300+ TOP NMR SPECTROSCOPY Objective Questions and Answers

NMR SPECTROSCOPY Multiple Choice Questions :-

1. NMR spectroscopy is used for determining structure in which of the following materials?

a) Radioactive materials
b) Insoluble chemical compounds
c) Liquids
d) Gases

Answer: c

2. NMR is the study of absorption of __________ by nuclei in a magnetic field?

a) Radioactive radiation
b) IR radiation
c) Radio frequency radiation
d) Microwaves

Answer: c

3. NMR spectrometer provides ____________ and _____________ method of determining structure in soluble chemical compounds.

a) Accurate, destructive
b) Accurate, non-destructive
c) Inaccurate, destructive
d) Inaccurate, non-destructive

Answer: b

4. NMR spectroscopy indicates the chemical nature of the __________ and spatial positions of

a) Electrons, Protons
b) Neutrons, electrons
c) Nuclei, electrons
d) Nuclei, neighbouring nuclei

Answer: d

5. In NMR spectroscopy, the spinning nuclei in strong magnetic field must be irradiated by which of the following?

a) Perpendicular and stronger field
b) Perpendicular and weaker field
c) Parallel and stronger field
d) Parallel and weaker field

Answer: b

6. Interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation can be observed by subjecting a substance to magnetic fields in which of the following manner?

a) Both fields should be stationary
b) Both fields should be varying
c) One field should be stationary and the other should be varying
d) It must be subjected to only one field

Answer: c

7. When energy is absorbed by the sample, the absorption can be observed as a change in signal developed by which of the following components?

a) Amplifier
b) Photodetector
c) GM counter
d) Radiofrequency detector

Answer: d

8. Which of the following are considered to be the lowest form of Electromagnetic radiation?

a) IR radiation
b) Micro waves
c) UV radiation
d) Radio waves

Answer: d

9. The amount of energy available in radio frequency radiation is sufficient for which of the following?

a) Excite an atom
b) Vibrate an atom
c) Vibrate a molecule
d) Affect the nuclear spin of an atom

Answer: d

NMR SPECTROSCOPY Objective Questions

10. Nuclei having either the number of protons or neutrons as odd have _______ spin.

a) Integral spin
b) Half integral spin
c) Zero spin
d) Positive spin

Answer: b

NMR SPECTROSCOPY Objective Questions with Answers

11. If the number of protons or neutrons is even the spin of the nucleus will be which of the following?

a) Integral spin
b) Half integral spin
c) Zero spin
d) Positive spin

Answer: c

12. The difference between the field necessary for resonance in the sample and in some arbitrary chosen compound is which of the following?

a) Field shift
b) Matrix effects
c) Chemical shift
d) Resonance shift

Answer: c

13. Chemical shift allows a chemist to obtain the idea of how atoms are joined together.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a

14. Elementary particles such as electrons and nucleus have the property of spin.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a

15. What is shielding in NMR?

A. Using a curved piece of metal to block an opponents attack
B. Putting metal around an Rf source
C. When the magnetic moment of an atom blocks the full induced magnetic field from surrounding nuclei
D. Blocking parts of a molecule from Rf radiation

Answer: C

16. What is used to cool the superconducting coil?

A. Hydrogen
B. Ice
C. Dry ice
D. Liquid helium

Answer: D

17. Coupling causes the peaks in 1H NMR spectra to be split into

A. two peaks
B. multiple peaks equal to the number of hydrogens on surrounding atoms
C. multiple peaks equal to the number of surrounding carbon atoms
D. multiple peaks equal to the number of hydrogen on surrounding atoms, plus one

Answer: D

18. When placed in a magnetic field, all the random spins of the nuclei

A. stop
B. reverse direction
C. align with the magnetic field
D. rotate to 90° away from the induced field

Answer: C

19. Better understanding of the nuclei is possible,

A. with the help of wavelength spectrum
B. with the help of frequencies ranges
C. with the help of a mathematical translator called the fourier transfer algorithm
D. none of the above

Answer: C

20. All hydrogen atoms

A. have the same resonance frequency
B. resonate at different frequencies depending on their environment.
C. are attached to carbon
D. resonate at about the same frequency as carbon

Answer: B

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