300+ Top OT Technician Exam Paper with Answer Key Mcqs

OT Technician Exam Paper | Operation Theatre Technician

1. What will be the pulse pressure for a blood pressure reading of 130/80 mm Hg?

  1. 80 mmHg
  2. 50 mmHg
  3. 210 mmHg
  4. 130 mmHg

2. To what pressure an endotracheal tube must be inflated to produce an adequate seal between the cuff and the wall of the trachea?

  1. 20 mm Hg
  2. 16 mm Hg
  3. 22 mm Hg
  4. 18 mm Hg

3. In a thyroidectomy, a loop retractor retracts the:

  1. Thyroid veins
  2. Cervical fascia
  3. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
  4. Platysma muscle

4. Who is considered as the lather of modern digital programmable computers?

  1. Herman H Goldstein
  2. Charles Babbage
  3. Marcian E Hoff
  4. Joseph Jacquard

5. Which method should be used to open the airway in case of suspected C spine injury?

  1. Jaw thrust
  2. Back thrust
  3. Abdominal thrust
  4. Head tilt and chin lift

6. The force maintaining primary structure of a protein is called:

  1. Hydrogen bonds.
  2. Electrostatic (ionic) bonds.
  3. Hydrophobic forces.
  4. Peptide bonds.

7. The primary cause of depletion of ozone is the presence of in the atmosphere.

  1. Chlorofluorocarbons
  2. Hydrocarbons
  3. Carbon monoxide
  4. Nitrogen oxide

8. When is National Earth Day celebrated?

  1. 21st June
  2. 17th May
  3. 15th June
  4. 22nd April

9. Which of the following is known as laughing gas?

  1. B₂O
  2. CO₂
  3. NO₂
  4. N₂O

10. What is the colour of nitrous oxide gas cylinder?

  1. White
  2. Black
  3. Gray
  4. Blue

Operation Theatre Technician Questions

11. Aldosterone regulates:

  1. sodium absorption
  2. urine concentration
  3. serum calcium
  4. blood glucose

12. An intravenous solution of 0.45% sodium chloride is_____.

  1. hypotonic
  2. isomeric
  3. hypertonic
  4. isotonic

13. A habitat is home to many organisms and destroying a habitat affects ______.

  1. weather
  2. resources
  3. climate
  4. biodiversity

14. Which is an intrinsic risk factor that places the client at risk for pressure ulcers?

  1. Friction
  2. Shearing
  3. Impaired tissue perfusion
  4. Pressure

15. The instrument used to retract the skin edges. blood vessels, nerves and abdominal wall is:

  1. Czerny’s retractor
  2. Pronged retractor
  3. Lange beck’s retractor
  4. Doyen’s retractor

16. The ‘Pollutant Standard Index’ is related to

  1. air pollution
  2. water pollution
  3. noise pollution
  4. soil pollution

17. What mixture of gases is used in general anaesthesia?

  1. O₂ and CO₂
  2. CO₂, O₂, and N₂O
  3. O₂ and N₂O
  4. CO₂ and N₂O

18. When the Environment Protection Act came into force in India?

  1. 1988
  2. 1985
  3. 1987
  4. 1986

19. What is capnometry?

  1. Measurement of end-tidal NO₂
  2. The measurement of end-tidal CO₂
  3. Measurement of end-tidal N₂O
  4. Measurement of end-tidal O₂

20. Cholecalciferol is synthesized in _____.

  1. liver
  2. kidney
  3. intestinal mucosa
  4. skin

21. Which of the following is NOT considered a portal of entry for bacteria?

  1. Intact skin
  2. Eyes
  3. Mouth
  4. Nose

22. Lactam-lactim interconversion is an example of:

  1. Anomerisation
  2. Optical isomerism
  3. Tautomerism
  4. Epimerisation

23. A computer program that converts assembly language into object code is known as

  1. Compiler
  2. Assembler
  3. Comparator
  4. Translator

24. What type of immunity occurs w hen a person is given an injection of immune serum?

  1. Adaptive immunity’
  2. Active artificial immunity
  3. Active natural immunity
  4. Passive artificial immunity

25. What is the color-coding of the bags used in hospitals to dispose of human anatomical wastes such as body parts?

  1. Blue
  2. Red
  3. Yellow
  4. Black

26. Sick Building Syndrome refers to:

  1. Second hand smoke
  2. Indoor air quality
  3. Outdoor air pollution
  4. Photochemical smog

27 “What is the name of the temporary data storage area between a peripheral device and the CPU. which compensates for the difference between their speeds?

