300+ TOP Periodontics MCQs and Answers Quiz [Latest]

Periodontics Multiple Choice Questions

1. The cell surface components or adhesive molecules of bacteria that interact with a variety of host componentsand responsible for recognizing and binding to specific host cell receptors

A. Cadherins
B. Adhesins
C. Cohesins
D. Fimbriae

Answer: B

2. Thin aggregative fimbriae expressed on the outer surface of some Enterobacteriaceae such as Escherichia and Salmonella which promote bactrial adhesion and invasion to host as well as biofilm formation

A. Pili
B. Curli
C. Dentilisin
D. Lectin

Answer: B

3. In the gingival epithelium the Keratinocytes are interconnected by structures on the cell periphery called

A. Keratinosomes
B. Melanosomes
C. Desmosomes
D. Lysosomes

Answer: C

4. Epithelium of gingival sulcus is

A. Keratinised
B. Parakeratinised
C. Non keratinised
D. Pseudo columnar

Answer: C

5. Connective Tissue of Gingiva is also known as

A. Lamina lucida
B. Lamina Propria
C. Lamina densa
D. Lamina limitans

Answer: B

6. A Gene mapping technique that tests whether one allele of a gene occurs more often in patients with the disease than in subjects without disease

A. Segregation analysis
B. Genome wide analysis
C. Candidate gene approach
D. Twin study

Answer: C

7. The prevalance extent and severity of gingival recession

A. Increases with age and more prevalent in males
B. Increases with age and more prevalent in females
C. Decreases with age and more prevalent in males
D. Decreases with age and more prevalent in females

Answer: A

8. The vesiculobullous lesion which presents with an occular involvement

A. Erosive lichen planus
B. Mucous membrane Pemphigoid
C. Bullous Pemphigoid
D. Pemphigus Vulgaris

Answer: B

9. Dose of steroids in treatment of Pemphigus Vulgaris is monitored by periodic evaluation of

A. DsG3 and DsG1 antibodies
B. DsG2 and DsG4 antibodies
C. DsG4 and DsG2 antibodies
D. DsG1 and DsG2 antibodies

Answer: A

10. Lichen planus is an immunologically mediated mucocutaneous disorder in which

A. T lymphocytes play a central role
B. B lymphocytes play a central role
C. Compliments play a central role
D. Antibodies play a central role

Answer: A

11. Highly vascularised connective tissue with foci of chronic inflammatory cells is seen in which drug inducedgingival enlargement

A. Phenytoin
B. Cyclosporin
C. Nifedipine
D. Valproate

Answer: B

12. Which of the benign tumors of gingiva has more incidence

A. Fibroma
B. Carcinoma
C. Papilloma
D. Giant cell tumor

Answer: A

13. Stages in the progression of NUG was described by

A. Pindborg
B. Mc Carthy
C. Plaut & Vincent
D. Listgarten

Answer: A

14. Zone 3 in electron microscopy of NUG correspond to

A. Neutrophil rich zone
B. Bacterial zone
C. Necrotic zone
D. Zone of spirochetal infiltration

Answer: C

15. Most commonest mucocutaneous disease manifesting as desquamative gingivitis

A. Pemphigus vulgaris
B. Linear lgA disease
C. Erosive lichen planus
D. Lupus erythematosus

Answer: C

16. In periodontal pocket, zone of attachment of junctional epithelium to the tooth is reduced to

A. 500 μm
B. More than 200 μm
C. 300 μm
D. Less than 100 μm

Answer: D

17. The distance from the attached plaque to the bone is never more than

A. 2.7 mm
B. 0.5 mm
C. 1.97 mm
D. 2 mm

Answer: A

18. Which inflammatory marker is increased in periodontitis which may act as intermediary step in pathway from periodontal infection to cardiovascular disease


Answer: C

19. Presence or worsening of periodontal disease during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of preeclampsia about

A. 2-2.5 fold
B. 7 fold
C. 10 fold
D. 5 fold

Answer: A

20. Which drug can be given for reducing AGE production

A. Penicillin
B. Tetracycline
C. Cephalosporin
D. Macrolide

Answer: C

21. Which of the following suture alleviates the wicking effect

A. plain gut
B. braided silk
C. polyster braided
D. poly glycolic braided

Answer: A

22. What anatomic structure is the medial wall of maxillary sinus

A. alveolar process
B. lateral wall of maxilla
C. lateral wall of nasal cavity
D. floor of orbit

Answer: C

23. Periocol contains

A. tetracycline
B. metronidazole
C. chlorhexidine
D. azithromycin

Answer: C

24. Piggy back fulcrum is a type of

A-intra oral finger rest
B. extraoral finger rest
C. pen grasp
D. modified pen grasp

