300+ TOP Perinatal Depression MCQs Pdf

Perinatal Depression MCQs :-

1. Babies of depressed mothers can display:

  • Problematic sleeping behaviors
  • insecure attachment patterns
  • More anger. fussiness, sadness and crying
  • More engagement with objects
  • More cognitive deficits

2. Which of the following are appropriate screening questions to ask women patients to identify postpartum depression?

  • ”How well have you been sleeping?”
  • ”How are you coping with the new baby?”
  • ”Over the past 2 weeks, have you felt down, depressed. or hopeless?”
  • ”Over the past 2 weeks, have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things?”

3. The symptoms are feelings of sadness and continuing bad moods that last more than 2 weeks and can happen at any point during pregnancy. This is likely:

  • Postpartum psychosis
  • Baby Blues
  • Prenatal depression
  • Postpartum depression

4. This is a mood disorder, such as depression or anxiety that begins during pregnancy or during the first year after giving birth.

  • Posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Postpartum psychosis
  • Postpartum depression
  • Perinatal mood disorder
  • Premenstrual dysphonic disorder

5. A decreased amount of nor epinephrine, which is responsible for regulating alertness and arousal, may contribute to the fatigue and depressed mood felt by the postpartum patient.

  • False
  • True

6. This condition can occur following life-threatening or injury-producing events, such as s…. abuse or assault, or traumatic childbirth. People who suffer this condition experi.nc. nightmares and flashbacks, hay, difficulty sleeping and feel detached.
Postpartum depression
Premenstrual dysphonic disorder
Perinatal mood disorder
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Postpartum psychosis

7. A “baby dance is when a mother and her baby are attuned to each others’ emotional signals, such as tone of voice, gestures, movements and facial expressions.

8. Postpartum depression appears to peak around 9 months after the baby is born.

9. The symptoms start suddenly, often in the first 3 weeks after delivery and include seeing things or hearing voices, feeling very confused, showing distrust of other people, and thinking about hurting herself and the baby. This is symptomatic of:
Postpartum depression
Prenatal depression
Baby Blues
Postpartum psychosis

10. Stress during pregnancy (such as financial or marital problems) is a risk factor for perinatal depression.

Perinatal Depression MCQs
Perinatal Depression MCQs

11. Unlike postpartum depression. baby blues will go away without treatment, usually by 10 days after the baby is born.

12. symptoms must be present for at least two weeks and represent a change from previous functioning in order to diagnose prenatal depression.

13. Elevated levels of cortical due to depression results in a decrease of levels of the neurotransmitters such as serotonin and nor epinephrine.

14. Thinking you are a bad mother, stopping caring about personal appearance, feeling a loss of control and feeling disconnected from the baby are symptomatic of:
Postpartum psychosis
Prenatal depression
Baby Blues
Postpartum depression

15. A newborn’s brain is about 10% of its approximate adult weight and by age the brain has developed to 80% of its final size.

16. Which of the following biological factors may contribute to perinatal depression?
Severe postpartum fatigue
Family history of depression or other mental illness
Significant support from partner and family
History of depression. anxiety or panic attacks
History of hormone mood changes

17. Research studies indicate that the largest risk factors contributing to prenatal depression are:
Poor marital relationship
Past history of mental illness
Stressful life events
Few support relationships
Depression during pregnancy

18. Prenatal depression is fairly commonly among all age groups.

19. For which of the following conditions, should the patient see a doctor, nurse therapist of counselor as soon as possible?
Baby Blues
Postpartum depression
Postpartum psychosis
Prenatal depression

20. Talk therapy for postpartum depression may include:
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Group or individual counseling
Interpersonal psychotherapy
Peer support

21. symptoms of this condition include shifting moods, severe depression, feeling of hopelessness. anger, anxiety or low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating, irritability and tension. The mood changes can have a big impact on the woman’s relationships and life.
Postpartum depression
Postpartum psychosis
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Premenstrual dysphonic disorder
Perinatal mood disorder

22. After giving birth, the woman experiences a potentially dangerous mental disturbance that includes losing touch with reality.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Postpartum depression
Perinatal mood disorder
Postpartum psychosis
Posttraumatic stress disorder

23. An excess of serotonin may cause sleep problems. irritability and anxiety associated with depression.

24. Depression during pregnancy has been linked with poor pregnancy outcomes such as:
Low birth-weight
Obstetric complications
Fetal growth delay

25. Talking to other women who have experienced postpartum depression is a waste of time.

Perinatal Depression Objective Questions and Answers Pdf Download

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