  1. Temporary storage
  2. Main storage
  3. Buffer
  4. Backing storage

28. The type of drain providing drainage of colorectal anastomosis is:

  1. Silastics tube drain
  2. Under water seal drainage
  3. Vaccum drain
  4. T-tube drain

29. During data processing, where does the actual execution of instructions takes place?

  1. Storage Unit
  2. Arithmetic logic Unit
  3. Register unit
  4. Control unit

30. Which of the following cellular organelles serve as the site of protein synthesis?

  1. Golgi bodies
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Endoplasmic reticulum
  4. Peroxisome

31. “First, do no harm” is based on which ethical principle of health care?

  1. Non-malfeasance
  2. Fidelity
  3. Accountability
  4. Beneficence

32. In hospitals the waste sharps are disposed of in containers.

  1. blue
  2. yellow
  3. black
  4. red

33. Which of the following amino acids have an indoled ring in their structure?

  1. Arginine
  2. Histidine
  3. Tryptophan
  4. Proline

34. Which ozone layer provides great benefit to the life on Earth?

  1. Tropopause
  2. Stratosphere
  3. Photosphere
  4. Troposphere

35. Which of the following is an inhalation anaesthetic agent?

  1. Fentanyl
  2. Cyclopropane
  3. Halothane
  4. Ethylene

36. The MS-DOS operating system is a:

  1. multi-tasking operating system.
  2. command-driven interface.
  3. graphical user interface system.
  4. single-user operating system.

37. ______ the major fat present in adipose tissues.

  1. Phospholipids
  2. Triacylglycerol
  3. Cholesterol
  4. Sphingolipids

38. Full form of AEP is:

  1. Auditory Evoked Potential.
  2. Auxiliary Evoked Potential.
  3. Ambulatory Evoked Potential.
  4. Audiovisual Evoked Potential.

39. Most health-care-associated infections are transmitted to patients:

  1. from the hands of the health care workers.
  2. it’s from dirty washrooms.
  3. from hospital food.
  4. by talking to each other.

40. Which of the following patients is at greatest risk for extravasation?

  1. A client who is receiving potassium supplementation intravenously
  2. The client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition
  3. The client with cancer who is receiving bendamustine
  4. A patient with heart failure who is receiving Ringer’s lactate

41. Which of the following amino acids does NOT have an acidic side chain at neutral pH?

  1. Tyrosine
  2. Threonine
  3. Glutamic acid
  4. Aspartic acid

42. Which of the following is NOT the property of oxygen?

  1. It is colorless.
  2. It has some pungent smell.
  3. It’s highly explosive.
  4. It is highly volatile.

43. What should be rate of compressions per minute while providing chest compressions in CPR?

  1. 120 per minute
  2. 100 per minute
  3. 140 per minute
  4. 80 per minute

44. One of the methods to measure changes in the levels of consciousness during aneasthesia is known as:

  1. Tactile Evoked Potential.
  2. Visual Evoked Potential.
  3. Speech Evoked Potential.
  4. Auditory Evoked Potential.

45. Which part of a computer system enables human operators to connect directly to the host computer?

  1. Keyboard
  2. Console
  3. CPU
  4. Printer

46. Ecosystem diversity: ESIC 2019 OT Technician Exam Paper with an Answer Key

  1. includes the things that the environment makes and people take and use.
  2. involves sustaining the energy flow, food web, and recycling of nutrients.
  3. is something the environment does for free that benefits people.
  4. is a predictable series of changes over time in plant and animal communities.

47. Whipple procedure is performed in the case of:

  1. Obesity
  2. Cancer of pancreas
  3. Liver disorders
  4. Breast cancer

48. With respect to anaesthesia, full form of PCA is:

  1. Personal comfort Analgesia.
  2. Patient comfort Analgesia.
  3. Patient controlled Analgesia.
  4. Personal control Analgesia.