Answer: A

25. Evalusite is

A. automated probing system
B. chair side DNA probe
C. Chair side membrane immune assay
D. GCF measuring system

Answer: C

26. Anatomic crown in relation to thick gingival biotype is

A. triangular
B. oval
C. square
D. elliptical

Answer: C

27. Chair side kit for BANA test is

A. perioscan
B. perioscope
C. periocheck
D. periogard

Answer: A

28. The ultimate goal of periodontal therapy is achievement of

A. reattachment
B. repair
C. new attachment
D. epithelial adaptation

Answer: C

29. Father of oral hygiene

A. Pierre fouchard
B. Levi spear parmly
C. G V Black
D. Leuwan hook

Answer: B

30. Enamel Matrix protein is

A. Osteogenic
B. Osteoinductive
C. Osteoconductive
D. Osteoblastic

Answer: D

31. Select the curette used specifically in furcation

A. After five curettes
B. curvettes
C. Quetin curettes
D. Langer curettes

Answer: C

32. The only antibiotic to which all strains of A A Comitans are susceptible

A. Clindamycin
B. Ciprofloxacin
C. Metronidazole
D. Erythromycin

Answer: B

33. The drug which can replace cyclosporine is

A. lsradipine
B. Valproic acid
C. Mephenytoin
D. Tacrolimus

Answer: D

34. Atypical gingivitis is synonym for

A. puberty gingivitis
B. pyogenic granuloma
C. pregnancy gingivitis
D. plasma cell gingivitis

Answer: D

35. The presence of pus in the pocket is indicative of

A. Severity
B. Depth
C. Course
D. Nature of inflammation

Answer: D

36. Lipping refers to

A. Central buttressing
B. Peripheral buttressing
C. Plateau
D. Ledges

Answer: B

37. The number of walls destroyed in one wall defect

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Answer: C

38. The most common clinical sign of trauma from occlusion is

A. widening of periodontal ligament space
B. angular bone loss
C. pathologic migration
D. tooth mobility

Answer: D

39. Chronic periodontitis is

A. Age associated
B. Age related
C. Gender associated
D. Gender related

Answer: A

40. The key factor in both the development and treatment of furcation involvement is

A. Root trunk length
B. Cervical abrasion
C. Proximal contact area
D. Occlusal embrasure

Answer: A

41. The Kirkland flap is

A. undisplaced flap
B. Apically displaced flap
C. laterally displaced
D. rotational flap

Answer: A

42. Flap technique best suited for bone grafting purposes is

A. kirkland flap
B. papilla preservation flap
C. Modified widman flap
D. undisplaced flap

Answer: B

43. Bioplant is

A. allograft
B. autograft
C. xenograft
D. alloplast

Answer: D

44. Calcium phosphate ratio in hydroxyapatite is

A. 1.54
B. 1.45
C. 1.67
D. 1.76

Answer: C

45. Reshaping of bone involving bone removal to the level which is recommended to the overall result is referred to as

A. definitely osseous reshaping
B. compromise osseous reshaping
C. vertical growing
D. radicular blending

Answer: B

46. Complete epithelial repair after gingivectomy occurs at

A. 1 week
B. 3 week
C. 4 week
D. 3 months

Answer: C

47. Barricaid is

A. Resorbable dressings
B. Tissue conditioners
C. Light cure periodontal dressing
D. Tissue adhesives

Answer: C

48. Most commonly used suture needle in periodontal surgery is

A. 1/4 circle
B. 1/2 circle
C. 3/8 circle
D. 5/8 circle

Answer: C

49. Probe used for epidemiological screening is

A. UNC-15
C. Marquis colour coded
D. Michigan O probe

Answer: B

50. Secondary colonizers are all except

A. green
B. Orange
C. red
D. Yellow

Answer: D

51. Chlorhexidine Gluconate is used as a mouthwash in concentration to

A. 0.2%
B. 2.0%
C. 0.5%
D. 2.5%

Answer: A

52. Interdental Cleansing Aids

A. Are more efficient than tooth brushes
B. Frequently result in gingival recession
C. Are selected depending on the type of embrasure
D. Require high manual dexterity

