and ends in the same point is called
A. Circle trip

B. Round trip

C. Excurssion trip

D. None of these

Answer: A. Circle trip
62. The first city in a segment is called ——
A. Board point

B. Arrival point

C. Off point

D. None of these

Answer: A. Board point
63. The second city ina segment is called —
A. Board point

B. Departue point

C. Origin point

D. Off point

Answer: D. Off point
64. Board point is also known as —
A. Off point

B. Departue point

C. Intermediate point

D. Arrival point

Answer: B. Departue point
65. Departure point is also known as —-
A. Off point

B. Arrival point

C. Board point

D. Intermediate point

Answer: C. Board point

66. Off point is also known as
A. Arrival point

B. Board point

C. Departure point

D. Origin point

Answer: A. Arrival point

67. Arrival point is also known as
A. Board point

B. Departure point

C. Off point

D. Origin point

Answer: C. Off point

68. A flight which does not make any stop between origin & destination is called
A. Direct flight

B. Non stop flight

C. Connecting flight

D. None of these

Answer: B. Non stop flight

69. A direct flight with one or more stops is called —
A. Direct flight

B. Non stop flight

C. Connecting flight

D. None of these

Answer: A. Direct flight

70. Two or more flights between the origin & destination is called
A. Direct flight

B. Non stop flight

C. Connecting flight

D. None of these

Answer: C. Connecting flight

71. Initial segment of a journey is called
A. Outbound segment

B. Return segment

C. Air segment

D. None of these

Answer: A. Outbound segment

72. The departure segment of a journey is called
A. Outbound segment

B. Return segment

C. Air segment

D. None of these

Answer: B. Return segment

73. The transportation segment in a flight itinerary is called
A. Outbound segment

B. Return segment

C. Air segment

D. None of these

Answer: C. Air segment

74. A point in connection where a change of aircraft occurs is called
A. Connecting point

B. Transfer point

C. Transit point

D. Stop over point

Answer: A. Connecting point

75. When a passenger doesn’t return to the origin point, it is called as
A. Circle trip

B. Round trip

C. One-way trip

D. None of these

Answer: C. One-way trip

76. Change of flights from one carrier to another carrier is called
A. Interline connection

B. Connection flight

C. Direct flight

D. None of these

Answer: A. Interline connection

77. A tour offered to the tour escorts of travel managers to familiarise with the package is called as
A. Conducted tour

B. Grand tour

C. Familiarisation trip

D. None of these

Answer: C. Familiarisation trip

78. Wholesale literature include —
A. Catalogues

B. Brochures

C. Published lists

D. Above all

Answer: D. Above all

79. Expand BSP
A. Billing & Settlement Plan

B. Billing & Settlement Procedure

C. Billing & Sales Plan

D. None of these

Answer: A. Billing & Settlement Plan

Negotiation and Guiding Skills for Tourism Objective Questions with Answers Pdf Download Online Quiz Exam Test

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