49. Smallest item of data is called _______.

  1. file
  2. database
  3. bit
  4. character

50. Mayo’s operation is done for:

  1. Femoral hernia
  2. Umbilical hernia
  3. Epigastric hernia
  4. Inguinal hernia

51. What is nephrectomy?

  1. Surgical removal of kidney
  2. Surgical removal of necrotic tissues
  3. The surgical repair of a nerve
  4. Surgical removal of a nerve

52. Which basic activity of daily living assistive device can be useful for the client who is affected with poor fine motor coordination?

  1. An aphasia aid
  2. A word board
  3. A button hook
  4. Honey thickened liquids

53. ______ is the site of giving spinal anaesthesia.

  1. LI – L2
  2. L2 – L3
  3. L5 – L6
  4. L3 – L4

54. The perianal varicose veins:

  1. Polyps
  2. Hemorroid’s
  3. Anorectal tumors
  4. Fistulas

55. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers?

  1. First generation
  2. Second generation
  3. Third generation
  4. Fourth generation

56. Which of the following is NOT an input device?

  1. Mouse
  2. Keyword
  3. Speaker
  4. Scanner

57. The quadriceps exercises are the example of:

  1. isotonic exercises.
  2. isometric exercises
  3. isokinetic exercises
  4. ROM exercises.

58. What is the function of a nebulizer?

  1. To facilitate the accurate supply of the gas
  2. Maintain the levels of individual gases
  3. To supply moisture in the form of droplets
  4. To maintain the body temperature

59. Anal and perianal procedures should be performed in which of the following positions?

  1. Lateral
  2. Lithotomy
  3. Dorsal recumbent
  4. Trendelenburg

60. Which of the following procedures removes the entire breast and axillary contents but preserves the pectoral muscles? OT Technician Exam Paper 2021 with an Answer Key pdf

  1. Lumpectomy
  2. Radical mastectomy
  3. Modified radical mastectomy
  4. Segmental mastectomy

61.Which of the following risk factors is the most likely to be correctable?

  1. Genetic predisposition
  2. An external locus of control
  3. Lifestyle choices
  4. High risk behaviors

62. An instrument placed against a patient’s chest to hear both lung and heart sounds is called:

  1. Stethoscope
  2. Telescope
  3. Otoscope
  4. Sphygmomanometer

63. To increase stability during the transfer of a patient, it is important to increase the base of support by:

  1. bending the knees
  2. tensing the abdominal muscles
  3. leaning slightly backward
  4. spacing the feet apart.

64. Select the arterial blood gas that is NOT within normal parameters and it is also a significant change for the client.

  1. Arterial blood pH : 7.39
  2. PaO₂ : 65 mm Hg
  3. PaCO₂ : 40 mm Hg
  4. SaO₂ : 96%

65. A small artery forceps used to hold small bleeders is called:

  1. Babcock’s tissue forceps
  2. Non-toothed dissecting forceps
  3. Mosquito forceps
  4. Allis tissue forceps

66. All of the logic and mathematical calculations done by a computer happen in/on the:

  1. Motherboard.
  2. Central processing unit.
  3. Central control unit.
  4. System board.

67. In hospital, the infectious non-sharp waste i.e. soiled bandage, dressings, soiled cotton are disposed of in containers.

  1. red
  2. black
  3. blue
  4. yellow

68. What is the correct order of the intestinal layer, from inside to outside?

  1. Serosa, musculature, mucosa
  2. Mucosa, submucosa, serosa
  3. Serosa, mucosa, musculature
  4. Mucosa, serosa, musculature

69. During denaturation, proteins will not lose their structure with regard to ______.

  1. quaternary structure
  2. tertiary structure
  3. primary’ structure
  4. secondary’ structure

70. Preoperative or preprocedural prevention of infection is called:

  1. Protective precautions
  2. Prophylaxis
  3. Primordial prevention
  4. Primary prevention

71. Nerve block is a type of:

  1. general anaesthesia.
  2. topical anaesthesia.
  3. regional anaesthesia.
  4. local anaesthesia.