Answer: C

53. The cell in gingiva which is identified as tactile receptor

A. Melancocyte
B. Merkel cell
C. Langerhans cell
D. Keratinosome

Answer: B

54. The probability that an individual or a site will develop a particular condition or disease during follow up is

A. Prevalence
B. Risk
C. Incidence
D. Odds

Answer: B

55. Green complex bacteria among the following

A. Fusobacterium nucleatum
B. A actinomycetemcomitans serotype as
C. Tannerella forsythia
D. Streptococcus salivarius

Answer: B

56. In corncob formation Streptococcus adhere to

A. Veillonella species
B. Porphyromonas gingivalis
C. Corynebacterium matruchotii
D. Neisseria species

Answer: C

57. Experiemental gingivitis was intially described by

A. P D Marsh
B. Loe H
C. Walter Loesche
D. W D Miller

Answer: B

58. Pregnancy gingivitis is associated with

A. Porphyromonas gingivalis
B. Streptococcus mitis
C. Actinomyces naeslundii
D. Campylobacter rectus

Answer: D

59. Property of Porphyromonas gingivalis involved in evasion of host defence

A. lgA and lgG degrading proteases
B. Leukotoxin
C. Heat sensitive surface protein
D. Interleukin A

Answer: A

60. The decline of maximal calculus is referred as

A. Heterogenous nucleation concept
B. Reversal phenomenon
C. Epitactic concept
D. Critical precipitation phenomenon

Answer: B

61. The ‘stress shielding’ phenomenon is

A. lack of load on implant
B. over load on implant
C. stability of implant
D. bone resorption

Answer: A

62. Collagen fibres around an implant is

A. parallel and unattached
B. oblique and unattached
C. parallel and attached
D. oblique and attached

Answer: A

63. Reliable indicator for identifying implant stability is

A. periotest
C. periotron
D. mobilometer

Answer: B

64. Minimum mesiodistal space required for a standard diameter implant is

A. 6mm
B. 7mm
C. 8mm
D. 9mm

Answer: B

65. According to Misch the posterior maxilla is of

A. D1 and D2
B. D2 and D3
C. D3 and D4
D. D2 and D4

Answer: C

66. Class A recall patients should be maintained by

A. Specialist
B. General dentist
C. Alternatively by Specialist and dentist
D. dentist and specialist together

Answer: B

67. Which of the following is considered as the gold standard of evidence

A. Case control studies
B. Cohort studies
C. Randomised control trials
D. systematic reviews and meta analysis

Answer: D

68. Required factor VIII levels for treatment in hemophilia patients is

A. 15-25%
B. 25-50%
C. 50-75%
D. 75-100%

Answer: B

69. FAST sign for cardiovascular accident include all except

A. face
B. arm
C. speech
D. tongue

Answer: D

70. PICO includes all except

A. population
B. intervention
C. comparison
D. organization

Answer: D

71. The forces in enamel pellicle formation includes all except

A. hydrophobic
B. electrostatic
C. vanderwaals
D. covalent

Answer: D

72. The bacteria which co aggregates with most oral bacteria

A. Porphyromonas gingivalis
B. Tannerella forsythia
C. Prevotella intermedia
D. Fusobacterium nucleatum

Answer: D

73. HLA associated with aggressive periodontitis


Answer: C

74. In supragingival plaque calcification begins along

A. outer surface
B. inner surface
C. inner and outer
D. from Central Core

Answer: B

75. A heavy smoker is who consumes

A. ≥ 10 cigarettes per day
B. ≥ 20 cigarettes per day
C. ≥ 30 cigarettes per day
D. ≥ 40 cigarettes per day

Answer: B

76. The source of neutrophil chemotactic factor is

A. neutrophils
B. macrophages
C. mast cells
D. plasma cells

Answer: C

77. The Classic form of localised aggressive periodontitis was initially referred to as

A. periodontitis
B. periodontosis
C. pericoronitis
D. localised juvenile periodontitis

Answer: B

78. Senile atrophic gingivitis is seen in

A. puberty
B. pregnancy
C. menstrual cycle
D. postmenopausal

Answer: D

79. Which is a risk determinant

A. Tobacco smoking
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Dental plaque
D. Genetic factor

Answer: D

80. During periodontal therapy the broken instrument tip can be removed with the help of

A. Pocket irrigation
B. Push scaler
C. Periotrievers
D. EVA system

Answer: C

81. In which of the following true periodontal pocket formation cannot occur

A. Chronic Periodontitis
B. Localised Aggressive Periodontitis
C. HIV associated Periodontitis
D. Prepubertal periodontitis