72. The instrument most commonly used to hold soft tissues, organs and bowel is:

  1. Allis
  2. Babcock
  3. Kocher
  4. Kelly

73. In MICR, C stands for _________.

  1. Character
  2. Code
  3. Colour
  4. Computer

74. Which of the following refers to a network interconnecting computers and other peripheral devices within a limited geographical area? ESIC OT Assistant/Technician Exam Paper with an Answer Key 2019

  1. DSL
  2. USB
  3. LAN
  4. RAM

75. Which of the following is NOT true regarding pulse oximeter?

  1. It is used to measure O2 saturation in blood.
  2. It is used to measure the saturation of all the gases in the blood.
  3. Sensor probe can be clipped on the finger, toe or earlobe.
  4. It is a very sensitive monitor.

76. Which of the following is NOT the narcotic drug?

  1. Pethidine
  2. Demerol
  3. Propofol
  4. Morphine sulphate

77. Which of the following lipids is NOT present in vegetable oil?

  1. Oleic acid
  2. Linoleic acid
  3. cholesterol
  4. Stearic acid

78. While instructing the patient regarding 24 urine collection, which of the following should NOT be done?

  1. Refrigeration of the specimen during collection may be required.
  2. The first voided urine should be discarded.
  3. Add some preservatives to prevent decomposition.
  4. The last voided urine should be discarded.

79. Which of the following instruments is used to dilate the cervix during various procedures?

  1. Hagar’s dilator
  2. Sims vaginal speculum
  3. Vulsellum forceps
  4. Fergusson speculum

80. In the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in the year 1984, which gas was leaked?

  1. Methyl isocyanate
  2. Oleum
  3. Chlorine
  4. Ammonia

81. In hospitals, the discarded medicines and cytotoxic drugs are disposed of in

  1. red
  2. yellow
  3. black
  4. blue

82. Scurvy happens due to deficiency of ______.

  1. vitamin C
  2. iodine
  3. zinc
  4. vitamin D

83. During starvation, which of the following substances does NOT increase in blood or tissue?

  1. Glucagon
  2. Glycogen
  3. Epinephrine
  4. Ketone bodies

84. The sugar(s) formed as a result of sucrose digestion is/are:

  1. two moles of glucose.
  2. fructose and glucose.
  3. glucose and galactose.
  4. maltose and glucose.

85. The condition in which protrusion of a part of stomach throuah the thoracic cavity is observed is called:

  1. Achalasia
  2. Esophageal varices
  3. Hiatal hernia
  4. Oesophagitis

86. McBumey’s incision is used for:

  1. Herniorrhaphy
  2. Appendectomy
  3. Nephrectomy
  4. Cholecystectomy

87. Which complication of immobility’ would be of most concern in case of a bedridden patient?

  1. Hypertension
  2. Incontinence
  3. Contractures
  4. Dehydration

88. Which is a sign of thrombocytopenia?

  1. The appearance of thrombophlebitis
  2. Elevated platelets
  3. Aplastic anemia
  4. The appearance of petechiae

89. What is the hill form of DVD? (OT Technician Exam Paper pdf)

  1. Data Video Disk
  2. Dynamic Video Disk
  3. Direct Video Disk
  4. Digital Video Disk

90. How many stages of anaesthesia are there?

  1. Two
  2. Four
  3. Three
  4. Five

91. The removal of entire tumor/mass is known as:

  1. Excisional biopsy
  2. Incisional biopsy
  3. Staging biopsy
  4. Needle biopsy

92. The direct visualisation of the common bile duct is accomplished with the help of a:

  1. Trocar
  2. Cho angiogram
  3. Cholangiocath
  4. Choledochoscope

93. What mixture of gases is used in cryoffeezing anaesthesia?

  1. O₂ and CO₂
  2. O₂ and N₂O
  3. NO₂ and CO₂
  4. CO₂ and N₂0

94. When was the Safe Drinking Water Act enacted?

  1. 1974
  2. 1971
  3. 1972
  4. 1973

95. The eyeless suturing needles are called:

  1. Round body needles
  2. Atraumatic needles
  3. Curved cutting needles
  4. Taper cut needles

96. At what angle an intramuscular injection should be given?

  1. 45°
  2. 30°
  3. 90°
  4. 15°

97. Reduction of oxygen in blood is called.

  1. anoxemia
  2. apnoea
  3. arrhythmia
  4. anoxia

98. Which of the following is a method of collecting materials that can be broken down and reprocessed to manufacture new items? OT Technician Exam Paper with an Answer Key 2019

  1. Deep-well injection
  2. Composting
  3. Industrial ecology
  4. Recycling

99. The most important of the greenhouse gases is:

  1. Carbon monoxide
  2. Nitrous oxide
  3. Methane
  4. Carbon dioxide

100. Which of the following enzymes contains copper?

  1. Cytochrome P450
  2. Coenzyme Q
  3. Cytochrome oxidase
  4. Cytochrome B5

General Aptitude Section :

1. When is “International Day of Yoga”?

  1. 22 May
  2. 22 April
  3. 21 July
  4. 21 June

2. The urine consists of ______ urea.

  1. 2.5 %
  2. 3%
  3. 1%
  4. 5%

3. NITI Aayog was formed in the year:

  1. 2016
  2. 2013
  3. 2015
  4. 2014

4. Which vessels carry carbon dioxide rich blood from, all parts of the body back to the heart?

  1. Capillaries
  2. Artery
  3. Veins
  4. Ventricles

5. Who won the 2018 men’s Ballon d’Or Award?

  1. Cristiano Ronaldo
  2. Lionel Messi
  3. Mohamed Saleh
  4. Luka Modric

7. Sanjana is sister of Richa. How is Richa’s father’s mother’s daughter related to Sanjana?

  1. Paternal Aunt
  2. Cousin
  3. Sister
  4. Mother

9. If $ stands for +, @ stands for -, * stands for x, % stands for ÷ then what would be the result of the following expression (OT Technician Exam Paper with an Answer Key 2019)

  1. 48
  2. 64
  3. 62
  4. 49

10. If BO = 30, EBO = 150, then CBO will be equal to:

  1. 120
  2. 100
  3. 90
  4. 60

11. Choose the word from the alternatives which has analogous relation to the given words:
Adrenal, pituitary, Thyroid,?
OT technician exam paper 2021

  1. Heart
  2. Lungs
  3. Liver
  4. Pancreas

12. If certain code language MEDICINE is the coded as ‘EMIDICEN’, then what would be the code for ‘BHOPAL’ in that 2 code languages?


14. What would be the missing term in the following series?

  1. 34560
  2. 17280
  3. 69120
  4. 11520

16. The volume of a right circular cylinder whose curved surface area is 2640 cm3 and circumference of its base is 66 cm, is:

  1. 13860 cm3
  2. 15440 cm3
  3. 3465 cm3
  4. 7720 cm3

17. 50 square stone slabs of equal size were required to cover a floor area of 98 sq. m. Then the length of each stone slab is:

  1. 120 cm
  2. 125 cm
  3. 140 cm
  4. 130 cm

18. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 8 cm. Then the length of each altitude is:

  1. 3√2cm
  2. 3√3cm
  3. 4√3cm
  4. 2√3cm

20. If 2x + 3y = 5 and xy = 1/18, then 8×3 + 27y3 equals:

  1. 120
  2. 90
  3. 110
  4. 130

21. The diagonal of a rectangle is 10 cm and it is twice the length of one of the sides. Then the area of the rectangle is:

  1. 25 cm2
  2. 20 √3 cm2
  3. 25 √3 cm2

22. There are three persons denoted by A. B and C. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days. B and C in 15 days, and C and A in 20 days. Then how many days B alone can do the same work?

  1. 30 days
  2. 25 days
  3. 20 days
  4. 60 days

23. From the top of a 9 m high building, the angle of elevation of the top of a tower is 60 ° and the angle of depression of its foot is 45 °. Then the height of the tower is

  1. 9(√3+1) m
  2. 3√3 m
  3. 9 m
  4. 9√3 m

24. The area of the Polygon is:

  1. equal to the area of the Ogive
  2. not equal to the area of the Histogram
  3. equal to the area of the Histogram
  4. equal to the area of the Frequency Curve

25. Two of the side faces of a pyramid are equilateral triangles and the other two side faces are right angled triangles. If the length of each side of the equilateral triangles is 6 m. Ilien the volume of the pyramid is:

  1. 24√3 m3
  2. 18√3 m3
  3. 36√2m3
  4. 60√2m3

OT Technician Exam Paper with Answer Key Pdf Download

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