Answer: C

82. A thin bluish line around the gingival margin is due to absorption of

A. Silver
B. Mercury
C. Lead
D. Copper

Answer: C

83. The brushing method advised for patients with Gingival Recession is

A. Fones method
B. Bass method
C. Stillmans method
D. Modified Bass method

Answer: C

84. Punched out lesions at the tip of the interdental papillae is characteristic of

A. Acute herpetic Gingivostomatitis
B. Acute Necrotising ulcerative Gingivitis
C. Pericoronitis
D. Erosive Lichen Planus

Answer: B

85. In pathogenesis of periodontal pocket formation the junctional epithelium detaches from the tooth surface when the relative volume of polymorphonuclear leukocytes goes above

A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. 80%

Answer: C

86. The ideal surgical technique for treatment of inadequate width of attached gingiva

A. Modified widman flap
B. Apically Displaced flap
C. Regular widman Flap
D. Laterally Displaced Flap

Answer: B

87. Organism that have the ability to form intracellular apatite crystals

A. Bacterionema and veillonella species
B. Actinomycetem comitans
C. Prevotella intermedia
D. Streptococcus

Answer: A

88. Aberrant frenal attachment that is clinically significant is

A. Gingival type
B. Mucosal type
C. Papillary types
D. Papillary Penetrating type

Answer: D

89. Local drug delivery agent Arestin is

A. Minocycline
B. Tetracycline
C. Doxycycline
D. Penicillin

Answer: A

90. The predominant cell seen in Stage II Gingivitis

A. Neutrophils
B. Lymphocytes
C. Plasma cells
D. Mast cells
Answer: B

91. percentage of cystal forms in calculus are

A. Magnesium whitlockite-58%, hyroxyapatite-21%, octacalcium phosphate-12%, brushite-9%
B. Hydroxyapatite-58%, octacalcium phosphate -21%, brushite-12%, magnesium whitlockite-9%
C. Hydroxypatite-58%, magnesium whitlockite-21%; octacalcium phosphate-12%, brushite-9%
D. Magnesium whitlockite-58%, octacalcium phosphate-21%, brushite-12%, hydroxyapatite-9%

Answer: C

92. The antibody level that has been reported to be reduced in smokers

A. lgG1
B. lgG2
C. lgG3
D. lgG4

Answer: B

93. Smokers have a risk of losing their teeth about

A. 360%
B. 75%
C. 120%
D. 90%

Answer: A

94. Highest incidence of leukemic gingival proliferation can be seen in

A. Acute myelocytic leukemia
B. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
C. Acute monocytic leukemia
D. Chronic myelocytic leukemia

Answer: C

95. Stress induced immunosuppression increases the potential for destruction by periodontal pathogens by

A. Decreased cortisol production
B. Suppression of neutrophil activity
C. Increased lgG production
D. Increased phagocytosis

Answer: B

96. In which stage of gingival inflammation, junctional epithelium develops rete pegs

A. Early lesion
B. Initial lesion
C. Advanced lesion
D. Established lesion

Answer: A

97. Fibroblast show cytotoxic alterations in which stage of gingivitis

A. Stage II
B. Stage I
C. Stage IV
D. Stage III

Answer: A

98. A systemic disease which produce isolated patches of discolouration that vary from bluish-black to brown

A. Albright’s syndrome
B. Peutz-Jegher’s syndrome
C. Addison’s disease
D. von Recklinghausen’s disease

Answer: C

99. Soggy puffiness of gingiva which pits on pressure is seen in

A. Acute gingivitis
C. Chronic gingivitis
D. Drug induced gingival enlargement

Answer: C

100. Most commonest form of gingival enlargement is

A. Drug induced
B. Enlargement associated with systematic disease
C. Neoplastic
D. Inflammatory

Answer: D

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